Combination of two convolution filters - matlab

What is one filter matrix equivalent to applying [1 1 1] twice on an image using imfilter with parameter 'full'? Would it still be a 1x3 matrix?

convolution is associative, which means (f*g)*h = f*(g*h). So instead of
r = conv(conv(x, [1,1,1]), [1,1,1])
you can precompute the convolution of the two filters and then apply it to each image only once:
tmp_filter = conv([1,1,1], [1,1,1]);
r1 = conv(x1, tmp_filter)
r2 = conv(x2, tmp_filter)
where the new filter is [1 2 3 2 1], which however is not of the same size of the original filter.

The full parameter tells the filter function to return an image of the same size of the filtered image. You can apply the same filter any amount of times, but if you use full every time, the size should not change.


How can I easily create a dynamic 2D matrix of vectors in Matlab

Given my code:
G=zeros(height,width); %zeros or whatever
for y = 1 : height
for x = 1 : width
magnitude = sqrt(Gx(y,x)^2 + Gy(y,x)^2);
gradient_direction = atan(Gy(y,x)/Gx(y,x));
G(y,x) = [magnitude gradient_direction];
I keep getting this (if I don't use zeros()):
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
or this:
Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton
While #atru answer works, I would want to suggest a vectorize way that faster and neater, if that will help. The operations here can easily converted to vectorized operations:
By using G(y,x,:) = [magnitude, gradient_direction]; you are attempting to assign two values to a spot reserved for a single value with indices (y,x). One way to fix this is to use a 3 dimensional array G instead,
for y = 1 : height
for x = 1 : width
magnitude = sqrt(Gx(y,x)^2 + Gy(y,x)^2);
gradient_direction = atan(Gy(y,x)/Gx(y,x));
G(y,x,:) = [magnitude, gradient_direction];
Now at each point G(y,x) you can store both of the values and access them as for instance G(1,2,1) for magnitude at (1,2) position and G(1,2,2) for gradient_direction. This assumes Gx and Gy are both arrays with size height x width.
Important thing to note is that slices of G along the third dimension will also be 3D arrays, i.e. mag_dir = G(3,2,:) will have a size [1 1 2] and not [1 2]. This may cause errors in some applications, examples include trying to concatenate mag_dir with another vector (that does not have the extra dimension) and linear algebra operations.
To resolve this, use reshape to explicitly change the dimensions to to target ones. For the vector here it would be reshape(mag_dir, 1, 2). Same holds for 2D slices like more_md = G(1,:,:) - this will need for instance more_md = reshape(more_md,2,5).

Implementing convolution as a matrix multiplication

Pithy: Help with Matlab script that takes ImageData array and Convolution weights from Caffe and returns convolution. Please.
I am trying to recreate a convolution generated by Caffe in Matlab.
Let's make the following definitions
W**2 = Size of input
F**2 = Size of filter
P = Size of padding
S = Stride
K = Number of filters
The following text describes how to generalize the convolution as a matrix multiplication:
The local regions in the input image are stretched out into columns in an operation commonly called im2col. For example, if the input is [227x227x3] and it is to be convolved with 11x11x3 filters at stride 4, then we would take [11x11x3] blocks of pixels in the input and stretch each block into a column vector of size 11*11*3 = 363. Iterating this process in the input at stride of 4 gives (227-11)/4+1 = 55 locations along both width and height, leading to an output matrix X_col of im2col of size [363 x 3025], where every column is a stretched out receptive field and there are 55*55 = 3025 of them in total. Note that since the receptive fields overlap, every number in the input volume may be duplicated in multiple distinct columns.
From this, one could draw the conclusion that the im2col function call would look something like this:
input = im2col( input, [3*F*F, ((W-F)/S+1)**2)])
However, if I use the following parameter-values
W = 5
F = 3
P = 1
S = 2
K = 2
I get the following dimensions
>> size(input)
ans =
1 3 5 5
>> size(output)
ans =
1 2 3 3
>> size(filter)
ans =
2 3 3 3
And if I use the im2col function call from above, I end up with an empty matrix.
If I change the stride to 1 in the above example, the size of the input, the output and the filter remains the same. If I use Matlab's 'convn' command, the size is not the same as the actual output from Caffe.
>> size(convn(input,filter))
ans =
2 5 7 7
What would be the general way to resize your array for matrix multiplication?
You are using the second argument to im2col wrong, see the documentation.
You should give it the size of the filter window that you are trying to slide over the image, i.e.:
cols = im2col( input, [F, F])

How to crop matrix of any number of dimensions in Matlab?

Suppose I have 4D matrix:
>> A=1:(3*4*5*6);
>> A=reshape(A,3,4,5,6);
And now I want to cut given number of rows and columns (or any given chunks at known dimensions).
If I would know it's 4D I would write:
>> A1=A(1:2,1:3,:,:);
But how to write universally for any given number of dimensions?
The following gives something different:
>> A2=A(1:2,1:3,:);
And the following gives an error:
>> A2=A;
>> A2(3:3,4:4)=[];
It is possible to generate a code with general number of dimension of A using the second form of indexing you used and reshape function.
Here there is an example:
Asize = [3,4,2,6,4]; %Initialization of A, not seen by the rest of the code
A = rand(Asize);
%% This part of the code can operate for any matrix A
I = 1:2;
J = 3:4;
A1 = A(I,J,:);
NewSize = size(A);
NewSize(1) = length(I);
NewSize(2) = length(J);
A2 = reshape(A1,NewSize);
A2 will be your cropped matrix. It works for any Asize you choose.
I recommend the solution Luis Mendo suggested for the general case, but there is also a very simple solution when you know a upper limit for your dimensions. Let's assume you have at most 6 dimensions. Use 6 dimensional indexing for all matrices:
Matlab will implicit assume singleton dimensions for all remaining dimension, returning the intended result also for matrices with less dimensions.
It sounds like you just want to use ndims.
num_dimensions = ndims(A)
if (num_dimensions == 3)
A1 = A(1:2, 1:3, :);
elseif (num_dimensions == 4)
A1 = A(1:2, 1:3, :, :);
If the range of possible matrix dimensions is small this kind of if-else block keeps it simple. It seems like you want some way to create an indexing tuple (e.g. (1:2,:,:,:) ) on the fly, which I don't know if there is a way to do. You must match the correct number of dimensions with your indexing...if you index in fewer dimensions than the matrix has, matlab returns a value with the unindexed dimensions collapsed into a single array (similar to what you get with
A1 = A(:);

