EE 1x plugin wont parse nested plugin tags - plugins

I wrote a simple and short expressionengine 1x plugin which works well for what I needed.
It is working fine with the following code:
{exp:iv_simple_rss_parser feed="" strip_tags="yes"}
Title {title}
{exp:word_limit total="20"}{description}{/exp:word_limit}
I needed to limit the {description} var so I wanted to use the word_limit plugin, like you can see. The fact is that all works ok but the description tag is no limited by word_limit.
It seems that EE is not parsing that nested plugin, it just ignores it, like it was not there.
How can I make EE to parse the word_limit plugin when it is inside of my plugin??

This is because the inner-most plugin tag parses first, and at that point, {description} doesn't exist yet. You can reverse the parse order by adding parse="inward" to your outer plugin tag:
{exp:iv_simple_rss_parser feed="" strip_tags="yes" parse="inward"}
Title {title}
{exp:word_limit total="20"}{description}{/exp:word_limit}


TYPO3 / Fluid: Inline Viewhelper notation in Templates of FluidEmail

I’m using the new TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\FluidEmail feature of TYPO3 v10.3 to send HTML system e-mails. Unfortunately, I’m experiencing a weird behavior with Viewhelpers in the e-mail Templates. Calling the regular Viewhelper notation like e.g. <f:uri.resource extensionName="backend" path="Images/typo3_orange.svg"/> works as expected. But inline notations of the same Viewhelper (like {f:uri.resource(extensionName: 'backend', path: 'Images/typo3_orange.svg')}) don’t get processed at all.
Surprisingly, when I call the regular notation first and the inline notation afterwards in the same template, both notations get resolved.
I also experienced that no fluid variables are accessible in the template, e.g. {normalizedParams}, which should be available when you set the request like $message->setRequest($GLOBALS['TYPO3_REQUEST']);
Did anyone experience a similar behavior and has a hint for me?
Here's my implementation in my Controller Action:
$message = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FluidEmail::class);
->assign('pages', $pages);
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_REQUEST'] instanceof ServerRequestInterface) {
Sounds like a fluid parsing problem. Do you have any { or } flying around in your template that could mess up fluids parsing?
Just run into the same problem with one of my in-house plugins after switching from php7.2 to php7.4 (when switching back to php7.2 the resource path was resolved again correctly).
It turned out that some inline javascript using curly brackets further down the page was to blame (thank you Daniel). Putting it in a separate file solved the issue. It would appear that the use of inline JS is tolerated to different degrees depending on the php version being used.

Typoscript filelink - Wrap URL within link

First, here is the Typoscript :
20 = TEXT
20 {
value {
field = field_title
wrap = |.txt
filelink {
stdWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>
path = fileadmin/txt-files/
The result I get is :
<a href="/fileadmin/txt-files/Title.txt">
<img src="typo3/sysext/frontend/Resources/Public/Icons/FileIcons/txt.png">
And what I need is :
<a href="/fileadmin/force_download_script.php?filepath=/fileadmin/txt-files/Title.txt">
<img src="typo3/sysext/frontend/Resources/Public/Icons/FileIcons/txt.png">
I need to make the link downloadable, rather than opening the file in the browser. For that I have a force_download_script.php, but when I do that :
wrap = fileadmin/force_download_script.php?filepath=|txt
instead of the current wrap, filelink doesn't find the file anymore.
I have tried using ATagBeforeWrap.wrap but it doesn't look like it's made for that purpose. I also tried typolinkConfiguration.wrap without any success.
Any idea of how to achieve that ? Using a COA maybe ?
Thank you !
I would not do this with a script, but with server configuration. If you use Apache and have .htaccess enabled, you can add the configuration to a .htaccess file in the directory where the files are located. See
Alternatively you can also use the HTML5 download attribute. This is not supported by Internet Explorer however (it is supported by Edge though).
The issue can get quite a bit complicated, but step by step:
your code above might be wrong if it's not just a copy & paste fault:
wrap = fileadmin/force_download_script.php?filepath=|.txt
The dot before txt was missing.
Nevertheless it is still interesting if the php-script is triggered.
It's possible that the script is not triggered due to some settings in typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php respectively some settings in the install-tool.
Depending on the TYPO3-Version it's also possible that the script is not triggered at all because all scripts are being required now in an extension. That means you might need to create an extension for that script.
Also simple wrapping of the result with the script-path might not be enough, but you have to call it explicitly by TypoScript perhaps by including the script as user-function or lib.
The admin-panel might be useful to debug some things about your script but if not you've to include some debug-output first in your own code, if that's not enough in the core (temporary).
So you've to find out if your script is triggered and if not, the reason for it.
Are you sure .filelink is what you are looking for?
.filelink is for a set of files. For all files in the folder given by .path a link will be generated. see manual
From your description you want a text wrapped with a link to one single file. That would be more a problem for .typolink where you specify the link in .parameter.
if you really want a link list of multiple files, each wrapped with your script you need to modify .typolinkConfiguration.parameter which will be used internaly by .filelink.
Anyway it might be possible to do a wrap which then would be:
.typolinkConfiguration.parameter.wrap = /fileadmin/force_download_script.php?|
Maybe it is easier to build your list with .stdWrap.filelist, where you can use the filenames in any way to wrap your own href parameter for an A-tag.
To use the TYPO3 core solution with file links you can use this guide:
Create a file storage where you want your "secured" files in TYPO3 backend
Do not set the checkbox "Is public?" in the storage record
The links will be rendered with eID and file parameters
You can look into the FileDumpController handling these links:
You can use the included hook to extend this controller with your logic.
Unfortunately I can't find any official documentation for this feature, but will post it when I find something or wrote it myself. ;)
Maybe this can help you, too:
Here is the official part, but it's not much:

How can I evaluate the content of an expression language variable in the Eclipse debugger?

I am using Eclipse and I have the following problem debbugging a JSP page.
So into a JSP page I have something like this:
<c:forEach items="${listaScuoleDS}" var="scuola" varStatus="item">
So, as you can seem in the forEach cycle I am using the expresion language that identify a collection on which iterate: items="${listaScuoleDS}"
Now, starting the application in debug mode and putting a brackpoint on the previous statment, the application correctly stop on this line but I can't analyze the content of the "${listaScuoleDS}" variable.
I try to put "${listaScuoleDS}" into the Ecipse expression debug tab but I obtain no value.
How can I see the content of the previous EL variable in debug mode?
Unfortunately you can not debug tags bound to taglibs inside JSP-Files.
There's an implicit object called pageContext. You should be able to access this variable through your debugger. I have noticed that this method may not work in IntelliJ but it does work in Eclipse.
In Eclipse:
Open Debug Perspective and write 'pageContext' in the Expressions window.
Here are a couple reference:
Page Context Reference
pageContext Example

Raw HTML in body text after importing content using transmorgrifier

I'm using a transmorgrifier recipe to import some data from drupal into a Plone 4.1 based buildout. The buildout is based on, (mostly I updated it to use plone 4.1 instead of 4.0). The import works, I successfully imported data from a drupal site into my plone site. The only issue is that the html tags from the imported html show as the literal tags.
If, after the successful import, I manually go to each item and select 'edit' then click 'save' then the html is interpreted properly, but that would be a lot of editing and saving in order to fix my problem.
see screenshot of freshly imported content with html tags showing.
The blueprint doing the actual import of the field is (I believe) the one shown below:
blueprint = collective.transmogrifier.sections.inserter
key = string:_text_mimetype
value = string:text/html
I experimented with using text/structured instead of text/html in the blueprint but that gave the same result:
What I need is either an additional blueprint that causes the html to be interpreted or a hints on how to ensure that my html gets interpreted at import.
The full list of blueprints used in my pipeline are shown here:
Ran into the same problem when migrating content using wsapi4plone.core.
Solution: Pin zope.contenttype to version 3.5.5 (the default in the upcoming 4.1.1)
Cause: PLIP #9938 - as per esteele.
If it works under Plone 4.0 but not under Plone 4.1, then I'm guessing it has to do with the "factor custom output transformations out of the editors" PLIP that was merged as a part of the Plone 4.1. I would look into the changes from that PLIP and see how the pipeline needs to be adjusted.
Actually that section only insert a value "text/html" in the key "_text_mimetype"
The real encapsulation is done here:
data-key = text
mimetype = python:item.get('_%s_mimetype' % key)
# replace the data in-place
field = key
condition = mimetype
more info:
Anyway i've experimented that it's not strictly mandatory to encapsulate the html text, it works also with a simple string.
Bye, Giacomo

Richfaces drag and drop object not defined?

Mozilla is spitting out
DnD is not defined
errors on all of my rich:dragSupport and rich:dropSupport tags. When I check out the generated javascript the DnD object is where it should be and things look ok. Any ideas on why my DnD object is not defined? Has anyone come accross gotchas with using richfaces dnd?
We are using Richfaces 3.2.1 (drag and drop started in 3.0.0 acording to docs)
An example of how we are using this:
<rich:dropSupport dropListener="#{myBean.dropAction}>
<a4j:actionParam value="#{someData}" name="paramData" />
<a4j:repeat value="#{myBean.list}" var="item">
<rich:dragSupport dragValue="#{someOtherData}">
<a4j:actionparam value="#{someOtherOtherData}" name="secondParam" />
<h:outputText value="#{}"></h:outputText>
My Problem: typo in naming of JBoss portlet deployment xml files
Other things to check (from week of research):
Are you deploying the necessary richfaces jar files?
Do you have other js scripts that are causing namespace issues like jQuery or prototype?
It's an old thread, but my answer is: Inside tag < rich:dragSupport/>, must be included < rich:dndParam>.
See for more information.
PD: Sorry for my rustic English, I'm from Argentina...