Label position not returning correctly - iphone

I am trying to determine a label's position so as to place other labels below.
When I try to output the data on a specific label I get 0.000 as a output on log.
Any idea why this is happening?
postTextLabel.text = postText;
postTextLabel.frame = CGRectMake(postTextLabel.frame.origin.x,
postThumbView.frame.origin.y + postThumbView.frame.size.height,
[postTextLabel resizeToFit];
postAuthorNameLabel.text = postAuthorName;
postTimestampLabel.text = postTimestamp;
NSLog(#"%f", postTimestampLabel.frame.origin.y);


How to get value at a point of line extended - TradingView Pine script

Im using the code below to draw a line:
simplesma = sma(close, 14)
var line3 =[0], high[0], bar_index, low, extend = extend.right)
line.set_xy1(line3, bar_index[5], simplesma[5])
line.set_xy2(line3, bar_index[3], simplesma[3])
That line has been drawn using 2 points in the history.
And then I use this code to draw a plot
price_point = line.get_price(line3,bar_index)
plot(price_point, title='Price', color=#ffcc00, transp=30)
Im trying to display the value on a label but the following code does not work:
var label3 =, high, text = "Value: "+ tostring(price_point, "#.########"), style = label.style_label_lower_left, color=#ffcc00, textcolor=#ff0000)
label.set_xy(label3,bar_index, price_point)
Can you please help me to show it on label ?
The variable price_point is the value at the current bar (bar_index). You don't need to use the function tostring().
Oh I found it.
var label3 =, high, text = "", style = label.style_label_lower_left, color=#ffcc00, textcolor=#ff0000)
label.set_xy(label3,bar_index, price_point)
label.set_text(label3, "Value: "+ tostring(price_point, "#.########"))

Macro for multiple images analysis in the calculator plus

I have a set of images in a folder which their names are: 2 days.bmp 3 days.bmp ..... 28 days.bmp. Also, I have a folder with the background images exactly with the same names. I want to use the calculator plus and divide each image to its relevant background. I want to save time and do that at the same time instead of doing it for each image one by one. Is there any idea how can I do that? I have written a macro but it didn't work for me.
macro "Batch calculate images [1]" {
LocationOfFiles = getDirectory("Select Folder");
LocationOfbackgrounds = getDirectory("Select Folder of backgrounds");
LocationOfSave = getDirectory("Select Save Location");
FileList = getFileList(LocationOfFiles);
NumberOfFiles = FileList.length;
for (i=0; i<NumberOfFiles; i+=1) {
FileName = FileList[i];
pathtofile1 = LocationOfFiles+FileName;
name1 = getTitle();
pathtofile2 = LocationOfbackgrounds+FileName;
name2 = getTitle();
run("Calculator Plus", "i1="+name1+" i2="+name2+" operation=[Divide: i2 = (i1/i2) x k1 + k2] k1=255 k2=0 create");
SaveName = replace(name, ".bmp", "_backgroud subtracted.jpg");
saveAs("BMP", LocationOfSave+SaveName);

How do I maximize the window to multiple monitors in awesome wm?

I have three monitors in a horizontal line. Sometimes i want to maximize a window to three monitors at once, by pressing a combination of keys (and then returning it all back if necessary). How can I do that?
Untested, but the basic idea is to make the window floating and resize it to cover everything:
c.floating = true
local geo = screen[1].geometry
geo.x2 = geo.x + geo.width
geo.y2 = geo.y + geo.height
for s in screen do
local geo2 = s.geometry
geo.x = math.min(geo.x, geo2.x)
geo.y = math.min(geo.y, geo2.y)
geo.x2 = math.max(geo.x2, geo2.x + geo2.width)
geo.y2 = math.max(geo.y2, geo2.y + geo2.height)
x = geo.x,
y = geo.y,
width = geo.x2 - geo.x,
height = geo.y2 - geo.y
To undo the above, make the client no longer floating, i.e. c.floating = false.
Wiring the above to a keybinding is left as an exercise for the reader.

Dynamic Output Arguments in for-loop

I am fairly new to Matlab and I created this script to help me gather 4 numbers out of an excel file. This one works so far:
clear all
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
VPNumber = input('Which Participant Number?', 's');
filename = (['PAL_',VPNumber,'_Gain_Loss.xlsx']);
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
GainBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'O324';
LossBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AD324';
GainBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AE324';
LossBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
AnalyseProband = [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, GainBlock2]
Now I would like to make a script that will analyze the first 20 excel files and tried this:
clear all
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
for VPNumber = 1:20 %for the 20 files
a = (['PAL_%d_Gain_Loss.xlsx']);
filename = sprintf(a, VPNumber) % specifies the name of the file
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
(['GainBlock1_',VPNummer]) = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
The problem seems to be that I can only have one output argument. I would like to change the output argument in each loop, so it doesn't overwrite "GainBlock1" in every cycle.
In the end I would like to have these variables:
GainBlock1_1 (for the first excel sheet)
GainBlock1_2 (for the second excel sheet)
GainBlock1_20 (for the 20th excel sheet)
Is there a clever way to do that? I was able to write the first script fairly easily, but was unable to produce any significant progress in the second script. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This can be accomplished by either storing the data in an array or a cell. I believe an array will be sufficient for what you're trying to do. I've included a re-organized code sample below, broken out into functions to help make it easier to read and understand.
Basically, the first function handles the loop and controls where the data gets placed in the array, and the second function is your original script which accepts the VPNumber as an input.
What this should return is a 20x4 array, where the first index controls the sheet the data was pulled from and the second index controls whether it's [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, LossBlock2]. i.e.- GainBlock 1 for sheet 5 would be AnalseProband(5,1), LossBlock2 for sheet 11 would be AnalyseProband(11,4).
function AnalyseProband = getAllProbands()
currentDir = pwd;
returnToOriginalDir = onCleanup(#()cd(currentDir));
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
numProbands = 20;
AnalyseProband = zeros(numProbands,4);
for n = 1:numProbands
AnalyseProband(n,:) = getBlockInfoFromXLS(n);
function AnalyseProband = getBlockInfoFromXLS(VPNumber)
a = 'PAL_%d_Gain_Loss.xlsx';
filename = sprintf(a, VPNumber); % specifies the name of the file
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
GainBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'O324';
LossBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AD324';
GainBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AE324';
LossBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
AnalyseProband = [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, LossBlock2];

How do i stop clipping of limit line text in ios-charts?

I have a requirement for drawing the limit line which is near to the top of the chart and I want to keep limit line label on top right. Is there any way, it can not be truncated. Please see my output.
enter image description here
try limitline.labelPosition = ChartLimitLabelPositionRightBottom;
if you want keep labelPosition on top right,
you may can try set yourYAxis.spaceTop = x;
if x == 0, the maxValue will match the top of the chart,
if x == 1, the maxValue will match the centerY of the chart,
sorry, I can't express myself well, but, just try it.
hope it works.
The default renderer is little bit messed up. Subclass it (YAxisRenderer) and override method: renderLimitLines. Copy the content from original renderer and replace lines:
var clippingRect = viewPortHandler.contentRect
clippingRect.origin.y -= l.lineWidth / 2.0
clippingRect.size.height += l.lineWidth
var clippingRect = viewPortHandler.contentRect
clippingRect.origin.y -= l.lineWidth / 2.0 + l.valueFont.lineHeight
clippingRect.size.height += l.lineWidth + l.valueFont.lineHeight
Now, as you have it prepared, you need to set your new axis renderer for
let yAxisRenderer = CenteredLimitLineYAxisRenderer(
viewPortHandler: chart.viewPortHandler,
yAxis: chart.leftAxis,
transformer: chart.getTransformer(forAxis: .left)
chart.leftYAxisRenderer = yAxisRenderer