Solve the sparse triangular linear system in Matlab - matlab

I implement the LU decomposition algorithm in Matlab for some large sparse Matrices to solve the linear system. When I got the L,U matrix, I used the backward substitution and forward substitution algorithm to solve the triangular linear system:
%x = U\y;
for i = n : -1 : 1
x(i,:) = (y(i,:)-U(i,:)*x)/U(i,i);
but I found this code is the bottleneck. Although I can use the A\b to get the solution, but I want to know how can I implement a efficient algorithm to solve this problem in Matlab, For example, Can I write the matrix product to simulate the following action without for loop?
(I got some reference books and paper, but all of the code is not in Matlab, just for C++ or C code)

First off: correctness goes before speed; the loop you posted produces results different from U\y, so you might want to check that first :)
AFAIK, the backslash does some checks on the input matrix, and calls the fastest algorithm accordingly. When those checks indicate A is lower triangular, it will do exactly what you did (but then probably more efficient).
Anyway, to speed up your code: you should pre-allocate x, otherwise Matlab is forced to grow the vector at each iteration. Also, call your loop variable ii -- i is the imaginary unit, and the name resolution at each iteration takes some time. So, in summary:
x = zeros(size(y));
for ii = n : -1 : 1
x(ii,:) = (y(ii,:)-U(ii,:)*x)/U(ii,ii);
Note that there is no 'vectorized' solution, as the next result depends on the previous one.


Matlab: Solve for a single variable in a linear system of equations

I have a linear system of about 2000 sparse equations in Matlab. For my final result, I only really need the value of one of the variables: the other values are irrelevant. While there is no real problem in simply solving the equations and extracting the correct variable, I was wondering whether there was a faster way or Matlab command. For example, as soon as the required variable is calculated, the program could in principle stop running.
Is there anyone who knows whether this is at all possible, or if it would just be easier to keep solving the entire system?
Most of the computation time is spent inverting the matrix, if we can find a way to avoid completely inverting the matrix then we may be able to improve the computation time. Lets assume I'm only interested in the solution for the last variable x(N). Using the standard method we compute
x = A\b;
res = x(N);
Assuming A is full rank, we can instead use LU decomposition of the augmented matrix [A b] to get x(N) which looks like this
[~,U] = lu([A b]);
res = U(end,end-1)/U(end,end);
This is essentially performing Gaussian elimination and then solving for x(N) using back-substitution.
We can extend this to find any value of x by swapping the columns of A before LU decomposition,
x_index = 123; % the index of the solution we are interested in
A(:,[x_index,end]) = A(:,[end,x_index]);
[~,U] = lu([A b]);
res = U(end,end)/U(end,end-1);
Bench-marking performance in MATLAB2017a with 10,000 random 200 dimensional systems we get a slight speed-up
Total time direct method : 4.5401s
Total time LU method : 3.9149s
Note that you may experience some precision issues if A isn't well conditioned.
Also, this approach doesn't take advantage of the sparsity of A. In my experiments even with 2000x2000 sparse matrices everything significantly slowed down and the LU method is significantly slower. That said full matrix representation only requires about 30MB which shouldn't be a problem on most computers.
If you have access to theory manuals on NASTRAN, I believe (from memory) there is coverage of partial solutions of linear systems. Also try looking for iterative or tri diagonal solvers for A*x = b. On this page, review the pqr solution answer by Shantachhani. Another reference.

