Permute elements within rows of matrix - matlab

I have a matrix A
A = [0 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0 2; 0 1 2 3 4];
and I would like to randomly permute the elements within each row. For example, matrix A2
A2 = [1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 2 0; 4 1 3 2 0]; % example of desired output
I can do this with a vector:
Av = [0 1 2 3 4];
Bv = Av(randperm(5));
But I am unsure how to do this a row at time for a matrix and to only permute the elements within a given row. Is this possible to do? I could construct a matrix from many permuted vectors, but I would prefer not to do it this way.

You can use sort on a random array of any size (which is what randperm does). After that, all you need to do is some index-trickery to properly reshuffle the array
A = [0 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0 2; 0 1 2 3 4];
[nRows,nCols] = size(A);
[~,idx] = sort(rand(nRows,nCols),2);
%# convert column indices into linear indices
idx = (idx-1)*nRows + ndgrid(1:nRows,1:nCols);
%# rearrange A
B = A;
B(:) = B(idx)
B =
0 0 1 0 0
0 2 0 0 0
2 1 3 4 0


How to leave only the elements that appear once per specific row x column per page?

I have a 3D array. I need to remove any elements that are in the same row, column position but on the next page (3rd dimension), and only use the first occurrence at that position. So if all pages were to multiply the result would be 0.
Since the 3D array may be of any size, I can't hard code solutions like isMember. I also can't use unique because elements can be the same, just not share the same position.
For example, input:
A(:,:,1) = [ 1 0 2];
A(:,:,2) = [ 1 1 0];
A(:,:,3) = [ 0 1 0];
the desired output is:
A(:,:,1) = [ 1 0 2];
A(:,:,2) = [ 0 1 0];
A(:,:,3) = [ 0 0 0];
How can I accomplish this?
Not the most elegant, but at least it works.
A(:,:,1) = [ 1 0 2 ];
A(:,:,2) = [ 1 1 0 ];
A(:,:,3) = [ 0 1 0 ];
for ii = 1:size(A,1)
for jj = 1:size(A,2)
unique_el = unique(A(ii, jj, :)); % Grab unique elements
for kk = 1:numel(unique_el)
idx = find(A(ii,jj,:) == kk); % Contains indices of unique elements
if numel(idx) > 1 % If an element occurs more than once
A(ii, jj, idx(2:end)) = 0; % Set to 0
A(:,:,1) =
1 0 2
A(:,:,2) =
0 1 0
A(:,:,3) =
0 0 0
I loop over the first two dimensions of A (rows and columns), find any unique elements which occur on a certain row and column location through the third dimensions (pages). Then set all occurrences of a unique element after the first to 0.
Given a more elaborate 3D matrix this still works:
A(:,:,1) = [1 0 2 0; 2 1 3 0];
A(:,:,2) = [1 1 0 0; 2 2 1 0];
A(:,:,3) = [0 1 1 3; 1 2 2 4];
A(:,:,1) =
1 0 2 0
2 1 3 0
A(:,:,2) =
0 1 0 0
0 2 1 0
A(:,:,3) =
0 0 1 3
1 0 2 4
If you want the first non-zero element and discard any element occurring afterwards, simply get rid of the unique() call:
A(:,:,1) = [1 0 2 0; 2 1 3 0];
A(:,:,2) = [1 1 0 0; 2 2 1 0];
A(:,:,3) = [0 1 1 3; 1 2 2 4];
for ii = 1:size(A,1)
for jj = 1:size(A,2)
idx = find(A(ii,jj,:) ~= 0); % Contains indices of nonzero elements
if numel(idx) > 1 % If more than one element
A(ii, jj, idx(2:end)) = 0; % Set rest to 0
A(:,:,1) =
1 0 2 0
2 1 3 0
A(:,:,2) =
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
A(:,:,3) =
0 0 0 3
0 0 0 4
My solution assumes, that, for a given "position", EVERY value after the first occurence of any value is cleared. Some of the MATLAB regulars around here had some discussions on that, from there comes the "extended" example as also used in Adriaan's answer.
I use permute and reshape to rearrange the input, so that we have all "positions" as "page" columns in a 2D array. Then, we can use arrayfun to find the proper indices of the first occurence of a non-zero value (kudos to LuisMendo's answer here). Using this approach again, we find all indices to be set to 0.
Let's have a look at the following code:
A(:,:,1) = [1 0 2 0; 2 1 3 0];
A(:,:,2) = [1 1 0 0; 2 2 1 0];
A(:,:,3) = [0 1 1 3; 1 2 2 4]
[m, n, o] = size(A);
B = reshape(permute(A, [3 1 2]), o, m*n);
idx = arrayfun(#(x) find(B(:, x), 1, 'first'), 1:size(B, 2));
idx = arrayfun(#(x) find(B(idx(x)+1:end, x)) + idx(x) + 3*(x-1), 1:size(B, 2), 'UniformOutput', false);
idx = vertcat(idx{:});
B(idx) = 0;
B = permute(reshape(B, o, m , n), [2, 3, 1])
Definitely, it makes sense to have a look at the intermediate outputs to understand the functioning of my approach. (Of course, some lines can be combined, but I wanted to keep a certain degree of readability.)
And, here's the output:
A =
ans(:,:,1) =
1 0 2 0
2 1 3 0
ans(:,:,2) =
1 1 0 0
2 2 1 0
ans(:,:,3) =
0 1 1 3
1 2 2 4
B =
ans(:,:,1) =
1 0 2 0
2 1 3 0
ans(:,:,2) =
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
ans(:,:,3) =
0 0 0 3
0 0 0 4
As you can see, it's identical to Adriaan's second version.
Hope that helps!
A vectorized solution. You can use the second output of max to find the index of the first occurence of a nonzero value along the third dimension and then use sub2ind to convert that to linear index.
A(:,:,1) = [ 1 0 2];
A(:,:,2) = [ 1 1 0];
A(:,:,3) = [ 0 1 0];
[~, mi] =max(logical(A) ,[], 3);
sz=size(A) ;
[x, y] =ndgrid(1:sz(1),1:sz(2));
idx=sub2ind( sz, x,y,mi);
result=zeros(sz) ;
result(idx) =A(idx);

