Mantaining a CMS and websites with Mercurial - version-control

I'm pretty new to mercurial and after reading a few tutorials I'm still doubtful on what's the best way to do what I intend to do with it.
My goal would be to mantain a CMS that I'm developing (adding new features, fixing bugs, etc.) and being able to easily distributes those updates to websites I make with said CMS.
I started by making a repository for the CMS itself, then when I want to make a new website clone the CMS repository and work on it.
Now the questions: working on a website there are changes that will be specific for that and changes that I'd like to see also on the main CMS repository. How to distinguish them?
Should I create a new branch and commit all the website specific changes to that branch and the general changes to the default branch? Or shall I use tags?
What I'm looking for is an easy way to push back changes to the CMS repository, then continue to develop the CMS (in other websites for example) and eventually update all websites I made with the CMS with new features and bug fixes without too much hassle.
What's the best way to deal with the situation I described?
Thanks in advance.

Well, you really ask at least two questions (as I see)
How to maintain diverged lines of development?
How to easy distribute changes from one (?) DEVEL env to different PRODs env
Full final answer on second question will require to clarify many of the specific details, and I propose that we'll postpone it for a while.
On the first question: you are right, named branches (into which you periodically merge default branch with shared changes) for sites inside single repo may be good choice (not tags, which are only easy memorable labels for changesets).
Alternative solution may use mq on top of single default branch (with separate mq-queues for each site)


Distributed Version Control. - Git & Mercurial... multiple sites

I'm looking for a best practice scenario on managing multiple "sites" in mercurial. Since I'm likely to have multiple sites in a web root, all of which are different - but somewhat similar (as they are 'customizations' of a root app)
Should I
A) make a single repository of the wwwroot folder (catching all changes across all sites)
B) make EACH sits folder a different repository
this issue is that each site needs a distinct physical directory, due to vhost pointing for development, and a current need to have "some" physical file difference cross site.
What's the best practice here? I'm leaning towards separate repositories for each directory. which will make tracking any branching and merging for that ONE site cleaner....
It depends on how your software is structured, and how independent the different sites are. The best situation is when you can use your core code like a library, which lives in its own directory, and there is no need in the different sites to change even a single file of core. Then you have the free choice if you want to develop the core along with the different sites in a single repo, or to seperate core from sites. When core and the different sites are dependent on each other, you very probably have to deal with all of them in a sigle repo.
Since in my experience development work better when the different parts are independend of each other I strongly recommend to bring the core stuff into something which can be included into the sites by a directory inclusion.
The next point is how are the different sites developed. If they share lots of code, they can be developed as different branches. But there are two disadvantages of this scheme:
the different sites are normally not visible to the developer, since there is typically only one checked out
The developer has to take great care where to create changes, so that only the wanted changes are going into other branches, not something which is special to a single branch only
You might consider to move common parts of different sites into core if they share lots of common code.
Another situation is if they all have nothing in common, since then things are much better. Then you need to decide if you want them to reside in different repos, or as different directories in a single repos. When these different sites are somehow related to each other (say that they are all of the same company), then it might be better to put them into a common repo, as different subdirectories. When they are unrelated to each other (every site belongs to a different customer, and changes on these sites are not created in synch to each other), than one repo per site is better.
When you have the one repo per site approach, it might also be good if you first create a template site, which includes the core component and basic configuration, and derive your site-repos as clones from this template. Then when you change something in the core which also affects the sites, you do these changes in the template, and merge these changes afterwards into the sites repos (you only need to take care to NOT do this change in one of the site-repos, since when you merge from sites to template you might get stuff from the specific site into the template, which you don't want to be in the template).
So I suggest
develop core as a single independent product
choose the correct development model for your sites
all in one repo, with branches, when there is much code-exchange is goin on between different sites
but better refactor the sites to not share code, since the branches approach has drawbacks
all in one repo, no branches but different folders, if there is no code exchange between different sites
one repo for each site if they are completely independent.
I think, you have to try Mercurial Queues with one repo. I.e
you store "base" site in repository
all site-specific changes separated into the set of MQ-patches (one? patch per site)
you can create "push-only" repos in sites, add they to [paths] section of "working" repo and push changes or use export-copy technique
and after applying the site-patch to codebase you'll get ready to use code for each and every site

DVCS strategies for mixed-role small team?

