I'm using Eclipse Juno with Pydev 2.7.1, but I would like to import an external folder in order to modify its contents directly from Eclipse's editor (and reciprocally) .
Is that really impossible ?
I've looked at this stackoverflow post, but it did say how to add external files to PYTHONPATH.
I've also found this stackoverflow post : but I still can't edit the external files :(
Thanks in advance.
Ok I've found it.
Found in the official faq : How can I import existing projects (option 1)
Create a new PyDev project
Says that you don't want default folder for the new project (see screen capture).
Select the directory where are the sources you need to modify directly from Eclipse Editor (see screen capture).
I'm using the Android Developer Tools wrapper of Eclipse, and the EGit git plugin for Eclipse. I'm having a problem where I'm generating Javadoc, but I can't find it in the package explorer.
I go to Project->Generate Javadoc.
I'm using C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin\javadoc.exe as my Javadoc command, and I select the package I want to generate Javadoc for.
I select the standard doclet with the following destination, where ReverseSentence is my package.
I check "open generated index file in browser", and generate the javadoc. It generates the Javadoc with no errors, and the index shows up in the main section of eclipse. However, the files don't show up in the package explorer.
I searched in the workspace through opening up the folder, and inside workspace\ReverseSentence there is a folder doc, which contains the proper Javadoc. However it isn't showing up in the package explorer.
How do I make it show up in the package explorer? When I used the regular version of Eclipse in the past (not the android developer tools wrapper), the Javadocs showed up there automatically.
What I've tried:
refreshing the project
closing and restarting eclipse
generating the Javadoc with an older version of the Javadoc command, which was what I was using in the other version of eclipse last time it worked (jdk1.6.0_43)
deleting the doc folder, recreating it, then trying to generate the javadoc in it (it generated in it but did not show up)
unchecking the filters which hide some things in the package explorer, (as shown how to do here: How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?)
I think that the problem is the destination folder/directory for your Javadoc files once they are generated. I encountered this same problem and discovered (finally) that the Javadocs were getting sent to a different folder than my package files were in. They went to the workspace folder I thought held all of my code also, but the code was going into a different repository. Maybe try looking for your code's location and then seeing if the generated Javadocs are landing somewhere else when they are generated. If this is the case, then the fix is to regenerate and send to the code's directory. This way, Package Explorer should be able to find and display them. Hope this helps!
Did you try by refreshing the workspace or re-opening the eclipse !?
Check the filters in the settings of the explorer. If something does not show up, usually the filter hides it. The filter can be accessed in the drop down menu of Package Explorer.
I've searched for 2 days and can't find anything. I find things that are close, but not what I need.
I got a new computer recently and copied all of my projects over to my new computer.
I opened Eclipse and generated a workspace, which I then closed out of Eclipse and copied my projects into the workspace/projects folder.
I reopen Eclipse and my projects do not show up at all in the package explorer.
I know that I have the correct folders in the correct directory.
The closest thread I found to this is: Eclipse - Import an existing project?
but even that didn't help, my projects already meet that...
I have tried refreshing, reopening, fooling with working sets, etc...
Just because you have a project inside the workspace directory doesn't mean Eclipse opens it or even sees it automatically. You must use File - Import - General - Import existing project into workspace to have your project in Eclipse.
For Juno: (With Source in E:\workspace and destination in C:\workspace)
Copy project directory in its entirety to the workspace directory.
(e.g. Copy E:\workspace\HelloWorld C:\workspace\helloWorld)
Start Eclipse.
Perform: File --> Import
Select: General -- > "Existing Project into Workspace"
"Next >"
Check "Select root Directory"
Select with "Browse Button"
Select "C:\workspace"
A list of existing projects will appear. Just check the ones that are in Bold (To Be Imported) then press the "Finish" button.
Review the Package Explorer and your copied projects should now be there.
This problems comes while .metadata of current workspace has been corrupted due to shut down Eclipse Unexpectedly. So if you face this problem just do the following steps:
Create a new workspace.
Import your existing projects to your new workspace.
you made it!
I had the same problem over and over again the solution that a have found works for now
Close Eclipse.
go to workspace.metadata.plugins
remove org.eclipse.core.resources
Start Eclipse
Do File->Import
General->Existing Projects into Workspace and import all the project from the workspace
Netbeans allows you to do a simple filecopy.
As you know, Eclipse doesn't work like that. You must explicitly "import" files and projects.
If you do import, and if there are no problems, then they should show up.
I'd consider:
a) making a backup of your existing workspace
b) deleting and reinstalling Eclipse
c) Trying another "test import"
You put them in the workspace/projects folder. You should put them directly in the workspace folder and then do an Import Existing Projects into workspace.
in Eclips the Package Explorer
Right click on any viewable project and select Show in -> Project Explorer
Package Explorer -> Right click -> Show in ->Project Explorer
you should be able to see all the imported projects in your Eclipse workspace
Even I had also observed the similar problem. I had closed my eclipse project because of some reason and on restart some of my file added were not visible in explorer even though corresponding file were existing.
