How to simulate an out of disk space condition on iOS devices? - iphone

I would like to test out some code I have in place to manage conditions where there's not enough free disk space to complete the operations.
However, I'm having trouble achieving such situation. I have tried to sync stuff from iTunes to fill up the devices, but either I get too much disk space free or the content will exceed the device capacity and iTunes will not allow the sync.
I'm sure there must be an easier and better strategy to test this situation on the device, but I can't figure it out. I would appreciate and tips or experiences you can share about this.

Fill up the device until it's nearly at the limit in iTunes, then set a loop to copy a largish file into your Documents directory. Each time you copy it, give it a unique name (use UUID). Activate the loop to run a number of times with a control in your interface, or with a timer.

Here's a stupid idea.
Jailbreak your device
ssh into root
Execute a script (zsh?) that essentially implements this algorithm:
def logbomb(tries=5):
for i in range(100):
# write pow(2, i) many bytes into a log file in /private/var/tmp
catch IOError:
logbomb(tries - 1)
By the end you should get to a pretty stuffed private partition. Slightly increase the tries if that doesn't get close.


What if my mmap virtual memory exceeds my computer’s RAM?

Background and Use Case
I have around 30 GB of data that never changes, specifically, every dictionary of every language.
Client requests to see the definition of a word, I simply respond with it.
On every request I have to conduct an algorithmic search of my choice so I don’t have to loop through the over two hundred million words I have stored in my .txt file.
If I open the txt file and read it so I can search for the word, it would take forever due to the size of the file (even if that file is broken down into smaller files, it is not feasible nor it is what I want to do).
I came across the concept of mmap, mentioned to me as a possible solution to my problem by a very kind gentleman on discord.
As I was learning about mmap I came across the fact that mmap does not store the data on the RAM but rather on a virtual RAM… well regardless of which it is, my server or docker instances may have no more than 64 GB of RAM and that chunk of data taking 30 of them is quite painful and makes me feel like there needs to be an alternative that is better. Even on a worst case scenario, if my server or docker container does not have enough RAM for the data stored on mmap, then it is not feasible, unless I am wrong as to how this works, which is why I am asking this question.
Is there better solution for my use case than mmap?
Will having to access such a large amount of data through mmap so I don’t have to open and read the file every time allocate RAM memory of the amount of the file that I am accessing?
Lastly, if I was wrong about a specific statement I made on what I have written so far, please do correct me as I am learning lots about mmap still.
Requirements For My Specific Use Case
I may get a request from one client that has tens of words that I have to look up, so I need to be able to retrieve lots of data from the txt file effectively.
The response to the client has to be as quick as possible, the quicker the better, I am talking ideally a less than three seconds, or if impossible, then as quick as it can be.

file_operations.write behavior when no space is left on device

I am writing a memory mapped character device. I can read and write correctly to the device, but my question is about the write behavior in the following case
When the count of data to write is much more than the available memory.
What would be the proper behavior in this case? Shall I write as much as I can and return the error in the next write? or fail from the beginning since the data is much more than the device capacity?
And to make the question more specific, let's take a FS on a hard-disk (ext3) for example.. what will happen if I tried to write data that is more than the available space on the hard-disk? will it fail before it start? or write as much data it can and fail in the next write?
This pretty much depends upon your application. Can your application live with writing partial data ? Is partial data any good ?
IMO, you should do a available memory check before writing anything and return with an error message if you don't have enough memory since otherwise you won't be able to do any meaningful error recovery (if at all you are taking care of it).

