How can we save the syncfusion diagram as stream and load the stream from the database - syncfusion

I am using syncfusion diagram. In that diagram i want to load the stream from database and i want to save the stream to database. He has provided the sample project but that doesn't work for me. The link is
Can anybody tell me what is the error and how can i rectify that.
Hope you will understand my question.

Are you getting any error messages when you try to run the sample provided by Syncfusion? If so, you can post them here or on the Syncfusion forums.
If you need the patch mentioned in the forum post, we have created a support incident under your account and the patch will be provided to you.


How can we add custom template in keycloak?

I would like to add some custom tabs(template) in my keycloak? But i cant find the solution. Is anyone here who could help me with this.
Your screenshot suggest that you are still using the old account console. I recommend to upgrade to the new account console which supports adding additional tabs quite easily. Take a look at this blog post for details and check out this quickstart example to get going.

is there any way to deploy custom ML models in flutter?

I am trying to create a flutter app using the ML model from the below link.
I haven't played with Flutter but there are some promising articles article 1 article 2 article 3 that gives code snippets to insert tensorflow lite dependencies, to make assets folder and load models. You can check them and I hope you get a first idea how to proceed. Style transfer is a medium to hard coding project though. I suggest to start from simpler tasks as classification problems.
Happy coding
I have used this style_transfer model in flutter app before. unfortunately, I've lost that code (I did not use git). But I can give suggestions on that.
For using this custom model you will have to use
The trick here is you will have to see model's input shape (image_shape=(384,384,3), style_shape=(256,256,3) and output size (shape=(384,384,3) and also shape of bottleneck). You can resize image using
with these two, you are good to go. Sorry for bad english and I know I am too much late but maybe someone else will find it useful.
Happy coding!
Edited: So I have found the code. I stored a copy of it in my google drive. I have uploaded it on github Please do read Readme file. Thanks
There is a recently published flutter plugin for integrating an arbitrary TFLite model.
Please see the README of the pub package and see how you can bundle the .tflite models and how to load / run them in flutter.
There is a blog post on how to use this flutter plugin, but it uses a different model (text classification) as an example.
You can upload custom tensorwflow model to firebase ML KIT (custom tab), and integrate with firebase API in your flutter project.

using "add fetch request" in Xcodes UI

It seems that there is a convenient way to use fetch controllers using the UI of xcdatamodel. I tried to use it but could not figure out how you actually implement the fetch once I have created it. anyone have some experience with this? A link? And most of all, is it possible to comfortably add this to a fetchResultsController?
EDIT: the answer here core data simple fetch request template in swift helped me use the tool but I feel like it is not a full answer. (Thank you shallowThought)

do not know how to install historymod

I find a lot of information dispersed over the Internet. There is nothing concrete. If I can guide point to point, to know what I have to install on the machine, and so to create the historical data for the statistics.
I need to make the "linear graph" widget work properly.
Greetings and thanks!
Please, take a look into the README document available on the github repository. Take into account that this file has been updated recently.
The historymod module is part of an specific application (FIWARE LiveDemo app) and not recommended as general solution. Have a look to the following post about how to persist hitorical context information comming from Orion.

Creating rss feed with appcelerator

I'd like to create an RSS feed in my window does but I do not know how. I link the xml file that contains the videos, etc. but I do not know how it works excat.
Can you give me an example please because of the kitchen sink I did not understand.
Thank you
I found this one to be perfect:
Make sure you build the whole project and try to read what is happening. It's only helpful when you actually code it yourself.
EDIT: I just now saw it was for Appcelerator. Check out this tutorial: