how to do with .xib files for ios6 and older versions - iphone

I am createing my project on ios 6 but as per requirement the same project should be working in both ios 6 and older versions.
then how can I manage the .xib file for both versions because in ios 6 we have large .xib file.
Should I create new .xib file for older versions?
share your ideas friends,
thanx in advance.

No. You don't need to make separate nib files for iOS 6 and other lower OS versions. The only thing you need to follow is to disable "Use Auto Layout" feature of every nib in xcode 5 and can use autoresize property of views for making the view compatible for iOS 6 and other lower versions.

Create Two Xib Files one for iphone5 and other work for iPhone 3GS/4//4s one class
check for the device Idiom and height and it will work as following...
#define isiPhone5 ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone && [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height == 568)
if(isiPhone5 == 1)
nibName = #"DesclaimerViewiPhone5";
nibName = #"DesclaimerView";
DesclaimerView* Obj = [[DesclaimerView alloc]initWithNibName:nibName bundle:nil];
[self.navigationControl pushViewController:obj animated:YES];


uiview appears distorted in ios7 but works fine for ios6 and others

UIView of my app appears fine in ios6 but when it comes to ios7 the entire view is distorted. In ios7 the whole view is lifted upwards.
Then I applied this code:
float SystemVersion=[[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue];
//Currently your app is running in IOS6 or older version. So you need not to do anything.
// Currently your app is running in IOS7. Do the following.
CGRect TempRect;
for(UIView *sub in [[self view] subviews])
TempRect=[sub frame];
TempRect.origin.y+=20.0f; //Height of status bar
[sub setFrame:TempRect];
but still there is no change. How do I resolve this?
Try this way..
Status Bar Issue
This way make the your All subviews as +20 pixels i.e.Increase the +20 of y-axis for all views
Set the deleta for the ios 7. so, it will display the good in both ios 6 & 7.
//Give it frame if navigation bar and status bar both displaying on screen
// first check if device have ios 7
try my answer...write that code in ViewdidLoad method..
Status Bar issue
Happy Coding!!!
Please see below note
Using xcode 5,
click on xib,Go to file inspector and change setting as below
Deployment target as ios 7
here,You need to crate two xib view based on view as ios 7 and later and view as ios 6 and earlier and white condition based on xib call
Define below code in .m file
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending)
if view as IOS 7.0 and later
//Here call ios 7 xib
//Here call ios 6 and earlier xib
You have to create two xib for ios6 and ios7.
than You have to check condition if device is of ios7 than call ios7 xib otherwise go for ios6.

iOS - Converting iPhone Build to iPad

I have a application that I built that was to be build as an iPhone-only application.
Now, I am told that the application has to be made universal now. I will have to make it iPad compatible too (in portrait-only mode). I have been looking for my options right now as the XIBs in this project are heavily loaded with objects so programatically assigning co-ordinates will be a pain.
I am looking for the best, and the quickest approach I should take to make this iPhone app into iPad-compatible app as well.
PS: There is no mainwindow.xib file as the application was built with XCode 4.3 which doesn't create the MainWindow.xib file.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I have made duplicate XIBs for iPad for all the XIBs. Now, I am trying to use the naming convention which tells me to change the filename suffix to MyiPadXIB~ipad.xib and when the app is run on iPad, it will automatically take that XIB. This doesn't seem to be happening.
When I open the application in iPad, only a small window appears (the window that appears when iPhone-only app is run on an iPad).
Any solution to this?
I followed a very easy approach where I would just create duplicate XIBs of all the XIBs by doing Build settings > target (iPhone)> right click and choose duplicate.
I would then change the name of the duplicate xibs in this format: "iPhone XIB name"~ipad.xib.
The system would then automatically pick up the XIB according to the device used.
From what I know (there may be a quicker/better approach that i dont know of)
You would create seperate xib files for the ipad
when you init your view controller you check to see what device you are on like so
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
self.serverSettingsViewController = [[ServerSettingsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ServerSettingsViewController_iPhone" bundle:nil];
self.motionJpegViewController = [[MotionJpegViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MotionJpegViewController_iPhone" bundle:nil];
} else {
self.serverSettingsViewController = [[ServerSettingsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ServerSettingsViewController_iPad" bundle:nil];
self.motionJpegViewController = [[MotionJpegViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MotionJpegViewController_iPad" bundle:nil];
And load you iphone or ipad xib file (FYI make sure the xib views are large enough for the ipad)

Creating universal app for Xcode 4.3?

I am little bit confused about creating universal application for iOS devices using Xcode 4.3 , later versions (Xcode 4) have separate folder classes for this, but how will we make this using newest version of Xcode?
Thanks in advance
I don't think this has changed in Xcode 4.3 compared to previous versions of Xcode 4.* , but though you have a doubt refer to my answer below.
If you want to create a new project as Universal App then select Universal in Device Family in below image:
Or if you are trying to convert an existing iPhone or iPad app to Universal app then select Devices as Universal from Target Settings- > Summary Tab, set Devices to Universal:
Hope this helps you.
Let us suppose View Controller name is YourViewController
Let us suppose name of iPad XIB is YourViewController-iPad.xib and iPhone xib name is YourViewController.xib
YourViewController *yourViewController;
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) //This is iPad
// iPad-specific interface here
yourViewController = [[YourViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"YourViewController-iPad" bundle:nil];
else // This is iPhone or iPod
// iPhone and iPod touch interface here
yourViewController = [[YourViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"YourViewController" bundle:nil];
Let me know if you need more help.
just select device family as universal while creating the project,
watch this screen shot
well you need to create two xib's, one for iPhone and one for iPad and just use
if(UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad){
here open your iPad xib
} else {
here open your iPhone xib

Can i connect 2 nib files to the same .h & .m?

I'm trying to make a universal app, so i was wondering if i can connect two nib files ( 1 for iPad and the other for iphone ) to the same .h and .m files ?
i have 3 files TestView.h TestView.m and TestView.xib.... how can i connect a TestView_iPad.xib to the same TestView.h and TestView.m ?
i'm new to Xcode and i'm using Xcode 4 right now
thanx in advance :)
Short answer: Yes.
Provided you follow the model/view/controller style, you can re-use the same View and Viewcontroller (.h and .m) files in both an iPad nib and an iPhone nib (or storyboard). There will be occasions when you need to use the following type of code, though:
BOOL iPad = (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad);
if (iPad) {
.... iPad specific code like SplitViewController
} else {
.... iPhone / iPod Touch specific code
You may also need to check if the view controller you are in is on-screen (as on the iPad more than one ViewController can be onscreen), in which case use:
if (self.view.window) {
.... ViewController onscreen so do something otherwise do nothing
Also don't hardcode the bounds of the device's screen. Use the following to find your screen size (in points):
CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
Hope this helps.

iphone to ipad xib file change

I have the two xib files 1.main 2.language translator this is a iphone app.
I want to change UNIVERSAL APP. i upgrade the universal application. now automatically created mainwindow-ipad.xib.
i run this app in xcode 3.2 version but it display left corner only .
how can i change this app to universal ... its big headache to me.. anyone help me
Thanks in advance,
Check whether app is on iPhone or on iPad and accordingly load the nibs, I mean u have to keep the Ipad versions of ur interface builder files and load them according to the target device
if([[UIDevice currentDevice]interfaceIdiom]== UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
//Load ur ipad nib file
//Load ur iphone nib file
I usually create a new universal project, and then "move" my code into the template provided. I find that much easier then trying to flip all the other knobs.
I found iphone_bharat's example interesting, but it has a small type so I had to fix it and clean it up a little bit.
+ (bool)iPad
// Can use UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() for iOS less than 3.2
if( [[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad )
return YES;
return NO;