I've done a lot of reading, and have been trialing GIT, GIT Tortoise, Tortoise SVN and PlasticSCM, to find the right source control for our small team (5-10 users).
Some background on our team: 6 copy writers/editors (2 remote), 2 developers, 2 graphic designers. We are not always working on projects together, sometimes up to 5 of us might be working on a given project. I'm unconcerned about the developers with DVCS, my concern is mainly around the other roles who are (in the nicest way) limited in their technical capability. Some of our copy writers update multiple source files (HTML, PDFs and adding concept graphics) to live, unversioned build directories (backed up as!). The copy and GD team will not have time, or to be brutally honest, the inclination to merge/resolve conflicts, or probably even remember to switch branches.
A few SO questions have shed light on what what seems to be a fairly consistent approach - main trunk (no junk in the trunk!) with teams having their own branches, and having release branches etc.
Every time I've re-read the links...
Getting started with Version Control
...and google in general, I still end up asking myself the same questions:
Is it a Bad Idea to create role-specific branches for "trouble points" (copy team), where they can push to the repo, then our developers will merge their work into the actual project branch?
Should I still try to enforce a task-per-branch for everyone else?
Should I do task-per-branch for everyone but let the copy team create very broad tasks?
Is there usually a team/group/person who is considered an "admin" role for a repo who does crucial merges?
(is there an alternative suggested workflow where copy writers don't touch source?)
Unfortunately, the copy teams play a vital role in updating files which in turn affect layouts and all sorts of things, on a continual basis during dev. Its not like I can keep them in a bubble until the end of a project and chuck their work in.
... the good news is that hopefully, after a number of years, I'm ready to force everyone to move to version control! We've also settled on PlasticSCM for its intuitive GUI and Windows integration.
The best answer to this question would try to answer the 4 points above - tackle point 5 if you like - explain weak points if possible, and provide advice, gotchyas, etc.
So basically you want to know how to get team-member of different skill-levels to use SCM and play nice with each other.
Buy-in from your team is priority #1. If you can't make them learn it, then you're left with providing a path of least resistance. So you really need to be flexible. There might be a wrong-way and a right-way to use the tool, but if the users won't accept the right-way, then the wrong-way is better than them not using it at all. How you achieve this balance is going to be different for every team.
Is it a Bad Idea to create role-specific branches for "trouble points" (copy team), where they can push to the repo, then our developers will merge their work into the actual project branch?
No, maybe its not optimal, but if this makes it easy for the Copy Team, then thats what you're left with. You could probably go even further and setup each user with their own branch. Then they never have to worry about merging other peoples changes.
Should I still try to enforce a task-per-branch for everyone else?
Each dev should have a unique "local" branch, that is not tracking an upstream branch. For example, use something generic like mydev. This makes it easy for them to switch between their local code and the current upstream branch.
You don't necessarily need to force everyone to create a local branch for every task, cause in the end, you're going to want them just to rebase their working branch onto the upstream one, and commit so it just becomes a fast-forward (i.e. linear commit).
Now for tasks that multiple devs are working on, or it is a feature that involves groups of smaller commits, then yes it does make sense to force them to create a new specific task branch. When they merge they can make sure to force a merge-commit, then it is clear that a set of commits are grouped together and all were part of a specific task. The merge commit will display like merged branch feature-X.
Should I do task-per-branch for everyone but let the copy team create very broad tasks?
It's really up to how much buy-in you can get from the Copy Team. I think if they really get confused with the DVCS tools, then you have to scale back until you can find something that does not cause too much of an impact.
One solution, is to have one of your devs help integrate the Copy Teams changes into another branch that everyone else will look at. That will help offload the learning-curve of the tool onto someone outside of the Copy Team.
Is there usually a team/group/person who is considered an "admin" role for a repo who does crucial merges?
Yes, this makes sense. However the great thing about SCM, is that everyone will be able to go back and do a code review on a merge. So if a merge breaks the code, you can either append the corrections after the merge, or remove the merge, and do it over.
(is there an alternative suggested workflow where copy writers don't touch source?)
Well, one possible technique is the Integration Manager model. The developers commit changes to their own share repos, but its up to the integration manger, to merge in the changes to the blessed repository.
I'm sure there are other methods that might work for your users, but this question is slightly ambiguous.

Best practice to maintain source code under version control with multiple companies?

I'm wondering if there is any best practice for maintaining your source code under version control among different companies. In Open Source there is a maintainer, who receives patches, decides on them and applies them. But what about closed sourced projects where different companies get different workloads and just commit them to the trunk and branches? Is this maintainer concept applicable to a project on which multiple companies work on?
You can choose from a wide range of version control systems. (Not only subversion)
With the "versioning" concept you are safe that no one damages the project permanently.
So there is no need for a manual approval process, especially when there are contracts for example between the participating companies.
I'd also set up a commit mailinglist so you have some kind of peer review of changes. So no changes can be done without anyone noticing them.
If applicable set up some kind of continous integration environment to keep the quality up.
I don't understand the question about the branches. The decision whether to use them or not is IMHO not depending on the fact that the commiters are employed in the same company or not.
Its really up to you to decide which workflow works best for the companies involved. Subversion has the ability to add permissions to your trunk and branches allowing you to lock down certain parts of your repository to people who are "trusted" with merge access to trunk. You'll need good communication amongst the companies. Using the open source Trac provides a wiki, integrated RSS feeds of the commits to the project and code browser.
Usually, each site works on its dedicated branch and can import the other remote site branch, to decide what to integrate in its own work.
But if a site need to work directly on the other site branch, one possible practice is the concept of branch membership which allows only one site at a time to work on a given branch.
(not sure it is possible with SVN though)
That allows for two remote site (with a large time shift) to work on the same task in a tightly integrated manner.
My recommendation : subversion, with that configured you give away a url and then checkout, update, get things done and when you guess that the project is ready, snapshot and deliver.