Following solution worked for me:
Select whole workspace (Ctrl+A) ==> Righ click and press Refresh.
Or you could try:
Go to File -> Switch Workspace
Select your workspace (if shown)
As I had imported my project from a "git clone", I had to select File->Import-> Git->Project from git -> Existing local repository
Here's a specific problem I ran into when downloading a project from the internet.
Make sure you unzip correctly if it's zipped, you can sometimes get an extra level.
Make sure you place the project in the project file, not directly in workspace.
See if .project and .classpath have been renamed to _project and _classpath. You can't rename them directly so open a text document called .classpath and paste _classpath 's contents in there, saving as all files, not a .txt. _classpath can be opened with notepad.
Import the project from the file workspace. It will look for a folder called projects, your's should be inside it.
Hope this helps :)
The following worked for me.
Create a new project in eclipse.
After creating a new project in
eclipse, right click and select import.
General Import > File System
Select all the folders under your project except the root one. Click
This would create the required meta data and other internal eclipse project file system which will display your project's files.
You can also import the project directly as a file system. Follow the above steps if you are unable to import it directly.
Hi i also come across same problem, i try many options ,but finally the most easy way is,click of down arrow present inside ProjectExplorer-> customize View->filter-> unchecked close project.
And will able to see all closed projects.
I have tried many of the option suggested but at last importing project in new workspace solved my problem.
I think there is some problem in metadata files in old workspace.
I just wish to add one important detail to the answers above. And it is that even if you import the projects from your chosen root directory they may not appear in bold so you won't be able to select them. The reason for this may be that the metadata of the projects is corrupted. If you do encounter this problem then the easiest and quickest way to fix it is to rid yourself of the workspace-folder and create a new one and copy+paste your projects (do it before you erase the old workspace) folders to this new workspace. Then, in your new worskapce, import the projects as the previous posts have explained.
Yeah.... i kinda see what you need. I just came across same problem.
Here is exactly what i did. Now, bear in mind, this some low level knowledge, since i'm just starting. I made my life complicated, so i needed solution. I kinda found it on my own, using different directions from above answers.
I switched from win 10 on HDD to linux on SSD, so i needed my few of .class and .java imported into new workspace.
First i made a mistake, not using export option on windows and i just simply copied all of files from src and bin folders on win 10 to src and bin folders on linux. Of course workspace did not see those files.
Solution was found in IMPORT tool (which i should have used right away).
I put all of files in src folder into zipp file, and moved this file to some arbitrary folder (Home folder in my case).
Go back to src folder and delete all of .java files (you won't be needing them anymore).
Then i opened my empty project and selected import from File menu in Eclipse.
In import window, under option General (first one) select Import Archive.
Now simply find your zip file, and Voila! All is where it should be.
Problem: After creating a PyDev Project, the project does not show up in "PyDev Package Explorer" ;(
Solution: This is what I do to see them all in "Project Explorer":
I am using Eclipse IDE 2019-12
click on "Resource" icon at the top right corner
Now you shall see all projects show up in "Project Explorer".
Tricky note: now if you click on "PyDev" icon, you will see less projects show up in "PyDev Package Explorer" Magic?
What I did wrong about it, I used "import" - > "Projects from Folder or Archive" because I thought it would be the same thing. You have to use "Existing Projects into Workspace". Maybe this helps someone.
I experienced the same issues and I just click on Window -> Show view -> then Project explorer.
Then I got my project that was inside my eclipse workspace.
For almost every library I've come to see a link of the JAVADOCS jar to be downloaded, plain and simple. Why There is no jar for SWT ? and if there is why it's not on their website ..
Please note that I know there is a version in Eclipse help, and there is an online version, which I can't link to cause It doesn't validate cause it's in php ! no Index.html found
Though that's not what I'm looking for I tried it, I'm using SWT.jar and I want to attach the javadocs jar to it so when CTRL+Space and highlight a method I just see the docs right away beside etc you know..
Anyway Because I think SWT is so great I feel like there is a simple way to do that and I just can't see it maybe. if there is nothing I think I should file a feature request or somethin' to them.
Ok I kinda knew this question was not going to get much interest, so I gave it another try and I came back cause I don't want anyone to waste 1 hour of trying to figure out something like that..
Download the swt zip
Go to eclipse and load existing project
you'll find src.zip in that project
unzip src.zip and copy the folder "org" org\eclipse\swt..
paste that folder in src (inside the project)
select org folder in eclipse then go to project >> generate javadocs
If you're in windows you probably going to press on (Configure) to pick up the Javadoc.exe file it's in the C:\programFiles\java\jdk-xyz\bin\
choose where you want to drop the doc files, next then finish
ok, just go to the files and zip it, P.S zip the files don't zip the folder which contains the files cause when you load the docs as archive and validate it won't see the index.html
if you want to know how to load the archive, google it's in (in project properties>> java buildpath >> libraries tab >> swt jar >> add jar >> add your SWT.jar then expand and edit the javadoc location..
That was Robo detailed I know, I just don't want someone to read this and still can't do it
The suggested way to develop SWT apps is by following the instructions at Developing SWT applications using Eclipse. Each download page of eclipse includes an SWT section with SWT source complete zips.
The second way as mentioned is to look in your eclipse/plugins directory and use the 2 arch compatible jars provided there:
The source jar can be attached so as to provide javadoc. The javadoc (for most of the API shipped with eclipse) is stored in the eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv_3.7.0.v20110602-0800.jar jar. If you unzip that, it should be in reference/api
I know that Eclipse is setting up a maven repository, although a quick scan for org.eclipse.swt only found 3.6.2 binaries and source. See http://maven.eclipse.org. They're still in they trail phase.
I know it's possible in eclipse to open file browsers from your project's resource browser, but is it possible for files that aren't part of your project ? Typically external includes are not found in your resource browser...
If there is the equivalent of $(resource_loc) for the editor, it would work.. But I wasn't able to find it. Can anyone help me on this ?
EDIT : I Found StartExplorer, but it doesn't work for me. It is hardcoded to use WINDOWS explorer or cmd.exe. Also, it still requires you to use the resource browser. Other than that it can open paths selected in the editor, but they must be full paths.
EDIT 2 : StartExplorer seems to have been upgraded. I no longer use eclipse, but if someone else is still looking for this, I'd look again at their stuff!
For eclipse Luna (4.4) and later, You can use: Right Click->Show In->System Explorer
"Window" -> "Open Perspectives" -> "Remote Systems", then a view with root 'Local' node will be displayed.
While in Project Explorer pane, to browse files of any node, right click and select Show in Remote Systems view to get there.
From StartExplorer website:
This plug-in is inherently not platform-independent. Currently, the following operating systems/desktop environments are supported out of the box: Windows, Mac OS, Linux with Gnome, Linux with KDE, Linux with Xfce, Linux with LXDE.
As far as I know you have to create a linked folder for your external includes to achieve your goal. After that you can use StartExplorer for you externals as well. If you do not like that plugin you could try another similar one called EasyShell which is a similar one but you can configure all of its commands.
EasyShell seems quite descent to me (used in Ubuntu). It gives you the choices to open the Nautilus, to open the shell, to run a file and to copy the selected path. All of them appear with a right click on the package explorer of Eclipse. The installation was with no problems. Therefore, I would suggest it.
Hope I helped!
You might want to try eExplorer, see my answer on https://stackoverflow.com/a/24149472/612123
If you are using git, you can open Window > Show View > Other > Git Repositories. That will give you a Git Repositories explorer, which shows the Working Tree. The Working Tree will show all files in the filesystem, even temporary ones you created that are not added to git yet.
Another way is to open Window > Perspective > Other > Git.
Shortcut key can also be created in Eclipse>Help>Preferences>General>Keys
I have a problem with Netbeans simply not recognizing Javadocs in external libraries. I've gone into the library path and specified a valid javadoc path (Netbeans accepts the path without error). But even after re-building/opening closing Netbeans, I still get the "Javadoc not found" error for all items in the library.
I'm stuck on where to go since there is no error message, and I can browse the docs using a web-browser. Any ideas?
The version of NEtbeans is 6.5.1
The files are uncompressed in a directory that has been added to the the Javadoc tab of the properties for the library. The library works as expected.
I've tried clearing the Netbeans cache to no effect.
I got it working. I deleted the library, the re-created it added the Javadocs. Now it works perfectly.
Could you please be more specific: What is your version of NetBeans? Where are those javadocs located? Are they unpacked in a separate folder, in a zip file, in jar file?
Here is a working solution for NetBeans 6.5 for an example:
Go to Project Properties > Libraries dialog
On "Compile" tab press the "Add JAR/Folder" button and locate your library
On "Compile" tab press the "Edit" button with your library selected
Add path to either: a) docs folder of that library, containing index.html and the rest of the files; b) zip file, containing that libraries docs folder;
It should work without re-building your project or restarting NetBeans.
If you have created a custom library, it can be edited in a very similar fashion through "Tools > Libraries"
Sounds similar to a problem i had recently, turned out all i had to do was delete the cache to force NetBeans to rebuild.
If #slink84's suggestion fails to help, you might try #dr Hanibbal Lecter's method from my question on stackoverflow