KVC Collection Accessor + index 0 beyond bounds for empty array error - iphone

I have a mutable array property declared and synthesized:
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *arrayOfTasks;
I am using KVC collection Accessors for the same property and also I have other methods which will internally call this KVC Collection accessor method like this:
-(void)insertObject:(CSTaskAbstract *)inTask inArrayOfTasksAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
[[self arrayOfTasks] insertObject:inTask
-(void)addObjectInArrayOfTasks:(CSTaskAbstract *)inTask
[self insertObject:inTask
inArrayOfTasksAtIndex:[[self arrayOfTasks] count]];
I had to do some modifications and add the object into the array only when a particular condition is satisfied, so to make sure that this check goes into the designated method, I included the following in the -insertObject KVC Collection accessor method:
-(void)insertObject:(CSTaskAbstract *)inTask inArrayOfTasksAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
if ([inTask isOperatable])
[[self arrayOfTasks] insertObject:inTask
-(void)addObjectInArrayOfTasks:(CSTaskAbstract *)inTask
[self insertObject:inTask
inArrayOfTasksAtIndex:[[self arrayOfTasks] count]];
Now each time when I trigger -addObjectINArrayOfTasks method and if the -isOperatable condition returns boolean NO, the app crashes with no stack trace at all! (Stack trace is at main() of the application). All it says is "index 0 beyond bounds for empty array error".
I am not understanding the reason for this, I am not trying to access the array yet, so I am not giving a chance for framework to complain me that there is no element at index 0. Moreover, I am doing the count of array items check everywhere before accessing the objects out of array. For, if I was trying to access and element out of the bounds index, the app would crash at the same point and let me know exactly where I was trying to access the index out of bounds. That would have been a simple straightforward fix.
Now, to just cross verify, I made a small change in the code like this, which seems to work:
-(void)insertObject:(CSTaskAbstract *)inTask inArrayOfTasksAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
[[self arrayOfTasks] insertObject:inTask
-(void)addObjectInArrayOfTasks:(CSTaskAbstract *)inTask
if ([inTask isOperatable])
[self insertObject:inTask
inArrayOfTasksAtIndex:[[self arrayOfTasks] count]];
I can go ahead with this approach which is working and does not crash, but my concerns are the following:
Adding the same check in designated method would be an added advantage in future if some other programmer would want to invoke the designated method from somewhere else.
Why would the app crash in first case when I wont insert the object into the array in KVC collection accessors based on some condition check?
Thanks for any inputs,

I think the crash you are seeing is more likely related to internal KVC behavior than your array. That might be the reason you don't see a usable stack trace. Have you enabled the exception breakpoint in Xcode?
KVC basically expects that -insertObject:in<Key>AtIndex: will insert a new object at the given index (presumably 0 in your case). Since it assumes that the object was inserted it should now be accessible by queuing the data structure (NSMutableArray) for the object at the given index. When the condition evolves to NO, you fail to insert this object, which means that an index out of bounds exception is possible when KVO tries to query using the provided index.
The second code snipped you posted avoids this error by not calling the KVC collection accessor when an insertion is not needed.
If you want to minimize the chance of someone incorrectly using those methods, expose just -addObjectInArrayOfTasks: in your public header. In addition you can document this. If you want to make it absolutely certain that -insertObject:in<Key>AtIndex: can't be accessed on int's own, you can add an NSAssert, that checks if the method was called from -addObjectInArrayOfTasks:.


for loops - Object type disregarded?

I sometimes like to organize IB elements into NSArrays primarily to help me organize my elements. Most often, different classes of objects make it into the same array with each other. While this is a convenient way of organization, I can't seem to wrap my head around why if I have an array like this:
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:((UITextField *)textField), ((UISegmentedController *)segmentedController), nil];
Why I get "Does not respond to selector" messages when I put a for loop like this:
for (UITextField *text in array) {
[text setText:#""];
The for loop seems to be passed objects that are not of class UITextField.
What is the point of declaring the object's class if all objects in the specified array are passed through the loop?
EDIT Just for reference, this is how I'm handling it as of now:
for (id *object in array) {
if ([object isMemberOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
} else if ([object isMemberOfClass:[UISegmentedController class]) {
When you do
for (UITextField *text in...
the object pointers from the array are cast to UITextField* type - so if the object isn't actually a UITextField, all sorts of weird things may happen if you try to call UITextField methods.
So instead use the id type (no * needed, btw):
for (id obj in array)
Then check the type as you do and call the appropriate methods. Or, filter the array to get only objects of a certain type, then go though that type only:
for (UITextField* text in [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:...])
Edit: here's how to build class filter predicates:
Is it possible to filter an NSArray by class?
What is the point of declaring the object's class if all objects in the specified array are passed through the loop?
The class name is just there to let the compiler know what it should expect to find. This allows it to try to figure out what methods it should expect you to call and how you might treat the object. It's the same idea as passing in an int to a method that takes float. The method will not ignore ints - it's assuming you're passing the correct type. You're just giving this construct a little more credit than it's due:
for (UITextField *text in array)
It just doesn't have that functionality. How you're handling it now is the correct way.
Are you sure you don't get an error when you run that code? The "does not respond to selector" message is a runtime error, not a compile time error. The compiler has no idea whether the objects in the array implement -setText:, but you should certainly get an error when you actually send that message to an instance of UISegmentedControl.
Another possibility is that you've got a class called UISegmentedController that does have a -setText: method. The name of the class that implements the multi-part bar-graph-looking user interface widget is UISegmentedControl. So either the code you're showing isn't real, tested code, or you've got a class that we don't know about.