Obtaining the constant that makes the integral equal to zero in Matlab

I'm trying to code a MATLAB program and I have arrived at a point where I need to do the following. I have this equation:
I must find the value of the constant "Xcp" (greater than zero), that is the value that makes the integral equal to zero.
In order to do so, I have coded a loop in which the the value of Xcp advances with small increments on each iteration and the integral is performed and checked if it's zero, if it reaches zero the loop finishes and the Xcp is stored with this value.
However, I think this is not an efficient way to do this task. The running time increases a lot, because this loop is long and has the to perform the integral and the integration limits substitution every time.
Is there a smarter way to do this in Matlab to obtain a better code efficiency?
P.S.: I have used conv() to multiply both polynomials. Since cl(x) and (x-Xcp) are both polynomials.
EDIT: Piece of code.
p = [1 -Xcp]; % polynomial (x-Xcp)
while(i<=x_te && found~=true) % Xcp is upper bounded by x_te
int_cl_p = polyint(conv(cl,p));
This is the code I used to run this section. Another problem is that I have to do it for different cases (different cl functions), for this reason the code is even more slow.
As far as I understood, you need to solve the equation for X_CP.
I suggest using symbolic solver for this. This is not the most efficient way for large polynomials, but for polynomials of degree 20 it takes less than 1 second. I do not claim that this solution is fastest, but this provides generic solution to the problem. If your polynomial does not change every iteration, then you can use this generic solution many times and not spend time for calculating integral.
So, generic symbolic solution in terms of xLE and xTE is obtained using this:
syms xLE xTE c x xCP
a = 1:20;
%//arbitrary polynomial of degree 20
cl = sum(x.^a.*randi([-100,100],1,20));
eqn = -1/c^2 * int(cl * (x-xCP), x, xLE, xTE) == 0;
xCP = solve(eqn,xCP);
Elapsed time is 0.550371 seconds.
You can further use matlabFunction for finding the numerical solutions:
xCP_numerical = matlabFunction(xCP);
%// we then just plug xLE = 10 and xTE = 20 values into function
answer = xCP_numerical(10,20)
answer =
The slight modification of the code can allow you to use this for generic coefficients.
Hope that helps
If you multiply by -1/c^2, then you can rearrange as
and integrate however you fancy. Since c_l is a polynomial order N, if it's defined in MATLAB using the usual notation for polyval, where coefficients are stored in a vector a such that
then integration is straightforward:
MATLAB code might look something like this
int_cl_p = polyint(cl);
int_cl_x_p = polyint([cl 0]);
X_CP = diff(polyval(int_cl_x_p,[x_le,x_te]))/diff(polyval(int_cl_p,[x_le,x_te]));

Solving Linear Equation in Matlab

I wanna solve #n linear equations AX=bi(for #n b's) in Matlab which b changes in a loop and A is constant.
One way which is fast, is to compute the inverse of A before the loop and in the loop body just get X from inv(A)*b, but because the matrix A is singular, I get an awful answer!
Of course, the numerical solution A/b gives a good answer, but the point is that it takes a long time to compute #n different X's in #n loops.
What I want is a solution which can be both accurate and fast.
I actually think this is a good question, typos and issues of matrix singularity aside. There are a few good ways to handle this, and Tim Davis' factorize submission on MATLAB Central covers all the angles.
However, just for reference, let's do it on our own in native MATLAB, starting with the case where A is square. First, there are the two methods you suggested (inv and \,mldivide):
% inv, slow and inacurate
xinvsol = inv(A)*b;
norm(A*xinvsol - b ,'fro')
% mldivide, faster and accurate
xref = A\b;
norm(A*xref - b ,'fro')
But if like you said A does not change, just factorize A and solve for new b! Say A is symmetric positive definite:
L = chol(A,'lower'); % Cholesky factorization
% mldivide, much faster (not counting the chol factorization) and most accurate
xcholbs= L'\(L\b); %'
norm(A*xcholbs - b ,'fro')
% linsolve, fastest (omits checks for matrix configuration) and most accurate
sol1 = linsolve(L, b, struct('LT',true));
xcholsolv = linsolve(L, sol1, struct('LT',true,'TRANSA',true));
norm(A*xcholsolv - b ,'fro')
If A is not symmetric positive definite, then you'd use LU decomposition for a square matrix or QR otherwise. Again, you can do it all yourself, or you can just use Tim Davis' awesome factorize functions.

