Iphone: app action slow first time then fast - iphone

I have noticed that every single user interface action which is done for first time is slow. The very same action the next time is fast.
It deals with the sdk embedded functionality such as the camera, or my own functionalities such as my opengl button animations.
I have read that building for running could solve the problem, but for my case it doesn't.
Anyone has met a similar phenomena ? and how did you address it ?


How to delay the start of a function

so i have built my first application in X Code using swift, and i have also taken the time to add the game centre functionality to it, however my question is, how would i delay the start of my game, in order for game centre to load, as of right now, the game starts, and then the game centre banner appears on top of my game before disappearing.
would it be sufficient to use something like, on the function containing my main game attributes:
would i be better off adding a splash screen?
if anyone has any other suggestions, that would be helpful.
thanks in advance.
Better to subscribe under GameCenter, listen a complete event and then produce your next initialization. Avoid timers in similar situations, because time of processing depends from many factors, and rely to specific delay is not good idea.
If you are waiting for the game to load, then starting a timer is probably not the best solution, because you don't know how long the loading takes on different devices with different capabilities.
A better idea is to load your game and then have a completion method that is called to start the game when it is ready to be run.

Response time for a UIButton

I have developed a test for iPod/iPhone (with MonoTouch if that is relevant) that measures reaction time. But I need to take into consideration the time between touching the screen and actual triggering of the button event. Is there any documentation of that?
It's already very hard to almost impossible to get predictable interrupt latency on real time operating systems.
But on the iPhone? Imho impossible. A capacitive touchscreen is not optimal to get results that are exactly the same for each body and location. And if mail.app decides to poll for emails just at the moment you'll touch the screen there will be a bigger delay.
But to make one thing clear, we are speaking about some micro seconds or even less than that.
If you want accurate results you shouldn't use an iPhone. But I guess your app will be some kind of game, so nobody cares if your result is 0.01 seconds off. But I wouldn't show results as 0.381829191 seconds, that fakes accuracy you'll never get on any smartphone.
What is the lowest reaction time you got in your app?
The time between an actual touch and the system registering it will be negligable.
One key thing: if you are detecting the press using touch events like touchUpInside, consider using the touchesDownInside event because touchesUpInside, will not fire until the user's finger leaves the screen.

How to avoid UI freezes?

Im trying to find the best way to avoid having tiny UI lockups after certain events in my app. For example here are two cases where i have come across mini-lockups:
I have a button that when pressed loads a local mp3 file (around 20-30mb) using AVAudioPlayer, calls the prepareToPlay method and then plays the audio file. The issue is that the button has the showsTouchWhenHighlighted flag set to yes and after pressing it it stays highlighted until the audio file begins playing which could take 1-3 secs.
Another similar example is using a navbar button to sort and reload the table data. There is a very short but noticeable lockup where the button remains highlighted until the table has reloaded.
Can anyone suggest a good approach to minimizing/eliminating these mini lockups? I didnt really come across any code to achieve this in any of the books/tutorials i read that dealt with tableviews and avaudioplayer. Should i be launching these actions on different threads?
For number 1, your best bet is to load the item on a background thread and inform the user that you're doing so (either via a loading HUD or some other indicator). The simplest way of doing this will be to use - (void)performSelectorInBackground:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)arg;. If you're running iOS 4.0 + you may want to look into executing block callbacks and see if they will work for you.
For number 2, perform the sorting on the background thread or change your sorting method (consider using a sorted data structure rather than resorting after inserts?). reloadData should occur only on the main thread.
I'm an iPhone noob myself, but it sounds like your code is stuck doing synchronous actions, which will guarantee that your UI gets locked up until the action is done executing.
Although I don't have an explicit answer, look for asynchronous options to perform these actions as they will not lockup your UI. These are usually achieved through using threads or deferred objects. From my experience so far w/ Objective-C, most actions your program neds to take can be achieved through async actions.

Initial iPhone virtual keyboard display is slow for a UITextField. Is this hack around required?

I have an app with a UITextField, amongst other things. When the user first taps on the text field, there is a noticeable delay before the virtual keyboard appears. On a 3GS it isn't too obvious, but on an older iPhone the delay can be around 1 second. After that the keyboard always pops up instantly. The delay is only the first time the keyboard pops up after app startup.
It looks like the initial UIKeyboard instantiation takes some time (quite a bit...) but is kept around after that.
I found very little information about this, which surprised me. However I did find this write up of the issue along with a hack-around solution.
My question is: is this hack around the only available solution? Is there a way to signal the framework (e.g. via info plist?) to instantiate the keyboard on startup?
No, there is no other (documented) way to do that. And even Apple's built-in apps (such as Maps) suffer from the same problem. You can either go with the hack you linked to or follow Apple's advice to not load stuff in advance before you really need it. By the way, this isn't much of an issue anymore with the iPhone 3Gs and the new iPod touch. The newer and faster devices load the keyboard almost instantly.

Freezes application in button action

I doing a game application using cocos2d.In this application two game are include together. When playing game i include a action for switching the game. when i use this button two or three times change the game but after that the game is freezes & not work any more until the game is close the game. If anyone have a solution than give me some information that how can i overcome in this problem.
Are you sure you don't have memory leak problems when switching games?
Its difficult to diagnose correctly with so little information but my guess would be that the switch process isnt done correctly and after a few times some memory/variables get corrupted