Change dictionary values wrong when using KVO with NSOperationQueue?

I was working through an example in the concurrency chapter of "More iPhone 3 Development," and can't get KVO on an NSOperationQueue working as expected. I create an NSOperationQueue and observe its operations array using:
NSOperationQueue *newQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
self.queue = newQueue;
[newQueue release];
[queue addObserver:self
options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld)
When the first NSOperation is added to the queue, I expect it to be added to its underlying operations array (which the iOS documentation says is KVO-compliant) and hence, in the change dictionary, to find a mapping from NSKeyValueChangeKindKey to NSKeyValueChangeInsertion, along with a mapping from NSKeyValueChangeNewKey to the added NSOperation. But I wasn't seeing any kind of value NSKeyValueChangeInsertion.
I know the debugger is pro and all, but in the interest of having something useful to copy here, I started my observer method with:
- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context {
NSNumber *kind = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeKindKey];
NSObject *newValue = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey];
NSObject *oldValue = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeOldKey];
NSIndexSet *indexes = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeIndexesKey];
NSLog(#"kind=%d, newValue=%#, oldValue=%#, indexes=%#",
[kind integerValue], newValue, oldValue, indexes);
And that prints:
2010-11-18 20:01:56.249 Stalled[2692:6f07] kind=1, newValue=(
"<SquareRootOperation: 0x5f51b40>"
), oldValue=(
), indexes=(null)
2010-11-18 20:01:56.250 Stalled[2692:6f07] kind=1, newValue=(
"<SquareRootOperation: 0x5f51b40>"
), oldValue=(
"<SquareRootOperation: 0x5f51b40>"
), indexes=(null)
(SquareRootOperation is simply my subclass of NSOperation that overrides main appropriately, and Stalled is simply the project name.) But note that the method is called twice upon inserting a single operation, and both times with a kind value of 1, which is NSKeyValueChangeSetting, not NSKeyValueChangeInsertion. Additionally, newValue and oldValue seem to be the array itself, not the item added.
Any ideas? Thanks!
The docs say -operations is KVO-compliant, but don't specify to what detail the notifications will be. In practice, it seems you are only told that a change has occurred, so would have to compare the old and new values to find out what was inserted.
Don't forget that these notifications can be sent to you on any thread!
The operations property of NSOperationQueue does not have a mutable type (it returns NSArray*). It therefore does not implement the indexed to-many compliance methods for mutable arrays so you'll never see the insert events, only the change event for the whole array.
Shadowmatter has brought up the fact that the actually returned object is an NSMutableArray. This does not, however, change anything. Firstly, Apple's documentation is clear on the issue. If a method is advertised to return an immutable object, you must respect the API. You must not use isKindOf: to find out if it is really mutable and you must definitely not change it.
The API says the operations return type is immutable and you must therefore treat it as such. More importantly for this question, as it's not a mutable collection property, it is not key value coding compliant for the mutable array KVC values. For mutable indexed collection compliance, the class has to
Implement one or both of the methods -insertObject:in<Key>AtIndex: or -insert<Key>:atIndexes:.
Implement one or both of the methods -removeObjectFrom<Key>AtIndex: or -remove<Key>AtIndexes:.
(taken directly from the Apple KVC guide)
The designer of the NSOperationQueue class designed the operations property as immutable and therefore deliberately ommitted the above methods.

iPhone Int with NSObject &/causes class can't reference itself

I've got a function called updateTheValue() that I have called using [self updateTheValue] for a while now. Two things happened recently; I added the method calling in the viewDidLoad() method and it spit out a warning saying my class may not respond to this. Second, I want to pass objects to updateTheValue() like strings, but mostly ints, so I declared an NSObject to pass into the method. Can an int fit into an NSObject slot, or what should I use instead?
I would have posted these seperately but they seem to be related since after updating updateTheValue() to accept an NSObject every reference to this function turns out the error that my class "May not respond to -updateTheValue"
You could make your method like this:
-(void)updateTheValue:(NSObject *)anObject
// or use -(void)updateTheValue:(id)anObject
if ([anObject isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
// Do your string handling here
else if ([anObject isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
// Do your number handling here
Use it like this:
[self updateTheValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:42]];
I'd suggest doing two different methods though, i.e. updateTheValueWithInt: and updateTheValueWithString: making it easier to read and understand.
Make sure you make the method signature visible before using them, so that the compiler knows what this does.
If you use separate methods you can use int directly without wrapping them into NSNumber objects.
First problem:
updateTheValue() must be declared before you try to call it.
You can either move the definition of function before the calls to it, or add a prototype at the top - eg, add:
(void) updateTheValue;
near the top.
Second problem:
Use an NSNumber, eg [NSNumber numberWithInt:45];

objectForKey stringValue crashing my app?

I have a class that I use to setup objects in an array. In this class I have a custom "initWithDictionary", where I parse a JSON dictionary. However, as I am running into NSNull, this crashes my app. To get around this, I set up a class that handles exceptions, so when a string is NSNull, it's replace it with #"". or -1 for integers.
This is my NullExtensions class:
#interface NSNull (valueExtensions)
-(NSString *)stringValue;
#implementation NSNull (valueExtensions)
-(int)intValue {
return -1;
-(NSString*)stringValue {
return #"";
However, in my initWithDictionary method, the following code crashes my app:
self.bookTitle = [[parsedDictionary objectForKey:#"book_title"] stringValue];
It doesn't work regardless of the object in the parsed dictionary being NSNull or containing a valid string. Only if I do the following (and the string is not null):
self.bookTitle = [parsedDictionary objectForKey:#"book_title"];
Is stringValue incorrect in this case? And if so, how do I use it properly in order to setup proper NSNull replacements?
You really really don't want to add a category to NSNull that adds such common methods. That will change the behavior of NSNull for all instances in the application, including ones created by the underlying frameworks solely for their private use.
If you need a value class that represents the notion of "value doesn't exist and therefore I'm going to return these default values instead", create a class or instance that represents exactly that.
As for why it crashes, I couldn't tell you without seeing the actual details of the crash.
And, yes, it really is THAT bad to add a category to a class that adds such a common method. All it takes is one bit of code in a plug-in or framework that does:
if ([fooMaybeNull respondsToSelector: #selector(intValue)] bar = [fooMaybeNull intValue];
Not terribly farfetched -- I have had to debug nasty crashers or misbehaviors due to exactly this kind of willy-nilly category addition.
If you are going to add methods to a class via categories, prefix your method names so as to isolate them from existing functionality. It is still fragile, but manageably so.
Instead of creating categories on NSNull, for which you would also have to add a similar category to NSString (that's why it crashes, because real strings do not respond to stringValue) - instead try creating a helper category on NSDictionary like "stringForKey" that uses the code Johan posted and returns an NSString, probably also should enforce all other types get mapped to empty strings as well.
The NSNull extensions you have written look ok to me but using a method like stringValue may be confusing since other classes like NSNumber use this.
Personally though, I think NSNull replacement in this instance is unnecessary. If you just made a quick test you can replace the NSNull where you need to. e.g.
id testObject = [parsedDictionary objectForKey:#"book_title"];
self.bookTitle = testObject==[NSNull null] ? #"" : testObject;
You are asking an NSString for its stringValue. No need to convert a string to a string.
Try this:
if (![[parsedDictionary objectForKey:#"book_title"] isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
self.bookTitle = [parsedDictionary objectForKey:#"book_title"];
} else {
self.bookTitle = #"";
Edit: You should not use the category on NSNull you created. You don't need it, nor should you want it. If the source for the dictionary inserts NSNull instances, go ahead and use my code above. Normally you would expect to simple have no value inserted for the key, at which time you can simple see if [parsedDictionary objectForKey:#"book_title"] returns anything.
Are you sure that the dictionary is returning [NSNull null]? By default, dictionaries return nil, not [NSNull null], when an value isn't found for a key.
However, in my initWithDictionary method, the following code crashes my app:
self.bookTitle = [[parsedDictionary objectForKey:#"book_title"] stringValue];
It doesn't work regardless of the object in the parsed dictionary being NSNull or containing a valid string.
That makes sense, since stringValue is not a valid method on NSString. It will work for NSValue and its subclasses, but not NSString.

Detect if one position in Array is already initiated

I need to check specific positions in an NSArray to see if they have already been initialized, but I am having trouble. I tried to do the following, but it causes my application to crash!
if ((NSMutableArray *)[arrAllBlocks objectAtIndex:iLine] == nil)
[arrAllBlocks insertObject:[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] atIndex:iLine];
NSMutableArray *columArray = (NSMutableArray *)[arrAllBlocks
[columArray insertObject:newBlock atIndex:iColumn];
What is the best to do this? I already tried some methods like isValid, and things like that!
You have a few options here:
Option 1: Pre-fill the array with instances of NSNull, and then use the code given by Dave DeLong in his answer.
Option 2: (Similar to #1) pre-fill the array with instances of NSMutableArray, and then have no extra code at all. (If you're going to pre-fill, you may as well do this).
Option 3: Do not pre-fill the array, but insert items dynamically as required. This will be almost identical to a pre-fill if the first iLine is near the maximum:
while([arrAllBlocks count] <= iLine)
[arrAllBlocks addObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0]];
NSMutableArray *columArray = (NSMutableArray *)[arrAllBlocks
[columArray insertObject:newBlock atIndex:iColumn];
Option 4: Use a dictionary to maintain the list of NSMutableArrays:
NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", iLine];
NSMutableArray *columnArray = [dictAllBlocks objectForKey:key];
if (columnArray == nil)
columnArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0];
[dictAllBlocks setObject:columnArray forKey:key];
[columArray insertObject:newBlock atIndex:iColumn];
How to choose:
If the maximum value for iLine is not enormous, I would go with option #2. A handful of NSMutableArrays initialized to zero capacity will take up very little memory.
If the maximum value for iLine is enormous, but you expect it to be accessed sparsely (i.e., only a few values of iLine will ever be accessed), then you should go with Option #4. This will save you from having to fill an NSMutableArray with objects that never get used. The overhead of converting the string-value key for the dictionary will be less than the overhead for creating all of those blanks.
If you're not sure, try out each option and profile them: measure your memory usage and the time required to execute. If neither of these options work, you may have to explore more complex solutions, but only do that if it turns out to be necessary.
A note of caution:
The original code that you posted has a memory leak in the following line:
[arrAllBlocks insertObject:[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] atIndex:iLine];
The NSMutableArray objects that you initialize here are never released. When you call [[NSMutableArray init] alloc], a brand new object is created (with a reference count of one). The insertObject method then adds that new object to arrAllBlocks, and retains it (increasing its retain count to 2). Later, when you release arrAllBlocks, the new array will be sent a release message, but that will only reduce its retain count to one again. At that point, it will stick around in RAM until your program exits.
The best thing to do here is to use [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0] instead (as I have done in my examples). This returns a new NSMutableArray, just the same as your code did, but this instance has already been autoreleased. That way, arrAllBlocks can take ownership of the new object and you can be sure that it will be released when appropriate.
You can't. NSArray (and its subclass NSMutableArray) do not allow you to insert nil into the array. That's clearly outlined in the documentation.
If, for some reason, you need to have "empty" values in an array, then you should insert [NSNull null] instead and test for that. From the docs: "The NSNull class defines a singleton object used to represent null values in collection objects (which don’t allow nil values)."
This means you could change your code very simply to this:
if ([[arrAllBlocks objectAtIndex:iLine] isEqual:[NSNull null]]) {
[(NSMutableArray *)arrAllBlocks insertObject:[NSMutableArray array] atIndex:iLine];
NSMutableArray *columnArray = (NSMutableArray *)[arrAllBlocks objectAtIndex:iLine];
[columnArray insertObject:newBlock atIndex:iColumn];
To check for NSNull you can simply compare against the pointer, since it's a Singleton:
if ([NSNull null] == [arrAllBlocks objectAtIndex:iLine]) {
[arrAllBlocks insertObject:[NSMutableArray array] atIndex:iLine];
NSMutableArray *columnArray = [arrAllBlocks objectAtIndex:iLine];
[columnArray insertObject:newBlock atIndex:iColumn];
I also removed the unsightly casts. Casting is rarely necessary in Objective-C. It usually just adds noise, and can hide real bugs. Since you're experiencing crashes, it's worth removing the casts from this code and listen to what the compiler has to tell you about it.
Telling the compiler to ignore warnings for a piece of code does not make the underlying problem with it go away!