How do i publish my Visual Studio Project to Github - github

I have made a project in Visual Studio that I would like to share with people on Github.
Searching Google and here, i can not seem to find a simple guide for how I get this project uploaded to to Github.
I have Git Extensions installed, i have some application from Github installed as well. I simply cant figure out what i need to do to share my project on Github. Any help appreciated.

Use this easy tool:
No Cygwin needed

I've just found this Extension to VS15:

I have always found this guide
to be quite helpful.
I am using Cygwin with the Git package installed. Once that is done you need to
set up SSH keys.
This is essentially a key that is stored in a file on your computer. You enter
the same key into the "SSH Keys" page on GitHub, and as long as that file with
the key is found you can push and pull from GitHub.


Pushing Xamarin forms to Github

I'm trying to push my xamarin forms project to github .
I've tried the regular method following the github instruction & using command line but xamarin forms project usually are big in size so that it won't be pushed throw the CMD and it recommends the Git LFS instead.
however, I found that we can push the project to github
using the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio and I have installed it but the second step is to add the solution to source control.
but I cannot find the latter option in my menu
so can anyone help me with this problem, all I need to do is to push my project to github if there any other option than the one I have provided in the article above please mention it.
thanks in advance.
If its trying to push a lot, then you are missing a .gitignore file. Put this in the root folder of your solution.
Here is a github list of useful gitignore files.
A good one to use for this purpose is VisualStudio.gitignore.
At minimum, have these lines in your .gitignore file:
bin and obj are the main folders containing results of building. These are re-creatable from source files, so should not be in repo.
.vs is where visual studio keeps all its user-specific files (such as .suo).
This question seems to be more a git problem than a Xamarin problem. Xamarin.Forms projects aren't bigger than other projects - but you have to ensure you excluded all the build output from the beginning (using a .gitignore-file for .NET projects) - otherwise you commit binaries and your nuget-feed.
Seeing this menu structure, it seems, you already are working with git (at least with a local repo without remote). So you should check your git repo settings and add github as remote:

How do I compile and run a project on github?

I don't really know anything about github, I don't know how do I run a project on it. I'm specifically talking about this proj.:
You can download the project to your computer, click Clone or download, then Download Zip (see picture Unzip it and you can run the project on your computer. Read the for Dependency.
You can clone the project, which is also a way to download it, but you can also contribute to the project.... Follow this tutorial:
I think you should read about GitHub and version control first, Udacity has a tutorial that I found extremely helpful. Just google "How to Use Git and GitHub"

how to download source code of cryengine V?

I have heard that cryengine V provides access to the full source code, but I can't find where to download the source code.
Anyone can tell me how to download the source code of cryengine V?
There are two ways to get CryEngine's source code from Github:
Download specific revision. For this, visit CryEngine public repository on Github, find a large green button on the right titled "Clone or download", and in a dropdown menu choose "Download ZIP". It will download a zipped version of the source code for you.
Via Git client. For that, install Git from its official site. If you already have Git installed, use some Git GUI client to clonse the repository, or create a directory, cd to that directory in console/terminal, and run command:
git clone
This way will also allow you to make pull requests to send fixes back to Crytek if you like.
PS. In order to get SDKs which contains much of the Sandbox content as well as samples, you possibly would also like to download GameSDK repository.
PS2. These instructions will let you get the latest version of CryEngine. In order to download specific one, move to releases tab on Github website.
There you go:
Just register and you get the engine downloader.

Git Repository Eclipse Basics

I am a student who has just started programming and have to create a project with a team of students. We are trying to find some kind of solution to code and have our work synced across everybody's workspace. Some are using linux, others windows and some mac. I have tried to understand the whole "Git" repository but am struggling to set up the basics. We are all working on eclipse and have installed the EGit but now are stuck how we set up the communal folder. I tried setting up an account on bitbucket but can't find out how we are meant to link eclipse workspace to the online folder? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
If you plan to use Egit and bickbucket, consider cloning your remote repo to a local folder on your file system.
Here is a link describing the cloning procedure: You should be able to find the URI to use for the repository on bitbucket.

can I connect bespin to github

I was checking bespin documentation and I found this
Here it says bespin can connect mercurial, svn and git. But I could not find those commands in bespin (I am using it from I am spesifically trying to find a way to connect bespin to github, so I can have free online code editing solution. Did anybody else tried that? or is it possible.
I found a bespin plugin
unfortunaltely it only fetches gists ( not whole git project.
I am just quoting from here.
Actually, Bespin already handles
that... "vcs getkey" will generate a
keypair for you and give you your
public key to install on
GitHub/bitbucket/wherever. It's mostly
a matter of being able to tell git
where to find the private key. hg
actually has a command line option
that lets you specify the ssh command
to run. I believe we'll need to set
environment variables with git and
Edit: Also, a plugin you may find handy.