How to track nested functions in Scala - scala

I'd like to have some basic knowledge of how deeply my function call is nested. Consider the following:
scala> def decorate(f: => Unit) : Unit = { println("I am decorated") ; f }
decorate: (f: => Unit)Unit
scala> decorate { println("foo") }
I am decorated
scala> decorate { decorate { println("foo") } }
I am decorated
I am decorated
For the last call, I'd like to be able to get the following:
I am decorated 2x
I am decorated 1x
The idea is that the decorate function knows how deeply its nested. Ideas?
Update: As Nikita had thought, my example doesn't represent what I'm really after. The goal is not to produce the strings so much as to be able to pass some state through a series of calls to the same nested function. I think Régis Jean-Gilles is pointing me in the right direction.

You can use the dynamic scope pattern. More prosaically this means using a thread local variable (scala's DynamicVariable is done just for that) to store the current nesting level. See my answer to this other question for a partical example of this pattern: How to define a function that takes a function literal (with an implicit parameter) as an argument?
This is suitable only if you want to know the nesting level for a very specific method though. If you want a generic mecanism that works for any method then this won't work (as you'd need a distinct variable for each method). In this case the only alternative I can think of is to inspect the stack, but not only is it not very reliable, it is also extremely slow.
UPDATE: actually, there is a way to apply the dynamic scope pattern in a generic way (for any possible method). The important part is to be able to implicitly get a unique id for each method. from there, it is just a matter of using this id as a key to associate a DynamicVariable to the method:
import scala.util.DynamicVariable
object FunctionNestingHelper {
private type FunctionId = Class[_]
private def getFunctionId( f: Function1[_,_] ): FunctionId = {
f.getClass // That's it! Beware, implementation dependant.
private val currentNestings = new DynamicVariable( Map.empty[FunctionId, Int] )
def withFunctionNesting[T]( body: Int => T ): T = {
val id = getFunctionId( body )
val oldNestings = currentNestings.value
val oldNesting = oldNestings.getOrElse( id, 0 )
val newNesting = oldNesting + 1
currentNestings.withValue( oldNestings + ( id -> newNesting) ) {
body( newNesting )
import FunctionNestingHelper._
def decorate(f: => Unit) = withFunctionNesting { nesting: Int =>
println("I am decorated " + nesting + "x") ; f
To get a unique id for the method, I actually get an id for a the closure passed to withFunctionNesting (which you must call in the method where you need to retrieve the current nesting). And that's where I err on the implementation dependant side: the id is just the class of the function instance. This does work as expected as of now (because every unary function literal is implemented as exactly one class implementing Function1 so the class acts as a unique id), but the reality is that it might well break (although unlikely) in a future version of scala. So use it at your own risk.
Finally, I suggest that you first evaluate seriously if Nikita Volkov's suggestion of going more functional would not be a better solution overall.

You could return a number from the function and count how many levels you are in on the way back up the stack. But there is no easy way to count on the way down like you have given example output for.

Since your question is tagged with "functional programming" following are functional solutions. Sure the program logic changes completely, but then your example code was imperative.
The basic principle of functional programming is that there is no state. What you're used to have as a shared state in imperative programming with all the headache involved (multithreading issues and etc.) - it is all achieved by passing immutable data as arguments in functional programming.
So, assuming the "state" data you wanted to pass was the current cycle number, here's how you'd implement a function using recursion:
def decorated ( a : String, cycle : Int ) : String
= if( cycle <= 0 ) a
else "I am decorated " + cycle + "x\n" + decorated(a, cycle - 1)
println(decorated("foo", 3))
Alternatively you could make your worker function non-recursive and "fold" it:
def decorated ( a : String, times : Int )
= "I am decorated " + times + "x\n" + a
println( (1 to 3).foldLeft("foo")(decorated) )
Both codes above will produce the following output:
I am decorated 3x
I am decorated 2x
I am decorated 1x


