Delete element in list that contains lists - lisp

beginner in LISP here. I'm preparing myself for my upcoming exam in LISP and I've come across a problem I can't solve, so I was hoping someone more experienced might help me out.
Anyways, here is my problem :
You are given a list that may contain lists as elements. Your task is to delete an atomic element at a given position.
The list and the position are given as input parameters.
Example : Position=5 , List=(1 (2 3) ((4)) (5 (6))) , should return (1 (2 3) ((4)) ((6))).
Here is what i got so far...(PS the code below works thanks to the assistance of imMaw , you can check edit to see my previous mistake ).
(defun number_of_atoms(List)
(atoms List 0)
(defun atoms(List Number)
((null List) Number)
((atom (car List)) (atoms (cdr List) (+ 1 Number)))
((+ (atoms (car List) Number) (atoms (cdr List) 0)))
(defun deleteElement(Pos List)
(deleteElementAcc Pos 1 List)
(defun deleteElementAcc(Pos CurrPos List)
((null List) nil)
((and (atom (car List)) (not(eql CurrPos Pos))) (cons (car List) (deleteElementAcc Pos (+ CurrPos 1) (cdr List))))
((and (atom (car List)) (eql CurrPos Pos)) (deleteElementAcc Pos (+ CurrPos 1) (cdr List)))
((cons (deleteElementAcc Pos CurrPos (car List))
(deleteElementAcc Pos (+ CurrPos (number_of_atoms(car List))) (cdr List))))

Why are you spelling Pos and CurrPos with z's in half the places?
And the problem in your code lies in the last branch of the cond. When you recurse on the cdr of List, CurrPos needs to be advanced by the number of elements in (car List). And a simple (length List) won't work, because it needs to recursively count elements in sublists.
Edit: more elaboration
Say we call
(deleteElement 3 '((1 2) (3 4)))
You turn this into
(deleteElementPos 3 1 '((1 2) (3 4))),
which falls into the last case of the cond, and you get
(cons (deleteElementAcc 3 1 '(1 2))
(deleteElementAcc 3 1 '((3 4))))
notice that currPos is wrong for the cdr of the list - it should be 3, not 1. You actually want your code to turn into
(cons (deleteElementAcc 3 1 '(1 2))
(deleteElementAcc 3 (+ 1 2) '((3 4))))
because (car List) has 2 elements in it.
So, you just need to change
(deleteElementAcc Pos CurrPos (cdr List))
(deleteElementAcc Pos (+ CurrPos (recursive-length (car List))) (cdr List))
and program recursive-length, which is a pretty simple function. It should count elements in sublists, so for example (recursive-length '((1 2) ((3)))) returns 3.

While solving this problem in just any way isn't particularly difficult, it is really non-trivial to solve it well. By well I mean both big O's and code complexity, just as well as handling of corner cases. I'm not sure this code will handle even improper lists, and it has parts that could be certainly reduced in verbosity, but, technically, it is there. It walks through the tree in exactly O(n), where n is the number of elements in the tree, and it uses O(n + 2 * (maximum depth)) space, i.e. it will use the memory already used by the tree and in addition the memory proportional to the maximum depth of the tree.
No attempt was made to identify cyclic lists or duplicates:
(defun remove-from-tree-linear (tree &rest positions)
(loop with node = tree
with nilcar = (gensym)
with positions = (sort (remove-duplicates positions) #'<)
with counter = 0
with copy = nil
with root = nil
with stack = nil
with backrefs = nil
while (or node stack) do
((null node)
(setf backrefs (cdr backrefs))
(when (car stack)
(setf copy (car backrefs)))
(setf node (car stack) stack (cdr stack)))
((consp (car node))
(if copy
(if (eq (car copy) nilcar)
(setf (car copy) (list nilcar)
copy (car copy)
(car backrefs) copy)
(setf (cdr copy) (list nilcar)
copy (cdr copy)
(car backrefs) copy))
(setf copy (list nilcar)
root copy))
(setf backrefs (cons copy backrefs))
(setf stack (cons (cdr node) stack)
node (car node)))
(t (if (and positions (= counter (car positions)))
(setf positions (cdr positions))
(if copy
(if (eq (car copy) nilcar)
(setf (car copy) (list (car node))
copy (car copy))
(setf (cdr copy) (list (car node))
copy (cdr copy)))
(setf (car backrefs) copy))
(setf copy (list (car node))
root copy
backrefs (list copy))))
(setf node (cdr node))))
(incf counter)
finally (return root)))


Don't know how to solve this error [Racket]: "car: contract violation expected: pair? given: '()"

I'm trying to get a list with the average of the following n elements. I'm reading a csv file that has 7 columns im just using the 6th one that has number values in order to get the average.
This is the code
;Function that returns a list containing the values of the desired column
(define (get-column col)
(let loop
([file (cdr(all-rows csv-path read-csv))]
[result empty])
(if (empty? file)
(loop (cdr file)
[(equal? col 1) (append result (list (caar file)))]
[(equal? col 2) (append result (list (string->number(cadar file))))]
[(equal? col 3) (append result (list (string->number(caddar file))))]
[(equal? col 4) (append result (list (string->number(car (cdddar file)))))]
[(equal? col 5) (append result (list (string->number(cadr (cdddar file)))))]
[(equal? col 6) (append result (list (string->number(caddr (cdddar file)))))]
[(equal? col 7) (append result (list (string->number(car (cdddr (cdddar file))))))]
(define (suma-SMA col n)
(let loop
([n n]
[res 0]
[col col])
(if (zero? n)
(loop (sub1 n) (+ res (car col)) (cdr col)))))
(define (get-SMA days)
(let loop
([col (get-column 6)]
[result empty])
(if (empty? col)
(loop (cdr col)(append result (list (suma-SMA col days)))))))
Here's a function that does what you asked for in the comments, e.g. given (1 2 3 4) it produces ((1+2)/2 (2+3)/2 (3+4)/2).
(define (sum list)
((null? list)
'()) ;; error?
((null? (cdr list))
(cons (/ (+ (car list) (cadr list)) 2) (sum (cdr list))))))
I'm still a bit confused because even the combination of get-SMA and suma-SMA does nothing like this. It's completely unclear what the days variable is doing, as you can see I didn't need it in my code above.
So I may have misunderstood what you are trying to do, but the function above does what you actually asked for so hopefully it will be helpful.
Here is the answer that I found useful for my problem.
(define (sum list n)
((null? list)
'()) ;; error?
((null? (cdr list))
(cons (suma-SMA list n) (sum (cdr list) n)))))

How to fix contract violation for lists of list in racket?

I am learning Racket for understanding principles of programming languages. What I am doing is to add only second elements in pairs of a list. In my understanding, I think I am doing correctly. However, the error message shows up. Please provide me any advise to understand what I am doing wrong.
(define pairs
'((1 5)(6 4)(7 8)(15 10)))
(define (secondSum lst)
(if (null? lst) 0
(+ (cdr (car lst)) (secondSum (cdr lst)))
>(secondSum pairs)
+: contract violation
expected: number?
given: '()
argument position: 2nd
other arguments...:
What I am looking for is
(5 + 4 + 8 + 10)
(cdr (car lst)) should be (car (cdr (car lst))) also (cadr (car lst)) or in racket preferred (second (first lst)) that is if lst is '((1 5)) the result should be 5.
I had to be sure this was right so I ran the program with the fix and verified the result:
(define pairs '((1 5)(6 4)(7 8)(15 10)))
(define (secondSum lst)
(if (null? lst) 0
(+ (car (cdr (car lst))) (secondSum (cdr lst)))
(secondSum pairs)
(+ 5 4 8 10)
The last two expressions both have the value 27.

Write a function COUNT-NUMBERS that counts the number of numbers in a list

I'm begginer at LISP, and I have a question need your help.
Write a function COUNT-NUMBERS that counts the number of numbers in a list,and return " NO NUMBER" if there is no number in the list
For example, for a list: (A 2.3 B C 4 5), it returns 3.
I've tried with the following code, but it doesn't work . Could you help me to figure out? Moreover, I don't know how to return "NO NUMBER" if there is no number in the list.
(defun count-numbers (x)
(cond ((null x) 0)
((numberp x) 1)
(t (+(count-numbers (car x))(count-numbers (cdr x))))))
Thanks in advance,
You could to define a inner helper function to do the counting, and check the result to decide what to return in the main function:
(defun number-counter (lst)
(labels ((do-count (l)
(cond ((null l) 0)
((numberp (car l)) (+ 1 (do-count (cdr l))))
(t (do-count (cdr l))))))
(let ((r (do-count lst)))
(if (= r 0) 'NO-NUMBER r))))
This would be a tail-recursive version. Somehow you have to check what to return.
(defun count-numbers (list &optional (n 'no-number))
(cond ((null list) n)
((numberp (first list))
(count-numbers (rest list)
(if (eq n 'no-number)
(1+ n))))
(t (count-numbers (rest list) n))))
With a LOOP you can write that this way:
(defun count-numbers (list)
(loop for element in list
count (numberp element) into n
finally (return (if (zerop n) 'no-number n))))

