Upgrading to Team Foundation Service from TFS2010 - azure-devops

I work for a company that has a small development team (~30) distributed across multiple continents and multiple development platforms (Windows & OSX). As is such, Team Foundation Service seems like a great way to have a high-availability source control that works well with different development platforms. We're currently using TFS2010 and have about 20,000 checkins in our checkin history. If we were to move to TFService, we'd like to be able to bring the Source Control history with us.
Is this possible?
If possible, are there any guides available covering how to do this upgrade?

Team Foundation Service seems like a great way to have a
high-availability source control that works well with different
development platforms.
I can't vouch for multiple platforms (yet), but for all things Windows-related I have been extremely pleased with TFS "in the cloud".
This article looks promising: Migrating from an On-Premises Team Foundation Server to Team Foundation Service Preview Using the TFS Integration Tools
In this article, I demonstrate a migration from an on-premises
Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2010 to Team Foundation Service
Preview, which uses the latest TFS Integration Tools.
The TFS Integration Tools help you move yet keep the integrity of
version control (VC) data, work item tracking (WIT) data and the links
in both.
The crux of the article seems to be the usage of the TFS Integration platform, found here on Codeplex
Note that TFS Preview recently (October 2012, I believe) went live so it is no longer a "preview".
A good search phrase for this process seems to be "migrating on-premise TFS to cloud".


Using Visual Studio Team Services on Microsoft Azure

We have web application developed in visual studio 2015. We are using Microsoft SQL server 2008 R2.
So far only single developer was handling the development so source code was in one machine only. Now we are thinking of expanding the team. So If we go for online
Visual Studio Team Services
which is free for 5 users (I guess so), do we need to upload all source code to Azure?
How about the security about the source code?
Is there any possibility of leaking the code or any issues regarding security?
Any one has used this?
Yes, Visual Studio Team Services is free for up to five users, and includes unlimited private Git repositories.
Your repositories are private, and you can manage who can view and edit your repositories. The VSTS team is aggressively committed to security. Microsoft's own source code is managed in Visual Studio Team Services, and stored in Azure.
But if you are truly worried about bringing your source code outside of your firewall, then you can use Team Foundation Server instead. This is the on-premises version of Visual Studio Team Services, with the same functionality. It's also free for up to five users, but you will need to configure and manage it yourself.

Is there a non-REST version control API to Visual Studio Team Services?

I'm looking at whether we can migrate our old on-premises TFS 2010 server to Visual Studio Team Services. We all have MSDN subscriptions so it looks promising. But we have an app we wrote to keep our SQL scripts in version control. The app uses the old Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client & Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client object model approach. I'm lost in the Marketing-focused pages about VS Team Services and all I can find is talk of a REST API. Would we really have to re-write this part of the app or am I just missing something?
(I know we could do the source control bit from Visual Studio but the app has other functionality I haven't seen elsewhere.)
Can anyone advise me, please?
The TFS 2010 API works just fine with Team Services, so your app should just work.
You can currently use the 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015 TFS client API's for TFS against Team Services. Team Services is just TFS on the internet...

Transfer TFS Work Item Queries from locally installed TFS to visualstudio.com

Is there any way to move custom queries I've setup in my company's locally hosted TFS server to my instance of TFS on visualstudio.com? I've Googled/Binged/Yahoo'd and even DuckDuckGo'ed around and asked other devs using the service but none of them had any saved queries they wanted to move, so no one had done any researching yet. After a few fruitless searches I've turned to the experts here on SO. Anyone find anything about this they can share?
The usual suspects when it comes to TFS Migration (namely the TFS Integration Platform) does not support moving project or personal queries. Depending on the quantity of queries, a manual recreation is obviously possible. However, if there are a significant number, then another option is to use the TFS SDK (Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client and Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client). Within there, you can access the "My Queries" and project queries, including their folder hierarchy.
One example of this is available on Mike Poulson's blog where he shows going from a TFS 2010 -> TFS 2012 server. While this example is targeting on-prem, the same holds true for a move from TFS on-prem to Visual Studio Online.
Some of the queries may need "translation" in the migration process (naming differences, etc), using the SDK can also help in that process. So at the end of the day, it's a tradeoff between a manual recreation vs effort to code/debug/test a solution with the SDK.

Version control architecture for a large project with many dev groups

We are working on a very large portal project. We need a scalable source version control architecture such that, it should be scalable to many teams and possible incoming teams.
There will be common libraries and each group will work on different part of the system. At demo times, we need to integrate these parts and have the product testable, demoable and so on.
Do you recommend some guidelines or architectures?
How would you approach this problem?
In terms of version control system, we are using TFS, if it helps.
Sounds to me you would be better off with a DVCS (Distributed Version Control System) like Git, rather than TFS which has a centralised version control system.
TFS now integrated with Git, here is a good blog post which provides you with most of the details you would need - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2013/01/30/getting-started-with-git-in-visual-studio-and-team-foundation-service.aspx
Add an enterprise level Git Repository Management tool like Atlassian Stash and life will be sweet - http://www.atlassian.com/software/stash/overview
From a TFS server side...setup only 1 team project. This will be key. The other key is to have the server running SQL Server 2012 with SP1 (there's tons of perf improvements in SQL that will help you scale TFS).

CodePlex TFS Services

I have been thoroughly confused by CodePlex and the TFS services it offers or doesn't offer. I am going to soon begin working on on open source project with a few friends using Visual Studio 2010 Professional. Because VS is so nicely tied in with TFS, we would prefer to use TFS.
However, we do not have the money to purchase TFS ourselves, so we were looking at CodePlex as an alternative. Does CodePlex offer free TFS hosting? I believed it did, until I came across this which led me to believe it only offers part of the TFS feature set.
(This is my first experience with version/source control, so please be light on the terminology.)
CodePlex offers free TFS hosting with a feature set aimed at hosting open-source projects. Its version control offerings are complete, but Team Foundation Server is a platform with many feature areas, so let's look at those:
Version Control: CodePlex supports the entire feature set of TFS Version Control. In fact, CodePlex pioneered some version control tools for TFS like their SVNBridge.
Work Item Tracking: Team Foundation Server allows for a customizable work item tracking template and ships several out-of-the box to suit development processes ranging from CMMI to Agile. CodePlex, however, provides a single work item tracking template that is suitable for open source projects and does not allow customization.
Continuous Integration: CodePlex does not support automated builds at this time. You can set up your own continuous integration builds against a CodePlex endpoint for source code, though.
Document Repository: There is no SharePoint document repository available in CodePlex.
Reports: SQL Reporting Services are not available in CodePlex.
I would argue that for a small open-source project, none of these are deal-breakers. For a very large project, however, some or all of these features may be desirable, though.
If you want to use TFS and you are looking for a cost-effective solution for a small project, you may also want to look into Team Foundation Service, which is currently free while it is in its preview state. (Future pricing has not yet been announced.)