Eclipse startup issues - eclipse

All of a sudden, Eclipse that used to work perfectly won't launch anymore. Here is the log:
!SESSION 2012-11-13 11:10:21.718 -----------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=ko_KR
Framework arguments: -vm C:\j2sdk1.4.2_19\bin\javaw.exe
Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -vm C:\j2sdk1.4.2_19\bin\javaw.exe
!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.common 4 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.281
!MESSAGE FrameworkEvent.ERROR
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0,J2SE-1.3
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWorker(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.resume(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.resumeBundle(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.incFWSL(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.doSetStartLevel(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$
!ENTRY org.eclipse.update.configurator 4 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.312
!MESSAGE FrameworkEvent.ERROR
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.4,CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0,J2SE-1.3
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWorker(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.resume(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.resumeBundle(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.incFWSL(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.doSetStartLevel(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$
!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime 4 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.328
!MESSAGE FrameworkEvent.ERROR
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0,J2SE-1.3
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWorker(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.resume(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.resumeBundle(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.incFWSL(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.doSetStartLevel(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.328
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.2.0.v20060603.jar/ was not resolved.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.328
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.update.configurator_3.2.2.R32x_v20070111.jar/ was not resolved.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.328
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.2.0.v20060603.jar/ was not resolved.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.343
!MESSAGE Application error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to acquire application service. Ensure that the org.eclipse.core.runtime bundle is resolved and started (see config.ini).
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE The following is a complete list of bundles which are not resolved, see the prior log entry for the root cause if it exists:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/ [4] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.emf.ecore_[2.2.0,3.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime_[2.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/com.jcraft.jsch_0.1.28.jar [7] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.jcraft.jsch 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.4
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.apache.ant_1.6.5/ [8] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.ant 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.2
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.apache.axis_1.3.0.v200608161946/ [9] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.axis 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.ant_[1.6.5,1.7.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.axis 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing optionally required bundle org.apache.commons.httpclient_[3.0.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.apache.lucene_1.4.103.v20060601/ [13] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.3
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.apache.wsil4j_1.0.0.v200608161946/ [14] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.wsil4j 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.uddi4j_[2.0.4,2.1.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.wsil4j 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.axis_[1.3.0,1.4.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.eclipse.ant.core_3.1.100.v20060531.jar [16] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.core 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.variables_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.core 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.eclipse.ant.ui_3.2.1.r321_v20060828.jar [17] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing optionally required bundle org.eclipse.ui.ide_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing optionally required bundle org.eclipse.ui.views_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing optionally required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing optionally required bundle org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing optionally required bundle org.eclipse.ui.editors_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.ant_1.6.5.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ant.core_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.filesystem_[1.0.0,2.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.resources_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.625
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.filebuffers_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.variables_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.externaltools_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.console_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.debug.core_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.debug.ui_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jdt.ui_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jdt.launching_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jdt.core_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.expressions_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ant.ui 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.eclipse.compare_3.2.1.M20060711.jar [18] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.resources_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.ide_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.views_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime_[3.1.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.eclipse.core.boot_3.1.100.v20060603.jar [19] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.boot 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0,J2SE-1.3
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.eclipse.core.commands_3.2.0.I20060605-1400.jar [20] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.commands 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.common_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-11-13 11:10:23.640
!MESSAGE Bundle update#plugins/org.eclipse.core.contenttype_3.2.0.v20060603.jar [21] was not resolved.
From the line Reason: Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0,J2SE-1.3, my understanding is that it has some sort of version conflict with J2SE, but the log correctly shows my current java version so I am not sure what the issue is at all.
Assistance would be appreciated.

That's an old version of Eclipse with a new JRE. I won't guess as to how/why c:\j2sdk1.4.2_19 contains a Java 7 JRE, but either update your Eclipse, or go back to using an actual 1.4 JRE.

I had a similar problem that was fixed by modifying PATH in a startAnOldEclipse.bat file so that the PATH pointed to a jre bin directory for a version of the jre required by that version of Eclipse. This PATH also contains just enough Windows stuff too e.g.,
set PATH=<tool suite stuff>;c:\j2sdk1.4.2_19\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem
I'd guess that your eclipse stopped working because a new JRE was installed and the PATH was modified to point to the new JRE.
In my case, the 'tool suite stuff' was a gcc cross-compiler that was packaged with an old eclipse.
Another way to specify a specific JRE:
This says: "The most recommended way to specify a JVM for Eclipse to run in is to put startup configuration into the eclipse.ini"

I solved this problem by downloading the OLD version of the JDK 1.4, configuring the PATH of local variables, and adding the new path to C:\j2sdk1.4.2_19\bin. This works after relaunching eclipse.


RCP Eclipse Platform Upgrade Issue

I am upgrading Eclipse platform for RCP product from 4.6.3 to 4.15. I am using Eclipse-SDK-4.15 for development and eclipse 4.15 based target platform and Java 8. I have resolved all the compilation errors in workspace. I am using existing launch configuration where "Execution Environment" is set as "JavaSE-1.8" and in Plug-ins tab "all workspace and enabled target plug-ins" is selected. On running the configuration I get below error:
!SESSION 2022-03-01 05:42:37.611 -----------------------------------------------
java.fullversion= - pwa6480sr6fp15-20200724_01(SR6 FP15)
JRE 1.8.0 Windows Server 2016 amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20200724_452227 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
OpenJ9 - 4ce4b9d
OMR - 08b0594
IBM - 70917a2
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_US
Framework arguments: -product
Command-line arguments: -product -data E:\Test\workspace/../runtime-rmc.product -dev file:E:/Test/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/rmc.product/ -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -consoleLog -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -clean
!ENTRY org.eclipse.update.configurator 4 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.508
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle "org.eclipse.update.configurator_3.4.500.v20200225-0827 [2]" could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolverError(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolutionFailureException(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWorker(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.resume(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.resumeBundle(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.incFWSL(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.doSetStartLevel(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$
!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime 4 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.508
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle "org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.17.100.v20200203-0917 [3]" could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolverError(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolutionFailureException(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWorker(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.resume(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.resumeBundle(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.incFWSL(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.doSetStartLevel(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$
!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.ds 4 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.508
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle "org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.6.100.v20191001-1333 [4]" could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Require-Bundle: org.apache.felix.scr; bundle-version="[2.1.0,3.0.0)"
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolverError(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolutionFailureException(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWorker(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.resume(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.resumeBundle(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.resumeBundles(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.incFWSL(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.doSetStartLevel(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager.dispatchEvent(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventManager$
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.524
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:../../../WTP/ was not resolved.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.524
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:../../../WTP/ was not resolved.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.524
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:../../../WTP/ was not resolved.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:../../../WTP/ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.app_1.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.osgi_[3.13.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.common_[3.10.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.contenttype_[3.7.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.jobs_[3.10.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.registry_[3.8.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.preferences_[3.7.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:../../../WTP/ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.startlevel_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.util.tracker_1.5.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.felix.scr_[2.1.0,3.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component.runtime_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.util.promise_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.namespace_1.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework_1.8.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.wiring_1.2.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.540
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.dto_1.8.0.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE The following is a complete list of bundles which are not resolved, see the prior log entry for the root cause if it exists:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Bundle org.eclipse.update.configurator_3.4.500.v20200225-0827 [2] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.update.configurator 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.17.100.v20200203-0917 [3] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.osgi_[3.13.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.common_[3.10.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.jobs_[3.10.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.registry_[3.8.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.preferences_[3.7.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.contenttype_[3.7.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.app_1.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing dynamically imported package org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.auth_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Bundle org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.6.100.v20191001-1333 [4] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.felix.scr_[2.1.0,3.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework_1.8.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.dto_1.8.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.namespace_1.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.startlevel_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.wiring_1.2.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component.runtime_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.util.promise_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.555
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.util.tracker_1.5.0.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:../../../WTP/ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.app_1.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.osgi_[3.13.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.common_[3.10.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.contenttype_[3.7.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.jobs_[3.10.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.registry_[3.8.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.preferences_[3.7.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:../../../WTP/ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.startlevel_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.util.tracker_1.5.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.felix.scr_[2.1.0,3.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component.runtime_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.util.promise_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.namespace_1.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework_1.8.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.wiring_1.2.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.dto_1.8.0.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE The following is a complete list of bundles which are not resolved, see the prior log entry for the root cause if it exists:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Bundle org.eclipse.update.configurator_3.4.500.v20200225-0827 [2] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.update.configurator 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.17.100.v20200203-0917 [3] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.osgi_[3.13.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.common_[3.10.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.jobs_[3.10.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.571
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.registry_[3.8.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.preferences_[3.7.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.core.contenttype_[3.7.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.app_1.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.core.runtime 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing dynamically imported package org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.auth_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Bundle org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.6.100.v20191001-1333 [4] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.felix.scr_[2.1.0,3.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework_1.8.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.dto_1.8.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.namespace_1.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.startlevel_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.framework.wiring_1.2.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component.runtime_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.util.promise_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.ds 2 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.osgi.util.tracker_1.5.0.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2022-03-01 05:42:38.587
!MESSAGE Application error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to acquire application service. Ensure that the org.eclipse.core.runtime bundle is resolved and started (see config.ini).
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
An error has occurred. See the log file
I have searched for similar error but found answers saying the eclipse used is very old which don't support java version. However in my case I verified that Eclipse 4.15 supports Java 8.
I also tried running RCP product file using "Launch an Eclipse Application" option but it too resulted in same error.
I was trying many things like changing features/Plug-ins in "Content", Start Levels in "Configuration" etc. but nothing did work. Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks!

can't start eclipse after update - One or more bundles are not resolved

After updating eclipse it doesnt start anymore, i get a window saying
An error has occured
with an reference to a log file (see below)
Any way to get this resolved?
---- Log File -----
!SESSION 2013-01-16 23:31:46.709 -----------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Apple Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=macosx, ARCH=x86_64, WS=cocoa, NL=en_US
Framework arguments: -keyring /Users/dorjeduck/.eclipse_keyring -showlocation
Command-line arguments: -os macosx -ws cocoa -arch x86_64 -keyring /Users/dorjeduck/.eclipse_keyring -showlocation
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.877
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.877
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.ui.ide_3.8.1.v20120828-165804.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ui.ide 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.877
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.2.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.877
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.ui.console_3.5.100.v20120521-2012.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.ui.console 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.877
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.junit_3.7.100.v20120523-1543.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.jdt.junit 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.4.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.8.1.v20120814-144251.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.jdt.ui 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.8.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui_3.6.100.v20120530-1425.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.wst.common.ui_1.1.500.v200911190730.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.wst.common.ui 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.4.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.ui_5.4.0.201206111645.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.cdt.ui 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.4.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.pde.ds.ui_1.0.200.v20120530-1435.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.pde.ds.ui 2 0 2013-01-16 23:31:48.878
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text_[3.3.0,4.0.0).
It seems that you are using MAC. I would suggest you to reinstall the Eclipse for MAC from the following eclipse for osx (only if you can afford to do it obviously). From the logs the issue seems to be related to missing plugins. The update may have deleted the older plugin?? Try installing the plugins that eclipse is complaining about like Jface etc manually and putting them under eclipse/plugin folder, and see if that brings down the error logs. Otherwise, the only option would be reinstalling. Eclipse sometimes gets really angry :)
A number of people have reported similar problems. There are several suggestions in that thread, but no definitive solutions. Only one of the suggestions worked for me - it's a way to revert eclipse to a previous state from the command line. It comes from this blog post.
In a terminal:
Go to the folder containing your eclipse install
ls -lt p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/profileRegistry/<som_profile_name>.profile/
In my case <som_profile_name> was, in Paul's blog SDKProfile.
You should see files like 1372434812558.profile.gz.
Choose a recent one with a date you feel sure is ok
Put together a command like:
eclipse -noSplash
-application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director
-repository file:$(pwd)/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/profileRegistry/<som_profile_name>.profile
-profile <som_profile_name>
-revert 1372434812558
If that doesn't work, try adding -destination . (I did it successfully with -destination, but I think it should work without)

Cannot launch eclipse rcp application in Juno

I can't launch my rcp application in newly released juno, but it works well in indigo. I found there are lots of lucene bundles were not resolved. But they were added to required plugins in run configurations.
Dose anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
!SESSION 2012-07-06 16:45:10.801 -----------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=sv_SE
Framework arguments: -product Myproduct.product
Command-line arguments: -product Myproduct.product -data C:\Users\user\workspace/../runtime-Myproduct.product -dev file:C:/Users/user/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/Myproduct.product/ -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64
!ENTRY 0 0 2012-07-06 16:45:11.986
!MESSAGE Product Myproduct.product could not be found.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:plugins/org.apache.lucene.queries_3.5.0.v20120319-2345.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene.queries 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.core_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:plugins/org.apache.lucene.analysis_2.9.1.v201101211721.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene.analysis 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.core_[2.9.1,3.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:plugins/org.apache.lucene.misc_3.5.0.v20120319-2345.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene.misc 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.core_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:plugins/org.apache.lucene_3.5.0.v20120319-2345.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.106
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.core_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE The following is a complete list of bundles which are not resolved, see the prior log entry for the root cause if it exists:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Bundle [18] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene_2.9.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.analysis_2.9.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Bundle [21] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Bundle org.apache.lucene.analysis_2.9.1.v201101211721 [25] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene.analysis 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.core_[2.9.1,3.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Bundle [35] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Bundle org.apache.lucene.queries_3.5.0.v20120319-2345 [39] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene.queries 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.core_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene.queries 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing optionally imported package org.apache.regexp_1.4.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Bundle org.apache.lucene_3.5.0.v20120319-2345 [52] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.core_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.misc_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.queries_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Bundle org.apache.lucene.misc_3.5.0.v20120319-2345 [79] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.apache.lucene.misc 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.apache.lucene.core_[3.5.0,4.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Bundle Myproduct_1.0.0 [171] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 Myproduct 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 Myproduct 2 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.119
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012-07-06 16:45:12.128
!MESSAGE Application error
java.lang.RuntimeException: No application id has been found.
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
I solved the problem by enabling a specific subset of the lucene plugins.
go to you run configuration dialog for your plugin/product configuration (Run -> Run Configurations...)
Select the Plugins tab
enter "lucene" in the search field. It should display seven entries starting with org.apache.lucene*
mark everything with 2.9.1 as enabled
mark everything with 3.5.0 as disabled
Click validate Plug-ins, it should say "No problems were detected"
Got it solved by choose launch option: all workspace and enabled external plug-ins.
More about lunch options
Hm. After hours of struggling:
This error can also appear if you have the wrong "execution environment" specified on the plugins overview tab. E.g. specified JavaSE 1.7, even you only have JavaSE 1.6.

P2 with equinox transforms

I have to merge p2 with equinox transforms in a rcp application.
I have in my config.ini this configuration:
I have in my transform.csv this
in my Activator this:
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
plugin = this;
Dictionary properties = new Hashtable();
properties.put("equinox.transformerType", "xslt");
registration = context.registerService(URL.class.getName(), context.getBundle().getEntry("/transform.csv"), properties);
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
plugin = null;
if (registration != null)
but it doesn't work.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.transforms.xslt.plugin 4 0 2012-01-23
13:23:07.043 !MESSAGE FrameworkEvent ERROR !STACK 0
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.transforms.xslt.plugin.Activator for
bundle org.eclipse.equinox.transforms.xslt.plugin is invalid at
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.transforms.xslt.plugin.Activator at
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at
... 12 more Root exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.transforms.xslt.plugin.Activator at
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012-01-23 13:23:07.824 !MESSAGE Bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.transforms.xslt.plugin_1.0.0.qualifier [59] is not
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:07.996 !MESSAGE One or
more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints
are not resolved: !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23
13:23:07.996 !MESSAGE Bundle
was not resolved. !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations 2 0
2012-01-23 13:23:07.996 !MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.configurator_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY
1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:07.996 !MESSAGE Bundle
was not resolved. !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui 2 0 2012-01-23
13:23:07.996 !MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.configurator_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY
1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:07.996 !MESSAGE Bundle
was not resolved. !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 2 0
2012-01-23 13:23:07.996 !MESSAGE Missing imported package
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE The
following is a complete list of bundles which are not resolved, see
the prior log entry for the root cause if it exists: !SUBENTRY 1
org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director_2.1.0.v20110504-1715 [23] was not
resolved. !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director 2 0 2012-01-23
13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.configurator_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY
1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations_2.1.0.v20110511-1821 [28] was not
resolved. !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations 2 0 2012-01-23
13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.director_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY 2
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE
Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.configurator_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY
2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.director_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY
2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.planner_[2.0.0,3.0.0). !SUBENTRY 1
org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui_2.1.0.v20110601 [30] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.director_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY 2
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing
imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.configurator_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY
2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE
Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations_[2.0.0,3.0.0). !SUBENTRY 2
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing
imported package org.eclipse.equinox.p2.planner_[2.0.0,3.0.0).
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE
Bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk_1.0.200.v20110502-1955 [31] was
not resolved. !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk 2 0 2012-01-23
13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing required bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY 2
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE
Missing optionally required bundle org.eclipse.compare_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations_[2.0.0,3.0.0). !SUBENTRY 1
org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler_1.0.100.v20110502-1955 [32]
was not resolved. !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler
2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing required bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.updatechecker_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY 2
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler 2 0 2012-01-23
13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.ui.actions_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY 2
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.ui.query_0.0.0. !SUBENTRY 2
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler 2 0 2012-01-23
13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations_[2.0.0,3.0.0). !SUBENTRY 2
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler 2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027
!MESSAGE Missing imported package
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui_[2.0.0,3.0.0). !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi
2 0 2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.updatechecker_1.1.200.v20110502-1955 [33] was
not resolved. !SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.updatechecker 2 0
2012-01-23 13:23:08.027 !MESSAGE Missing imported package
Seems to me you have not included required bundles.
Stacktrace says that several packages from p2 cannot be resolved. Make sure you have resolved all dependecies that are required by p2.

RCP exception with Gemini Blueprint

I am getting this kind of error (see below). I am suspecting some plugins are missing (perhaps transitive dependencies) but I am not sure. What's more: what does this .source suffix mean?
Can someone help me please?
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.556
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.557
!MESSAGE Bundle initial#reference:file:../../ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.557
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text.source_3.7.1.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.557
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ecf.filetransfer.source_5.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.557
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins.source_1.1.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.557
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.557
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.557
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.update.core.linux.source_3.2.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.558
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.source_1.2.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.558
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.558
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director.source_2.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.558
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.integration.httpinvoker.source_2.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.558
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.ui.graph.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.558
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.views.source_3.6.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.558
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.autowire.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.558
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.jarprocessor.source_1.0.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.559
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.source_2.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.662
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.662
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director.source_2.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.663
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.directorywatcher.source_1.0.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.663
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine.source_2.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.663
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.extensionlocation.source_1.2.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.664
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.garbagecollector.source_1.0.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.664
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.jarprocessor.source_1.0.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.665
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.source_1.2.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.665
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.source_2.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.665
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations.source_2.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.666
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.eclipse.source_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.666
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.source_1.2.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.667
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ql.source_2.0.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.667
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins.source_1.1.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.667
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.source_2.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.668
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.668
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.source_2.1.1.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.669
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.natives.source_1.0.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.669
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.transport.ecf.source_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.669
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.importexport.source_1.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.669
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.scheduler.source_1.0.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.669
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.source_1.0.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.669
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.source_2.1.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.669
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.updatechecker.source_1.1.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.670
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.p2.updatesite.source_1.0.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.670
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.preferences.source_3.4.1.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.670
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.registry.source_3.5.101.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.670
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.670
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.670
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.manipulator.source_2.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.670
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.source_1.0.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.equinox.util.source_1.0.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.databinding.source_1.5.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.source_3.7.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jface.text.source_3.7.1.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jsch.core.source_1.1.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.jsch.ui.source_1.1.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.671
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.source_3.5.201.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.672
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.source_3.6.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.672
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.672
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.osgi.source_3.7.1.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.672
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.osgi.util.source_3.2.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.672
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.platform.source_3.7.1.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.672
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.rcp.source_3.7.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.672
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.672
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86.source_3.7.1.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.673
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.673
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.673
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.text.source_3.5.101.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.673
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.browser.source_3.3.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.673
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.source_3.4.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.673
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.console.source_3.5.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.673
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.editors.source_3.7.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.source_3.2.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.forms.source_3.5.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.ide.application.source_1.0.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.ide.source_3.7.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.intro.source_3.4.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.intro.universal.source_3.2.500.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.source_3.4.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.navigator.source_3.5.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.674
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.675
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.presentations.r21.source_3.2.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.675
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.source_3.7.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.675
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.675
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.views.source_3.6.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.675
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.workbench.compatibility.source_3.2.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.675
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.workbench.source_3.7.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.675
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.source_3.7.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.675
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.update.configurator.source_3.3.100.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.676
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.update.core.linux.source_3.2.200.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.676
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.update.core.source_3.2.500.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.676
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.update.scheduler.source_3.2.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.676
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.update.ui.source_3.2.300.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.676
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.aop.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.676
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.asm.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.676
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.batch.core.source_2.0.2.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.676
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.beans.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.677
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.binding.source_2.0.7.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.677
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.context.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.677
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.677
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.core.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.677
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.expression.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.677
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.faces.source_2.0.7.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.677
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ajdt.ui.visualiser.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.677
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ajdt.ui.xref.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.core.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.mylyn.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.ui.matcher.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.ui.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.batch.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core.autowire.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.mylyn.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.678
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.autowire.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.679
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.editor.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.679
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.graph.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.679
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.refactoring.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.679
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.679
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.679
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.679
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.integration.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.679
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.mylyn.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.680
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.osgi.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.680
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.680
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.680
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ui.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.680
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.core.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.680
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.mylyn.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.680
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.ui.editor.source_2.3.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.681
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.integration.osgi.source_2.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.682
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.integration.rmi.source_2.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.682
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.682
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.integration.source_2.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.682
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.integration.udp.source_2.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.integration.xml.source_2.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.jdbc.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.jms.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.js.source_2.0.7.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.orm.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.oxm.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.683
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.684
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.684
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.transaction.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.684
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.web.servlet.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.684
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.web.source_3.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.684
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.webflow.source_2.0.7.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.684
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.684
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.springframework.xml.source_1.5.8.
!SUBENTRY 2 jbm-gestionnaire 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.684
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle com.jeanbaptistemartin.jbm-domain_2.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.685
!MESSAGE Bundle com.jeanbaptistemartin.jbm-domain_2.0.0 [9] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 com.jeanbaptistemartin.jbm-domain 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.685
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.hibernate.annotations_0.0.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.685
!MESSAGE Bundle org.springframework.instrument.tomcat_3.0.6.RELEASE [424] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.springframework.instrument.tomcat 2 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.685
!MESSAGE Missing imported package org.apache.catalina.loader_[6.0.16,7.0.0).
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2011-12-15 17:24:11.686
!MESSAGE Application error
java.lang.RuntimeException: Application "jbm-gestionnaire" could not be found in the registry. The applications available are: org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner, org.eclipse.ant.ui.antRunner,, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.garbagecollector.application, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.InstallPublisher, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.EclipseGenerator, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.ProductPublisher, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.application, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.repo2runnable, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.metadataverifier, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.mirrorApplication, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.mirrorApplication, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.updatesite.UpdateSitePublisher, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.UpdateSitePublisher, org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.CategoryPublisher,,,, org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.aptBuild, org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCodeFormatter,, org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.uitestapplication, org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.legacytestapplication, org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.coretestapplication, org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.coretestapplicationnonmain, org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.nonuithreadtestapplication, org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench, org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate, org.eclipse.update.core.siteOptimizer.
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
An error has occurred. See the log file
The bundle jbm-gestionnaire will not resolve because it has many missing dependencies. However the dependencies appear to be bogus... you should never have to depend on source bundles. Check the MANIFEST.MF of jbm-gestionnaire and remove the spurious dependencies from the Require-Bundle section.