Parallel Dev: Should developers work within the same branch?

Should multiple developers work within the same branch, and update - modify - commit ? Or should each developer have his/her own each branch exclusively? And how would sharing branches impact an environment where you are doing routine maintenance as opposed to unmaintained code streams? Also, how would this work if you deploy each developers work as soon as it is done and passes testing (rapidly, as opposed to putting all of their work into a single release).
In general, I have found that having developers (who are working on the same project) use the same branch is better for finding integration problems sooner. If developers are each using an individual branch, then you're just delaying possible integration problems until later, when you merge the branches.
Of course, having developers work on the same branch means you need to have actual communication between those developers, but that's a social problem and not a technical one.
Developers would work on separate branches when there is a good reason for that branch to exist in the first place (such as a patch release of a previous version of the software, or a special build for a specific customer).
Note that tools such as Git and Mercurial allow developers to easily create their own private branches to organise their own work. This is a different situation from more than one developer sharing a branch, and (usually short-lived) private branches should be encouraged.
Branches are meant as a way to version control any feature or experimental piece of code that may break the mainline/trunk.
While it is common for developers to have their own personal branches for deep experimentation, often branches center around a new feature being added. These new features often require more than one person to be committing.
For example, on a web project, two developers and a designer may be doing a facelift to their company website. They still need to keep their mainline/trunk code clean in case they need to make a quick change to it before the facelift is complete. So they create a "facelift" branch and work on that instead. While the developers are committing javascript, the designer can be committing CSS and images. Once the facelift feature is complete, they can merge it into the mainline and send it live.
The only reason any of them would need personal branches would be for experimenting. Perhaps the designer is trying to implement "sliding door" tabs and can't get the padding right in IE6, for example. If he solves the problem, he can merge it into the facelift branch, if he can't, he simply ignores it and continues with the rest of the design back in the facelift branch.
To some extent, the version control software you are using will nudge you into a particular approach. GIT is geared toward open-source contributors and resembles the "one developer" model (branching isn't even a concept in GIT. GIT is more about managing changes). Clearcase is more corporate, so you do have multiple developers on a branch, but each developer gets to play in his or her own view.
I agree with Greg's answer, this is more a social planning issue. Lots of devs on one branch will step on each other's toes. I've been on a project where there were more developers than individual source files :)
I think that merging of branches can be problematic (dropped or inconsistent functionality), regardless of how good the source control tools are. I would more readily opt for multiple developers working on a single main branch. There could be other branches for things like production bug fixes or proof-of-concepts (POCs), where merging could/should happen very soon after change (bug fixes) or good chance that merging may not need to happen (POCs).

Good github structure when dealing with many small projects that have a common code base?

I'm working for a web development company and we're thinking about using GitHub for version control. We work with several different .NET-based CMS-platforms and of course with a lot of different customers.
We have a standard code base for each CMS which we start from when building a new site. We of course would like to maintain that and make it possible to merge some changes from a developed site (when the standard code base has been improved in some way).
We often need to make small changes to a published site at a later date and would like to be able to do this with minimal effort (i.e. the customer gladly pays for us to fix his problem in 2 hours, but doesn't want to pay for a 2 hour set up first).
How should we set this up to be able to work in an efficient fashion? I'm not very used to distributed version control (I've worked with CVS, Subversion and Clear Case before), but from my imagination we could:
Set up one repository for each customer, start with a copy of the standard code base and go from there. Lots of repositories of course.
Set up one repository for each CMS and then branch off one branch for each customer. This is probably (?) the best way, but what happens when we have 100 customers (=branches) in the same repository? It also doesn't feel entirely nice that we create a lot of branches that we don't really have any intention of ever merging back to the main branch.
I don't know, perhaps lots of branches is only a problem in my imagination or perhaps there are better ways to do this that I haven't thought about. I would be interested in any experince in similar problems.
Thank you for your time and help.
With Git, several repos make sense for submodules purpose (sharing common component, see nature of Git submodules, in the third part of the answer)
But in your case, one repo with a branch per customer can work, provided you are using the branches to:
isolate some client-specific changes (and long-lived branch with no merging back to master are ok),
while rebasing those same branches on top of master (which contains the common code, with common evolutions needed by all the branches).