Image over an opacity background is picking up opacity as well - opacity

I made the container of a website have an opacity: 0.8 and then when I add a photo in this container, and actually anything, it also shows up as the same opacity. I'd like to keep images at 100% with no opacity. I am unsure how this actually would be fixed. I've tried changing the image z-index and opacity specifically but that didn't work. Any help would be great. See the sample below.
View Sample

I think you are better off making the background of these elements semi-transparent, rather than adding transparency to the entire container. This would not affect the photo and would make the text and buttons easier to read.

Please read the explanations e.g. on :
We have long had the opacity property, which is similar, but opacity
forces all decendant elements to also become transparent and there is
no way to fight it
So you have to use e.g.:
background: rgba(200, 54, 54, 0.5);


Border around the image within an NSImageView

I have an NSImageView which contains an image. Is there a simple way to draw a border around just the image (which might be smaller than the NSImageView), and not the entire NSImageView?
[Answering my own question.]
On the off chance that someone comes cross this page looking to get something similar done, a simple way to do it is by using a wrapper view, and setting a border on the inner view.

Unity sprites don't render properly

I recently came across a problem I can't solve which involves not being able to draw my sprites properly. I have tried a lot of different things and couldn't find any solution.
Here is how the image should look like in unity:
And here is how it actually looks like:
If someone could tell me how to fix this, I would be very grateful.
Presumably the top image is a screenshot of your image manipulation program, many of which use the chequerboard pattern to mean transparency. As such, the image you have exported is a gradient going from almost solid white at the bottom to transparent at the top. This is why the image appears as such in Unity.
Also, if you're wondering why the image appears as though it has bands of different colours, this is due to a problem called colour banding. This can be fixed by using a technique called Dither (which adds some noise to the image), but how you do so will depend on which image manipulation program you are using.

Single/sub pixel misalignment of divs on ipad and iphone safari

I've got the following situation, and I need some help...
Two divs, same size, same location, one on top of the other
Everything works as expected on desktop browsers
On the iphone/ipad a faint line appears around the border of the divs
This faint line is not always on all four borders. It changes depending on the location of the divs. It looks to be happening as a result of the two divs not lining up properly, but according to their style settings, they are of identical size and location.
You can see the results here:
Any ideas?
I had a similar problem in a recent project where I had background image masks with different background color to colorize the resulting icons in mobile Safari. The problem was that when the page was scaled down by Safari, there was a line of the background color showing around the image, even though it should have been masked. I never found a way to prevent that leaking of the background color when the page is scaled down. It's clearly an error in mobile Safari's algorithms that recalculate the background and mask. I did find a workaround: I put an outline on the element with the same color as the background of the element's parent. The outline is outside the element and therefore masks the part bleeding out. If your element's parent has a pattern background that's drastic, this won't work that well, but if it's a solid color, it'll do just fine.
A negative margin is the only way I found to prevent this.
For example, if you have a faint horizontal gap between 2 divs, adding a top margin of -1px to the second div will make it overlap slightly and the gap will not reappear as the page is scaled.
Some situations (like image sprites or repeat patterns) may need a little more tweaking, but the general idea is the same. For a sprite, make sure there is no big color change within 1 pixel of the cropping border. The bleed is never more than 1 pixel, so a 1 pixel adjustment is enough.
The problem is not only with divs matching together, but also with image sprites.
I followed the advise in this thread of setting initial viewport scale to 1.0. The sub-pixel bug was gone, but then I tested my website on other devices, like Android, and realized a full size page is annoying, since users have to re-scale every time it's loaded. So I preferred to disable the scale and wait until Apple fixes it. Then one day I was thinking how to solve the problem with the margins of the page, and I came to this simple solution in CSS:
html {
min-width: 1024px;
Devices capable of this resolution, such as iPad in horizontal position, will set the document scale to 1.0. In my case this is enough solution, since I can show the page is working just right, and the sub-pixel bug is in Safari/iOS, which will be solved in the future hopefully.
It totally depends on one's situation, but in our case we use negative margins as proposed by this thread or a box shadow since outline only applies to all borders and ie. outline-bottom does not exist.
* Prevent faint lines between elements.
* #link
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 red;
I also solved the iOS sub pixel gap issue (on a full screen site) by using overflow-x: hidden; to stop side ways scrolling & viewpoint scale to stop pitch zooming. I also had holder divs set at width: 101%; and all the elements/image divs inside set to float: left;. This means the sub pixel gaps are all on the left hand site but pushed out of view by the holder div set at 101% width.
Remove "clear:both" (if there is) from div below the gap.
I also had to solve this. If you are using Div's to define sections only then.
.background-color {
background-color: blue;
.background-color div {
background-color: inherit;
I'd try playing with meta/viewport options, specifically setting initial scale to 1.0 and disabling user zooming.

