Core Data merge behaviour - iphone

I tried to find an answer to this question, but I couldn't figure out a question from neither the doc nor StackOverflow. If there is already a question like this, I just didn't find it, so it will be very welcomed as the solution in case.
My situation is:
I have two core data entities, a User and a Driving Licence.
User <--- 1 to 1 ---> Driving Licence
I'm using Magical Record as an abstraction layer for the core data operations.
My User class (derived from NSManagedObject) exposes 2 methods.
One to access a singleton instance of the User (the only one used throughout the app):
+ (User *)currentUser {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
if ([User MR_findFirst] == nil) {
User *user = [User MR_createEntity];
user.drivingLicence = [DrivingLicence MR_createEntity];
[[user managedObjectContext] MR_save];
return [User MR_findFirst];
And a method used to reset the user data (derived from NSManagedObject):
- (void)resetFields
{ = nil;
self.surname = nil;
[self.drivingLicence MR_deleteEntity];
self.drivingLicence = [DrivingLicence MR_createEntity];
[self.managedObjectContext MR_save];
Sometimes, I would say quite randomly, the drivingLicence field happens to be null.
There may be occasions when the resetFields method is called by a background thread.
Could it be that, for the merge with the other contexts, tha sequence of instructions
[self.drivingLicence MR_deleteEntity];
self.drivingLicence = [DrivingLicence MR_createEntity];
can cause some confusion, bringing the drivingLicence to be just deleted at end?
Or what else could it be the reason for this unexpected null value?

When you use MR_createEntity, you are implicitly using the default context, accessed through [NSManagedObjectContext MR_defaultContext]. It is quite dangerous to do this unless you are ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE you are calling that from the main thread. In your examples, all this should work correctly if everything is called from the main thread AND your self.managedObjectContext instance variable is also pointing to the default context. Otherwise, you will need to be explicit about which contexts you are using. MagicalRecord provides these conventions for you by having an inContext: optional parameter at the end of every method that requires a context to work. Have a look at the MR_createInContext: method and be explicit with your context usage

Just hit this problem. Based on our discoveries, I wanted to add some comments to casademora's answer above:
It is important to remember that core data, as well as any of the MR_save methods, are not thread safe. We delegate our MagicalRecord actions to a queue to get around this issue. Specifically, it's important to remember not to do save actions (such as MR_saveToPersistentStoreAndWait) in multiple threads at the same time.
However the connection between MR_createEntity, MR_defaultContext, and the Main thread is more subtle. As of MagicalRecord version 2.3.x, I do not believe that MR_createEntity, with no arguments, defaults to MR_defaultContext. I believe it defaults to the MR_contextForCurrentThread. MR_contextForCurrentThread returns the default context if it's on the Main thread, but otherwise it does not. This is dangerous if you don't understand the consequences, as you could easily see what the original poster sees above (lost data).
In fact, this note indicates that you should use MR_createEntityInContext:localContext rather than MR_createEntity due to problems with MR_contextForCurrentThread when using GCD.
See the function definition in github for the logic where MR_createEntity uses MR_contextForCurrentThread.


