Is this vulnerable to SQL injection? - sql-injection

We are using a third party product which references a stored procedure in MSSQL. This stored proc looks something like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[example]
#a nvarchar(255)
DECLARE #strSQL nvarchar(3000)
SET #strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE x = ''1'''
IF IsNull(#a, '') <> ''
SET #strSQL = #strSQL + ' AND a = ''' + #a + ''''
This stored proc doesn't actually output its results to the website but I'm still sure that it is vulnerable to SQL injection. I can input t' + 'est and get the same result as I would from inputing test.
We obviously need to get them to change this but I need to demonstrate that it is an issue first. How can I do something like insert a row in to a table by passing SQL in as #a? If I do
'; INSERT INTO blah VALUES('test')
Then I get:
Incorrect syntax near ';'.

yes, it's vulnerable, but by chance you've injected the wrong text, producing a syntax error:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE x = "1" AND a =; INSERT INTO blah VALUES('test')
^--your syntax error
If your injection text had been:
a; INSERT blah blah blah
then you'd have ended up with two valid queries and test in your blah table.

Yes, you can set your # to have an secape character and thus create mutiple Execs ulimately leading to execcmd format C: or other - google SQL injection attacks
Create proc #a nvarchar(255)
Update Mytable SET Mycol = #a WHERE Condition etc..
IS not open to SQL injection as the string goes directly to the table column, it is nt exec'd


How do convert below code from T-SQL into DB2 LUW?

How do I convert this code from T-SQL into DB2 LUW, it seems so easy with T-SQL but in DB2 can't find any solution. See code below:
DECLARE #sqlCommand varchar(1000)
DECLARE #columnList varchar(75)
DECLARE #city varchar(75)
SET #columnList = 'AddressID, AddressLine1, City'
SET #city = '''London'''
SET #sqlCommand = 'SELECT ' + #columnList + ' FROM Person.Address WHERE City = ' + #city
EXEC (#sqlCommand)
The problem is that you can’t ‘select to nowhere’ in a compound statement in DB2. Db2 CLP can return you the result set of a single sql statement, but it doesn’t try to do the same for select statements in a compound statement. If you want to print the result set from a select statement in a compound statement, you can, for example, declare a cursor, fetch it in a loop, and use dbms_output.put_line calls to print the values of variables.
Not Pretty but you can find an example of the bottom of this page:
Stored Procedures and Dynamic SQL Returning a Result set
Essentially you most:
1) create a dynamic SQL string
2) prepare the string into a statement
3) Link the statement to a cursor you're going to declare as WITH RETURN
Opening the cursor will be the last line in your procedure.

TSQL: Determine number of columns returned by Stored Procedure

This probably has been asked before, but I was unable to find a satisfying answer.
I need to insert results of a stored procedure into a temporary table, something like:
I don't know in advance how many columns the SP will return, so I need to prepare my #TEMP table (via dynamic ALTER .. ADD commands) to add columns to match SP resultset.
Assumption is - SP accepts no parameters and number of columns is always the same. But how do I determine that number in pure TSQL outside of SP so I can store it for example into a variable?
Tough one, especially if someone else is denying you the necessary permissions to run e.g. OPENROWSET.
Have you considered unpacking/script the SP and add its contents directly to your T-SQL? In this way you can modify and adapt it however you may want.
Otherwise, if you could explain more about the SP:
What does the SP do?
What kind of information does it output? One-N columns, - how many rows?
Is it slow/fast? (Could we perhaps use a brute-force [try-catch] approach)?
How does it determine the columns to output and how often does that change?
Can you pre-determine the columns in any way? (So that you may use an INSERT #temp EXEC sp_getData syntax).
Best of luck!
It's a bit awkward, but you can do something like:
FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=MyServer;Trusted_Connection=yes;Integrated Security=SSPI', 'EXECUTE MyDB.MySchema.MyProcedure #MyParm=123')
I've requested an EXECUTE INTO syntax, like SELECT INTO to avoid having to know the shape of the stored proc output in advance, but it was rejected
Let me say from the start that if I had to do this I would try find a way to do it outside the SQL environment or something else, because the solution I am providing is not a good way to do this, but it works. So I am not saying that this is a good idea.
I have a sp called test:
SELECT 1 as One, 2 as Two
To execute this dynamically I do the following:
DECLARE #i int
SET #i = 1;
DECLARE #count int
SET #count = 1
SET #proc = 'DECLARE #t TABLE ( c1 varchar(max) '
WHILE #count < #i
SET #proc = #proc + ', c' + CONVERT(varchar, #count + 1) + ' varchar(max) '
print #proc
SET #count = #count + 1
SET #proc = #proc + '); INSERT INTO #t EXEC Test'
SET #i = #i+1
SET #proc = #proc + '; SELECT * into ##t FROM #t '
EXEC( #proc )
SELECT * from ##t
This is a poor solution to your problem because you have lost the data type of your columns, their names etc.
I don't understand the syntax, and this probably isn't the best way, but someone seems to have done this with converting to xml and parsing it: Dynamic query results into a temp table or table variable

ASP - SQL injection protection in the SELECT clause

After getting great help in securing against SQL injection from classic ASP protection against SQL injection, I've encountered a major issue which cannot be solved using parameterized queries.
name = Trim(Request.QueryString("name"))
flds = Trim(Request.QueryString("flds"))
sql = "set rowcount 0 select " & flds & " from [TABLE] where Name = '" & name & "'"
From what I understand, a parameterized query will protect against SQL injection in the WHERE clause (in this case, the name field.
flds is a comma-separated list of parameters that the users wants returned. As it is obvious, it is very vulnerable to SQL injection.
One idea I have to secure my code is to have a statically generated dict of valid fields, split the flds string by ",", verify each one of the values against the dict, and construct the SQL query that will consist of all the fields that are present in the dict.
It seems to me that although this method will work for security, it will require me to modify the static list at every change in the database (however rare those are).
Are there better/proper ways of securing this code against SQL injection attacks?
Create a split function in SQL Server (there are better ones for newer versions, but this is what you get in SQL Server 2000):
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitStrings
#List NVARCHAR(4000),
#Delimiter CHAR(1)
Item NVARCHAR(4000)
#Item VARCHAR(12),
#Pos INT;
WHILE LEN(#List)>0
SET #Pos = CHARINDEX(#Delimiter, #List);
IF #Pos = 0
SET #Pos = LEN(#List)+1;
SET #Item = LEFT(#List, #Pos-1);
SET #List = SUBSTRING(#List, #Pos + LEN(#Delimiter), LEN(#List));
IF LEN(#List) = 0 BREAK;
Then create a stored procedure:
#columns NVARCHAR(4000),
#table NVARCHAR(255)
DECLARE #collist NVARCHAR(4000), #sql NVARCHAR(4000);
SELECT #collist = COALESCE(#collist + ',', '') +
FROM syscolumns AS c
INNER JOIN dbo.SplitStrings(#columns, ',') AS s
ON s.Item =
WHERE = OBJECT_ID(#table);
SELECT #sql = 'SELECT ' + #collist + ' FROM ' + #table
-- where ...
EXEC sp_executesql #sql;
Now call that stored procedure from ASP with a properly parameterized command object.
This will ensure that your SQL query is generated only using column names that actually exist in the table. (Any nonsense will be ignored.)
This presumes that you will get at least one valid column name in the list.
I'm at home, no db to test but this should do it
Basically, get all the fields from the db that fit the where, get the requested fields in an array and compare the two lists, putting out only the requested fields.
name = Trim(Request.QueryString("name"))
flds = split(Trim(Request.QueryString("flds")),",")
sql = "set rowcount 0 select * from [TABLE] where Name = '" & name & "'"
set oRst = oConn.execute(sql)
on error resume next
do while not oRst.eof
result = ""
separator = ""
for each field in flds
for each requested_field in flds
if uCase( = uCase(trim(requested_field)) then
result = result & separator & field.value
separator = ","
end if
response.write result & "<br>"
hm... so I'm going with another solution.
I first have an SQL query that return all the valid fields
sysObjects tobj
join syscolumns tcol on =
tobj.xtype = 'U'
and = '[TABLE]'
and then I validate every element as suggested by #peter. All the validated parameters are then used to build the query string, and name is passed as a parameter in the second query.
This seems to minimize the overhead and the strain on the database.
Have a look at
which shows usage of parameterized queries.

In SSMS copied string has different behaviour to original string

I am attempting to semi automate creation of my databases
As part of this I want to add extended properties of column descriptions.
When I try to run sp_sqlexec in my script ( or even just Exec(#mystring) I get an error. However, if while debugging, I copy the dynamic sql string from the watch window and then run sp_sqlexec on the copied string in a seperate window I get no errors and the extended properties are added correctly.
The following script demonstrates the problem:
--Create a table to apply column descriptions to
Create table dbo.table1 (id int, name nvarchar(20));
--Create the table that contains our column descriptions
Create table dbo.column_descs_table (schemaname nvarchar(20), tablename nvarchar(20), columnname nvarchar(20), column_description nvarchar(20))
Insert into column_descs_table (schemaname, tablename, columnname, column_description)
values ('dbo', 'table1', 'id', 'the id column'), ('dbo' , 'table1', 'name', 'the name column');
--Dynamic sql string varaible to hold the commands
Declare #dyn_sql nvarchar(max);
Set #dyn_sql = 'N'''; --Set to opening quote
--now create the string containing commands to add column escriptions
SELECT #dyn_sql = #dyn_sql + N' EXEC sp_addextendedproperty ''''Col Desc'''', ''''' + column_description + N''''', ''''SCHEMA'''', ' + schemaname + N', ''''TABLE'''', ' + tablename + N', ''''COLUMN'''', ' + columnname + N' ;'
FROM dbo.column_descs_table
Set #dyn_sql = #dyn_sql + ''''; --add the closing quote
Print #dyn_sql --If I copy the contents of #dyn_sql here and run seperately it works OK
Exec sp_sqlexec #dyn_sql -- this line causes error
The error I get is
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near ' EXEC sp_addextendedproperty 'Col Desc', 'the id column', 'SCHEMA', dbo, 'TABLE', table1, 'COLUMN', id ; EXEC sp_addextendedprope'.
Yet if I step through the code and copy the contents of #dyn_sql then paste this as follows:
Exec sp_sqlexec N' EXEC sp_addextendedproperty ''Col Desc'', ''the id column'', ''SCHEMA'', dbo, ''TABLE'', table1, ''COLUMN'', id ; EXEC sp_addextendedproperty ''Col Desc'', ''the name column'', ''SCHEMA'', dbo, ''TABLE'', table1, ''COLUMN'', name ;'
Then the above works fine and the column descriptions are added as expected.
Any help on this specific copying problem is much appreciated. I do understand the security issues with dynamic sql ( this script will be removed from the database once my setup is complete)
Thanks in advance
It looks like it's because your leading N is included within the string to execute; you don't need it at all. In other words, you are ending up with something like this:
exec sp_execsql 'N'' exec sp_addextendedproperty /* etc. */ '''
But it should be like this:
exec sp_execsql N'exec sp_addextendedproperty /* etc. */ '
But why are you even using dynamic SQL here? All values passed to sp_addextendedproperty can be passed as parameters so there is no obvious reason to use dynamic SQL, unless you've simplified something for the question.
Finally, you should be using sp_executesql, it's the preferred way to execute dynamic SQL.
I believe that I have resolved my string copying problem. SQL was detecting double quotes in by concatenated string as empty strings and removing them. A simple example showing the problem and my solution is below:
--Example to Select 'simple string' and then 'concat string' into results sets
#Simplestring nvarchar( max ) = '' ,
#Concatstring nvarchar( max ) = '' ,
#Stringvar nvarchar( 10 ) = 'string';
--The double quotes in next line are the quotemark we want plus a quotemark acting
--as an escape character
--#simplestring will be set to 'Select 'simple string' '
SET #Simplestring = 'Select ''simple string'' ';
--Similarly we need #concatstring to be set to 'Select 'Concat string' '
SET #Concatstring = 'Select '' concat' + #Stringvar + ''; -- this wont work the last
--double quote will be removed
--Add a character that cannot appear in any othe part of the concatenation - I've used *
SET #Concatstring = 'Select '' Concat ' + #Stringvar + '*';
--Now replace the * with a quote mark
SET #Concatstring = REPLACE( #Concatstring , '*' , '''' ); -- This will work
EXEC sp_executesql #Simplestring;
EXEC sp_executesql #Concatstring;
There may be a simpler solution than mine.
Many thanks for the advice on using sp_executesql. I am working on changing my code to use this ( with variables passed in as parametrs).

T-SQL: issue with string concat

I have a set of audio files with names GreenLine1.mp3, GreenLine2.mp3 e.t.c. I'm going to write them into a table as BLOB (I use MS SQL Server'08), here's my sql request:
-- Load the audio data
SET #num=1
WHILE (#num<38)
SELECT #aud = CAST(bulkcolumn AS VARBINARY(MAX))
'C:\Users\Ilya\folder\GreenLine' + CAST(#num AS VARCHAR) + '.mp3',
-- Insert the data to the table
INSERT INTO Mb2.dbo.Audios (Id, [Content])
SET #num = #num + 1
I have an error: Incorrect syntax near '+', expecting ',' or ')'.
If I try to write
'C:\Users\Ilya\folder\GreenLine' +
CAST(#num AS VARCHAR) + '.mp3'
into a variable and put it after BULK, I get Incorrect syntax near #variable, expected STRING, or TEXT_LEX
You can't parametrise or concatenate the parameters of OPENROWSET. It is constant values only.
You'll have to use dynamic SQL and a temp table, or consider using SSIS for example
This article pointed me in the right direction when I had the same issue with OPENQUERY:
Basically, you can wrap the entire statement in a variable (nvarchar), including the openrowset, and run exec sp_executesql #sql. It gets a little ugly to read around the 's though, because you'll have to escape them with ''.