Map an instance using function in Scala

Say I have a local method/function
def withExclamation(string: String) = string + "!"
Is there a way in Scala to transform an instance by supplying this method? Say I want to append an exclamation mark to a string. Something like:
val greeting = "Hello"
val loudGreeting = greeting.applyFunction(withExclamation) //result: "Hello!"
I would like to be able to invoke (local) functions when writing a chain transformation on an instance.
EDIT: Multiple answers show how to program this possibility, so it seems that this feature is not present on an arbitraty class. To me this feature seems incredibly powerful. Consider where in Java I want to execute a number of operations on a String:
appendExclamationMark(" Hello! ".trim().toUpperCase()); //"HELLO!"
The order of operations is not the same as how they read. The last operation, appendExclamationMark is the first word that appears. Currently in Java I would sometimes do:
.apply(" Hello "); //"HELLO!"
Which reads better in terms of expressing a chain of operations on an instance, but also contains a lot of noise, and it is not intuitive to have the String instance at the last line. I would want to write:
" Hello "
.applyFunction(this::withExclamation); //"HELLO!"
Obviously the name of the applyFunction function can be anything (shorter please). I thought backwards compatibility was the sole reason Java's Object does not have this.
Is there any technical reason why this was not added on, say, the Any or AnyRef classes?
You can do this with an implicit class which provides a way to extend an existing type with your own methods:
object StringOps {
implicit class RichString(val s: String) extends AnyVal {
def withExclamation: String = s"$s!"
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val m = "hello"
If you want to apply any functions (anonymous, converted from methods, etc.) in this way, you can use a variation on Yuval Itzchakov's answer:
object Combinators {
implicit class Combinators[A](val x: A) {
def applyFunction[B](f: A => B) = f(x)
A while after asking this question, I noticed that Kotlin has this built in:
inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R
Calls the specified function block with this value as its argument and returns
its result.
A lot more, quite useful variations of the above function are provided on all types, like with, also, apply, etc.

What does the word "Action" do in a Scala function definition using the Play framework?

I am developing Play application and I've just started with Scala. I see that there is this word Action after the equals sign in the function below and before curly brace.
def index = Action {
Ok(views.html.index("Hi there"))
What does this code do? I've seen it used with def index = { but not with the word before the curly brace.
I would assume that the name of the function is index. But I do not know what the word Action does in this situation.
This word is a part of Play Framework, and it's an object, which has method apply(block: ⇒ Result), so your code is actually:
def index: Action[AnyContent] = Action.apply({
Ok.apply(views.html.index("Hi there"))
Your index method returns an instance of the class Action[AnyContent].
By the way, you're passing a block of code {Ok(...)} to apply method, which (block of code) is actually acts as anonymous function here, because the required type for apply's input is not just Result but ⇒ Result, which means that it takes an anonymous function with no input parameters, which returns Result. So, your Ok-block will be executed when container, received your instance of class Action (from index method), decided to execute this block. Which simply means that you're just describing an action here - not executing - it will be actually executed when Play received your request - and find binding to your action inside routing file.
Also, you don't have to use def here as you always return same action - val or lazy val is usually enough. You will need a def only if you actually want to pass some parameter from routing table (for instance):
GET /clients/:id controllers.SomeController.index(id: Long)
def index(id: Long) = Action { ... } // new action generated for every new request here
Another possible approach is to choose Action, based on parameter:
def index(id: Long) = {
if (id == 0) Action {...} else Action{...}
But uasually you can use routing table itself for that, which is better for decoupling. This example just shows that Action is nothing more than return value.
Update for #Kazuya
val method1 = Action{...} //could be def too, no big difference here
// this (code inside Action) gonna be called separately after "index" (if method2 is requested of course)
// notice that it needs the whole request, so it (request) should be completely parsed at the time
val method2 = Action{ req => // you can extract additional params from request
val param1 = req.headers("header1")
//This is gonna be called first, notice that Play doesn't need the whole request body here, so it might not even be parsed on this stage
def index(methodName: String) = methodName match {
case "method1" => method1
case "method2" => method2
GWT/Scala.js use simillar approach for client-server interaction. This is just one possible solution to explain importance of the parameter "methodName" passed from routing table. So, action could be thought as a wrapper over function that in its turn represents a reference to OOP-method, which makes it useful for both REST and RPC purposes.
The other answers deal with your specific case. You asked about the general case, however, so I'll attempt to answer from that perspective.
First off, def is used to define a method, not a function (better to learn that difference now). But, you're right, index is the name of that method.
Now, unlike other languages you might be familiar with (e.g., C, Java), Scala lets you define methods with an expression (as suggested by the use of the assignment operator syntax, =). That is, everything after the = is an expression that will be evaluated to a value each time the method is invoked.
So, whereas in Java you have to say:
public int three() { return 3; }
In Scala, you can just say:
def three = 3
Of course, the expression is usually more complicated (as in your case). It could be a block of code, like you're more used to seeing, in which case the value is that of the last expression in the block:
def three = {
val a = 1
val b = 2
a + b
Or it might involve a method invocation on some other object:
def three = Numbers.add(1, 2)
The latter is, in fact, exactly what's going on in your specific example, although it requires a bit more explanation to understand why. There are two bits of magic involved:
If an object has an apply method, then you can treat the object as if it were a function. You can say, for example, Add(1, 2) when you really mean Add.apply(1,2) (assuming there's an Add object with an apply method, of course). And just to be clear, it doesn't have to be an object defined with the object keyword. Any object with a suitable apply method will do.
If a method has a single by-name parameter (e.g., def ifWaterBoiling(fn: => Tea)), then you can invoke the method like ifWaterBoiling { makeTea }. The code in that block is evaluated lazily (and may not be evaluated at all). This would be equivalent to writing ifWaterBoiling({ makeTea }). The { makeTea } part just defines an expression that gets passed in, unevaluated, for the fn parameter.
Its the Action being called on with an expression block as argument. (The apply method is used under the hood).
Ok("Hello world")
A simple example (from here) is as follows (look at comments in code):
case class Logging[A](action: Action[A]) extends Action[A] {
def apply(request: Request[A]): Result = {// apply method which is called on expression"Calling action")
action(request) // action being called on further with the request provided to Logging Action
lazy val parser = action.parser
Now you can use it to wrap any other action value:
def index = Logging { // Expression argument starts
Action { // Action argument (goes under request)
Ok("Hello World")
Also, the case you mentioned for def index = { is actually returning Unit like: def index: Unit = {.

What are good examples of: "operation of a program should map input values to output values rather than change data in place"

I came across this sentence in Scala in explaining its functional behavior.
operation of a program should map input of values to output values rather than change data in place
Could somebody explain it with a good example?
Edit: Please explain or give example for the above sentence in its context, please do not make it complicate to get more confusion
The most obvious pattern that this is referring to is the difference between how you would write code which uses collections in Java when compared with Scala. If you were writing scala but in the idiom of Java, then you would be working with collections by mutating data in place. The idiomatic scala code to do the same would favour the mapping of input values to output values.
Let's have a look at a few things you might want to do to a collection:
In Java, if I have a List<Trade> and I am only interested in those trades executed with Deutsche Bank, I might do something like:
for (Iterator<Trade> it = trades.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Trade t =;
if (t.getCounterparty() != DEUTSCHE_BANK) it.remove(); // MUTATION
Following this loop, my trades collection only contains the relevant trades. But, I have achieved this using mutation - a careless programmer could easily have missed that trades was an input parameter, an instance variable, or is used elsewhere in the method. As such, it is quite possible their code is now broken. Furthermore, such code is extremely brittle for refactoring for this same reason; a programmer wishing to refactor a piece of code must be very careful to not let mutated collections escape the scope in which they are intended to be used and, vice-versa, that they don't accidentally use an un-mutated collection where they should have used a mutated one.
Compare with Scala:
val db = trades filter (_.counterparty == DeutscheBank) //MAPPING INPUT TO OUTPUT
This creates a new collection! It doesn't affect anyone who is looking at trades and is inherently safer.
Suppose I have a List<Trade> and I want to get a Set<Stock> for the unique stocks which I have been trading. Again, the idiom in Java is to create a collection and mutate it.
Set<Stock> stocks = new HashSet<Stock>();
for (Trade t : trades) stocks.add(t.getStock()); //MUTATION
Using scala the correct thing to do is to map the input collection and then convert to a set:
val stocks = (trades map (_.stock)).toSet //MAPPING INPUT TO OUTPUT
Or, if we are concerned about performance:
(trades.view map (_.stock)).toSet
(trades.iterator map (_.stock)).toSet
What are the advantages here? Well:
My code can never observe a partially-constructed result
The application of a function A => B to a Coll[A] to get a Coll[B] is clearer.
Again, in Java the idiom has to be mutation. Suppose we are trying to sum the decimal quantities of the trades we have done:
BigDecimal sum = BigDecimal.ZERO
for (Trade t : trades) {
sum.add(t.getQuantity()); //MUTATION
Again, we must be very careful not to accidentally observe a partially-constructed result! In scala, we can do this in a single expression:
val sum = (0 /: trades)(_ + _.quantity) //MAPPING INTO TO OUTPUT
Or the various other forms:
(trades.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.quantity)
(trades.iterator map (_.quantity)).sum
(trades.view map (_.quantity)).sum
Oh, by the way, there is a bug in the Java implementation! Did you spot it?
I'd say it's the difference between:
var counter = 0
def updateCounter(toAdd: Int): Unit = {
counter += toAdd
val originalValue = 0
def addToValue(value: Int, toAdd: Int): Int = value + toAdd
val firstNewResult = addToValue(originalValue, 8)
This is a gross over simplification but fuller examples are things like using a foldLeft to build up a result rather than doing the hard work yourself: foldLeft example
What it means is that if you write pure functions like this you always get the same output from the same input, and there are no side effects, which makes it easier to reason about your programs and ensure that they are correct.
so for example the function:
def times2(x:Int) = x*2
is pure, while
def add5ToList(xs: MutableList[Int]) {
xs += 5
is impure because it edits data in place as a side effect. This is a problem because that same list could be in use elsewhere in the the program and now we can't guarantee the behaviour because it has changed.
A pure version would use immutable lists and return a new list
def add5ToList(xs: List[Int]) = {
There are plenty examples with collections, which are easy to come by but might give the wrong impression. This concept works at all levels of the language (it doesn't at the VM level, however). One example is the case classes. Consider these two alternatives:
// Java-style
class Person(initialName: String, initialAge: Int) {
def this(initialName: String) = this(initialName, 0)
private var name = initialName
private var age = initialAge
def getName = name
def getAge = age
def setName(newName: String) { name = newName }
def setAge(newAge: Int) { age = newAge }
val employee = new Person("John")
employee.setAge(40) // we changed the object
// Scala-style
case class Person(name: String, age: Int) {
def this(name: String) = this(name, 0)
val employee = new Person("John")
val employeeWithAge = employee.copy(age = 40) // employee still exists!
This concept is applied on the construction of the immutable collection themselves: a List never changes. Instead, new List objects are created when necessary. Use of persistent data structures reduce the copying that would happen on a mutable data structure.

What is the apply function in Scala?