MATLAB: Convolution of Matrix Valued Function

I've written this code to perform the 1-d convolution of a 2-d matrix valued function (k is my time index, kend is on the order of 10e3). Is there a faster or cleaner way to do this, perhaps using built in functions?
for k=1:kend
for l=0:k-1
This is a newer solution built on the older solution, which solved the previously given formula. The code in the question is actually a modification of that formula, in which the overlap between the two matrices in the third dimension is repeatedly shifted (it's akin to a convolution along the third dimension of the data). The previous solution I gave only computed the result for the last iteration of the code in the question (i.e. k = kend). So, here's a full solution that should be much more efficient than the code in the question for kend on the order of 1000:
kend = size(A,3); %# Get the value for kend
C = zeros(3,3,kend); %# Preallocate the output
Anew = reshape(flipdim(A,3),3,[]); %# Reshape A into a 3-by-3*kend matrix
Bnew = reshape(permute(B,[1 3 2]),[],3); %# Reshape B into a 3*kend-by-3 matrix
for k = 1:kend
C(:,:,k) = Anew(:,3*(kend-k)+1:end)*Bnew(1:3*k,:); %# Index Anew and Bnew so
end %# they overlap in steps
%# of three
Even when using just kend = 100, this solution came out to be about 30 times faster for me than the one in the question and about 4 times faster than a pure for-loop-based solution (which would involve 5 loops!). Note that the discussion below of floating-point accuracy still applies, so it is normal and expected that you will see slight differences between the solutions on the order of the relative floating-point accuracy.
Based on this formula you linked to in a comment:
it appears that you actually want to do something different than the code you provided in the question. Assuming A and B are 3-by-3-by-k matrices, the result C should be a 3-by-3 matrix and the formula from your link written out as a set of nested for loops would look like this:
%# Solution #1: for loops
k = size(A,3);
C = zeros(3);
for i = 1:3
for j = 1:3
for r = 1:3
for l = 0:k-1
C(i,j) = C(i,j) + A(i,r,k-l)*B(r,j,l+1);
Now, it is possible to perform this operation without any for loops by reshaping and reorganizing A and B appropriately:
%# Solution #2: matrix multiply
Anew = reshape(flipdim(A,3),3,[]); %# Create a 3-by-3*k matrix
Bnew = reshape(permute(B,[1 3 2]),[],3); %# Create a 3*k-by-3 matrix
C = Anew*Bnew; %# Perform a single matrix multiply
You could even rework the code you have in your question to create a solution with a single loop that performs a matrix multiply of your 3-by-3 submatrices:
%# Solution #3: mixed (loop and matrix multiplication)
k = size(A,3);
C = zeros(3);
for l = 0:k-1
C = C + A(:,:,k-l)*B(:,:,l+1);
So now the question: Which one of these approaches is faster/cleaner?
Well, "cleaner" is very subjective, and I honestly couldn't tell you which of the above pieces of code makes it any easier to understand what the operation is doing. All the loops and variables in the first solution make it a little hard to track what's going on, but it clearly mirrors the formula. The second solution breaks it all down into a simple matrix operation, but it's difficult to see how it relates to the original formula. The third solution seems like a middle-ground between the two.
So, let's make speed the tie-breaker. If I time the above solutions for a number of values of k, I get these results (in seconds needed to perform 10,000 iterations of the given solution, MATLAB R2010b):
k | loop | matrix multiply | mixed
5 | 0.0915 | 0.3242 | 0.1657
10 | 0.1094 | 0.3093 | 0.2981
20 | 0.1674 | 0.3301 | 0.5838
50 | 0.3181 | 0.3737 | 1.3585
100 | 0.5800 | 0.4131 | 2.7311 * The matrix multiply is now fastest
200 | 1.2859 | 0.5538 | 5.9280
