flv videos in the foreground covering fancybox window in IE - fancybox

my flv videos remain in the foreground hidding a part of a fancybox window; this one should be on top.
It occurs only in IE and works properly in firefox and chrome

Set wmode="opaque" to your background videos. Also check that you have set a proper DOCTYPE so IE won't run in quirks mode.


Ionic video fullscreen mode

I'm experiencing a strange behavior with JWPlayer and Ionic. I'm using JWPlayer to display my videos and it works fine, but i have a strange bug i don't reach to fix.
When i try to display the video in fullscreen mode, it works ONLY if the video is in a modal dialog. If the video is in a view, (ion-view instead of ion-modal-view), the video tries to go fullscreen, and flickers back to normal mode, like if something is blocking the fullscreen mode. I checked the JWPlayer event 'fullscreen', and when the video is in a view, the fullscreen event is triggered twice, and only once if in a modal view. This bug seems to appears only on android device. I'm using the default code.
Someone has experienced then same problem ? and if yes, there is a fix or a workaround ?

Vkontakte Like Button Does Not Show in FireFox

I have an issue where I have a hidden toolbar the drops down with social buttons on it, the VK.com like button being one of them.
It refuses to show itself in FireFox. All other browsers work fine however when the bar pulls down there is nothing there in FF. Does Vkontakte have a force load / render like Facebook and Google do where you can programmatically trigger the render of the like button.
It may be because you have launched video on vkontakte with firefox zoom something other than 1:1. This may result in distorted video player pop-up window size. it is a bitch to fix, since reinstalling firefox and flash player don't do any good.
Launching vk.com videos with different zoom rates, and finally 1:1, seems to fix it.
This may be unrelated to your problem.

iPhone html5 video avoid native fullscreen when using airplay on Safari

I know that allowsInlineMediaPlayback only works on iPad, but my goal is to play the video on AppleTV, while I am displaying some dynamic html content on Safari. I basically want to get rid of the airplay indicator screen or hide it somehow, or open a new tab while the video keeps playing or kind of minimize it display just a small pause button on the bottom of my html page while the video is playing on AppleTV.
If this is not possible to be done on iPhone, can it be done on iPad ? I want to have as much space as possible on the safari page and just a pause button for the video.

mediaelement.js youtube preview image

I use Contao 3 an the youtube content element, which basically is the mediaelement.js Plugin.
As soon as I add an preview image, which is seen, before we click on the video to start playing.
On desktop computers it works fine.
On mobile phones / Tablets (Iphone, Ipad) i doesn't work. We can't press play or start the video. As soon as I remove the picture, it works.
Are there any known problems with this?

iPad blurs page when loading div with audio tag

So I'm having an iPad specific problem in Safari (it also seems to happen sometimes on the iPhone, but either sporadically or it's just not severe enough to notice).
But I have a page with 5 audio players (all html5) and they all start within a div with display: none. Clicking on the title changes the display to be display: block and the player pops up with an unfinished html 5 player. This works everywhere (sans old IE of course) and even works on the iPad.
However, when clicking on the title the entire page gets blurred out on the iPad. I've tried playing with the code and it seems the problem is loading a div from "none" to block" that has an html5 audio file within it. I even changed it so it only displayed the standard controller and I removed all of my extra code and the issue persisted.
Does anyone have any ideas on this?
The link for the website is http://artferretti.com/paulperrysound/recordings/
here's a link to an image from the iPad: http://artferretti.com/blurrediPad.png
I just had a similar issue where my div is all blurred on Ipad when a Vimeo video is inside the div.
I removed the overflow:hidden and it fixed it.
You can check if you have the overflow css rule, could be the key.