Stop program until user clicks button - jframe

In my main program, I create a JFrame with a button on it. This acts as a separate dialog box that prompts the user for information. What I would like, is when the dialog box appears, is for the program to stop running until the user clicks the button.
If I just create the JFrame normally, the program will move on in the code and do other statements before information is received from the dialog box. This is an issue, because later on in the code another JFrame is created using information from the first.

Separate out the logic of displaying the frame from actions that happen after the button is pushed. What I mean is you should add an Action Listener to the Button you have, and put the code inside the its method instead of the main program. The problem is you are visualizing the solution in a procedural oriented way. Think Object Oriented.


Unity UI Resume Game button is unclickable

So i have been trying to create a pause menu for my project, however the resume button is un-clickable (the same i believe for another button on this menu). The event system does not show anything when hovering over this button or attempting to click it.
Screenshot of Event System not showing button object
The button itself is set to interact-able and has the button's image as it's target graphic. The canvas it is also placed on also has the Graphic Ray-caster component attached. I also do not believe that there is any UI object covering the button preventing it from being clicked.Screenshot of Pause Menu UI as seen from scene view to show no blocking objects I am making use of the first person character controller starter asset by unity as well as the new input system.
I am unsure as to what could be causing this, I have also tried locking the cursor of the starter asset inputs.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Implementing "onclickout" with GWT

I need a way of capturing onclick event when a user clicks out of a FocusPanel(in the form of a dialog box). I need to warn the user to save their work before clicking outside thus losing the panel. I know how to do it in JavaScript but it I am stuck with GWT. Any assistance will be appreciated.
Every click event provides coordinates of a click. Check that these coordinates are outside of your popup panel.
Alternatively, make your PopupPanel modal, so that users can exit it only by clicking on UI elements that you provide, for example, submit and cancel/close buttons.

GWT Activities and places: Reusing modal dialogs?

I am trying to get my head around GWT Activities and Places. And I am not sure how to implement a specific functionnality.
Let's assume here that I am also using MVP, and that my Activities are my Presenters.
Say I have an activity (let's call it activity A) (and its corresponding view) that is displaying a list of customers. The user can click on a "create customer" button in the view.
What I want to do is this: I want a "create customer" dialog to pop up on top of the current activity when the user clicks on the button. I also want all logic related to said dialog to be separated, so it can be reused later.
For example, the same dialog could be reused in a "create invoice" activity. So the user could click a similar "create customer" button in the "create invoice" activity, and be presented with the same dialog as used earlier.
Now, if I understand it correctly, I do not want to goTo() a new place, since it would terminate the current activity "list customers" or "create invoice".
I have thought about defining a "CreateCustomerPresenter" and a "CreateCustomerDialog" (which would be the corresponding view", and having my "list customers"/"create invoice" Activities (reminder: they also are my Presenters) extend the "CreateCustomerPresenter", but I don't know if it would be a wise idea...
What is the recommended way of reusing logic+view associated with a dialog in the context of an activity?
There are several valid approaches, but the one I usually prefer is this: Not to treat dialogs as places (activities) at all.
Reasoning: A place means, that you can reach it via bookmarks/browser history. Let's say I'm on the customer list, and I click "edit customer", a dialog opens. Do I want to "go back" to the list when I click the browser back button? And will the dialog open again when I click the browser forward button? I doubt it, and believe that a user wants to use the browser buttons to go back/forward entire 'pages' within the app (i.e. a concept that feels to the user like a page), but not open/close dialogs within the page.
I have done exactly this very recently.
The approach I took was to create an activity/view in the usual way for the content of the dialog. To launch, create the activity/view to embed in the dialog - I termed this a sub activity. Create the modal dialog and then call start on the sub-activity passing in the dialog content as the panel. In the main activity I then redirected the mayStop, stop etc to the sub-activity.
The tricky part was handling the dialog closing and passing control back to the main activity. I ended up adding a listener to the dialog and firing events on the event bus which were picked up my main activity. I am not 100% happy with this but it does work.
I have not used it but I think that GWTP supports this and other ways of creating sub-activities out-of-the box.

Windows Forms Error Provider does not display in custom tab control

I'm trying to build a Wizard framework in Windows Forms. I've managed to glean a lot of useful tips from this and other sites which have gotten me very close to success. However, I'm having a problem with displaying an ErrorProvider on any tab page other than the first page of the wizard.
My Wizard control is a UserControl. It contains a custom tab control that I've derived from TabControl so that I can hide tabs and ignore attempts to navigate between tabs using keypresses, along with the usual collection of Back/Next/Finish/Cancel buttons at the bottom of the control.
I've used reflection to allow me to raise the validation events on a particular TabPage that belongs to the Wizard Control when I hit the Next button. (I don't want to validate the whole TabControl, only the currently active page.) When I do this, I see in the debugger that my Validating routine for the controls on the current tab page is correctly called and I see that I've called the ErrorProvider that I've attached to the particular control (a TextBox in this case) with a valid error message. I set Cancel to true for the CancelEventArgs in the validating routine and that's picked up by the code that uses the reflection mechanism so that I see that I've failed and don't change tabs. And I set the focus successfully to the control that failed validation.
So all that appears to be working just fine.
Unfortunately, I don't see the ErrorProvider's cheery blinking icon unless I'm on the first tab page. For all of the other tab pages, there's no message visible at all.
I'm baffled. Any thoughts? I can provide code snippets, if helpful.
I assume that in your case the button that moves to the next step of the wizard is placed outside (below) the TabControl
I noticed that the icon is displayed correctly if I pressed the button without releasing the mouse button. It seems that the button outside the container gets focused event though a validation error has occurred (normally you would not be able to leave the active control).
I worked around this issue by registering an event handler for the buttons MouseUp event to "refocus" the TabControl:
private void cmdOK_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Note: you also need to set your forms ActiveControl property the one of the controls that failed validation.

Modal forms get in the way of processing

I’m working on an interface in VB6 to interact with a sound editor to automate certain tasks mainly using the editor’s object handles and activating them through SendMessage/PostMessage. In general it works OK, except that the editor has some dialog boxes that open in modal mode and freeze everything on the interface, including the timers.
Is there a practical way to get these dialog boxes to open modeless or to interact with them from the interface after they pop up? I tried an MDI form, but it also freezes along with everything else. The only way to override the modal mode of these boxes is to launch an independent applet beforehand to address the dialog boxes with a timer, but the process is somewhat cumbersome.
All I need to do with the dialog boxes is click the OK button or hit the return key.
The Form.Show method excepts an optional style parameter that determines if the form is modal or modeless. You can pass it the intrinsic constant vbModeless.
Form1.Show vbModeless
It's a difficult question to answer without understanding the context of the dialog boxes. However, if you don't want the dialog to stall the execution of your program, I think the only way is to run your app from a different thread (start and Active X exe or something) and then make calls across to the other thread.