netlogo calculate distance from selected point to all directions - netlogo

I have looked here: Example code Description
NetLogo project with vector map data
I am using vector map where is roads. Then i draw links where road is. In image where starting point is, that is capital city (Riga) of Latvia. To left side is city Ventspils, witch is about 200 kilometers from Riga. to top is Latvia/Estonia border and also about 200 km. To bottom is about 100 km.
What i want is calculate where i need to place electricity charging station for cars. With average green car can drive 50 kilometers with full battery. So. I know that to Ventspils is about 200 km. We need 4 charging stations on that road.
Idea No 1 is just after every 50 kilometrs to all directions from starting point place charging station. (tree symbols on picture). At this moment charging stations (trees) i am placing at random location:
to setup-stacijas
set-default-shape boats "tree"
create-boats num-boats [
set speed 0 ; min-speed + random-float (max-speed - min-speed)
let l one-of links
set size 18
set-next-stacija-link l [end1] of l
to set-next-stacija-link [l n] ;; boat proc
set cur-link l
move-to n
ifelse n = [end1] of l [set to-node [end2] of l] [set to-node [end1] of l]
face to-node
How i can calculate distance xx kilometers to all directions?

An AGENT (a patch or a turtle) can use the DISTANCE primitive along with the MOD operator to find other AGENTS that are multiples of 50 "miles" away.
I assume that 1 patch = 1 mile in our simulation.
I assume that the "links" are connected to turtles of breed "node".
I assume that START is a variable that contains a "node".
;; get all nodes that are multiples of 50 miles from start
let stations no-turtles
ask start [ set stations nodes with [ (floor distance myself) MOD 50 = 0 ]
This isn't perfect for many reasons.
It assumes all links are 1 unit or less long.
Roads that run across or along the arc at 50 miles will ALL be included, so they will ALL have stations.
Other odd stuff I haven't thought off.
Some other iterative methods suggest themselves:
Setting "travelers" on the roads to "drop" charging stations every 50 (or so) miles.
At intersections, traveler splits into new travelers to travel each branch
when traveler meets a traveler, if the total distance from each traveler to its last "station" is more than 50 miles, a station is created. In any case, both travelers die.
when a traveler finds an existing station, it dies.
In this way, stations will be placed all along all roads.
Fill the patches with stations, in a hex-grid, 25 or something miles in radius. Let them migrate.
Make the stations not on roads move toward the nearest road.
One all stations have found a road, make stations move away from stations < 50 miles away, moving along roads (break tie by moving away from center of map).
stations that hit the edge will "fall off" (die)
so, stations will space themselves out, and extra staions will fall off the edges of map.
This might actually work.
Overfil with stations, then destroy until there is only just enough
Create a station on every mile of road.
pick one station
## ask all other stations in 49 mile radius to die - mark it
pick one of the stations 50 miles away.
repeat from ## unil all stations are marked.
That one probably is not optimal.
Simulate cars on your roads--create stations where they die.
Put cars randomly on your roads (starting from cities). Cars can travel about 50 miles before needing recharge (dying)
there are no stations
simulate cars driving randomly on the roads.
when a car hits a station it recharges fully
if a car runs out of charge, it dies, and the counter for that patch/node/location is increased
when the counter in a patch exceeds some value, put a station there.
when a station is created, the counters for all patches in a 50 mile radius are reduced--to 0 nearest the station, and by 0 furthest, in a gradular fashion.
Eventually, stations will pop-up where they are needed. This one will be fun to watch.


why are my results from behaviorspace (netlogo) so inconsistent?

I am somewhat new to Netlogo, and have been scratching my head over some of the results I get from behaviorspace. I have been playing with the wolf-sheep predation model, and changing their movement based on what color patch they are in. There is a single wolf and a single sheep, and what I want to measure is the number of time steps it takes for the wolf to eat the sheep. The patches are colored randomly, based on some proportion from 0-100, as below:
to color-patches
let total 100
let p-red slider1 / total
let p-green total - p-red
ask patches [
let x random-float 1.0
if x <= p-red + p-green [set pcolor green]
if x <= p-red [set pcolor red]
The issue I am having is when I set the movement of the wolf and the sheep to move independently of the patch color:
ask sheep [
set heading random 360
fd 1
ask wolves[
set heading random 360
fd 1
My expectation is that the mean and standard error for the number of time steps until the wolf eats the sheep should be pretty similar regardless of how many red patches and how many green patches there are, since their movement is not affected by it. I ran it in behaviorspace, with 1000 iterations per 10% increase in proportion of red patches (from 0 - 100%). However, I keep getting results that look kind of like this:
enter image description here
Basically the means+se are all over the place. Every time I run it, they are distributed differently (but same grand mean). This is particularly odd since when I introduce any sort of patchcolor-specific behavior for either the wolf or the sheep, I get very clear patterns with less variation.
Any ideas what might be going on here? The only thing I could think of is that relative starting position of each is pretty important (but each is placed at random xy coords). I assumed that in behaviorspace for each iteration for a given set of parameters, it would run through all the code (thus generating a new random landscape and new random starting points for the wolf and the sheep for each of the 1000 runs per parameter combination). Does behaviorspace maybe take the first landscape and starting coordinates for each turtle and use them for each of the 1000 iterations per parameter combination?
Now I think you may not have a mistake but instead are just misinterpreting your graph. The Y axis on the graph you posted ranges only from 2000 to 2200; if you set the Y axis scale to 0 to 2500, the results from each experiment would look very similar to each other.
The difference in mean between your results (~2100) and my results (~3100) is probably just due to different world sizes. I presented standard deviation while you graphed standard error.
If you histogram the results, they seem to follow an exponential distribution.

Move agent based on probability/point attribute value and point distance, NetLogo

I have the set of points implemented in netlogo and agents are moving from one point to another. Each point has a weight (number approximately between 0 and 9, its not a probability). What I want to made is a simple rule.
I want to give all points probability of visit by the value of weight.
So the next point which will be visited by agent should be calculated by the probability based on point weight and the closeness point (more close point - bigger probability), but that closeness isn't so much big factor as the point weight. For example, I would like to set in formula that closeness is twice lower factor then point weight.
I investigated rnd extension, but I am not sure how to append probabilities to points which I am having a lot (approximately around 250 points).
You're on the right track with the rnd extension. From that extension you need the weighted-one-of primitive and you just put the formula into the reporter block.
I think this is something like what you want. It's a complete model so you can run it and see what it does. The reporter block uses the weight and the distance in the probability. Since you want the probability to be larger for closer, then I have used the inverse of the distance, but you could simply subtract the distance from something like the maximum distance in the model. You will also need an appropriate scaling factor (replacing the 10 in my example) so that the weight is worth twice an average value of closeness.
extensions [rnd]
turtles-own [weight]
to testme
create-turtles 10
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set weight 1 + random 3
set size weight
set color blue
ask one-of turtles
[ set color red
let target rnd:weighted-one-of other turtles [ 2 * weight + 10 / distance myself ]
ask target [ set color yellow ]

how to calculate the distance of moving vehicles is how much?

I want to determine the distance the vehicle traveled for comparison with other values, I should use the command / function what to calculate.
for example in the picture, I want to use the function to determine the distance d1, after one-time drive, the distance will be the last .... d2 distance riding is dn
I'm not sure if I understand your question. Perhaps JenB's comment is better for you. But here's a different kind of answer:
A simple way for a turtle to keep track of how far it has traveled is shown in this small example program:
turtles-own [traveled]
to example
create-turtles 1
ask turtles [
repeat 5 [
let delta random-float 1.0
fd delta
set traveled traveled + delta
print traveled
Basically, every time the turtle moves, you add the amount it moved to a turtle variable.
This assumes you are using forward to move the turtle. If you are moving the turtle using some other method like setxy or move-to, then you will need different code.

Netlogo: can I set the distance between turtles?

Netlogo: can I set the distance between turtles?
I’m trying to create a model in which on each tick a turtle randomly chooses another turtle as a partner, and jumps to a specified distance of their partner (the distance that it’s given is based on a probability). It does not matter where it moves to, as long as the turtles are the specified distance apart.
I have tried to model this by creating a ‘jump-with-probabilities’ procedure, and defining distance the turtle jumps in the two ‘IID’ procedures:
to jump-with-probabilities ;; adds behaviours depending on how a random number compares with the odds.
ask turtles [
let random-fraction
random-float 1.0
if-else random-fraction <= 0.4
[ IID_10 ]
[ IID_50 ]
to IID_10
ifelse distance partner >= 10 ;; if the distance to their partner is larger than or equal to 10
[ jump (distance partner - 10) ] ;; TRUE - jump forward by the difference of distance partner & 10, so that the distance is now 10
[ jump (-1 * (10 - distance partner)) ] ;; FALSE - jump backward by the difference of distance partner & 10, so that the distance is now 10
to IID_50
ifelse distance partner >= 50 ;; if the distance to their partner is larger than or equal to 50
[ jump (distance partner - 50) ] ;; TRUE - jump forward by the difference of distance partner & 10, so that the distance is now 50
[ jump (-1 * (50 - distance partner)) ] ;; FALSE - jump backward by the difference of distance partner & 10, so that the distance is now 50
The problem with using this is that the distances between the turtles in the end are not the same as the distances that I specified. For example, Turtle 0 may jump towards Turtle 5 so that their distance is the specified 20. But, Turtle 5 will also jump towards its partner, which will change the distance between Turtle 0 and Turtle 5. I considered using ‘ask-concurrent’ instead of ask, but the problem remains, because I am telling the turtles to move a certain distance, rather than to move to a certain distance of their partner.
So my question is; is there a way that I can tell a turtle to be within a specified distance of another turtle? So that if the partner moves the turtle will move too to keep the distance at the specified length.
I thought it may be possible to use ‘move-to’ and add the specified distance somehow. Or alternatively, use ‘distance’ to set this between 2 turtles. It seems rather basic, but I have not been able to figure out how to do it!
Any help would be much appreciated!
There's possibly a better way, but I would do this by moving turtle B to where turtle A is (move-to turtleA), then giving it a random heading (set heading random 360) then moving it forward 10 (forward 10). You could also hide turtle B until you have finished moving it and then unhide it to make the visualisation neater. That sets up the relative position, then use Alan's suggestion of tie to hold the relative position.

Node degree in a network

I have a landscape that includes a road network as in the below figure.
I would like to calculate an average number of roads (or white line in the figure) that link each color polygon (for example a black polygon) between them.
In a network, a link corresponds to a road, a node corresponds to a color polygon and I think that to calculate an average number of roads between color polygons means to calculate the average node degree of the network. For example, in the figure, the two black polygons are linked by two roads. So, the degree of a black polygon is 2. Is it possible to calculate a node degree with the extension Network of Netlogo ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Normal NetLogo contains link agents that link turtles even without an extension. Calculating degree is usually just a matter of doing [ count my-links ] of node where node is the turtle you want to know the degree of. However, in NetLogo, turtles can't be connected by more than one link. The typical workaround for this is create a links-own variable (just like turtles-own or patches-own variable) . This variable is often called weight, but you can call it whatever you want. In that case, you would do [ sum [ weight ] of my-links ] of node to calculate the degree.
This is all assuming you have a network representation of your roadways, which it doesn't sound like you do. Furthermore, I'm not sure what you're trying to represent is a network, since (as shown in your picture) roads branch at intersections. Thus more than two polygons could be connected by a single (for some definition of "single") road. This is often called a hypernetwork or hypergraph. However, this is probably a heavier weight concept than what you want.
Now, I'm not entirely sure what you're really trying to calculate. Is it:
...the number of roads connected to a polygon? The lower polygon has 4 roads connected to it, the upper has 3 (visible).
...the number of polygons directly connected to the polygon? Both polygons are connected to 1 other (visible) polygon, though I assume in the larger picture there are more.
The number of roads connected to a polygon would be pretty easy to calculate, assuming each road is 1 pixel wide. You could just do:
count (patch-set [ neighbors4 with [ is-road? ] ] of polygon)
where polygon is a patch set containing the patches of the polygon and is-road? is a reporter that returns true for road patches and false for non-road patches (this could be something pcolor = white). Note that this will break if roads are wider than 1 patch or if the same road can touch a polygon in other places. Let me know if that's the case and I'll expand this into something that can that into account.
The number of polygons directly connected to the polygon is more difficult. The basic idea would be to follow the roads out until you hit other polygons and count the number that you hit. Code for this is somewhat tricky. I think the best way to go about it would be to have two patch-sets, frontier and explored and list of found polygons. frontier should initialize to every road patch touch the polygon. Each iteration, get the polygons touching the frontier and add them to the list of found polygons if they're not already in there. Add the frontier to explored. Get all the road patches touching the frontier that are not in explored. Set the frontier to this new set of patches. Keep going until frontier is empty. This is a version of breadth-first search. There could be a better way to do this.