Problems with joining threads - perl

I've got some issue with a part of my perl script, bothering me for days now. To summarize the purpose is to read in a large file in chunks and do some operation on the input stream (not relevant for my question). When I first implemented it, I just looped over the file and then did some stuff on it, like this:
while (read FILE, $buffer, $chunksize){
# Do some other stuff
Unfortunately the file is really big and the operation somehow complex with many function calls, therefore this led to steadily increasing Memory perl couldn't allocate memory anymore and the script failed. So I did some investigation and tried several things to minimize the memory overhead (defined variables outside the loop, set to undef and so on), which led the allocated memory size increasing slower, but at the end still failed. (And if I figured out right, perl giving back memory to the OS is sth. that won't happen in practice.)
So I decided to nest the function call and all its definition in a subthread, wait for its finish, join and then call the thread again with the next chunk:
while (read FILE, $buffer, $chunksize){
my $thr = threads->create(\&thrWorker,$buffer);
sub thrWorker{
# Do the stuff here!
Which might have been a solution, if the thread would join! But it actually does not. If I run it with $thr->detach(); everything works fine, besides I get hundrets of threads at the same time, which is not a good idea, and in this case, I need to run them consecutively.
So I took some Investigation on this join issue and got some voices that ther might be an issue with perl 5.16.1 so I updated to 5.16.2 but it still never joins. Anywhere in a Mailing list I cant remember I read from somebody managed to get Threads to join with CPAN module Thread::Queue but this didn't worked for me either.
So I gave up with threads and tried to fork this thing. But with fork it seems like the total number of "forks" is limited? Anyway it went fine till the 13th to 20th iteration and then gave up with the message it couldn't fork anymore.
my $pid = fork();
if( $pid == 0 ){
exit 0;
I also tried it with CPAN modules Parallel::ForkManager and Proc::Fork but that didn't help.
So now I'm somehow stuck and cant help myself out. Maybe somebody else can! Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
How can I get this thing to work with threads or child processes?
Or at least how can I force perl freeing memory so I can do this in the same process?
Some additional information on my system:
OS: Windows 7 64bit / Ubuntu Server 12.10
Perl on Windows: Strawberry Perl 5.16.2 64bit
One of my first posts on Stackoverflow. Hope I did it right :-)

I recommend reading: this
I usually use Thread::Queue to manage the input of thread.
Sample code:
my #threads = {};
my $Q = new Thread::Queue;
# Start the threads
for (my $i=0; $i<NUM_THREADS; $i++) {
$threads[$i] =
threads->new(\&insert_1_thread, $Q);
# Get the list of sites and put in the work queue
foreach $row ( #{$ref} ) {
$Q->enqueue( $row->[0] );
#sleep 1 while $Q->pending > 100;
} # foreach $row
# Signal we are done
for (my $i=0; $i<NUM_THREADS; $i++) {
$Q->enqueue( undef ); }
$count = 0;
# Now wait for the threads to complete before going on to the next step
for (my $i=0; $i<NUM_THREADS; $i++) {
$count += $threads[$i]->join(); }
And for the worker thread:
sub insert_1_thread {
my ( $Q ) = #_;
my $tid = threads->tid;
my $count = 0;
Log("Started thread #$tid");
while( my $row = $Q->dequeue ) {
} # while
Log("Thread#$tid, done");
return $count;
} # sub insert_1_thread

I don't know if it is a solution for you, but you could create an array of chunk objects and process them in parallel like this:
package Object; {
use threads;
use threads::shared;
sub new(){
my $class=shift;
share(my %this);
sub set {
my ($this,$value)=#_;
# $this->{"data"}=shared_clone($value);
sub get {
my $this=shift;
return $this->{"data"};
package main; {
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my #objs;
foreach (0..2){
my $o = Object->new();
push #objs, $o;
sub run {
my ($obj) = #_;
$$obj[$_]->get() foreach(0..2);