Restkit and deadlock

Currently I'm using Restkit to control all my (Core-) data in my app. I'm using it to keep in sync with the server using RKManagedObjectMapping and I use [myMyNSManagedObject createEntitity] together with [[RKObjectManager §sharedManager].objectStore save] to manually edit items within Grand Central Dispatch.
Is there any recommendation to do this in this or an other way? Because sometimes the app freezes in a deadlock executing this code of Restkit
+ (NSArray*)objectsWithFetchRequest:(NSFetchRequest*)fetchRequest {
NSError* error = nil;
NSArray* objects = [[self managedObjectContext] executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
if (objects == nil) {
RKLogError(#"Error: %#", [error localizedDescription]);
return objects;
with that
- (NSError*)save {
NSManagedObjectContext* moc = [self managedObjectContext];
NSError *error;
#try {
if (![moc save:&error]) {
if (self.delegate != nil && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(managedObjectStore:didFailToSaveContext:error:exception:)]) {
in parallel. Before I switched to Restkit I put a "context performBlockAndWait" around each entity-editing code and was on the safe side with no deadlocks. I have no other NSManagedObjectContext or something created by myself, all comes from Restkit.
In my case, the problem was that I was passing NSManagedObjects across thread boundaries, and using them on threads other than the ones on which they were fetched from their respective NSManagedObjectContext. It was really subtle in my case, as I knew that I wasn't supposed to do this, but did it accidentally anyways. Instead of passing the managed objects, I started passing the NSManagedObjectIDs (and then fetching from the local thread's MOC), and haven't encountered a deadlock since. I'd recommend you do a deep scan of your code to make sure you are only using managed objects in the threads that spawned them.
We've encountered this exact problem in our app. Basically, CoreData nested contexts are very buggy in iOS5, and thus don't work as advertised. This has many manifestations, but one of them is the problem described above, deadlocking a fetch request vs. a background operation. This is well documented, instructive quote:
NSFetchedResultsController deadlocks
You never want your application to deadlock. With NSFetchedResultsController and nested contexts, it’s pretty easy to do. Using the same UIManagedDocument setup described above, executing fetch requests in the private queue context while using NSFetchedResultsController with the main queue context will likely deadlock. If you start both at about the same time it happens with almost 100% consistency. NSFetchedResultsController is probably acquiring a lock that it shouldn’t be. This has been reported as fixed for an upcoming release of iOS.
This SO answer has a possible fix that keeps nested contexts. I've seen others like it, basically liberally applying -performAndWait: calls. We haven't tried that yet (iOS5 has single digit percentages in our user base). Otherwise, the only other "fix" we know right now is abandoning nested contexts for iOS5 (cf. this SO answer).
That CoreData continues to be fundamentally broken for multithreading (in iOS 5) is inexcusable on Apple's part. You can make a good case now that trusting Apple on CoreData (multithreading, iCloud) seems to be opening a bag of pain.

Accessors / Getters and Lazy Initialization

I have a question about overriding auto-generated accessor methods. The following would not work (I believe) because each getter references the other getter. Is there a rule that accessor methods should not use other accessor methods, or do you just have to watch out for these situations individually?
-(UIImage *) image{
if(image == nil){
if( == nil){
[self performSelectorInBackground: #selector(loadImage) withObject: nil]
self.image = [UIImage imageWithData:];
return image;
-(NSData *) data {
if(data == nil){
if(self.image == nil){
[self performSelectorInBackground: #selector(loadData) withObject: nil]
}else{ = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(self.image, 0.85);
return data;
I have to emphasize that the image use presented here is an example, and thoughts concerning what to do in this particular example are less important than in the general case.
First, don’t be too smart for your own good. If you want to get over some bottleneck, first measure and make sure it’s really there. I believe that both UIImage and NSData do some internal lazy loading, so that your code might be essentially useless. Second, even if you really wanted to do something like that by hand, try splitting the caching code into a separate class, so that you don’t pollute the code of the main class.
There is no rule about accessors (at least no that I know of), because people don’t do much lazy loading in accessors. Sometimes I get myself caught by an endless loop caused by lazy [UIViewController loadView] in combination with [UIViewController view], but that’s about it.
There's nothing that forbids it, but you're definitely writing some confusing code. Essentially, these two properties have a circular dependency. This is hard to both read and debug. It's not clear why you'd want to "load the data" before you "load the image", or why you'd also want to support "loading the image" before you "load the data", or really how the two properties are really two different things.
what you're actually doing in this example could take a long time to load; it is best to ensure that it is thread safe.
furthermore, it would be even better if you made the data object a real data provider (typically using protocols), separate from the class, and to make the image container expose that it is handling a lazily loaded object (which may cause outcry from some people).
specifically, you may want to invoke a load data/image from the provider, call it from awakeFromNib (for example) - then the loader runs off and loads the data on a secondary thread (esp. if downloaded). give the data provider a callback to inform the view that the image is ready (typically using protocols). once the view takes the unarchived image, invalidate the data provider.
finally, if you're dealing with app resources, the 'system' will cache some of this for you sooo you'd be attempting to work against what's already optimised behind the scenes.
in short, it's usually ok (e.g. not lazy initialization) - but this specific design (as another poster said) has a circular dependency which should be minimized.

Core Data - How to check if a managed object's properties have been deallocated?

I've created a program that uses core data and it works beautifully.
I've since attempted to move all my core data methods calls and fetch routines into a class that is self contained. My main program then instantiates that class and makes some basic method calls into that class, and the class then does all the core data stuff behind the scenes. What I'm running into, is that sometimes I'll find that when I grab a managed object from the context, I'll have a valid object, but its properties have been deallocated, and I'll cause a crash. I've played with the zombies and looked for memory leaks, and what I have gathered is it seems that the run loop is probably responsible for deallocating the memory, but I'm not sure.
Is there a way to determine if that memory has been deallocated and force the core data to get it back if I need to access it? My managedObjectContext never gets deallocated, and the fetchedResultsController never does, either.
I thought maybe I needed to use the [managedObjectContext refreshObject:mergeData:] method, or the [managedObjectContext setRetainsRegisteredObjects:] method. Although, I'm under the impression that last one may not be the best bet since it will be more memory intensive (from what I understand).
These errors only popped up when I moved the core data calls into another class file, and they are random when they show up.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Sounds to me like you are not retaining objects you want to keep hanging around. If you are doing something like this:
NSArray *array = [moc executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
you do not own the returned array and it will most likely disappear when the current autorelease pool is drained. This will occur when the run loop finishes processing the current event.
All this is speculation. If you want a proper answer, you need to post your code.
It's hard to know what the problem is based on your description, but you might want to look at the Core Data memory management guide. You shouldn't have to worry about memory management for managed objects and their entities (they're fetched and faulted automatically). When you talk about "properties," do you mean custom properties backed by ivars? If so, these should be released in didTurnIntoFault and allocd as needed (probably in the accessor).
I was struggling with a similar issue. I'm using a managed object class and want to set its properties dependent on user input. But the sometimes the properties and sometimes the whole managed object were deallocated.
After reading the Apple documentation the chapter "The Role of the Managed Object Context" I learned that managed objects are released each run loop completes.
And there is the golden advice to set
[myMangedObjectContext setRetainsRegisteredObjects:YES];
(I had to set it in the init method (initWithNibName for me) of my view controller.)
You should also regard to retain only the objects you need to as explained in the documentation. But read it yourself.
If I'm not right please correct me.
I also made a class that handles all my CoreData fetching and stuff. I ran into a couple of gotcha's, so here are some tips. (If I am making any memory management errors in these examples, please let me know.)
Two things:
1) Made a "fetchFiredObject" method in the CoreData handler class. So when I want to get a managedObject that has all its variables and is a "fully feathered bird" so to speak, instead of doing:
aManagedObject *myManagedObject = [myCoreDataHandler.managedObjectStorageArray objectAtIndex:1];
int x = myManagedObject.someVariable.intValue;
instead I do:
aManagedObject *myManagedObject = [myCoreDataHandler fetchFiredObjectAtIndex:1];
int x = myManagedObject.someVariable.intValue;
And in myCoreDataHandler's fetchFiredObjectAtIndex:i method, we're going into the array, finding the object key at index i, then doing a fetchRequest for that object key, and returning the freshly-fetched managedObject so that it won't have been faulted or deallocated, etc. :D
2) When I create a new child viewController, I populate its "myCoreDataHandler" value from the parent upon creation. However, this happens on a subsequent line of code after the line of code that creates the new viewController. Therefore, any code in the child's viewDidLoad that tries to use myCoreDataHandler's methods will return empty objects because viewDidLoad completes before the parent's next line of code where it sets the values of globals in the child object. So make sure you are not accessing your "Core Data handling object" from within viewDidLoad or anything local methods called by viewDidLoad! Instead call them from the parent after creating the new viewController.

How can I maintain a global cache of objects? (or a NSMutableSet w/o retaining contents)

I have an iPhone app which deals with a subset of 25,000 places at any given time.
I'd like to maintain a cache of places so that I know that if one part of my application updates a place, every other part that knows about that place sees the update.
My naive implementation is create an NSMutableSet to store references to the cached places.
Methods that find new places will first check the cache and return the cached object or if the place isn't in the cache, they will create a new place object and add it to the cache.
The problem is how do I release objects that are no longer needed?
The NSMutableSet will retain the place so the retainCount will never go to zero and dealloc will never be called.
Is there a kosher method to handle the release scenario? Is there some other pattern for doing this that I'm not aware of.
(and CoreData is not an option at this point, but I understand that it handles this).
Thank you,
On the desktop you can do this with NSPointerSet, on the iPhone it is a bit more difficult.
You can use CoreFoundation to create a non-retaining set if you really want to:
//Default callbacks
CFSetCallBacks callbacks = kCFTypeSetCallBacks;
//Disable retain and release
callbacks.retain = NULL;
callbacks.release = NULL;
cachedPlaces = (NSMutableSet *)CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,
That makes a non-retaining set. Note that you still need to remove the objects from the set when they are released, otherwise you will have stale pointers in your set that will cause you to crash on a deref. So in the objects you are adding to the set you need a dealloc something like this:
- (void)dealloc {
[cachedPlaces removeObject:self];
[super dealloc];
This is only really suitable for a purely in memory cache of extant references, if you need to also move stuff to and from the disk then CoreData basically takes care of all of this for you.
You could use NSMutableSet as cache and rely on the fact that any object it contains with a retain count of 1 is only owned by the cache. Thus any object with a retain count of 1 should be removed, this is easily done:
NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"retainCount > 1"];
[cachedPlaces filterUsingPredicate:predicate];
Do this on a timer, or whenever a a place is added and/or removed if that is not too often. You could also make the predicate a static to avoid generating anew instance every time.
Use Core Data if you can deploy to iPhoneOS 3.0 or greater, or use SQLite for iPhoneOS 2.x. Either way you'll be able to use a database to store your data, and you'll be able to do queries to get fresh data sets.
As of iOS 4.0, the proper way to do this is to use an NSCache. It can automatically purge objects when the system sends a low-memory warning. You can also set limits on the cache size.
NSCache Class Reference
This question is old, but I recently came across a similar issue. I believe using NSHashTable can fit the requirements of this situation.
NSHashTable works better than NSCache or NSSet because it can hold weak references to your instances, so that once all references are dropped the instance is automatically removed from the NSHashTable thanks to ARC. This works as a kind of 'Just-in-Time' caching method, only retaining objects held elsewhere by strong references.
Considering that you have multiple parts of the application that could be adding references, using the NSHashTable as the Flyweight Pool of the Flyweight Pattern could be useful. The second part of the Flyweight pattern requires a factory, the factory would be responsible for checking for the instance in the pool, adding it to the pool if it's not found, then returning the pooled instance.

Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C

I'm just beginning to have a look at Objective-C and Cocoa with a view to playing with the iPhone SDK. I'm reasonably comfortable with C's malloc and free concept, but Cocoa's references counting scheme has me rather confused. I'm told it's very elegant once you understand it, but I'm just not over the hump yet.
How do release, retain and autorelease work and what are the conventions about their use?
(Or failing that, what did you read which helped you get it?)
Let's start with retain and release; autorelease is really just a special case once you understand the basic concepts.
In Cocoa, each object keeps track of how many times it is being referenced (specifically, the NSObject base class implements this). By calling retain on an object, you are telling it that you want to up its reference count by one. By calling release, you tell the object you are letting go of it, and its reference count is decremented. If, after calling release, the reference count is now zero, then that object's memory is freed by the system.
The basic way this differs from malloc and free is that any given object doesn't need to worry about other parts of the system crashing because you've freed memory they were using. Assuming everyone is playing along and retaining/releasing according to the rules, when one piece of code retains and then releases the object, any other piece of code also referencing the object will be unaffected.
What can sometimes be confusing is knowing the circumstances under which you should call retain and release. My general rule of thumb is that if I want to hang on to an object for some length of time (if it's a member variable in a class, for instance), then I need to make sure the object's reference count knows about me. As described above, an object's reference count is incremented by calling retain. By convention, it is also incremented (set to 1, really) when the object is created with an "init" method. In either of these cases, it is my responsibility to call release on the object when I'm done with it. If I don't, there will be a memory leak.
Example of object creation:
NSString* s = [[NSString alloc] init]; // Ref count is 1
[s retain]; // Ref count is 2 - silly
// to do this after init
[s release]; // Ref count is back to 1
[s release]; // Ref count is 0, object is freed
Now for autorelease. Autorelease is used as a convenient (and sometimes necessary) way to tell the system to free this object up after a little while. From a plumbing perspective, when autorelease is called, the current thread's NSAutoreleasePool is alerted of the call. The NSAutoreleasePool now knows that once it gets an opportunity (after the current iteration of the event loop), it can call release on the object. From our perspective as programmers, it takes care of calling release for us, so we don't have to (and in fact, we shouldn't).
What's important to note is that (again, by convention) all object creation class methods return an autoreleased object. For example, in the following example, the variable "s" has a reference count of 1, but after the event loop completes, it will be destroyed.
NSString* s = [NSString stringWithString:#"Hello World"];
If you want to hang onto that string, you'd need to call retain explicitly, and then explicitly release it when you're done.
Consider the following (very contrived) bit of code, and you'll see a situation where autorelease is required:
- (NSString*)createHelloWorldString
NSString* s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Hello World"];
// Now what? We want to return s, but we've upped its reference count.
// The caller shouldn't be responsible for releasing it, since we're the
// ones that created it. If we call release, however, the reference
// count will hit zero and bad memory will be returned to the caller.
// The answer is to call autorelease before returning the string. By
// explicitly calling autorelease, we pass the responsibility for
// releasing the string on to the thread's NSAutoreleasePool, which will
// happen at some later time. The consequence is that the returned string
// will still be valid for the caller of this function.
return [s autorelease];
I realize all of this is a bit confusing - at some point, though, it will click. Here are a few references to get you going:
Apple's introduction to memory management.
Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (4th Edition), by Aaron Hillegas - a very well written book with lots of great examples. It reads like a tutorial.
If you're truly diving in, you could head to Big Nerd Ranch. This is a training facility run by Aaron Hillegas - the author of the book mentioned above. I attended the Intro to Cocoa course there several years ago, and it was a great way to learn.
If you understand the process of retain/release then there are two golden rules that are "duh" obvious to established Cocoa programmers, but unfortunately are rarely spelled out this clearly for newcomers.
If a function which returns an object has alloc, create or copy in its name then the object is yours. You must call [object release] when you are finished with it. Or CFRelease(object), if it's a Core-Foundation object.
If it does NOT have one of these words in its name then the object belongs to someone else. You must call [object retain] if you wish to keep the object after the end of your function.
You would be well served to also follow this convention in functions you create yourself.
(Nitpickers: Yes, there are unfortunately a few API calls that are exceptions to these rules but they are rare).
If you're writing code for the desktop and you can target Mac OS X 10.5, you should at least look into using Objective-C garbage collection. It really will simplify most of your development — that's why Apple put all the effort into creating it in the first place, and making it perform well.
As for the memory management rules when not using GC:
If you create a new object using +alloc/+allocWithZone:, +new, -copy or -mutableCopy or if you -retain an object, you are taking ownership of it and must ensure it is sent -release.
If you receive an object in any other way, you are not the owner of it and should not ensure it is sent -release.
If you want to make sure an object is sent -release you can either send that yourself, or you can send the object -autorelease and the current autorelease pool will send it -release (once per received -autorelease) when the pool is drained.
Typically -autorelease is used as a way of ensuring that objects live for the length of the current event, but are cleaned up afterwards, as there is an autorelease pool that surrounds Cocoa's event processing. In Cocoa, it is far more common to return objects to a caller that are autoreleased than it is to return objets that the caller itself needs to release.
Objective-C uses Reference Counting, which means each Object has a reference count. When an object is created, it has a reference count of "1". Simply speaking, when an object is referred to (ie, stored somewhere), it gets "retained" which means its reference count is increased by one. When an object is no longer needed, it is "released" which means its reference count is decreased by one.
When an object's reference count is 0, the object is freed. This is basic reference counting.
For some languages, references are automatically increased and decreased, but objective-c is not one of those languages. Thus the programmer is responsible for retaining and releasing.
A typical way to write a method is:
id myVar = [someObject someMessage];
.... do something ....;
[myVar release];
return someValue;
The problem of needing to remember to release any acquired resources inside of code is both tedious and error-prone. Objective-C introduces another concept aimed at making this much easier: Autorelease Pools. Autorelease pools are special objects that are installed on each thread. They are a fairly simple class, if you look up NSAutoreleasePool.
When an object gets an "autorelease" message sent to it, the object will look for any autorelease pools sitting on the stack for this current thread. It will add the object to the list as an object to send a "release" message to at some point in the future, which is generally when the pool itself is released.
Taking the code above, you can rewrite it to be shorter and easier to read by saying:
id myVar = [[someObject someMessage] autorelease];
... do something ...;
return someValue;
Because the object is autoreleased, we no longer need to explicitly call "release" on it. This is because we know some autorelease pool will do it for us later.
Hopefully this helps. The Wikipedia article is pretty good about reference counting. More information about autorelease pools can be found here. Also note that if you are building for Mac OS X 10.5 and later, you can tell Xcode to build with garbage collection enabled, allowing you to completely ignore retain/release/autorelease.
Joshua (#6591) - The Garbage collection stuff in Mac OS X 10.5 seems pretty cool, but isn't available for the iPhone (or if you want your app to run on pre-10.5 versions of Mac OS X).
Also, if you're writing a library or something that might be reused, using the GC mode locks anyone using the code into also using the GC mode, so as I understand it, anyone trying to write widely reusable code tends to go for managing memory manually.
As ever, when people start trying to re-word the reference material they almost invariably get something wrong or provide an incomplete description.
Apple provides a complete description of Cocoa's memory management system in Memory Management Programming Guide for Cocoa, at the end of which there is a brief but accurate summary of the Memory Management Rules.
I'll not add to the specific of retain/release other than you might want to think about dropping $50 and getting the Hillegass book, but I would strongly suggest getting into using the Instruments tools very early in the development of your application (even your first one!). To do so, Run->Start with performance tools. I'd start with Leaks which is just one of many of the instruments available but will help to show you when you've forgot to release. It's quit daunting how much information you'll be presented with. But check out this tutorial to get up and going fast:
Actually trying to force leaks might be a better way of, in turn, learning how to prevent them! Good luck ;)
Matt Dillard wrote:
return [[s autorelease] release];
Autorelease does not retain the object. Autorelease simply puts it in queue to be released later. You do not want to have a release statement there.
My usual collection of Cocoa memory management articles:
cocoa memory management
There's a free screencast available from the iDeveloperTV Network
Memory Management in Objective-C
NilObject's answer is a good start. Here's some supplemental info pertaining to manual memory management (required on the iPhone).
If you personally alloc/init an object, it comes with a reference count of 1. You are responsible for cleaning up after it when it's no longer needed, either by calling [foo release] or [foo autorelease]. release cleans it up right away, whereas autorelease adds the object to the autorelease pool, which will automatically release it at a later time.
autorelease is primarily for when you have a method that needs to return the object in question (so you can't manually release it, else you'll be returning a nil object) but you don't want to hold on to it, either.
If you acquire an object where you did not call alloc/init to get it -- for example:
foo = [NSString stringWithString:#"hello"];
but you want to hang on to this object, you need to call [foo retain]. Otherwise, it's possible it will get autoreleased and you'll be holding on to a nil reference (as it would in the above stringWithString example). When you no longer need it, call [foo release].
The answers above give clear restatements of what the documentation says; the problem most new people run into is the undocumented cases. For example:
Autorelease: docs say it will trigger a release "at some point in the future." WHEN?! Basically, you can count on the object being around until you exit your code back into the system event loop. The system MAY release the object any time after the current event cycle. (I think Matt said that, earlier.)
Static strings: NSString *foo = #"bar"; -- do you have to retain or release that? No. How about
-(void)getBar {
return #"bar";
NSString *foo = [self getBar]; // still no need to retain or release
The Creation Rule: If you created it, you own it, and are expected to release it.
In general, the way new Cocoa programmers get messed up is by not understanding which routines return an object with a retainCount > 0.
Here is a snippet from Very Simple Rules For Memory Management In Cocoa:
Retention Count rules
Within a given block, the use of -copy, -alloc and -retain should equal the use of -release and -autorelease.
Objects created using convenience constructors (e.g. NSString's stringWithString) are considered autoreleased.
Implement a -dealloc method to release the instancevariables you own
The 1st bullet says: if you called alloc (or new fooCopy), you need to call release on that object.
The 2nd bullet says: if you use a convenience constructor and you need the object to hang around (as with an image to be drawn later), you need to retain (and then later release) it.
The 3rd should be self-explanatory.
Lots of good information on cocoadev too:
As several people mentioned already, Apple's Intro to Memory Management is by far the best place to start.
One useful link I haven't seen mentioned yet is Practical Memory Management. You'll find it in the middle of Apple's docs if you read through them, but it's worth direct linking. It's a brilliant executive summary of the memory management rules with examples and common mistakes (basically what other answers here are trying to explain, but not as well).