Writing a loop that works for any value of N

I have a code for a 1D heat equation. Im trying to format a for loop so that the A matrix will follow a certain pattern of 1 -2 1 down the entire diagonal of a matrix that could be infinite. The pattern starts to take shape when I mess around with the initialized count at the beginning of the for loop but this changes the size of the matrix which fails the rest of the code.
My current code is below. The commented A matrix edits are what it should be.
N = 5;
%A(2,1:3) = [1 -2 1];
%A(3,2:4) = [1 -2 1];
%A(4,3:5) = [1 -2 1];
%A(5,4:6) = [1 -2 1];
A = zeros(N+1,N+1);
A(1,1) = 1;
for count=N:N+1
A(count+1,count:count+2) = [1 -2 1];
A(N+1,N+1) = 1;
In Matlab you can often avoid loops. In this case you can get the desired result with 2D convolution:
>> N = 6;
>> A = [1 zeros(1,N-1); conv2(eye(N-2), [1 -2 1]); zeros(1,N-1) 1]
A =
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 -2 1 0 0 0
0 1 -2 1 0 0
0 0 1 -2 1 0
0 0 0 1 -2 1
0 0 0 0 0 1
Or, depending on what you want,
>> A = conv2(eye(N), [1 -2 1], 'same')
A =
-2 1 0 0 0 0
1 -2 1 0 0 0
0 1 -2 1 0 0
0 0 1 -2 1 0
0 0 0 1 -2 1
0 0 0 0 1 -2
There are many simple ways of creating this matrix.
Your loop can be amended as follows:
N = 5;
A = zeros(N+1,N+1);
A(1,1) = 1;
for row = 2:N
A(row, row-1:row+1) = [1 -2 1];
A(N+1,N+1) = 1;
I've renamed count to row, we're indexing each row (from 2 to N, skipping the first and last rows), then finding with row-1:row+1 the three indices for that row that you want to address.
Directly indexing the diagonal and off-diagonal elements. Diagonal elements for an NxN matrix are 1:N+1:end. This is obviously more complex, I'd prefer the loop:
N = 6;
A = zeros(N,N);
A(1:N+1:end) = -2;
A(2:N+1:end-2*N) = 1; % skip last row
A(2*N+2:N+1:end) = 1; % skip first row
A(1,1) = 1;
A(N,N) = 1;
Using diag. We need to special-case the first and last rows:
N = 6;
A = diag(-2*ones(N,1),0) + diag(ones(N-1,1),1) + diag(ones(N-1,1),-1);
A(1,1:2) = [1,0];
A(end,end-1:end) = [0,1];

How to permute elements of a vector by another vector to obtain a matrix of permutations

I want to obtain all the possible permutations of one vector elements by another vector elements. For example one vector is A=[0 0 0 0] and another is B=[1 1]. I want to replace the elements of A by B to obtain all the permutations in a matrix like this [1 1 0 0; 1 0 1 0; 1 0 0 1; 0 1 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 0 0 1 1]. The length of real A is big and I should be able to choose the length of B_max and to obtain all the permutations of A with B=[1], [1 1], [1 1 1],..., B_max.
Thanks a lot
Actually, since A and B are always defined, respectively, as a vector of zeros and a vector of ones, this computation is much easier than you may think. The only constraints you should respect concerns B, which shoud not be empty and it's elements cannot be greater than or equal to the number of elements in A... because after that threshold A will become a vector of ones and calculating its permutations will be just a waste of CPU cycles.
Here is the core function of the script, which undertakes the creation of the unique permutations of 0 and 1 given the target vector X:
function p = uperms(X)
n = numel(X);
k = sum(X);
c = nchoosek(1:n,k);
m = size(c,1);
p = zeros(m,n);
p(repmat((1-m:0)',1,k) + m*c) = 1;
And here is the full code:
% Define the main parameter: the number of elements in A...
A_len = 4;
% Compute the elements of B accordingly...
B_len = A_len - 1;
B_seq = 1:B_len;
% Compute the possible mixtures of A and B...
X = tril(ones(A_len));
X = X(B_seq,:);
% Compute the unique permutations...
p = [];
for i = B_seq
p = [p; uperms(X(i,:).')];
Output for A_len = 4:
p =
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
0 1 1 1

Conditionally replace neighbouring cells

Lets say I have a matrix A:
A =
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
And I want to create a new matrix B of the same dimension where all ones and accompanying neighbours are replaced by the following matrix:
X =
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 1 1
The 2 in matrix X should be placed 'on top' of the 1 values as to get:
B =
1 2 1 0
1 1 2 1
0 0 1 2
0 0 1 1
Values should be added up where elements overlap and matrix X should be 'cut off' in places where it extends the dimensions of matrix A/B The idea is to eventually replace X by a 2d gaussian distribution and matrix A will be large containing many more ones. So it's essential that the code is efficient and fast. This is the code i came up with:
A = [0 1 0 0;0 0 0 0;0 0 0 1;0 0 0 0]
X = [1 1 1;1 2 1;1 1 1]
B = zeros(4,4);
indA = find(A==1);
indX = find(X==2);
all = find(X>0);
[iall jall] = ind2sub(size(X),all);
[ia ja] = ind2sub(size(A),indA)
[ix jx] = ind2sub(size(X),indX)
iv = ia-ix
jv = ja-jx
for t=1:numel(iv),
ib = iall+iv(t);
jb = jall+jv(t);
ibjb = [ib(:), jb(:)]
c1 = (ibjb(:,1)>4)|(ibjb(:,1)<1); c2 = (ibjb(:,2)>4)|(ibjb(:,1)<1);
isel = ibjb(:,1)-iv(t)
jsel = ibjb(:,2)-jv(t)
B(ibjb(:,1), ibjb(:,2)) = B(ibjb(:,1), ibjb(:,2))+ X(isel, jsel)
Is there a more efficient/faster way (minimizing the loops) to code this function?
What you want is a (2D) convolution. So use conv2:
B = conv2(A, X, 'same');

Check neighbour pixels Matlab

I have a A which is 640x1 cell. where the value of each cell A(i,1) varies from row to row, for example A(1,1) =[], while A(2,1)=[1] and A(3,1)=[1,2,3].
There is another matrix B of size 480x640, where the row_index (i) of vector A corresponds to the col_index of matrix B. While the cell value of each row in vector A corresponds to the row_index in matrix B. For example, A(2,1)=[1] this means col_2 row_1 in matrix B, while A(3,1)=[1,2,3] means col_3 rows 1,2&3 in matrix B.
What I'm trying to do is to for each non-zero value in matrix B that are referenced from vector A, I want to check whether there are at least 4 other neighbors that are also referenced from vector A. The number neighbors of each value are determined by a value N.
For example, this is a part of matrix B where all the zeros"just to clarify, as in fact they may be non-zeros" are the neighbors of pixel X when N=3:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 X 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
As shown, because N=3, all these zeros are pixel X's neighbors. So if more than 4 neighbor pixels are found in vector A then do something e.g G=1 if not then G=0;
So if anyone could please advise. And please let me know if any more clarification is needed.
The first thing I would do is to convert your cell of indices A to a logic matrix Amat. This makes it easier to check how many neighbours are included in A.
Here is a solution that uses this conversion. I hope the comments are enough to make it understandable.
clear all
nCols = 7;
nRows = 6;
N = 3; %// Number of neighbours
M = 4; %// Minimum number of wanted connections
%// Create cell of indices A
A = cell(nCols,1);
A{1} = [];
A{2} = 1;
A{3} = [1 2 3];
A{4} = [2 5];
A{5} = 3;
A{6} = [3 5];
A{7} = [1 4 6];
%// Generate radom data B
%// (There is a 50% probability for each element of B to be zero)
Bmax = 17;
B = (randi(2,nRows,nCols)-1).*(randi(Bmax,nRows,nCols));
%// Convert the cell A to a logic matrix Amat
Amat = zeros(size(B));
for ii = 1:nCols
Amat(A{ii},ii) = 1;
for ii = 1:nCols
for jj = A{ii}
if B(jj,ii)>0
%// Calculate neighbour indices with a lower bound of 1
%// and an upper bound of nCols or nRows
col_lim_low = max(1,ii-N);
col_lim_high = min(nCols,ii+N);
row_lim_low = max(1,jj-N);
row_lim_high = min(nRows,jj+N);
%// Get the corresponding neighbouring-matrix from Amat
A_neighbours = ...
%// Check the number of neighbours against the wanted number M
if sum(A_neighbours(:)) > 1 + M
%# do something
fprintf('We should do something here at (%d,%d)\n',jj,ii)
The following is a printout from one run of the code.
A =
[ 1]
[1x3 double]
[1x2 double]
[ 3]
[1x2 double]
[1x3 double]
B =
1 5 0 0 11 0 16
0 13 13 0 0 0 9
0 0 0 5 0 0 0
3 8 16 16 0 2 12
0 0 5 0 9 9 0
12 13 0 6 0 15 0
Amat =
0 1 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
We should do something here at (1,2)
We should do something here at (2,3)
We should do something here at (5,6)
We should do something here at (4,7)
Since you have a one-to-one correspondence between A and B, there is no need to work on A. B is a logical matrix (0 if not referenced in A, 1 if referenced). You can therefore apply a simple filter2 function counting the number of active neighbors within the 8 closest elements.
Here is the code
B = rand(10,10); %generate binary matrix
h = [1 1 1;1 0 1;1 1 1]; %filter to be applied
filter2(h,B,'same')>=4 & B>0 %apply filter on B, count minimum of 4 neighbors, if only B>1
To transform a cell array B into binary presence (0=empty, 1=not empty), use of cellfunis straightforward
B = ~cellfun(#isempty,B);
And see Armo's response to your previous question for how to create B based on A.