Efficient way to make thousands of curl requests

I am using CURL to make thousands of requests. In my code I set the cookie to a specific value and then read in the value on the page. Here is my Perl code:
my $site = "http://SITENAME/?id=";
my $cookie_name = "cookienum123";
print $fh "#\t\tValue\n";
for my $i ('1'..'10000') {
my $output = `curl -s -H "Cookie: $cookie_name=$i" -L $site$i | grep -Eo "[0-9]+"`;
print "$i\t\t$output\n";
So from 1 to 10000, I am setting cookienum123 to that value and reading in the whole response from the page. Then I use grep to just extract the #. The code I have now works fine but I am wondering if there is a faster or more efficient way I can do this.
Please note this does not have to be done as a Perl script (I can also use Windows batch file, Unix shell script, etc).
Edit Jan 18: Added bounty with the note "The desired answer should include a way in Perl to run through several thousand curl requests simultaneously but it needs to be run faster than the rate it is currently running at. It has to write the output to a single file in the end but the order does not matter." Some of the below comments mention fork but I am not sure how to apply it to my code. I am very new to Perl as this is my first program in it.
What you have here is an embarrassingly parallel problem. These are great for parallelising, because there's no inter-thread dependency or communication needed.
There's two key ways of doing this in perl - threading or forking. I would generally suggest thread based parallel processing for the kind of thing you're doing. This is a matter of choice, but I think it's better suited for collating information.
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
my $numthreads = 20;
my $site = "http://SITENAME/?id=";
my $cookie_name = "cookienum123";
my $fetch_q = Thread::Queue->new();
my $collate_q = Thread::Queue->new();
#fetch sub sits in a loop, takes items off 'fetch_q' and runs curl.
sub fetch {
while ( my $target = $fetch_q->dequeue() ) {
my $output =
`curl -s -H "Cookie: $cookie_name=$target" -L $site$target | grep -Eo "[0-9]+"`;
#one instance of collate, which exists to serialise the output from fetch.
#writing files concurrently can get very messy and build in race conditions.
sub collate {
open( my $output_fh, ">", "results.txt" ) or die $!;
print {$output_fh} "#\t\tValue\n";
while ( my $result = $collate_q->dequeue() ) {
print {$output_fh} $result;
## main bit:
#start worker threads
my #workers = map { threads->create( \&fetch ) } 1 .. $numthreads;
#collates results.
my $collater = threads->create( \&collate );
$fetch_q->enqueue( '1' .. '10000' );
foreach my $thr (#workers) {
#end collate_q here, because we know all the fetchers are
#joined - so no more results will be generated.
#queue will then generate 'undef' when it's empty, and the thread will exit.
#join will block until thread has exited, e.g. all results in the queue
#have been 'processed'.
This will spawn 20 worker threads, that'll run in parallel, and collect results as they exit to a file. As an alternative, you could do something similar with Parallel::ForkManager, but for data-oriented tasks, I personally prefer threading.
You can use the 'collate' sub to postprocess any data, such as sorting it, counting it, whatever.
I would also point out - using curl and grep as system calls isn't ideal - I've left them as is, but would suggest looking at LWP and allowing perl to handle the text processing, because it's pretty good at it.
I'm pretty sure the following will do what you want however slamming a server with 10000 simultaneous requests is not very polite. In fact, harvesting a site's data by walking the id's of a given url doesn't sound very friendly either. I have NOT tested the following but it should get you 99% of the way there (might be a syntax/usage error somewhere).
See for more info:
Good luck!
use warnings;
use strict;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Mojo::IOLoop;
my $site = 'http://SITENAME/?id=';
my $cookie_name = 'cookienum123';
#open filehandle and write file header
open my $output_fh, q{>}, 'results.txt'
or die $!;
print {$output_fh} "#\t\tValue\n";
# Use Mojo::UserAgent for concurrent non-blocking requests
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
#create your requests
for my $i (1..10000) {
#build transaction
my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => "$site$i");
#add cookie header
$tx->req->cookies({name => $cookie_name, value => $i});
#start "GET" with callback to write to file
$tx = $ua->start( $tx => sub {
my ($ua, $mojo) = #_;
print {$output_fh} $i . "\t\t" . $mojo->res->dom->to_string;
# Start event loop if necessary
Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
#close filehandle
close $output_fh;

Trying to use fork to do a seemingly simple task, but failing miserably

So, basically I have a very large array that I need to read data from. I want to be able to do this in parallel; however, when I tried, I failed miserably. For the sake of simplicity, let's say I have an array with 100 elements in it. My idea was to partition the array into 10 equals parts and try to read them in parallel (10 is arbitrary, but I don't know how many processes I could run at once and 10 seemed low enough). I need to return a computation (new data structure) based off of my readings from each partition, but I am NOT modifying anything in the original array.
Instead of trying the above exactly, I tried something simpler, but I did it incorrectly, because it didn't work in any capacity. So, then I tried to simply use child processes to push to a an array. The code below is using Time::HiRes to see how much faster I can get this to run using forking as opposed to not, but I'm not at that point yet (I'm going to be testing that when I have closer to a few million entries in my array):
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes;
print "Starting main program\n";
my %child;
my #array=();
my $counter=0;
my $start = Time::HiRes::time();
for (my $count = 1; $count <= 10; $count++)
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid)
elsif ($pid == 0)
exit 0;
die "couldnt fork: $!\n";
while (keys %child)
my $pid = waitpid(-1,0);
delete $child{$pid};
my $stop = Time::HiRes::time();
my $duration = $stop-$start;
print "Time spent: $duration\n";
print "Size of array: ".scalar(#array)."\n";
print "End of main program\n";
sub addToArray
my $start=shift;
my $count=${$start};
my $array=shift;
for (my $i=$count; $i<$count +10; $i++)
push #{$array}, $i;
print scalar(#{$array})."\n";
NB: I used push in lieu of ${$array}[$i]=$i, because I realized that my $counter wasn't actually updating, so that would never work with this code.
I assume that this doesn't work because the children are all copies of the original program and I'm never actually adding anything to the array in my "original program". On that note, I'm very stuck. Again, the actual problem that I'm actually trying to solve is how to partition my array (with data in it) and try to read them in parallel and return a computation based off of my readings (NOTE: I'm not going to modify the original array), but I'm never going to be able to do that if I can't figure out how to actually get my $counter to update. I'd also like to know how to get the code above to do what I want it to do, but that's a secondary goal.
Once I can get my counter to update correctly, is there any chance that another process would start before it updates and I wouldn't actually be reading in the entire array? If so, how do I account for this?
Please, any help would be much appreciated. I'm very frustrated/stuck. I hope there is an easy fix. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I attempted to use Parallel::ForkManager, but to no avail:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(10);
for (my $count = 1; $count <= 10; $count++)
my $pid = $pm->start and next;
$pm->finish; # Terminates the child process
I didn't include the other extraneous stuff, see above for missing code/sub... Again, help would be much appreciated. I'm very new to this and kind of need someone to hold my hand. I also tried to do something with run_on_start and run_on_finish, but they didn't work either.
Your code has two issues: Your child processes share no data, and you would have a race condition if forked processes would share data. The solution is to use threads. Any possibility for race conditions can be eliminated by partitioning the data in the parent thread, and of course, by not using shared data.
Threads in Perl behave similar to forking: by default, there is no shared memory. This makes using threads quite easy. However, each thread runs it own perl interpreter, which makes threads quite costly. Use sparingly.
First, we have to activate threading support via use threads. To start a thread, we do threads->create(\&code, #args), which returns a thread object. The code will then run in a separate thread, and will be invoked with the given arguments. After the thread has finished execution, we can collect the return value by calling $thread->join. Note: The context of the threaded code is determined by the create method, not by join.
We could mark variables with the :shared attribute. Your $counter and #array would be examples for this, but it is generally better to pass explicit copies of data around than to use shared state (disclaimer: from a theoretical standpoint, that is). To avoid race conditions with the shared data, you'd actually have to protect your $counter with a semaphore, but again, there is no need for shared state.
Here is a toy program showing how you could use threads to parallelize a calculation:
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use 5.010; # for `say`, and sane threads
use Test::More;
# This program calculates differences between elements of an array
my #threads;
my #array = (1, 4, 3, 5, 5, 10, 7, 8);
my #delta = ( 3, -1, 2, 0, 5, -3, 1 );
my $number_of_threads = 3;
my #partitions = partition( $#array, $number_of_threads );
say "partitions: #partitions";
for (my $lower_bound = 0; #partitions; $lower_bound += shift #partitions) {
my $upper_bound = $lower_bound + $partitions[0];
say "spawning thread with [#array[$lower_bound .. $upper_bound]]";
# pass copies of the values in the array slice to new thread:
push #threads, threads->create(\&differences, #array[$lower_bound .. $upper_bound]);
# note that threads->create was called in list context
my #received;
push #received, $_->join for #threads; # will block until all are finished
is_deeply \#received, \#delta;
# calculates the differences. This doesn't need shared memory.
# note that #array could have been safely accessed, as it is never written to
# If I had written to a (unshared) variable, these changes would have been thread-local
sub differences {
say "Hi from a worker thread, I have ", 0+#_, " elements to work on";
return map $_[$_] - $_[$_-1], 1 .. $#_;
# or more readable:
# my #d;
# for my $i (1 .. $#_) {
# push #d, $_[$i] - $_[$i-1];
# }
# return #d;
# divide workload into somewhat fair parts, giving earlier threads more work
sub partition {
my ($total, $parts) = #_;
my $base_size = int($total / $parts);
my #partitions = ($base_size) x $parts;
$partitions[$_-1]++ for 1 .. $total - $base_size*$parts;
return #partitions;
A note on the number of threads: This should depend on the number of processors of your system. If you have four cores, more than four threads don't make much sense.
If you're going to use child processes after forking, each child process is autonomous and has its own copy of the data in the program as of the time it was forked from the main program. The changes made by the child in its own memory have no effect on the parent's memory. If you need that, either you need a threading Perl and to use threads, or you need to think again — maybe using shared memory, but locating Perl data into the shared memory might be tricky.
So, one option is to read all the data into memory before forking off and having the children work on their own copies of the data.
Depending on the structure of the problem, another possibility might be to have each child read and work on a portion of the data. This won't work if each child must have access to all the data.
It isn't clear how much speed up you'll get through threading or forking if the threads or processes are all tied up reading the same file. Getting the data into memory may be best treated as a single-threaded (single-tasking) operation; the parallelism can spring into effect — and yield benefits — once the data is in memory.
There are some CPAN modules that makes your life easier. One of them is Parallel::ForkManager, which is a simple parallel processing fork manager
So, after my struggle, here's the fix:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
print "Starting main program\n";
my #array=();
my $counter=0;
my $start = Time::HiRes::time();
my $max_processes=20;
my $partition=10;
my $max_elements=100;
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($max_processes);
$pm->run_on_start( sub {
my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident) = #_;
while ($counter < $max_elements)
my $pid = $pm->start and next;
$pm->finish; # Terminates the child process
my $stop = Time::HiRes::time();
my $duration = $stop-$start;
print "Time spent: $duration\n";
print "Size of array: ".scalar(#array)."\n";
print "\nEnd of main program\n";
sub sub1 {
my $start=shift;
my $count=${$start};
my $array=shift;
for (my $i=$count; $i<$count + $partition; $i++)
push #{$array}, $i;
return #{$array};