Loupe Magnification with White Text & Clear Background on Iphone

You guys helped so much with my last question, I figured I'd give you a shot at another. I have written an app with a theme that uses a dark blue glassy background and white / gray text and labels. The textfields in my app have clearcolor backgrounds and white texts and everything shows up very well. My only concern is that when you hold down a touch in a text box to get the magnification loupe, of course the white text shows up on a white background... which you can not read. Anybody got any ideas on how to implement a usable loupe here?
Unfortunately, the only "public" way I know how to change the loupe background is by setting textField.backgroundColor
I assume that since you're setting your backgrounds as clearColor, the magnifier defaults to white background, so the only way is to set your backgroundColor as something not clear.
I'm also assuming that since you did mention that you set your backgrounds a clear, that having it not be clear is not an option. So two ways I can think up in my mind about how to get around this is:
Assuming that the magnification lopue gets its background color by calling the backgroundColor implementation (and not some other obscure private API method): override the backgroundColor method and return a solid color.
Create your own loupe (probably not feasible)
I figured out a simple work around that achieved the desired effect. I also went through the full process of making my own loupe but since there is clear documentation on making your own loupe (see kiyoshi's answer), and this other method is ridiculously simple, I decided to document it here. It is basically just faking the clear background so that the white text shows up in the loupe. The background I am using for the view looks like blue smoke on a darker blue background:
alt text
I took a screenshot of the simulator with the textfield visible and a black background so it would show up better:
alt text
Then I took that screenshot and made it semi transparent in photoshop, and overlayed my original background image to find exactly where the textfield appeared on the background:
alt text
Then I copied the exact pixels that would be used as the background of the textfield into a new PNG and saved that and set it as the the background image:
alt text
forwardToField.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage: [UIImage imageNamed:#"textboxback.png"]];
Keep in mind that the image will be repeated as a pattern within the loupe... so if you don't want to see the edges, simply make sure your textfield is larger than the loupe height and width.
alt text
alt text
I hope this helps somebody out there!
Actually its pretty feasible to create your own loop. Haven't tried subitting to apple yet so don't know how they feel about it.
Basic idea is override touches, use a timer to see how long the user has been touching the screen. The loupe is just a UIView that grabs as an image the view behind it and magnifies it.
Check out this article from Craftymind here
The article has you cache the entire image behind which is definitely faster, for rendering the loupe, but if you have stuff (i.e. textFields) that are constantly changing I've been able to render the loope image real-time without too much of a performance hit.

Changing color of part of an image

I have a png image file that is partly opaque and partly transparent. I display it in a UIImageView as a mask of sorts over another UIImageView layered behind it (as a sibling subview of a common superview). It gives me perfect borders around something painted using a finger on the lower UIImageView in my stack of UIImageViews. Perhaps there are better ways to do this, but I am new-ish, and this is the best way I came up with thus far. None the less, my app is in the App Store and now I want to enhance it to provide more images to use as the mask of sorts over the finger painting. But I don't want to bloat my bundle size by adding more static mask images as I did for the initial implementation. Not to mention I don't want to spend lots of time in photoshop making 100 masks. I'd rather programmatically change the color of the mask, without affecting the clear portion in the middle, which is not a simple regtangle or circle, but rather a complex shape. So my question is this: How can I change the colored portion of my loaded image without affecting the clear color portion in the middle? Is there a reasonably easy way to do this? Essentially I want to do what is described in this post (How would I tint an image programmatically on the iPhone?) without affecting the clear portion of my image. Thanks for any insights.
Have a look at the Tinted Image sample project. Try out the different modes until you get the effect you want.