Returning NIL from a recursion in Lisp

I'm working on a problem in a book where I have a binary tree and I need to check if the sum of all the atoms on the left and right subtree are equal and if they're not, return nil. I managed to do it in two functions but when I try to do it in one I get an error because it tries to add a number to nil.
The code is
(defun foo (list)
(cond ((null list) 0)
((atom list) list)
((/= (foo (cadr list))
(foo (caddr list))) nil)
( T (+ (foo (car list))
(foo (cdr list))))))
edit: the problem was two fold.
1) with the previous structure it would try to evaluate (cdr '(number)) so it would return null when it hit a list that looked like '(a (b c) d) since it would try to access (cdr '(d))
2) i used /= which only works if both arguments are numbers
The code that worked:
(defun foo (list)
(cond ((null list) 0)
((atom list) list)
((null (cdr list)) (car list))
((null (equal(foo (cadr list)) (foo (caddr list)))) nil)
(T (+ (car list)
(foo (cadr list))
(foo (caddr list))))))
After having defined how you represent a binary tree, I mean the right subtree could be the cdr or the cadr, I would separate the two problems:
(defun sum-of-subtree (tree)
(cond ((null tree) 0)
((atom tree) tree)
(t (+ (sum-of-subtree (car tree))
(sum-of-subtree (cdr tree))))))
(defun foo (tree)
(cond ((null tree) t) ;or whatever you want
((atom tree) t)
((= (sum-of-subtree (car tree))
(sum-of-subtree (cdr tree))) t)
(t nil)))
Like that, you will not be confusing the value of the sum of the subtree with the comparison. Other languages have stronger typing, which avoids mixing the purposes of different functions
Note: I'm assuming your binary trees are lists of (val left-sub right-sub), which seems to match your code.
I'm not sure that there's a clean way to do that with recursion and a single function, since the recursive process (summing the left and right subtrees) is different from the value your function needs to return (whether or not the left and right subtrees are equal).
However, if you absolutely have to solve it with one function, you could cheat a little. I see two options:
Option 1
Local function
(defun foo (list)
(labels ((sum-subtrees (list)
((null list) 0)
((atom list) list)
(t (+ (car list)
(sum-subtrees (cadr list))
(sum-subtrees (caddr list)))))))
(= (sum-subtrees (cadr list))
(sum-subtrees (caddr list)))))
This works by defining a local function to handle the recursive bit- #'sum-subtrees- and then just relies on that to compute the final output.
Option 2
Multiple value return
(defun foo (list)
((null list) (values t 0))
((atom list) (values t list))
(t (let ((left-sub (nth-value 1 (foo (cadr list))))
(right-sub (nth-value 1 (foo (caddr list)))))
(values (= left-sub right-sub)
(+ (car list)
This solution exploits how common lisp functions can return multiple values. Basically, the function returns both the original condition (= left-subtree right-subtree) and the sum of the tree. Any other code which is expecting just a single value will get the first return value (the condition), so any code that would use this function should not notice the extra return value, but the data is there if you ask for it.
The way we return multiple values is with the values function. In this code, for example, we return (values t 0) in the case of list being nil to indicate that its "left and right subtrees" are equal and its sum is 0, and
(values (= left-sub right-sub)
(+ (car list)
to produce the recursive return value.
There are a few ways to get access to the extra return values, but the one used here is #'nth-value, which returns the nth value returned instead of the first. That's why, when we make the recursive call to compute the size of the subtree, we use (nth-value 1 (foo <subtree>)).
NOTE: Please never actually use that solution for this- multiple value return is very useful and powerful, but in this case it is more confusing than it's really worth.
The code that worked:
(defun foo (list)
(cond ((null list) 0)
((atom list) list)
((null (cdr list)) (car list))
((null (equal(foo (cadr list)) (foo (caddr list)))) nil)
(T (+ (car list)
(foo (cadr list))
(foo (caddr list))))))

Cannot do sum in lisp with do loop

(defun suma (L)
(setq var 0)
((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i (length L)))
(+ var (nth i L)))
Why does it always returns 0?
Shouldn't it return sum of list L?
+ does not modify its arguments, so, since you never modify var, its initial value of 0 is returned.
You need to replace (+ var (nth i L)) with (incf var (nth i L)), of, equivalently, (setq var (+ var (nth i L))).
See incf.
Note that you should bind var with let instead of making it global with setq.
Most importantly, note that your algorithm is quadratic in the length of the list argument (because nth scans your list every time from the start).
Here are some better implementations:
(defun sum-1 (l)
(reduce #'+ l))
(defun sum-2 (l)
(loop for x in l sum x))
(defun sum-3 (l)
(let ((sum 0))
(dolist (x l sum)
(incf sum x))))
Here is a bad implementation:
(defun sum-4 (l)
(apply #'+ l))
The problem with sum-4 is that it will fail if the length of the supplied list is larger than call-arguments-limit.
I thought this would be a comment for the full learning experience, but I was not able to put code in the comment.
There is a way to do sums without modifying any argument, and that is by doing it recursively:
(defun recsum (list)
(if list
(+ (first list) (recsum (rest list)))
This version can be tail call optimized by the compiler, and as fast as a loop:
(defun recsum2 (list &optional (accumulator 0))
(if list
(recsum2 (rest list) (+ accumulator (first list)))
What you are trying to do could be done with do like this:
(defun suma (l)
((var 0)
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i (length l)) var)
(incf var (nth i l))))
But we don't usually do anything in dos body, so it's like this then:
(defun suma (l)
((i 0 (+ i 1))
(var 0 (+ var (nth i l))))
((= i (length l)) var)))
But nth and length are slow, so better do it this way:
(defun suma (l)
((var (first l) (+ var (first list)))
(list (rest l) (rest list)))
((null list) var)))
This one is without the * in do, and returns 0 on empty list:
(defun suma (l)
((acc 0 (+ acc (first list)))
(list l (rest list)))
((null list) acc)))
But my favorite is the reduce version from #sds which also can return 0 on empty list with :initial-value 0
EDIT: recsum2 did not return anything, so it needed a fix.