MKMapView not zooming to region - iphone

I have an MKMapView, and I'm trying to set the map, so that when you first load the application it goes to a user set location, and if the user hasn't set one, to a default one. The problem is that it always seems to go to 0 latitude, 0 longitude.
-(void) viewDidLoad {
[worldView setShowsUserLocation:YES];
double longitude = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] doubleForKey:WhereamiNewLongPrefKey];
double latitude = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] doubleForKey:WhereamiNewLatPrefKey];
CLLocationCoordinate2D savedLoc = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude);
MKCoordinateRegion region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(savedLoc, 250, 250);
NSLog(#"latitude :%f",;
NSLog(#"longitude :%f",;
[worldView setRegion:region animated:YES];
I've tried setting setShowUserLocation to NO, but that doesn't work. I know it's reading the correct region, because the NSLog is outputing the default latitude, but the map insists on going to somewhere in China...
I've also tried setting the region in mapView:didUpdateUserLocation:, but still the same result.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I added the NSLog to output the longitude as well. The output is:
2012-11-14 09:50:30.699 Whereami[34256:13d03] latitude :20.516700
2012-11-14 09:50:30.699 Whereami[34256:13d03] longitude :99.900000

CLLocationCoordinate2D theCoordinate;
theCoordinate.latitude = 20.516700;
theCoordinate.longitude = 99.900000;
MKCoordinateRegion viewRegion = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(theCoordinate, 1000, 1000);
MKCoordinateRegion adjustedRegion = [self.mapView regionThatFits:viewRegion];
[self.mapView setRegion:adjustedRegion animated:YES];


mapView "addAnnotation:addAnnotation" NOT dropping pin as desired with IF/ELSE statements

Struggling bad here on something I am now exhausted with. There are two parts here:
1) I am trying to get a pin removed if the user searches the same coordinate that is already identified and pinned on ViewDidLoad. This part WORKS. The non operable part is #2.
2) When the user searches ANY OTHER location, I want a pin added, i.e. [self.mapView addAnnotation:addAnnotation]; My code is below.
[addressField resignFirstResponder];
MKCoordinateRegion region;
MKCoordinateSpan span;
CLLocationCoordinate2D location = [self addressLocation];
[mapView setRegion:region animated:TRUE];
[mapView regionThatFits:region];
if (location.longitude = (double) -73.2125)
addAnnotation = [[AddressAnnotation alloc]initWithCoordinate:location];
[self.mapView removeAnnotation:addAnnotation];
addAnnotation = [[AddressAnnotation alloc]initWithCoordinate:location];
[self.mapView addAnnotation:addAnnotation];
[addAnnotation release];
Any thoughts? Thanks guys!
This line:
if (location.longitude = (double) -73.2125)
does an assignment (=), not a comparison (==).
Since the assignment is always successful, it always goes to the removeAnnotation part.
However, I don't recommend comparing doubles (or any floating-point numbers) using ==.
I suggest checking instead if the two numbers are within some small distance of each other.
See this answer for an example.

Crashed while removing the pin from mapview

I am working on MapView,on which I have two buttons.
this button drops the pin annotation at the centre of the current map.
when this button is pressed, I am storing the last annotation in a NSMutable array.
then remove the last annotation from mapview and drop one pin at the centre of map
Code I have done for this part is as follows:
function for dropping the pin
- (void)PinDropwithlatitude:(double)lat longitude:(double)longi droptitle:(NSString *)title
CLLocationCoordinate2D theCoordinate;
theCoordinate.latitude = lat;
theCoordinate.longitude = longi;
MKCoordinateRegion region; = theCoordinate.latitude; = theCoordinate.longitude;
//Set Zoom level using Span
MKCoordinateSpan span;
span.latitudeDelta =0.005;
span.longitudeDelta =0.005;
region.span = span;
[MapView setRegion:region animated:YES];
SetLat =lat;
SetLong =longi;
DDAnnotation *annotation = [[[DDAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:theCoordinate addressDictionary:nil] autorelease];
annotation.title = title;
annotation.subtitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f %f", annotation.coordinate.latitude, annotation.coordinate.longitude];
[MapView addAnnotation:annotation];
when I press centre button I am doing the following code and store last array in annotation.
//40.439631,-3.698273 -spain centre
[lastAnnotation addObjectsFromArray:MapView.annotations];
NSLog(#"last annotation array=%#",lastAnnotation);
for (id annotation in [MapView annotations])
if ([annotation isKindOfClass:[MKUserLocation class]])
[MapView removeAnnotation:annotation];
[self PinDropwithlatitude:SetLat longitude:SetLong
droptitle:NSLocalizedString(#"Title", nil)];
the log for the array is showing me the
last annotations you can see below::
last annotation array=(
"<+40.43963100,-3.69827300> +/- 0.00m",
"<+40.43923187,-3.68722200> +/- 0.00m",
"<+40.43792343,-3.67670774> +/- 0.00m",
"<+40.43772888,-3.66711617> +/- 0.00m"
2)UNDOButton: which removes the currently placed annotation and redrop the previous annotation, for that i have removed the annotaion from mapview, and redrop the annotation last annotation from array which i have maintained previously,using the code:
if ([lastAnnotation count]>0)
int countAnn = [lastAnnotation count];
[MapView removeAnnotation:[lastAnnotation objectAtIndex:countAnn-1]];
//[MapView delete:[lastAnnotation objectAtIndex:countAnn-1]];
[lastAnnotation removeObjectAtIndex:countAnn-1];
double latitude = [[[lastAnnotation objectAtIndex:[lastAnnotation count]-1] annotation]coordinate].latitude;
double longitude = [[[lastAnnotation objectAtIndex:[lastAnnotation count]-1]annotation]coordinate].longitude;
NSLog(#"count = %d",[lastAnnotation count]);
[self PinDropwithlatitude:latitude longitude:longitude droptitle:NSLocalizedString(#"Title", nil)];
but when i press the undo button it crashes with the following error
-[DDAnnotation annotation]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x79b8f40
I don't get to know, where exactly the problem arises. can any one please help me to point out my mistake in the above code.
can you try
[lastAnnotation lastObject]
instead of
[[lastAnnotation objectAtIndex:[lastAnnotation count]-1]
[MapView removeAnnotation:[lastAnnotation lastObject]];
[lastAnnotation removeObject:[lastAnnotation lastObject]];

how to get user current location in simulator in iphone sdk?

I am getting user location from this method
/*Region and Zoom*/
MKCoordinateRegion region;
MKCoordinateSpan span;
CLLocation *location1 = [locationManager location];
CLLocationCoordinate2D location = [location1 coordinate];
location.latitude = location.latitude;
location.longitude = location.longitude;
region.span=span; = location;
/*Geocoder Stuff*/
MKReverseGeocoder *geoCoder=[[MKReverseGeocoder alloc] initWithCoordinate:location];
geoCoder.delegate = self;
[geoCoder start];
mapView.showsUserLocation = TRUE;
[mapView setRegion:region animated:TRUE];
[mapView regionThatFits:region];
This works perfectly but when I try to run this code in simulator then it gets crashed at the point of [mapView setRegion:region animated:TRUE]; this tells it doesn't get the latitude and longitude values. So how can I make this code run in simulator perfectly.
I have to make this code run in simulator, is it possible?
On iOS5 Simulator by default you it will show some location in USA. If you want to change that location, in iOS Simulator menu, go to Debug -> Location -> Custom Location.
There you can set the latitude and longitude and test the app accordingly. This works with mapkit and also with CLLocationManager.
try this path-
Go to product->Edit Scheme->Options->select Allow Location simulation
it won't be your exact location! But at least you can verify your code is working.

How to have multiple annotations on a mapview based on an array

The below code is what I have used so far, and it loops through every object in the array correctly, but when I try to make them all display on one map it only adds the last obeject in the array to the map, not all 20 or so I want to display.
self.clientTable = [ClientDatabase database].clientTable;
ClientTable *info = nil;
[_stateLabel setText:info.state];
//change the string to doubles for the map GPS co-ordinates
double latDouble = [info.latMap doubleValue];
double longDouble = [info.longMap doubleValue];
NSLog(#"%d",[self.clientTable count]);
int countArray = [self.clientTable count];
for (int i=0;i<countArray;i++) {
info = [self.clientTable objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#" i = %d ; id = %d %#",i, info.uniqueId,;
//set up the map
[super viewDidLoad];
[mapView setMapType:MKMapTypeStandard];
[mapView setZoomEnabled:YES];
[mapView setScrollEnabled:YES];
MKCoordinateRegion region = {{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}}; = latDouble; = longDouble;
region.span.longitudeDelta =0.02; //degrees of acuracy, most precise best for this time
region.span.latitudeDelta =0.02; //degrees of accuracy
[mapView setRegion:region animated:YES];
// set up the annotation point
AllMap *annotationPoint = [[AllMap alloc] init];
annotationPoint.title =;
annotationPoint.subtitle = info.state;
annotationPoint.coordinate =;
[mapView addAnnotation:annotationPoint];
//show annotation by default
[mapView selectAnnotation:annotationPoint animated:YES];
[mapView setDelegate:self];
Sorry if the code is rubbishy, i'm new to iPhone programming.
Thanks in advance :D
It looks like you're calling [super viewDidLoad] inside your for loop, which is probably resetting the mapView's annotations array. This method should only be called once, so if you move it before the for statement you may get better results.
why are you setting up the map inside of the loop where you are creating the annotations?
here is an old blog posting, but it covers the basics and should get you back on track

didAddAnnotationViews not getting called always

I added a MKAnnotation delegate handler class into a MKMapView like this.
MapAnnotation *anAnnotation = [[[MapAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:coord] autorelease];
[myMapView addAnnotation:anAnnotation];
The MapAnnotation implements the MKAnnotation.
However didAddAnnotationViews doesnt get called always. Sometimes (rarely) it does and sometimes its not. I checked few places and I have used this correctly. Does it depends on span attributes as well?
MKCoordinateRegion region;
MKCoordinateSpan span;
CLLocationCoordinate2D location;
location.latitude = searchLocation.coordinate.latitude;
location.longitude = searchLocation.coordinate.longitude;
[myMapView setRegion:region animated:TRUE];
[myMapView regionThatFits:region];
Whats wrong with this code?
This delegate method is called for annotations that are currently visible i.e. those that are within the map region that is currently displayed on the screen.