Rotate CGRect property of a CCSprite ? - iphone

I have a sublclass of a CCSprite that rotates throughout the game and there is a shield that has to rotate around the sprite according to the sprite's rotation. So if the sprite's rotation is 75 degrees there should be a CGRect located at 75 degrees. The dimensions of the CGRect are subordinate as it almost resembles a square.
What I did is:
I subclassed CCSprite and added a property called shieldArea.
Upon initialization I set this rect to be
self.shieldArea = CGRectMake(self.position.x-30, self.position.y, 8, 10);
Then I rotate the sprite itself, however, the rect stays at its initial position.
I hoped that the CGrect would be affected by the rotation, but I kind of expected it not to affect it, of course, why should it ? So, my question is, how do I rotate a CGRect at all ? Or do I have to add a new CGRect all the time ?
Side notes: I do not want to use Box2d or anything the like. I handle collision detection myself.

Have you tried CGAffineTransform?
Something like this:
float centerX = myOldRect.origin.x + (myOldRect.size.width / 2.0);
float centerY = myOldRect.origin.y + (myOldRect.size.height / 2.0);
CGAffineTransform rotation = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(someAngleInRadians);
CGAffineTransform moveAnchor = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(centerX, centerY);
CGAffineTransform centeredRotation = CGAffineTransformConcat(moveAnchor, rotation);
CGRect rotatedRect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(myOldRect, centeredRotation);
Note, this is NOT tested. Use at your own risk :p


How can I transform a UIView from being parallel to the ground to being perpendicular?

I want to transform a view from a plane that is parallel to the ground to a plane that is perpendicular to the ground.
Any ideas?
To rotate a view in 3D, you need to modify the transform property of the view's layer.
It sounds like you want to rotate the view around the X axis. And I guess you want perspective, where the edge closer to the viewer appears larger and the edge farther from the viewer appears smaller.
We'll write a helper function that makes the transform. We start with the identity transform:
static CATransform3D transformWithAngle(CGFloat angle) {
CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DIdentity;
Then set the m34 component of the transform based on the distance from the viewer to the view:
transform.m34 = -1.0f / 300.0f;
If you use a number larger than 300, the perspective will be weaker. If you use a number smaller than 300, the perspective will be stronger.
Next, add the rotation:
transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, angle, 1, 0, 0);
Then return the transform:
return transform;
Let's say you want to apply this to a view named self.riseView. You probably want the rotation to be around the bottom edge of the view, so set the layer's anchor point to the bottom edge:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
CGRect frame = self.riseView.frame;
self.riseView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5f, 1.0f);
self.riseView.frame = frame;
and initialize the layer's transform with an angle of 0:
self.riseView.layer.transform = transformWithAngle(0);
You can make the view “set” (rotate down to the ground plane) by rotating it to an angle of -M_PI_2:
- (IBAction)setButtonWasTapped:(id)sender {
[self animateRiseViewToAngle:-M_PI_2];
and you can make it “rise” (rotate up) by rotating it to an angle of zero:
- (IBAction)riseButtonWasTapped:(id)sender {
[self animateRiseViewToAngle:0];
Here's how we actually do the animation:
- (void)animateRiseViewToAngle:(CGFloat)angle {
[UIView animateWithDuration:2 animations:^{
self.riseView.layer.transform = transformWithAngle(angle);

Translating a view and the rotating it problem

I have a custom UIImageView, I can drag it around screen by making a translation with (xDif and yDif is the amount fingers moved):
CGAffineTransform translate = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(xDif, yDif);
[self setTransform: CGAffineTransformConcat([self transform], translate)];
Let's say I moved the ImageView for 50px in both x and y directions. I then try to rotate the ImageView (via gesture recognizer) with:
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation([recognizer rotation]);
myImageView.transform = transform;
What happens is the ImageView suddenly moves to where the ImageView was originally located (before the translation - not from the moved position + 50px in both directions).
(It seems that no matter how I translate the view, the of the ImageView subclass stays the same - where it was originally laid in IB).
Another problem is, if I rotate the ImageView by 30 deg, and then try to rotate it a bit more, it will again start from the original position (angle = 0) and go from there, why wouldn't it start from the angle 30 deg and not 0.
You are overwriting the earlier transform. To add to the current transform, you should do this –
myImageView.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(myImageView.transform, recognizer.rotation);
Since you're changing the transform property in a serial order, you should use CGAffineTransformRotate, CGAffineTransformTranslate and CGAffineTransformScale instead so that you add to the original transform and not create a new one.

Convert CGPoint between iPhone & CA planes

I have a UIView subclass that I'm drawing a PDF onto (using a CATiledLayer). I also need to draw on a specific region of that PDF, however the coordinate plane of the CATiledLayer when using CG to draw is way screwy.
See image:
I have a point (200,200), that I need to convert to the CATiledLayer's coordinate system, which is the 2nd plane shown above. I've tried doing this with some transforms, but nothing seems to work.
Here is what I had to do (using the example points/plane above):
//rotatation origin
CGPoint rotateOrigin = CGPointMake(0,0);
//rotatation transform
CGAffineTransform translateTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(rotateOrigin.x, rotateOrigin.y);
//rotate the plane 90 degrees
float radians = 90 * (M_PI / 180);
CGAffineTransform rotationTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(radians); CGAffineTransform customRotation = CGAffineTransformConcat(CGAffineTransformConcat( CGAffineTransformInvert(translateTransform), rotationTransform), translateTransform);
CGAffineTransform m1 = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
CGPoint startPoint = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(CGPointMake(200,200),m1);
//rotated point
CGPoint rotatedPoint = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(startPoint, customRotation);
//final rotated point- after adjusting for the rotation
rotatedPoint = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(rotatedPoint, CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(500,-500));

UIScrollView zoomToRect not zooming to given rect (created from UITouch CGPoint)

My application has a UIScrollView with one subview. The subview is an extended UIView which prints a PDF page to itself using layers in the drawLayer event.
Zooming using the built in pinching works great. setZoomScale also works as expected.
I have been struggling with the zoomToRect function. I found an example online which makes a CGRect zoomRect variable from a given CGPoint.
In the touchesEnded function, if there was a double tap and they are all the way zoomed out, I want to zoom in to that PDFUIView I created as though they were pinching out with the center of the pinch where they double tapped.
So assume that I pass the UITouch variable to my function which utilizes zoomToRect if they double tap.
I started with the following function I found on apples site:
The following is a modified version for my UIScrollView extended class:
- (void)zoomToCenter:(float)scale withCenter:(CGPoint)center {
CGRect zoomRect;
zoomRect.size.height = self.frame.size.height / scale;
zoomRect.size.width = self.frame.size.width / scale;
zoomRect.origin.x = center.x - (zoomRect.size.width / 2.0);
zoomRect.origin.y = center.y - (zoomRect.size.height / 2.0);
//return zoomRect;
[self zoomToRect:zoomRect animated:YES];
When I do this, the UIScrollView seems to zoom using the bottom right edge of the zoomRect above and not the center.
If I make UIView like this
UIView *v = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:zoomRect];
[v setBackgroundColor:[UIView redColor]];
[self addSubview:v];
The red box shows up with the touch point dead in the center.
Please note: I am writing this from my PC, I recall messing around with the divided by two part on my Mac, so just assume that this draws a rect with the touch point in the center. If the UIView drew off center but zoomed to the right spot it would be all good.
However, what happens is when it preforms the zoomToRect it seems to use the bottom right off the zoomRect at the top left of the zoomed in results.
Also, I noticed that depending on where I click on the UIScrollView, it anchors to diffrent spots. It almost seems like there is a cross down the middle and it's reflecting the points somehow as though anywhere left of the middle is a negative reflection and anywhere right of the middle is a positive reflection?
This seems to complicated, shouldn't it just zoom to the rect that was drawn as the UIView was able to draw?
I used a lot of research to figure out how to create a PDF that scales in high quality, so I am assuming that using the CALayer may be throwing off the coordinate system? But to the UIScrollView it should just treat it as a view with 768x985 dimensions.
This is sort of advanced, please assume the code for creating the zoomRect is all good. There is something deeper with the CALayer in the UIView which is in the UIScrollView....
Ok another answer:
The apple supplied routine works for me, but you need to have the gesture recognizer convert the tap point to the imageView coords - not to the scroller.
Apple's example does this, but since our app works differently (we change the UIImageView), so the gestureRecongnizer was set up on the uiscrollview - which works fine, but you need to do this in the handleDoubleTap:
This is loosely based on the apple example code "TaptoZoom", but as I said we needed our gesture recognizer hooked up to the scroll view.
- (void)handleDoubleTap:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer {
// double tap zooms in
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:#selector(handleSingleTap:) object:nil];
float newScale = [imageScrollView zoomScale] * 1.5;
// Note we need to get location of the tap in the imageView coords, not the imageScrollView
CGRect zoomRect = [self zoomRectForScale:newScale withCenter:[gestureRecognizer locationInView:imageView]];
[imageScrollView zoomToRect:zoomRect animated:YES];
Declare BOOL isZoom; in .h
-(void)handleDoubleTap:(UIGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {
CGPoint Pointview=[recognizer locationInView:self];
CGFloat newZoomscal=3.0;
newZoomscal=MIN(newZoomscal, self.maximumZoomScale);
CGSize scrollViewSize=self.bounds.size;
CGFloat w=scrollViewSize.width/newZoomscal;
CGFloat h=scrollViewSize.height /newZoomscal;
CGFloat x= Pointview.x-(w/2.0);
CGFloat y = Pointview.y-(h/2.0);
CGRect rectTozoom=CGRectMake(x, y, w, h);
[self zoomToRect:rectTozoom animated:YES];
[self setZoomScale:3.0 animated:YES];
[self setZoomScale:1.0 animated:YES];
I've noticed that the apple you're using doesn't zoom properly if the image is starting at a zoomScale less than 1 because the zoomRect origin is incorrect. I edited it to work correctly. Here's the code:
- (CGRect)zoomRectForScale:(float)scale withCenter:(CGPoint)center {
CGRect zoomRect;
// the zoom rect is in the content view's coordinates.
// At a zoom scale of 1.0, it would be the size of the imageScrollView's bounds.
// As the zoom scale decreases, so more content is visible, the size of the rect grows.
zoomRect.size.height = [self frame].size.height / scale;
zoomRect.size.width = [self frame].size.width / scale;
// choose an origin so as to get the right center.
zoomRect.origin.x = (center.x * (2 - self.minimumZoomScale) - (zoomRect.size.width / 2.0));
zoomRect.origin.y = (center.y * (2 - self.minimumZoomScale) - (zoomRect.size.height / 2.0));
return zoomRect;
The key is this part multiplying the center value by (2 - self.minimumZoomScale).
Hope this helps.
In my case it was:
zoomRect.origin.x = center.x / self.zoomScale - (zoomRect.size.width / 2.0);
zoomRect.origin.y = center.y / self.zoomScale - (zoomRect.size.height / 2.0);
extension UIScrollView {
func getRectForVisibleView() -> CGRect {
var visibleRect: CGRect = .zero
visibleRect.origin = self.contentOffset
visibleRect.size = self.bounds.size
let theScale = 1.0 / self.zoomScale
visibleRect.origin.x *= theScale
visibleRect.origin.y *= theScale
visibleRect.size.width *= theScale
visibleRect.size.height *= theScale
return visibleRect
func moveToRect(rect: CGRect) {
let scale = self.bounds.width / rect.width
self.zoomScale = scale
self.contentOffset = .init(x: rect.origin.x * scale, y: rect.origin.y * scale)
I had something similar and it was because I didn't adjust the center.x and center.y values by dividing them by the scale also (using center.x/scale and center.y/scale). Maybe I'm not reading your code right.
I am having the same behavior and it is quite frustrating... The rectangle being fed to the UIScrollView is perfect.. yet my view, no matter what I do anything that involves changing the zoomScale programmatically always zooms and scales to coordinate 0,0, no matter what.
I have tried just changing the zoomScale, I've tried zoomToRect, I have tried them all, and every one the minute I touch the zoomScale in code, it goes to coordinate 0,0.
I did also have to add and explicit setContentSize to the resized image in the scrollview after a zooming operation, or otherwise I cannot scroll after a zoom or pinch.
Is this a bug in 3.1.3 or what?
I have tried different solutions, but this looks the best resolution
It is really straight forward and conceptional?
CGRect frame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame];
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(frame.size.height/2,
I disagree with one of the comments above saying that you should never multiply the center's coordinates by some factor.
Say that you are currently displaying an entire 400x400px image or PDF file in a 100x100 scroll view and want to allow the users to double the size of the content until it's 1:1.
If you double tap at point (75,75), you expect the zoomed-in rectangle to have origin 100,100 and size 100x100 within the new 200x200 content view. So the original tapping point (75,75) is now (150,150) in the new 200x200 space.
Now, after zoom action #1 has completed, if you again double tap at (75,75) inside the new 100x100 rectangle (which is the bottom-right square of the larger 200x200 rectangle), you expect the user to be shown the bottom-right 100x100 square of the larger image, which would now become zoomed to 400x400 pixels.
In order to calculate the origin of this latest 100x100 rectangle within the larger 400x400 rectangle, you would need to consider the scale and current content offset (since before this last zoom action we were displaying the bottom-right 100x100 rectangle within a 200x200 content rectangle).
So the x coordinate of the final rectangle becomes:
center.x/currentScale - (scrollView.frame.size.width/2) + scrollView.contentOffset.x/currentScale
= 75/.5 - 100/2 + 100/.5 = 150 - 50 + 200 = 300.
In this case, being a square, the calculation for the y coordinate is the same.
And we did indeed zoom in the bottom-right 100x100 rectangle, which, in the larger 400x400 content view has origin 300,300.
So here is how you would calculate the zoom rectangle's size and origin:
zoomRect.size.height = mScrollView.frame.size.height/scale;
zoomRect.size.width = mScrollView.frame.size.width/scale;
zoomRect.origin.x = center.x/currentScale - (mScrollView.frame.size.width/2) + mScrollView.contentOffset.x/currentScale;
zoomRect.origin.y = center.y/currentScale - (mScrollView.frame.size.height/2) + mScrollView.contentOffset.y/currentScale;
Hope this made sense; it's hard to explain it in writing without sketching out the various squares/rectangles.
Raf Colasante

Can i move the origin when doing a rotation transform in Quartz 2D for the iPhone?

Sorry if this is obvious or covered elsewhere, but i've been googling all day and haven't found a solution that actually worked.
My problem is as follows: I am currently drawing an image in a full screen UIView, for examples sake we'll say the image is in the bottom right corner of the UIView. I'd like to do a rotation transform(CGAffineTransformMakeRotation) at the center of that image, however, by default the rotation command rotates around the center of the UIView it self. As a result, my image moves around the screen when i rotate instead of it staying in place and rotating around its own center.
From what i've gathered, i need to translate my context so that the origin(center of the UIView) is at the center of my image, Rotate, and then restore the context by translating back to the original spot.
The following is the closest thing i've gotten to work, but the problem is that while the image is rotating, it moves downward while it's rotating. I think this is caused by animation tweening the 1st step translate and 3rd step translate instead of just realizing that the beginning and end point on the translates would be the same...
// Before this i'd make a call to a function that draws a path to a passed in context
CGAffineTransform inverseTranslation = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation( transX, transY );
CGAffineTransform translation = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation( -transX, -transY );
CGAffineTransform rot = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( 3.14 );
CGAffineTransform final = CGAffineTransformConcat( CGAffineTransformConcat( inverseTranslation, rot ), translation );
// Then i apply the transformation animation like normal using self.transform = final etc etc
I've also tried stuff like CGContextTranslateCTM and CGContextSaveGState/UIGraphicsPushContext, but these seem to have little effect.
I've been fighting with this for days and my current solution seems close, but i have no clue how to get rid of that translating tweening. Does anyone have a solution for this or a better way to go about this?
For the time being i'm drawing my image centered at the UIview's center and then setting the property to the origin i'd like to rotate and then doing the rotate command. Seems like a bit of a hack, but until i can get the real translates working it's my only choice.
duncanwilcox' answer is the right one, but he left out the part where you change the anchor of the view's layer to the point you want to rotate around.
CGSize sz = theview.bounds.size;
// Anchorpoint coords are between 0.0 and 1.0
theview.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(rotPoint.x/sz.width, rotPoint.y/sz.height);
[UIView beginAnimations:#"rotate" context:nil];
theview.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( 45. / 180. * M_PI );
[UIView commitAnimations];
This is documented here:
This is also an option: a simple change of basis ;-)
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(x, y);
transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, angle);
transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform,-x,-y);
where (x,y) is the rotation center you like
Rotation happens around the anchorPoint of the view's layer. The default for the anchorPoint is the center (0.5, 0.5), so the rotation alone without the translations should suffice.
Did a quick test and this works for me:
[UIView beginAnimations:#"rotate" context:nil];
self.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( 45. / 180. * 3.14 );
[UIView commitAnimations];
If you don't want an animation to occur, but just set the new rotation, you can use this:
CGFloat newRotation = 3.14f
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.0]; // no tweening
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(newRotation);
self.transform = transform;
[UIView commitAnimations];
The rotation should indeed take place around the center of the UIView. Setting the animationDuration to zero garantees no tweening should happen.
Be sure though you don't do this 60 times a second. It's very tempting to create game like animations with these tools. These kind of animations aren't exactly meant for a frame to frame based, "lots of sprites flying everywhere" game.
For that - and I've been down that road - the only way to go, is OpenGL.