I never understood it from the contrived unmarshalling and verbing nouns ( an AddTwo class has an apply that adds two!) examples.
I understand that it's syntactic sugar, so (I deduced from context) it must have been designed to make some code more intuitive.
What meaning does a class with an apply function give? What is it used for, and what purposes does it make code better (unmarshalling, verbing nouns etc)?
how does it help when used in a companion object?
Mathematicians have their own little funny ways, so instead of saying "then we call function f passing it x as a parameter" as we programmers would say, they talk about "applying function f to its argument x".
In mathematics and computer science, Apply is a function that applies
functions to arguments.
apply serves the purpose of closing the gap between Object-Oriented and Functional paradigms in Scala. Every function in Scala can be represented as an object. Every function also has an OO type: for instance, a function that takes an Int parameter and returns an Int will have OO type of Function1[Int,Int].
// define a function in scala
(x:Int) => x + 1
// assign an object representing the function to a variable
val f = (x:Int) => x + 1
Since everything is an object in Scala f can now be treated as a reference to Function1[Int,Int] object. For example, we can call toString method inherited from Any, that would have been impossible for a pure function, because functions don't have methods:
Or we could define another Function1[Int,Int] object by calling compose method on f and chaining two different functions together:
val f2 = f.compose((x:Int) => x - 1)
Now if we want to actually execute the function, or as mathematician say "apply a function to its arguments" we would call the apply method on the Function1[Int,Int] object:
Writing f.apply(args) every time you want to execute a function represented as an object is the Object-Oriented way, but would add a lot of clutter to the code without adding much additional information and it would be nice to be able to use more standard notation, such as f(args). That's where Scala compiler steps in and whenever we have a reference f to a function object and write f (args) to apply arguments to the represented function the compiler silently expands f (args) to the object method call f.apply (args).
Every function in Scala can be treated as an object and it works the other way too - every object can be treated as a function, provided it has the apply method. Such objects can be used in the function notation:
// we will be able to use this object as a function, as well as an object
object Foo {
var y = 5
def apply (x: Int) = x + y
Foo (1) // using Foo object in function notation
There are many usage cases when we would want to treat an object as a function. The most common scenario is a factory pattern. Instead of adding clutter to the code using a factory method we can apply object to a set of arguments to create a new instance of an associated class:
List(1,2,3) // same as List.apply(1,2,3) but less clutter, functional notation
// the way the factory method invocation would have looked
// in other languages with OO notation - needless clutter
So apply method is just a handy way of closing the gap between functions and objects in Scala.
It comes from the idea that you often want to apply something to an object. The more accurate example is the one of factories. When you have a factory, you want to apply parameter to it to create an object.
Scala guys thought that, as it occurs in many situation, it could be nice to have a shortcut to call apply. Thus when you give parameters directly to an object, it's desugared as if you pass these parameters to the apply function of that object:
class MyAdder(x: Int) {
def apply(y: Int) = x + y
val adder = new MyAdder(2)
val result = adder(4) // equivalent to x.apply(4)
It's often use in companion object, to provide a nice factory method for a class or a trait, here is an example:
trait A {
val x: Int
def myComplexStrategy: Int
object A {
def apply(x: Int): A = new MyA(x)
private class MyA(val x: Int) extends A {
val myComplexStrategy = 42
From the scala standard library, you might look at how scala.collection.Seq is implemented: Seq is a trait, thus new Seq(1, 2) won't compile but thanks to companion object and apply, you can call Seq(1, 2) and the implementation is chosen by the companion object.
Here is a small example for those who want to peruse quickly
object ApplyExample01 extends App {
class Greeter1(var message: String) {
println("A greeter-1 is being instantiated with message " + message)
class Greeter2 {
def apply(message: String) = {
println("A greeter-2 is being instantiated with message " + message)
val g1: Greeter1 = new Greeter1("hello")
val g2: Greeter2 = new Greeter2()
A greeter-1 is being instantiated with message hello
A greeter-2 is being instantiated with message world
TLDR for people comming from c++
It's just overloaded operator of ( ) parentheses
So in scala:
class X {
def apply(param1: Int, param2: Int, param3: Int) : Int = {
// Do something
Is same as this in c++:
class X {
int operator()(int param1, int param2, int param3) {
// do something
1 - Treat functions as objects.
2 - The apply method is similar to __call __ in Python, which allows you to use an instance of a given class as a function.
The apply method is what turns an object into a function. The desire is to be able to use function syntax, such as:
But Scala has both functional and object oriented syntax. One or the other needs to be the base of the language. Scala (for a variety of reasons) chooses object oriented as the base form of the language. That means that any function syntax has to be translated into object oriented syntax.
That is where apply comes in. Any object that has the apply method can be used with the syntax:
The scala infrastructure then translates that into
f.apply(args) has correct object oriented syntax. Doing this translation would not be possible if the object had no apply method!
In short, having the apply method in an object is what allows Scala to turn the syntax: object(args) into the syntax: object.apply(args). And object.apply(args) is in the form that can then execute.
FYI, this implies that all functions in scala are objects. And it also implies that having the apply method is what makes an object a function!
See the accepted answer for more insight into just how a function is an object, and the tricks that can be played as a result.
To put it crudely,
You can just see it as custom ()operator. If a class X has an apply() method, whenever you call X() you will be calling the apply() method.

Pros and Cons of choosing def over val

I'm asking a slight different question than this one. Suppose I have a code snippet:
def foo(i : Int) : List[String] = {
val s = i.toString + "!" //using val
s :: Nil
This is functionally equivalent to the following:
def foo(i : Int) : List[String] = {
def s = i.toString + "!" //using def
s :: Nil
Why would I choose one over the other? Obviously I would assume the second has a slight disadvantages in:
creating more bytecode (the inner def is lifted to a method in the class)
a runtime performance overhead of invoking a method over accessing a value
non-strict evaluation means I could easily access s twice (i.e. unnecesasarily redo a calculation)
The only advantage I can think of is:
non-strict evaluation of s means it is only called if it is used (but then I could just use a lazy val)
What are peoples' thoughts here? Is there a significant dis-benefit to me making all inner vals defs?
One answer I didn't see mentioned is that the stack frame for the method you're describing could actually be smaller. Each val you declare will occupy a slot on the JVM stack, however, the whenever you use a def obtained value it will get consumed in the first expression you use it in. Even if the def references something from the environment, the compiler will pass .
The HotSpot should optimize both these things, or so some people claim. See:
Since the inner method gets compiled into a regular private method behind the scene and it is usually very small, the JIT compiler might choose to inline it and then optimize it. This could save time allocating smaller stack frames (?), or, by having fewer elements on the stack, make local variables access quicker.
But, take this with a (big) grain of salt - I haven't actually made extensive benchmarks to backup this claim.
In addition, to expand on Kevin's valid reply, the stable val provides also means that you can use it with path dependent types - something you can't do with a def, since the compiler doesn't check its purity.
For another reason you might want to use a def, see a related question asked not so long ago:
Functional processing of Scala streams without OutOfMemory errors
Essentially, using defs to produce Streams ensures that there do not exist additional references to these objects, which is important for the GC. Since Streams are lazy anyway, the overhead of creating them is probably negligible even if you have multiple defs.
The val is strict, it's given a value as soon as you define the thing.
Internally, the compiler will mark it as STABLE, equivalent to final in Java. This should allow the JVM to make all sorts of optimisations - I just don't know what they are :)
I can see an advantage in the fact that you are less bound to a location when using a def than when using a val.
This is not a technical advantage but allows for better structuring in some cases.
So, stupid example (please edit this answer, if you’ve got a better one), this is not possible with val:
def foo(i : Int) : List[String] = {
def ret = s :: Nil
def s = i.toString + "!"
There may be cases where this is important or just convenient.
(So, basically, you can achieve the same with lazy val but, if only called at most once, it will probably be faster than a lazy val.)
For a local declaration like this (with no arguments, evaluated precisely once and with no code evaluated between the point of declaration and the point of evaluation) there is no semantic difference. I wouldn't be surprised if the "val" version compiled to simpler and more efficient code than the "def" version, but you would have to examine the bytecode and possibly profile to be sure.
In your example I would use a val. I think the val/def choice is more meaningful when declaring class members:
class A { def a0 = "a"; def a1 = "a" }
class B extends A {
var c = 0
override def a0 = { c += 1; "a" + c }
override val a1 = "b"
In the base class using def allows the sub class to override with possibly a def that does not return a constant. Or it could override with a val. So that gives more flexibility than a val.
Edit: one more use case of using def over val is when an abstract class has a "val" for which the value should be provided by a subclass.
abstract class C { def f: SomeObject }
new C { val f = new SomeObject(...) }