Mobile Flex 4.5 FormItem errorTip not showing - forms

I'm currently trying to use the numbervalidator to validate that a couple of my fields that are using decimal values. I'd like it appear how the mx examples show e.g.
Even though I've enabled it (read below), the errorTip is not appearing. And the error message it does show is placed at the top of the screen rather than within the formitem.
<s:NumberValidator id="nv1" allowNegative="false" source="{field1}" property="text" fractionalDigits="3" />
<s:NumberValidator id="nv2" allowNegative="false" source="{field2}" property="text" fractionalDigits="3" />
I read a suggestion to override the formitem skin and set showErrorTip to true (on the contentGroup) but that had no impact. I also removed errorTextDisplay to try and stop the other error message appearing however that also had no impact.
I'd be happy enough if I could get the existing error messages to appear within the formItem (underneath). I've included the basic structure of my view below:
<s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<s:Form id="myForm" width="100%">
<s:FormLayout gap="0"/>
<s:HGroup width="100%">
<s:FormItem label="Field1" width="50%">
<s:TextInput id="field1" width="100%" text="{data.field1}" restrict="0-9." />
<s:FormItem label="Field2" width="50%">
<s:TextInput id="field2" width="100%" text="{data.field2}" restrict="0-9." />
It's a very long form (I've left out the other fields) which is why I've used a scroller and I'm showing the inputs in a two column layout.

Try this out, This should do the trick of showing the error message, U need to add a trigger to the validator and mention what event it has to trigger upon.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:NumberValidator id="nv1" allowNegative="false" source="{field1}" property="text" fractionalDigits="3"
trigger="{validate}" triggerEvent="click" requiredFieldError="No use"/>
<s:NumberValidator id="nv2" allowNegative="false" source="{field2}" property="text" fractionalDigits="3"
trigger="{validate}" triggerEvent="click" requiredFieldError="No use"/>
<s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<s:Form id="myForm" width="100%">
<s:FormLayout gap="0"/>
<s:VGroup width="100%">
<s:FormItem label="Field1" width="50%">
<s:TextInput id="field1" width="100%" text="11" restrict="0-9." />
<s:FormItem label="Field2" width="50%">
<s:TextInput id="field2" width="100%" text="22" restrict="0-9." />
<s:Button id="validate" label="Validate"/>

The reason why you were getting differnent type of error with an icon is because you have used <s:Form> and <s:FormItem>, While changing it to <mx:Form> and <mx:FormItem> you will get the old kind of error with the highlighted box and error on tool tip. Try the below sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:NumberValidator id="nv1" allowNegative="false" source="{field1}" property="text" fractionalDigits="3" />
<s:NumberValidator id="nv2" allowNegative="false" source="{field2}" property="text" fractionalDigits="3" />
<s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:Form id="myForm" width="100%">
<s:HGroup width="100%">
<mx:FormItem label="Field1" width="50%">
<s:TextInput id="field1" width="100%" text="1" restrict="0-9." />
<mx:FormItem label="Field2" width="50%">
<s:TextInput id="field2" width="100%" text="2" restrict="0-9." />

I've managed to find the solution to my own question, partially because I neglected to mention what turned out to be an important part of the problem. The default layout of the form skins were pretty terrible so I had switched to the StackedFormSkin and StackedFormItemSkin respectively.
However the Stacked skins move the errorTextDisplay from the formitem to the form skin. What I ended up needing to do was create my own skins (c+p'd from the respective stacked skins).
In my form skins I simply removed the errorTextDisplay element from the FormSkin and copied errorTextDisplay from the original FormItemSkin, made a few alterations (as below) to make it appear underneath the text input.
<s:RichText id="errorTextDisplay" includeIn="errorStates"
fontStyle="italic" fontWeight="normal" color="0xFE0000"
left="contentCol:0" right="helpCol:10"
bottom="row3:10" baseline="row3:0"
You'll need to add row3 as an extra ConstraintRow.
Basically the change above will get the advantages of the StackedForm skins but means that you're error messages will still appear alongside the input which caused the error.