Split matrix into non-overlapping submatrices

I have an image of any size that I need to split into non-overlapping regions of 15x15 pixels. Previously I looked this up and used the following code:
newIm = rand(size(im2, 1),size(im2, 2));
subIm = mat2cell(newIm, 15*ones(size(newIm,1)/15,1), 15*ones(size(newIm,2)/15,1));
My problem is that I may not always be able to split the matrix into nice 15x15 regions. How can I fix this? Also, can you explain what exactly happens? I'd like to understand Matlab better for future use!
If you use the above code with a size not perfectly divisible by 15 (say 160), you will get the following error in MATLAB:
Input arguments, D1 through D2, must sum to each dimension of the input matrix size, [160 160].'
So you have to make your second and third input arguments of mat2cell sum to 160. Then you are done.
Code taken from here
blockSize=[15 15];
wholeBlockRows = floor(size(newIm,1)/ blockSize(1));
blockVectorR = [blockSize(1) * ones(1, wholeBlockRows), rem(size(newIm,1), blockSize(1))];
wholeBlockCols = floor(size(newIm,2)/ blockSize(2));
blockVectorC = [blockSize(2) * ones(1, wholeBlockCols), rem(size(newIm,2), blockSize(2))];
% sum of blockVectorR and blockVectorC will be equal to size(newIm,1) and
% size(newIm,2) respectively.
ca = mat2cell(newIm, blockVectorR, blockVectorC, size(newIm,3));
In your output cell array, you will see sub-images in the last row and column where either rows or columns (or both) are equal to: rem(size(newIm,1), blockSize(1)) or (and) rem(size(newIm,2), blockSize(2))

How to Split Images into parts using MATLAB

I got a satellite image of size [17935 10968] pixels, I want to cut image equally and process my required algorithm on individual parts (eg: I need to cut above pixel range into 4 equal parts).
How can I split image without loosing intermediate pixels? My requirement is like (1 to 5600 and 5601 to the end pixel).
And anybody got any idea how to split images that are this big in MATLAB?
Method 1
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, this is the preferred and most efficient method. It utilizes the extremely useful blockproc function which is designed exactly for processing large image in blocks. For instance, it takes care of padding when your image does not divide equally into same size blocks and concatenates results from the processing of blocks into one result matrix.
Best you take a look at the official documentation, but here's how it would look like in your case:
vSize = [17935 10968];
imBig = rand([vSize 3]);
nParts = [2 2]; %means divide into 4 parts, 2 horizontal, 2 vertical
blockproc(imBig, ceil(vSize ./ nParts), #yourAlgorithm);
function res = yourAlgorithm(blockStruct)
%do your processing of the block here and
%optionally return a result in 'res'
%for example, just return the RGB vector of the first pixel
res =,1,:);
Method 2
If you don't have the Image Processing Toolbox you can use the mat2cell function instead. Fisrt you figure out the required block sizes and then you get a cell array containing the different blocks. For such large images though, speed and memory may become an issue. The code is borrowed from this Matlab Central answer.
vSize = [17935 10968];
imBig = rand([vSize 3]);
nParts = [2 2]; %means divide into 4 parts, 2 horizontal, 2 vertical
%figure out the size of "regular" block and the last block
vRegBlockSize = ceil(vSize ./ nParts);
vLastBlockSize = vSize - vRegBlockSize .* (nParts - 1);
%put the sizes into a vector
vSplitR = [vRegBlockSize(1)*ones(1,nParts(1)-1), vLastBlockSize(1)];
vSplitC = [vRegBlockSize(2)*ones(1,nParts(2)-1), vLastBlockSize(2)];
%split the image
C = mat2cell(imBig, vSplitR, vSplitC, 3);
%access RGB pixel (x,y) in top left {1,1} block
p = C{1,1}(x, y, :);
upperLeft = theImage(1:5600, 1:5600, :);
upperRight = theImage(1:5600, 5601:end, :);
lowerLeft = theImage(5601:end, 1:5600, :);
lowerLeft = theImage(5601:end, 1:5601:end, :);
you can use reshape to make 4 matrices from the image:
A=reshape(Img, 17935 , 10968/4,[]);
then process A(:,:,1) , etc...
Use the following code to divide the image into 4 different images:
A=reshape(Img, 17935 , 10968/4, 3, []);
then A(:,:,:,1) is the first image.
Suppose A is your 17935x10968x3 matrix, I think you can do:
B = reshape(A, 17935, 10968 / 4, 4, 3);
In this way the last dimension still represents RGB. Only difference is that it becomes 4-D array.