Well, it turns out that for smaller values of k (around 50 or less) the for-loop solution actually wins out, showing once again that for loops are not as "evil" as they used to be considered in older versions of MATLAB. Under certain circumstances, they can be more efficient than a clever vectorization. However, when the value of k is larger than around 100, the vectorized matrix-multiply solution starts to win out, scaling much more nicely with increasing k than the for-loop solution does. The mixed for-loop/matrix-multiply solution scales atrociously for reasons that I'm not exactly sure of.
So, if you expect k to be large, I'd go with the vectorized matrix-multiply solution. One thing to keep in mind is that the results you get from each solution (the matrix C) will differ ever so slightly (on the level of the floating-point precision) since the order of additions and multiplications performed for each solution are different, thus leading to a difference in accumulation of rounding errors. In short, the difference between the results for these solutions should be negligible, but you should be aware of it.
Have you looked into Matlab's conv method?
I can't compare it against your provided code, because what you provided gives me a problem with trying to access the zeroth element of A. (When k=1, k-1=0.)
Have you considered using FFTs to convolve? A convolution operation is simply a point-wise multiplication in the frequency domain. You'll have to take some precaution with finite sequences, as you'll end up with circular convolution if you're not careful (but this is trivial to take care of).
Here's a simple example for a 1D case.
>> a=rand(4,1);
>> b=rand(3,1);
>> c=conv(a,b)
c =
The same using FFTs
>> A=fft(a,6);
>> B=fft(b,6);
>> C=real(ifft(A.*B))
C =
A convolution of an M point vector and an N point vector results in an M+N-1 point vector. So, I've padded each of the vectors a and b with zeros before taking the FFT (this is automatically taken care of when I take the 4+3-1=6 point FFT of it).
Although the equation that you showed is similar to a circular convolution, it's not exactly it. So you can ditch the FFT approach, and the built-in conv* functions. To answer your question, here's the same operation done without explicit loops:
mIndx here is a cell, where the ith cell contains a vector 1:i. This is your l index (as others have noted, please don't use l as a variable name).
The next line is an anonymous function that does the convolution operation, making use of the fact that the k index is just the l index flipped around. The operations are carried out on individual cells, and then assembled.
The last line actually performs the operations on the matrices.
The answer is the same as that obtained with the loops. However, you'll find that the looped solution is actually an order of magnitude faster (I averaged 0.007s for my code and 0.0006s for the loop). This is because the loop is pretty straightforward, whereas with this sort of nested construction, there's plenty of function call overheads and repeated reshaping that slow it down.
MATLAB's loops have come a long way since the early days when loops were dreaded. Certainly, vectorized operations are blazing fast; but not everything can be vectorized, and sometimes, loops are more efficient than such convoluted anonymous functions. I could probably shave off a few more tenths here and there by optimizing my construction (or maybe taking a different approach), but I'm not going to do that.
Remember that good code should be readable, as well as efficient and minor optimization at the cost of readability serves no one. Although I wrote the code above, I certainly will not be able to decipher what it does if I revisited it a month later. Your looped code was clear, readable and fast and I would suggest that you stick with it.

How to find minimum of nonlinear, multivariate function using Newton's method (code not linear algebra)

I'm trying to do some parameter estimation and want to choose parameter estimates that minimize the square error in a predicted equation over about 30 variables. If the equation were linear, I would just compute the 30 partial derivatives, set them all to zero, and use a linear-equation solver. But unfortunately the equation is nonlinear and so are its derivatives.
If the equation were over a single variable, I would just use Newton's method (also known as Newton-Raphson). The Web is rich in examples and code to implement Newton's method for functions of a single variable.
Given that I have about 30 variables, how can I program a numeric solution to this problem using Newton's method? I have the equation in closed form and can compute the first and second derivatives, but I don't know quite how to proceed from there. I have found a large number of treatments on the web, but they quickly get into heavy matrix notation. I've found something moderately helpful on Wikipedia, but I'm having trouble translating it into code.
Where I'm worried about breaking down is in the matrix algebra and matrix inversions. I can invert a matrix with a linear-equation solver but I'm worried about getting the right rows and columns, avoiding transposition errors, and so on.
To be quite concrete:
I want to work with tables mapping variables to their values. I can write a function of such a table that returns the square error given such a table as argument. I can also create functions that return a partial derivative with respect to any given variable.
I have a reasonable starting estimate for the values in the table, so I'm not worried about convergence.
I'm not sure how to write the loop that uses an estimate (table of value for each variable), the function, and a table of partial-derivative functions to produce a new estimate.
That last is what I'd like help with. Any direct help or pointers to good sources will be warmly appreciated.
Edit: Since I have the first and second derivatives in closed form, I would like to take advantage of them and avoid more slowly converging methods like simplex searches.
The Numerical Recipes link was most helpful. I wound up symbolically differentiating my error estimate to produce 30 partial derivatives, then used Newton's method to set them all to zero. Here are the highlights of the code:
__doc.findzero = [[function(functions, partials, point, [epsilon, steps]) returns table, boolean
point is a table mapping variable names to real numbers
(a point in N-dimensional space)
functions is a list of functions, each of which takes a table like
point as an argument
partials is a list of tables; partials[i].x is the partial derivative
of functions[i] with respect to 'x'
epilson is a number that says how close to zero we're trying to get
steps is max number of steps to take (defaults to infinity)
result is a table like 'point', boolean that says 'converged'
-- See Numerical Recipes in C, Section 9.6 []
function findzero(functions, partials, point, epsilon, steps)
epsilon = epsilon or 1.0e-6
steps = steps or 1/0
assert(#functions > 0)
assert(table.numpairs(partials[1]) == #functions,
'number of functions not equal to number of variables')
local equations = { }
if Linf(functions, point) <= epsilon then
return point, true
for i = 1, #functions do
local F = functions[i](point)
local zero = F
for x, partial in pairs(partials[i]) do
zero = zero + lineq.var(x) * partial(point)
equations[i] = lineq.eqn(zero, 0)
local delta =, lineq.solve(equations, {}).answers)
point =, x) return v + delta[x] end, point)
steps = steps - 1
until steps <= 0
return point, false
function Linf(functions, point)
-- distance using L-infinity norm
assert(#functions > 0)
local max = 0
for i = 1, #functions do
local z = functions[i](point)
max = math.max(max, math.abs(z))
return max
You might be able to find what you need at the Numerical Recipes in C web page. There is a free version available online. Here (PDF) is the chapter containing the Newton-Raphson method implemented in C. You may also want to look at what is available at Netlib (LINPack, et. al.).
As an alternative to using Newton's method the Simplex Method of Nelder-Mead is ideally suited to this problem and referenced in Numerical Recpies in C.
You are asking for a function minimization algorithm. There are two main classes: local and global. Your problem is least squares so both local and global minimization algorithms should converge to the same unique solution. Local minimization is far more efficient than global so select that.
There are many local minimization algorithms but one particularly well suited to least squares problems is Levenberg-Marquardt. If you don't have such a solver to hand (e.g. from MINPACK) then you can probably get away with Newton's method:
x <- x - (hessian x)^-1 * grad x
where you compute the inverse matrix multiplied by a vector using a linear solver.
Since you already have the partial derivatives, how about a general gradient-descent approach?
Maybe you think you have a good-enough solution, but for me, the easiest way to think about this is to understand it in the 1-variable case first, and then extend it to the matrix case.
In the 1-variable case, if you divide the first derivative by the second derivative, you get the (negative) step size to your next trial point, e.g. -V/A.
In the N-variable case, the first derivative is a vector and the second derivative is a matrix (the Hessian). You multiply the derivative vector by the inverse of the second derivative, and the result is the negative step-vector to your next trial point, e.g. -V*(1/A)
I assume you can get the 2nd-derivative Hessian matrix. You will need a routine to invert it. There are plenty of these around in various linear algebra packages, and they are quite fast.
(For readers who are not familiar with this idea, suppose the two variables are x and y, and the surface is v(x,y). Then the first derivative is the vector:
V = [ dv/dx, dv/dy ]
and the second derivative is the matrix:
A = [dV/dx]
A = [ d(dv/dx)/dx, d(dv/dy)/dx]
[ d(dv/dx)/dy, d(dv/dy)/dy]
A = [d^2v/dx^2, d^2v/dydx]
[d^2v/dxdy, d^2v/dy^2]
which is symmetric.)
If the surface is parabolic (constant 2nd derivative) it will get to the answer in 1 step. On the other hand, if the 2nd derivative is very not-constant, you could encounter oscillation. Cutting each step in half (or some fraction) should make it stable.
If N == 1, you'll see that it does the same thing as in the 1-variable case.
Good luck.
Added: You wanted code:
double X[N];
// Set X to initial estimate
double V[N]; // 1st derivative "velocity" vector
double A[N*N]; // 2nd derivative "acceleration" matrix
double A1[N*N]; // inverse of A
double S[N]; // step vector
CalculateFirstDerivative(V, X);
CalculateSecondDerivative(A, X);
// A1 = 1/A
GetMatrixInverse(A, A1);
// S = V*(1/A)
VectorTimesMatrix(V, A1, S);
// if S is small enough, stop
// X -= S
VectorMinusVector(X, S, X);
My opinion is to use a stochastic optimizer, e.g., a Particle Swarm method.