MATLAB error in "ModularRobot/VR Sink": Initialization can not be evaluated - matlab

When i try to start a simulation that has been successfully executed before. I get two errors. Fist of them is a Model error. Second is the title. Here are the details:
Since i'm pretty much beginner in MATLAB, i tried to do some research in order to solve the problem, but the instructions wasn't simple enough to understand. What i really want to do is, execute the simulation, see how it works, and imitate the running function.
Sorry if the question is to lame to ask, but like i said, i had to start somewhere.

Marty, it's nice to see you still struggling to learn some cs stuff.
Now, listen to me carefully. That's not a real bug or something that happened because of your wrongdoings.
That's just one of the few things that happens when you use outdated software. Let me guess, u used MATLAB 9, right? Well, i guess this was your problem. Try version 10 instead.
We'll meet again.


kernel stuck of reboots when loaded

Long story short, I am tring to run an custom os on REAL hardware. I am using this tutorial as guild line(more like copy 99% of there code there). I made it to page 20 there (demo15) and there i got into a problem, its explained there how to read from a flopy, and I have a hard drive in the laptop! so i started working on a ahci and pci driver and it was going pretty well. But then somthing wired happend I discoved that when the kernel size is more than 17kb is doesnt work. I have no idea to why and i have been stuck on it for 5 days now working on it every day. I know its the size that matter and not the code through my experiments with it. But it runs ok in Bochs only not on read hardwear.
Everything works as long as the kernel is less than 17kb and if its not than when its jump to the kernel entry point is stops or start a infinit loop where it restarts itself for some reason. Well wasnt very short story in the end sorry.
Anyway It will be realy helpful if someone has any idea to why its like that or how to fix it.
I know you dont have my laptop so you cant realy test anything but even an idea to why will help my.
my code is on github, here.
I am working on VS C++ 2010 express.
Sorry for my bad english and thank to everyone who takes his time to try help me or even just reading this post!

stm32H474I cannot debug

I just got a STM32H747I-DISCO board. When I try to debug it and load the code to it by using its internal ST-Link and STM32Cube IDE. It says :
Break at address "0xa05f0000" with no debug information available, or outside of program code.
And when there comes a little option( View Disassembly) that leads me to some assembly code. How can I fix it? I am just trying to make simple led blinking. To be honest I have no idea how to use this board. This is my first time with it, maybe I am trying to write codes to the wrong core? Or maybe the problem is in the debug properties. I am stuck with it. How can I fix it?
Edit: Okay so I have figured out that it also gives "Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap." error. I believe that is related to GBD but ı don't know how to work with GBD in STM32.
You seem to be making some very trivial error in your code. Since this is led blinking, I am assuming you must have either missed out on some library import or forgot to have provided clock to the I/O ports.
Also, do set up the mode to PULLUP if you are just doing LED blinking.
The above is pure speculation since I haven't seen your code yet.

SAS simulation not giving an output, trying to understand

just as a disclaimer, this is a very low-tech question, but I was unable to find out what's going on. I have a simulation in SAS and whenever I run it, it gives me the simulation itself in the output. What's going on?
I cannot disclose the code, but I can tell you it is supposed to work. However I haven't been able to find someone in person who knows SAS to show me around, as I am new to the software.
Additional info: I'm using SAS 9.4. What happens is that the output is the exact same code as the simulation. It doesn't give me any warnings or errors or anything that enables me to figure out what went wrong.

DistutilsPlatformError: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

I know that this question has been posted multiple times. And I have done my research but still was left clueless. So please bear with me but I wanted to see if someone can offer more direct help,
I am using the latest Python xy distribution
I launched an ipython session and tried to write a simple fibonacci function, after doing load_ext cythonmagic. But ran into the above error. I also set the env. variable VS90COMNTOOLS to equal %VS100COMNTOOLS%, as some posts suggested. That did not fix it, what else can I do to fix the error?

Can I enter the debugger by sending an interrupt/signal? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Stop and continue execution from debugger possible?
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Ctrl+C interrupts a program. If I have dbstop on error set to true, this will put me in the debugger, because an interruption is treated as an error. However, the program is still interrupted; I can not continue it.
If I have a Matlab program running, is it possible after it has started to enter the debugger without triggering an error? To achieve the effect that a breakpoint would normally have, so either to add a breakpoint for an already running program, or tell it 'break wherever you are right now'.
Is this possible?
Not easily..
As suggested in the answer for the question that was linked as a dup, you can create certain conditions outside the MATLAB environment that the MATLAB code can check for. Since MATLAB is more or less single threaded, it makes doing things like that reallly challenging.
The Better Way: (I think/Hope)
I have not tried this yet, but I am almost positive you are able to edit uicontrols even while code is running because that IS on a different "thread" of sorts. For example, you can check a checkbox even while your code is running. If you were to include in your code something that checks for this checkbox value to be a 1, and if it is a 1, enter debug mode, I think that would work for you.
The good things about this is that everything stays in MATLAB and you don't need to do things like create a file to debug. The bad thing is you still need to add extra code to check which sometimes isn't feasible.
Hope this will work for you.