Creating a new table in sonar database - plugins

I have to create a new table in sonar database to develop my plugin.
Is it possible to create a new table in sonar database using java.

You should not try to extend Sonar DB when developing a plugin, otherwise this will cost you a lot when doing the successive migrations to future versions of Sonar.
Instead, you should use Sonar API to achieve what you want. And if you miss some features, then you can come and discuss it on Sonar DEV mailing-list.
But I advise you not to try to do some fancy stuff with the DB, that will cost you a lot of effort to maintain in the future.


Entity Framework Database Generation Power Pack?

I use Model-first with EF, and I want to have an automated gap DDL script when I change my model. With "Entity Framework Database Generation Power Pack" We had it in past, but I read that was not supported in VS2012.
Any changes about that?
For Who dont't understand this need, I would like to remmember that in production enviroments, development team dosen't have access to DB. We must create and send to production Support team, DDL deployment scripts that preserve data and all DB without any recreation.
You should have a look at Database.SetInitializer, which mainly determines what happens if there is no database present when the application is started for the first time, and migrations which can be used to update the datebase when a new application version (which requires an updated database) has been deployed. If the built-in support for migrations data aren't enough, you also have the ability to add raw SQL data to handle migrating to a new version.

Sails.js : Compile native database functions/procedures on sails lift

I am using sails.js with postgres as the database. Although most of the actions can be easily handled via waterline ORM, there are certain cases I prefer to use native queries and sometimes even postgres' native stored functions. However, the challenge with stored functions is that they come with an overhead of code maintenance.
In my project repo, I have created a directory sql which contains all the SQL functions. Currently, I have to manually make sure that whenever I am making some changes to a function, I need to recompile it on database.
I need to configure it such that these are compiled whenever I restart the server, just like all the models are re-created. Is it possible to do this and how ?
Sails doesn't have any built-in support for compiling Postgres stored procedures, but you could make a Grunt task for this. Take a look at the documentation for tasks. These are run every time you lift Sails (and in some cases, when files are changed).
A quick Google found the grunt-pg-utils package, which might help you on your way.

connecting to crystal server database

I tried to google this but I failed.
Is there a way (I know it is, found this link but with insufficient details) to connect to crystal server's database?
We are runnig many reports daily which sometimes fail, sometimes don't run at all, we accept this as a part of server imperfection. The issue is, that checking each reports instance through CMC is very inconvenient and time consuming. If I could check it directly in some other way it would be much easier to manage.
The server version is 12.0
While the CMS repository is a plain database, querying it directly (using SQL) is discouraged, unsupported and generally a bad idea.
If you want to query the repository, you have several other options:
Use the built-in Query Builder web application (a web application called AdminTools, normally deployed on your application server). This offers a SQL-like interface for querying the repository, though a lot of SQL features are not available (e.g. table joins). Official documentation is also generally lacking for Query Builder, but if you're interested, there's a very good guide available here.
Use the Java or .NET SDK to query the repository. SDK documentation is available on SAP SCN. This is the most powerful option, but also requires you to do everything yourself. And it will take some time to become familiar with all the different classes and how they relate to the BI Platform.
Use a 3rd-party tool. Different solutions exist, with different feature sets, although it seems that most stopped working when BI4 came out, and the ones that exist usually require a server component as well.
Additional information:
How to browse CMS repository (SAP Wiki)
Query Builder in BO – Browse / Query BO Repository
BusinessObjects Query builder - Basics
Using Query Builder to Explore Your BusinessObjects Repository
You could also more-or-less automate the querying of the repository (although it's very basic) by following the instructions outlined in this blog post.

Migrating from Entity Framework Code First from Development to Production

I have been working on a side project for the last few weeks, and built the system with EntityFramework Code first. This was very handy during development, as any changes i needed to make to the code were reflected in the DB nice and easily. But now that i want to launch the site, but continue development, i dont want to have to drop and recreate the DB every time i make a tweak to a model...
Is there a way to get EF to generate change scripts for the model change so i can deploy them myself to the production server? And how do i use the database somewhere else (Windows Service in the background of the site) without having to drop and recreate the table, and use the same model as I have already? Kind of like a "Code first, but now i have a production DB, dont break it..."
Personally i use the builtin data tools in VS2010 to do a database schema synchronization for updating production.
Another cheaper tool if you dont have VS Premium is SQLDelta which ive used in the past and is really good.
Both tools connect to the two database versions and allow you to synchronise the table schemas first. Both also have an export to SQL script functionality.
Comming up for EF is Migrations which allows you to solve just this problem within your solution however its still in beta. Migrations lets you describe upgrade and downgrade events for your database in code.
No RTM version of EF has this feature. Once you go to production you must handle it yourselves. The common way is to turn off database initializer in production and use some tool like VS Premium or RedGate Database compare to compare your production and dev database and create change SQL script.
You can also try to use EF Migrations which is exactly the tool you are asking for. The problem is it is still beta (but it should be part of EF 4.3 once completed) so it doesn't have to work in all cases and functionality / API can change in RTM.

ASP.MVC2.0/EF4.0 site deployment/maintenance

My small team used asp.mvc 2.0/entity framework 4.0(model first approach)/Windows Server 2008r2/Sql Server 2008 r2 stack in out web site project. We've already complete developing process, and come to the web deployment stage. In this stage we are faced with the problem - ok we'll use vs2010 features for initial server/db deploy, but what we'll do in the future? Obviously some of our models can be modified after publishing in order to satisfy new conditions, and of course our server db will contains users data sets, articles etc. Is there any approach to update servers db with new db modification, without dropping db, and converting data from old instance to the new one?
Now we have found only DAC/DACPAC approach to update server db, but we don't know how to bind auto EF model generation with DAC.
May be there is exists another solution? Is there any standard way to resolve this kind of situation? Any advice?
I'd be interested to know if you have found a solution to this yet?
Have you tried simply generating a database based on your EF model, and using a schema comparison tool such as SQL Compare to deploy changes from the EF-generated database and your target production server?