Do I need to move my source code into my repo in github for windows - github

So I've just installed githib for windows. Do I actually need to move my source code into my repo now or do I leave it where it is and somehow point the repo to it?
eg if my app is at
and the repo
do I need to copy everything into the repo?

The github instructions are pretty helpful.
In Step 1 your app folder is equivalent to the folder the README file is in.


How to create a new file in github and add there existing files?

I have files in repository. I want them to be grouped inside a folder. How can I do this?
It seems that I need to add new file if I want to create a folder.
From how you worded your question, it seems like you're trying to work on github directly from the website.
The usual way github works is:
if you have a repo on github and you want to modify it, first 'clone' the repo into your local computer,
use these instructions
then just change folder structure like you would normally on File Explorer (windows) or Finder (mac),
then follow the commit instructions and 'push' up your changes to github
use these instructions
check status of your recent changes:
git status
add the files that you want to include in the commit
git add nameOfFile
check status and the file you want to include should now be green
git status
use this to send to github
git push
Overall github docs here:

Github desktop caches deleted local repository

I'm new at GitHub and I'm having this issue: I created three private repositories for my project, all fine. On the fourth one, for some reason GitHub desktop included the node_modules folder (its an angular cli app), so I deleted the repository from and from GitHub desktop. When I try to recreate it, it is "cached" on my Mac, even if I copy everything to another folder, and it tries to upload the node_module files.
I also changed the name of the repository, copied all the files but node_modules folder to another folder. Same happens over and over.
I couldn't find anything on internet about this. Sorry if its a newbie question.
You could try to delete the git folder that it's being hidden by default.
Go to in file explore -Views- select "Hidden Items" and try to remove the git folder from here. After that set up your .gitignore file and pass node_modules before you use git init
Use this in your terminal, if you are using VS Code use this in the same folder you are having the problem : git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore'

Install BigBluebutton from your forked GitHub Repo, with your settings not the original repository

I create the settings on the git repository so i don't have to config again after the installation. The idea is to install from the github repo.
But, in the case of bigBluebutton, it gets the files from . and when i check the file there is no reference to any github repository... so is not about changing urls only.
Could you put me in the right direction?
I want to do the same with open-edx
This question was asked recently in our bigbluebutton-setup forums
The short answer is we don't have any script that can update a production BigBlueButton instance with changes made to a forked version of BigBlueButton in GitHub. You would need to follow our docs to re-deploy the components that you update.

How to save both my _site and jekyll build on github

Right now i have the following setup:
My jeyll build is in ~/jekyll-sites
My .git folder is in ~/jekyll-sites/_site
I'm now able to sync the jekyll generated ~/jekyll-sites/_site with my repo at:
and it works perfect.
But i would also like to to save the whole jekyll build on github.
The question is:
Is it possible to make another repo called: and sync the whole jekyll build here?
If so, what would be the best way to do it?
I've looked at so many answers that does not quite match what I want. So I'm pretty confused right now :-/
As long as you're not using any Jekyll plugins, you can actually push your Jekyll source to Github, and their servers will automatically generate the _site folder and serve it for you. You won't see this _site directory show up in your repository, but the generated files will be accessible from
A great reference for how to do this is Tom Preston-Warner's personal blog, which is (naturally) hosted on Github Pages. Note that he placed the _site directory in his .gitgnore file, and Jekyll says "it's probably a good idea" for you to do the same, but you might be able to skip this part.
Both you and Tom are using the User Pages option, so your site gets generated as long as your content is in the Master branch (if you were using Project pages, it would use the gh-pages branch instead).
I think I solved the issue.
I installed the mac version of github and fiddled around, read a lot of man pages and finally I could make it happen :-)
What helped me was to click on the + sign in the bottom of the screen, as shown on the screenshot. Here I could point my repos at a local dir.
nielsrasmus/jekyll-sites: points to the root of the jekyll build.
nielsrasmus/ points to the generated site at ~/jekyll-sites/_site

How do you completely remove a file on github

I've seen the command needed to remove a file and erase it from the history on git. Is there a way to do this with the github website? If not, it looks like I need to know where the file is to do it with a git command. Where does github store the local repositories?
To get a local version of the repository, look up the URL from the repo page on Github and clone as explained in the link above.