How to implement info bar about filter setting in sap.m.table?

In fiori guideline of View Setting and Responsive Table, there is a info bar shows the filter setting. How to implement it?
It looks like a sap.m.MessageStrip, but there are only five kinds of MessageType in MessageStrip(Error, Information...), seems no such color suits for this bar. Should I overwrite this color?
In this Demo, message strip is put above the Table, but in design, it seems to put between table title and column, how to implement it?
I've tried this:
<Title id="tableHeader" text="title"/>
text="Filtered By:"
But it looks like this:
It is called infoToolbar, not infoBar...
press="handleInfobarPress" >
<Label text="Filtered By: " />
<ToolbarSpacer />
tooltip="Reset filter"
<Title id="tableHeader" text="title"/>
infoToolbar is implemented in sap.m.ListBase as Aggregations:
Both sap.m.List and sap.m.Table borrowed these aggregations/methods from sap.m.ListBase.

GWT - DataGrid table with Filter in the same view / panel

I'm trying to add a DataGrid on my view.
I know that a DataGrid can only stay in a Layout Panel, because of the ProvidesResize and RequiresResize interfaces.
The thing is, I want to add a filter on top of the DataGrid Table, and the filter can't have a fixed height, it could be bigger or smaller.
No Layout Panel would accept more then one child to be resized, but the LayoutPanel itself. But still, each layer needs a height to be set in percentage, and that's not OK as well.
If I change the DataGrid with a CellTable and then add both in a Flow Panel, the problem would be solved, but the table has to be scrollable.
What I would need is a FlowLayoutPanel but there is no such Panel in GWT
I was thinking that the only way would be to try to create a custom panel which would implement ProvidesResize and RequiresResize interfaces.
This is how it looks like using a LayoutPanel :
<g:layer left="2%" right="68%" top="2%" bottom="93%">
<g:Label ui:field="gridBlurb" addStyleNames="{res.viewStandardStyle.viewTitle}" />
<g:layer left="2%" right="68%" top="9%" bottom="56%">
<g:FlowPanel ui:field="criteriaPanel" visible="false" />
<g:Button ui:field="refresh">
<ui:text from="{text.refreshButtonCaption}" />
<g:layer left="2%" right="2%" top="45%" bottom="5%">
<c:DataGrid ui:field='table' />
<g:layer left='2%' right='2%' top="95%" bottom="0%">
<table style="width:100%">
<td align='center'>
<c:SimplePager ui:field='pager' />
Can anyone help me with this ?
Many thanks in advance.
If you don't care about very old browsers, use flexbox CSS layout model - I use it with DataGrid (and for everything else) all the time.
Then you simply add display: flex; to your container (i.e. what you used LayoutPanel for), and then set flex-grow: 1 on your DataGrid. This will tell DataGrid to take all the available space after other widgets in the container have been rendered.
P.S. For the past few years I try to avoid LayoutPanels as much as possible for performance reasons, especially on mobile devices.
looks like the CSS did the trick.
Many thanks.
This is how it looks like :
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""
<ui:with field='res' type='com.vsg.vraweb.client.resource.Resources' />
<ui:with field='text' type='com.vsg.vralang.client.GlobalConstants' />
CSS Tricks tutorial :
1) 'display: flex;' - enables a flex context for all its direct children.
2) 'flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse;' - This establishes
the main-axis, thus defining the direction flex items are placed in the flex
3) flex-grow: <number>; - This defines the ability for a flex item to grow if necessary.
.container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.dataGrid {
width: 100%;
flex-grow: 1;
<g:FlowPanel addStyleNames="{style.container}">
<g:Label ui:field="gridBlurb" addStyleNames="{res.viewStandardStyle.viewTitle}" />
<g:FlowPanel ui:field="criteriaPanel" visible="false" />
<g:Button ui:field="refresh">
<ui:text from="{text.refreshButtonCaption}" />
<c:DataGrid ui:field='table' addStyleNames="{style.dataGrid}"/>
<table style="width:100%">
<td align='center'>
<c:SimplePager ui:field='pager' />

ZK framework getting value of a component on zul page

I am trying to get the value of a textbox on a zul page by using some kind of getValue method. I should handle this on the zul page, not on a controller. I need to assign a listbox cell (which is the first cell of the list box below) with a value coming from the textbox.
<label value="" />
<toolbarbutton visible="true"
image="/resources/images/icons/1616/page_text.gif" />
<label value="#{}" />
<toolbarbutton forward="onClick=onRemoveMultipleFiles"
visible="true" id="newFileAndCommentRemove" image="/resources/images/icons/1616/delete.png" />
If what you want is that after the textbox is filled then the first cell will fill with its value you can do it like this:
put an id into the label in the cell
put an onChange operation in the textbox so when the textbox change you can put its value into the cell
like this:
<textbox id="textbox" onChange="label.setValue(self.getValue())"/>
<listbox id="newFileAndComment">
<listheader label="1" width="30px" />
<listitem self="#{each=file}">
<label id="label"/>

Flex formitem label aligment oddity

I have paid a decent hair tribute to this one
Why in the world, Label 1 and Label 2 have different vertical alignments?
<s:Form width="100%">
<s:FormHeading width="100%" label="Heading" />
<s:FormItem width="100%" label="Label 1">
<s:HGroup verticalAlign="bottom">
<s:Label text="Size" fontSize="40"/>
<s:Label text="Mb"/>
<s:FormItem width="100%" label="Label 2">
<s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle">
<s:VGroup horizontalAlign="center">
<s:Label text="Set1" />
<s:Label text="{this.set1}" fontSize="40"/>
<s:Label text="Days" />
<s:Label text="+" fontSize="40" />
<s:VGroup horizontalAlign="center">
<s:Label text="Set2" />
<s:Label text="{this.set2}" fontSize="40" />
<s:Label text="Days" />
Bug or feature? The label of a FormItem is aligned with the baseline of the FormItem's content. A picture says more than a thousand words, so I'll show you what happens:
So it turns out to be a feature (thanks for asking this question: I didn't know this myself until today).
In order to "fix" this feature, you'll have to create a custom skin: create a skin class by copying the original spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin.
Find the element called labelDisplay; it should look like this:
<s:Label id="labelDisplay"
left="labelCol:0" right="labelCol:5"
bottom="row1:10" baseline="row1:0"/>
See that baseline attribute? That's what's causing the undesired behaviour.
You can simply remove it; the label will then always align to the bottom. If you wish to align it to the vertical center, you could alter it like this:
<s:Label id="labelDisplay" fontWeight="bold" verticalAlign="middle"
left="labelCol:0" right="labelCol:5" top="row1:10" bottom="row1:10"/>
Now all you need to do, is applying your custom skin to your FormItem:
<s:FormItem skinClass="my.custom.FormItemSkin">
Or in case of more frequent usage:
#namespace s "library://";
s|FormItem.centeredLabel {
skinClass: ClassReference("my.custom.FormItemSkin");
<s:FormItem styleName="centeredLabel">

Aspx grid view FileUpload

Bllow is my AspxGridview syntax
<dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" KeyFieldName="Menu_ID"
OnCellEditorInitialize="ASPxGridView1_CellEditorInitialize" OnCustomUnboundColumnData="ASPxGridView1_CustomUnboundColumnData">
<dx:GridViewCommandColumn VisibleIndex="0">
<EditButton Visible="True">
<NewButton Visible="True">
<DeleteButton Visible="True">
<dx:GridViewCommandColumnCustomButton Text="Create a Copy" ID="Copy" />
<dx:GridViewDataTextColumn Caption="Module_ID" FieldName="Module_ID" UnboundType="Integer"
<dx:GridViewDataButtonEditColumn Caption="Target_URL" FieldName="Target_URL" UnboundType="String"
<dx:EditButton Text=".." Width="5px">
<dx:GridViewDataTextColumn Caption="Menu_ID" FieldName="Menu_ID" UnboundType="Integer"
AspxGridview edit/insert mode Click on Target_URL column button i want to FileUpload .
Please take a look at the following example posted in our site: