How to migrate existing iphone application to iphone 5 screen resolution as well? - iphone

I have my existing application, I want to migrate these application to iPhone 5 resolution as well, I tried lot of links regarding these problem, I haven't get clear idea about actually to migrate the application, Please give the idea, regarding these problem.
I referred following link as well but haven't get clear idea about these problem....
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
From above link I done with splash screen, but the remaining nib ui height not proper, in some screen, above will get more space and in some below space is more, SO how to solve these prob, please help me.

Are you going to support iOS 5 or earlier? If not, I recommend learning about Autolayout. With this feature, you can set up constraints that will ensure layouts between the devices appear similar (with just a little more room for your views).
First, read this to learn about the recommended usability recommendations for different devices (scroll down to the "Running on iPhone 5" section):
Then, for Autolayout check out this WWDC video:
Introduction to Auto Layout for iOS and OS X


How to get a finished iPhone 5 app to display AS IF in "compatibility mode" on iPad with retina display?

This is my first iPhone app (iPhone 5), and it's basically ready to submit to Apple except...
I'm stumped on how to get my app to display on the iPad like it would in compatibility mode if it had a 3.5 inch screen. But it has a 4-inch screen, of course. It's an iPhone 5 app. And Apple has not yet provided a compatibility mode (that I am aware of) that will display the 4-inch screen properly in compatibility mode on the iPad. Instead, compatibility mode distorts and cuts off the 4-inch layout and smushes it into a 3.5-inch compatibility mode box.
I have read all of the stackoverflow Q&A's that I could find, plus many other web pages, tried numerous approaches, but all solutions end up with my iPhone storyboard layout distorted on the iPad and/or nailed to the top left portion of the iPad screen, or both.
I've been banging my head on this for days.
I sure hope someone can help.
You know how 3.5-inch iphone apps look on the ipad in compatibility mode? That is EXACTLY how I want my iPhone 5, 4-inch screen to look on the iPad, but with the 4-inch dimensions. I do not want the app to occupy nearly all of the iPad screen. Just a box that looks like the iphone 5 app, hanging right there centered in the iPad screen. I don't have a problem with figuring out how to connect things to my view controllers, fwiw.
I don't know how to put this any more specifically. If my question is unclear, perhaps someone could help me to restate it? This is NOT a duplicate of other stackoverflow topics I have been able to find. But I'm willing to be corrected.
Hellllp! :-) Thanks in advance for any light you may be able to shed. I'm hoping to avoid starting from scratch to create a usable iPad presentation for my iPhone 5 app.
iPad doesn't work like that. I believe the reason is that the 2x button would not scale properly for the 4 inch screen.
Either way, you need to make sure your app works well for the 3.5 inch screen anyway, this may be a good time to rethink some of the design of your app to make sure it works well in a 3.5 inch screen.

Making my iPhone 5 app compatible with iPhone 4, iPod Touch, legacy iPhone?

I am new to xcode and mobile app design in general, but was able to pull together some resources and make a nice looking app optimizing for iPhone 5. However, I noticed a few problems with compatibility and am hoping someone can suggest to me a quick fix.
First, I take advantage of the entire iPhone 5 screen size, and when loaded on iPhone 4 or earlier the placement of icons is all awry. Would this be fixed by just making the entire view scrollable somehow? And if so, can someone point me in the right direction to accomplish this?
Second, I've noticed that if I am using my app while in a call (and therefore have the green notification bar at the top) it also causes misalignments for my objects. Is there a way to prevent this?
Thanks for the advice.
If you are targeting iOS 6 you should take advantage of Auto Layout. Here is a good tutorial to get started
Add a Default-568h#2x.png launch image.
and check the all screen.

Non-4-inch apps top-aligned when new splash included

Apple is now requiring a retina and 4-inch display Splash page (i.e. the "Default-568h#2x.png") for all apps to be submitted, which is fine. However, when I include that and then do another build, once I get into the app, instead of it being centered with dark on the top and bottom (as it was before), is now top-aligned on the screen with 2x the blank space on the bottom.. which looks really unprofessional.
Is there any way via our configuration to tell the OS to go back to centering the app, despite that it has the now-required 4" Splash page included? Ideally I'd like to be able to do this without updating every single IB view in the app to center it manually, as I feel the OS should still be able to do this somehow via configuration.
FYI, answers that say "update your entire app for 4"!" are unacceptable. There are clients who don't yet have a creative budget for this but still want to keep their existing app looking decent in the store. If it's not possible, then it's not possible, but that is why I'm asking the question.
Thanks in advance for any assistance on this, and my apologies if this has already been asked.
As of May 1 if your submitting this app to the app store you will be required to support both retina display's, and the new 4" screen size.
You misunderstand. As of now, you must fully support the full 4" screen of the iPhone 5 and 5th gen iPod touch, in addition to retina and non-retina devices.
By adding the "Default-568h#2x.png" launch image (it is not a splash screen) you are telling the OS that your app supports the 4" screen.
You must update your app to fill the screen. There are countless existing posts about how to do that. There is no way around this. It is 100% required - no exception from Apple.
BTW - Apple announced this requirement on March 21st. Every registered iOS developer was notified of the requirement.
It isn't possible to do what you're asking with a single setting. Your best options are a bit of code that runs when you load a view to change the origin.y position, or, go through the XIB files and update the autoresizing rules so that the views expand to fill the space. You might not have budget to update the graphics resources in the app but you should be able to spend the small amount of time required on autoresizing.
The caveat to 'small amount of time' may apply to you - if you explicitly set the size of all of your views in code you've made life painful for yourself.

How to make Adobe AIR application for iOS supporting both new and old screen size

I've been a Flash animator for a few years and recently tried my hand at developing a simple iOS application using Flash CS6 and AS3.
When I began development I was creating for the iPhone 4S' screen size, however now with the release of the iPhone 5 the new screen size obviously doesn't fill the screen, resulting in the black-bar letterboxing at the top and bottom of the screen.
I have three questions to ask:
Is it possible to release two different versions of the app onto the App Store for separate devices or does it have to be universal? (I believe the answer is the latter but I can't find a definitive answer)
Is it possible to have a stage size that matches the iPhone 5's larger display but cut off the bottom (for example) for the previous iPhone sizes, in effect just adding some information to the bottom of the screen exclusively for iPhone 5 users?
If (2) is not possible, is there coding examples available change positions of items on the screen? For example, I have a title and taskbar as well as a background, could I code it to stretch to the size of the device screen rather than the stage? And would I need to alter the stage size or is there code available to do that for me?
I'm quite new to the programming aspect of AS3 and I'm sorry if there are answers that you feel that I should know, but I'm really thankful for your time to read and answer and I thank you in advance for your replies!
Ben Kahan
While all of your options are possible, you'll want to make sure your program dynamically lays itself out and resizes visual assets depending on screen size, pixel density and orientation.
More here:
One Application, Five Screens (Including the iPad)
Writing Multiscreen AIR Apps
You should look into doing number 3! 1 will be a hell to maintain, 2 will piss off users with smaller screen. If you design your application a bit more flexible, that would also mean you have an app that works on android ;)
I don't have any particular code for handling different screen sizes, but I remember reading about it back when Adobe introduced FP for mobile. This article gives a lot of good advice for delveloping for mobile (even though it is a bit old) -- maybe you can find something that is more up to date though google :)

iPhone VS ipad development process (differences and similarities)

I am new to iOS development. I am trying to figure out these things.
A project both in iPhone and iPad. what things are same for both (coding, graphics or UI)?
Design Pattern of apps are same or different?
waiting for answer
Thanks :)
Personally, I find that the only real difference between the iPhone and the iPad is the UI and UX. Most of the code is the same for both applications. (In fact, you can even reuse a lot of code if you are doing a universal app!)
The main difference really is the screen size. The iPad is huge in comparison to the iPhone, and this difference gives you a lot more options to work with.
Another thing to note is that the iPad is usually done in landscape orientation, whereas the iPhone is done in portrait. This is not an absolute rule however, it's just the way I see it.
The graphics aren't too different between the devices, except that because of the large screen size, you can do a bit more detailed work with the iPad images then the iPhone images. (Even with the retina display, too fine detail on the iPhone is barely noticeable.)
The other thing I wanted to mention is the flow of the devices. Again, because of the screen size of the iPad, you can fit a lot more content on the screen, and therefore have to push to new views less frequently. I've worked on apps where we had 3 UIViewController's for the iPhone version, and only 1 for the iPad version.
In short, it depends really on your type of app. If you have a lot of content, and want to display it all at once, go for the iPad. If you want a streamlined, minimal approach to your app, go for the iPhone.
Again, this is all just my personal opinion. Hope that Helps!
You can use native controls without much theming and customization on the iPhone. But iPad is a bigger beast. Users use your iPad app for a longer time. iPhone apps are used for a short stint and then closed, used again for a short stint and so on.
Analytics published by Flurry showed that the average time an iPhone app is kept open is about 1.2 minutes. Design and develop it in a way that data is available as fast as you can.
iPad apps are used in a relaxed setting. While I don't have the numbers, it's probably used more often and for a longer time than an iPhone app. Themes and custom UI elements do matter a lot there
Second, iPad apps need to be supported on all orientation (or at least a minimum of two orientations)