Perl, fork, semaphores, processes

I need to create a program that would run 3 processes at the same time in random sequence from a list and lock those processes with semaphore one by one so to avoid duplicates.
For example, you have a list of 3 programs:
#array = ( 1,2,3);
perl runs 2 at first;
By random tries to run 2 again and receives an error (because 2 is now locked with semaphore).
Runs 1.
Runs 3. waits all of 1,2,3 to end work and then exit itself.
Here's my code so far:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IPC::Semaphore;
use Carp ();
print "Program started\n";
sub sem {
#semaphore lock code here
sub chooseProgram{
my $program1 = "./";
my $program2 = "./";
my $program3 = "./";
my $ls = "ls";
my #programs = ( $ls, $program1, $program2, $program3 );
my $random = $programs[int rand($#programs+1)];
print $random."\n";
return $random;
#parent should fork child;
#child should run random processes;
#avoid process clones with semaphore;
sub main{
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid){
#parent here
elsif (defined($pid)){
#child here
print "$$ Child started:\n";
#simple cycle to launch and lock programs
for (my $i = 0; $i<10; $i++){
# semLock(system(chooseProgram()); #run in new terminal window
# so launched programs are locked and cannot be launched again
else {
die("Cannot fork: $!\n");
waitpid($pid, 0);
my $status = $?;
#print $status."\n";
exit 0;
Need to lock file; (I don't know how to work with semaphore. Failed some attempts to lock files so excluded that code.)
Child waits until first program ends before second start. How can I start three of programs at the same time with one child? (Is it possible or should I create one child for one program?).
Programs are non-gui and should run in terminal. How to run a program in new terminal window(tab)?
No correct check if all programs of #programs were launched yet. -- less important.
Your randomness requirement is very strange, but if I understood your requirements correctly, you don't need any sort of locking to do what you want. (So 1) in your question is gone)
Start by shuffling the program array, then start each command of that shuffled array (this deals with your 4)). Then only waitpid after you've started everything (which deals with your 2)).
The code below does that, starting various sleep instances in new terminals (I use urxvt, adapt depending on what terminal you want to spawn - this deals with your 3)).
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
my #progs = ("urxvt -e sleep 5", "urxvt -e sleep 2", "urxvt -e sleep 1");
my #sgrop;
my #pids;
# Shuffle the programs
while (my $cnt = scalar(#progs)) {
push #sgrop, splice #progs, int(rand($cnt)), 1;
# Start the progs
foreach my $prog (#sgrop) {
my $pid = fork();
if (!$pid) {
# exec does not return
} else {
print "Started '$prog' with pid $pid\n";
push #pids, $pid;
# Wait for them
map {
waitpid($_, 0);
print "$_ done!\n";
} (#pids);
Not sure the shuffling is the best out there, but it works. The idea behind it is just to pick one element at random from the initial (sorted) list, remove it from the there and add it to the shuffled one. Repeat until the initial list is empty.
If you're trying to lock the programs system wide (i.e. no other process in your system should be able to start them), then I'm sorry but that's not possible unless the programs protect themselves from concurrent execution.
If your question was about semaphores, then I'm sorry I missed your point. The IPC documentation has sample code for that. I don't really think it's necessary to go to that complexity for what you're trying to do though.
Here's how you could go about it using the IPC::Semaphore module for convenience.
At the start of your main, create a semaphore set with as many semaphores as required:
use IPC::Semaphore;
my $numprocs = scalar(#progs);
my $sem = IPC::Semaphore->new(1234, # this random number is the semaphore key. Use something else
$numprocs, # number of semaphores you want under that key
Check for errors, then initialize all the semaphores to 1.
$sem->setall( (1) x $numprocs) || die "can't set sems $!";
In the code that starts your processes, before you start (after the fork though), try to grab the semaphore:
if ($sem->op($proc_number, -1, IPC_NOWAIT)) {
# here, you got the semaphore - so nothing else is running this program
# run the code
# and once the code is done:
$sem->op($proc_number, 1, 0); # release the semaphore
} else {
# someone else is running this program already
exit(1); # or something
In the above, $proc_number must be unique for each program (could be it's index in your programs array for instance). Don't use exec to start the program. Use system instead for example.
Note that you will have to deal with the exit code of the child process in this case. If the exit code is zero, you can mark that program as having run. If not, you need to retry. (This is going to get messy, you'll need to track which program was run or not. I'd suggest a hash with the program number ($proc_number) where you'd store whether it already completed or not, and the current pid running (or trying to run) that code. You can use that hash to figure out what program still needs to be executed.)
Finally after all is done and you've waited for all the children, you should clean up after yourself:
This code lacks proper error checking, will work strangely (i.e. not well at all) if the cleanup was not done correctly (i.e. semaphores are already laying around when the code starts). But it should get you started.

Are there any good timer implementations in Perl?

I'm looking for good timer implementation in perl. The situation I met is like: I need to keep track of I/O activities of many files and for thoes files keep untouched for enough time a remove action will be taken upon them, so an efficient timer implementation is really vital for
the app I'm involved right now. To avoid recreate the wheel, ask you guys for help first.
Time::HiRes comes with perl.
Furthermore, your application sounds like it could benefit from Linux::Inotify (note the Linux:: in front). When setting the timer for a file that you want to remove after a certain time of inactivity, remember the last access. In an inotify event hook, update this time to the current time. Then, you can periodically check whether the file's lifetime expired without doing a stat on all of the files you track. On expiration, you could add a final check just to make sure nothing went wrong, of course.
If you have huge numbers of files in flight, you may want to keep the list of files sorted by expiration time. That makes the periodic check for expiration trivial.
Update: I just did a little experimentation with Linux::Inotify. Things aren't as easy with that approach as I thought. First, here's the partially working code that I didn't have time to finish.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw/min max/;
use Time::HiRes qw/time sleep/;
use Data::Dumper;
use Linux::Inotify;
# [s], but handles subsecond granularity, too
use constant CLEANUP_INTERVAL => 1.;
use constant FILE_ACCESS_TIMEOUT => 5.;
# for fast and readable struct access
use constant FILENAME => 0;
use constant ACCESSTIME => 1;
use constant WATCHER => 2;
my $notifier = Linux::Inotify->new;
my #tracked_files = populate_tracked_files(\#ARGV, $notifier);
warn Dumper \#tracked_files;
while (1) {
# update the tracked files according to inotify events
my #events = $notifier->read;
my %files_seen_this_round;
foreach my $event (#events) {
my $ev_filename = $event->{name}; # part of the API, apparently
# we mave have multiple events per file.
next if $files_seen_this_round{$ev_filename}++;
# find and update the right tracked file
# TODO: this could be optimized to O(1) with a hash at
# the cost of more bookkeeping
foreach my $tfile (#tracked_files) {
if ($tfile->[FILENAME] eq $ev_filename) {
my $atime = $^T + 60*60*24 * -A $ev_filename; # update access time
$tfile->[ACCESSTIME] = $atime;
# a partial bubble sort would be hugely more efficient here!
# => O(n) from O(n*log(n))
#tracked_files = sort {$a->[ACCESSTIME] <=> $b->[ACCESSTIME]}
} # end foreach tracked file
} # end foreach event
last if not #tracked_files;
} # end while(1)
sub cleanup_files {
my $files = shift;
my $now = time();
for (my $fileno = 0; $fileno < $#{$files}; ++$fileno) {
my $file = $files->[$fileno];
if ($now - $file->[ACCESSTIME] > FILE_ACCESS_TIMEOUT) {
warn "File '" . $file->[FILENAME] . "' timed out";
# remove this file from the watch list
# (and delete in your scenario)
splice #$files, $fileno, 1;
sub populate_tracked_files {
my $files = shift;
my $notifier = shift;
my #tracked_files;
foreach my $file (#$files) {
die "Not a file: '$file'" if not -f $file;
my $watch = $notifier->add_watch($file, Linux::Inotify::ALL_EVENTS);
push #tracked_files, [$file, $^T + 60*60*24*-A $file, $watch];
#tracked_files = sort {$a->[ACCESSTIME] <=> $b->[ACCESSTIME]}
return #tracked_files;
There's still some bug in the time-checking logic. But the main problem is that $notifier->read() will block until a new event. Whereas we really just want to see whether there's a new event and then proceed to cleanup. This would have to be added to Linux::Inotify as a non-blocking read of the file descriptor. Anybody can take over maintenance of the module since the author is no longer interested.
A your program seems clearly event-driven, you would benefit of implementing it using event-driven frameworks such as POE or AnyEvent. Those have all the pieces to handle I/O events and timer events.

Perl running simultaneous routines

I am running trying to run two sub routines at once in perl. What is the best way I can about doing that? For example:
sub 1{
print "im running";
sub 2{
print "o hey im running too";
How can I execute both routines at once?
Use threads.
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
sub first {
my $counter = shift;
print "I'm running\n" while $counter--;
sub second {
my $counter = shift;
print "And I'm running too!\n" while $counter--;
my $firstThread = threads->create(\&first,15); # Prints "I'm running" 15 times
my $secondThread = threads->create(\&second,15); # Prints "And I'm running too!"
# ... 15 times also
$_->join() foreach ( $firstThread, $secondThread ); # Cleans up thread upon exit
What you should pay attention to is how the printing is interleaved irregularly. Don't try to base any calculations on the false premise that the execution order is well-behaved.
Perl threads can intercommunicate using:
shared variables (use threads::shared;)
queues (use Thread::Queue;)
semaphores (use Thread::Semaphore;)
See perlthrtut for more information and an excellent tutorial.
I actually didn't realise that Perl can do this, but what you need is multithreading support:
Either that, or fork two processes, but that would be a bit harder to isolate the invocation of the subroutine.