How to quickly get directory (and contents) size in cygwin perl

I have a perl script which monitors several windows network share drive usages. It currently monitors the free space of several network drives using the cygwin df command. I'd like to add the individual drive usages as well. When I use the
du -s | grep total
command, it takes for ever. I need to look at the shared drive usages because there are several network drives that are shared from a single drive on the server. Thus, filling one network drive fills them all (yes I know, not the best solution, not my choice).
So, I'd like to know if there is a quicker way to get the folder usage that doesn't take for ever.
du -s works by recursively querying the size of every directory and file. If your filesystem implementation doesn't store this total value somewhere, this is the only way to determine disk usage. Therefore, you should investigate which filesystem and drivers you are using, and see if there is a way to directly query for this data. Otherwise, you're probably SOL and will have to suck up the time it takes to run du.
1) The problem possibly lies in the fact that they are network drives - local du is acceptably fast in most cases. Are you doing du on the exact server where the disk is housed? If not, try to approach the problem from a different angle - run an agent on every server hosting the drives which calculates the local du summaries and then report the totals to a central process (either IPC or heck, by writing a report into a file on that same share filesystem).
2) If one of the drives is taking a significantly larger share of space (on average) than the rest of them, you can optimize by doing du on all but the "biggest" one and then calculate the biggest one by subtracting the sum of others from df results
3) Also, to be perfectly honest, it sounds like a suboptimal solution from design standpoint - while you indicated that it's not your choice, I'd strongly recommend that you post a question on how you can improve the design within the parameters you were given (to ServerFault website, not SO)

Reason for monolithic data files

Primarily this seems to be a technique used by games, where they have all the sounds in one file, textures in another etc. With these files commonly reaching the GB size.
What is the reason behind doing this over maintaining it all in subdirectories as small files - one per texture which many small games use this, with the monolithic system being favoured by larger companies?
Is there some file system overhead with lots of small files?
Are they trying to protect their property - although most just seem to be a compressed file with a new extension?
The reasons we use an "archive" system like this where I work (a game development company):
lookup speed: We rarely need to iterate over files in a directory; we're far more often looking them up directly by name. By using a custom "file allocation table" that is essentially just a sequence of hash( normalized_filename ) -> [ offset, size ], we can look up files very quickly. We can also keep this index in RAM, potentially interleave it with other index tables, etc.
(When we do need to iterate, we can either easily iterate over all files in a .arc, or we can store a list of filenames, a list of hash-of-filenames, or just a list of [ offset, size ] pairs somewhere -- maybe even as a file in the archive. This is usually faster than directory-traversal on a FS.)
metadata: It's easy for us to tuck in any file metadata we want. For example, a single bit in the "size" field indicates whether the file is compressed or not (if it is, it has a header with more details about how to decompress it). We can even vary compression on pieces of a file if we know enough about the structure of the file ahead of time (we do this for sprite archives).
size: One of the devices we use has a "file size must be a multiple of X" requirement, where X is large compared to some of our files. For example, some of our lua scripts end up being just a few hundred bytes when compiled; taking extra overhead per .luc file adds up quickly.
alignment: on the other hand, sometimes we want to waste space. To take advantage of faster streaming (e.g. background DMA) from the filesystem, some of our files do want to obey certain alignment/size requirements. We can take care of that right in the tool, and the align/size we're shooting for doesn't necessarily have to line up with the underlying FS, allowing us to waste space only where we need it.
But those are the mundane reasons. The more fun stuff:
Each .arc registers in a list, and attempts to open a file know to look in the arcs. We search already-in-RAM archives first, then archives on the device FS, then the actual device FS. This gives us a ton of flexibility:
dynamic additions to the filesystem: at any time we can stream a new file or archive to the machine in question (over the network or the like) and have it appear as part of the "logical" filesystem; this is great when the actual FS resides in ROM or on a CD, and allows us to iterate much more quickly than we could otherwise.
(Doom's .wad system is a sort of example of the above, which allows modders to more easily override assets and scripts built into the game.)
possibility of no underlying fs: It's possible to use bin2obj to embed an entire arc directly in the executable (.rodata) at link time, at which point you don't ever need to look at the device FS -- we do this for certain small demo builds and the like. We can also send levels across the network or savegame-sneakernet this way. =)
organization and load/unload: since we can load and unload and override virtual "pieces" of our filesystem at any time, we can do some performance tricks with having the number of files in the FS be very small at any given time. We can additionally specify that an entire archive be loaded into memory, index table and data; our file load code is smart enough to know that if the file is already in memory, it doesn't need to do anything to read it other than move a pointer around. Some of the higher level code can actually detect that the file is in ram and just ask for the probably-already-looks-like-a-struct pointer directly.
portability: we only need to figure out how to get a few files on each new device we use, and then the remainder of the FS code is more or less the same. =) We do change the tool output a bit occasionally (for alignment reasons), but most of the processing remains the same.
de-duplication: with smarter archives, such as our sprite archives, we can (and do) de-duplicate data. If "jump" animation's fifth frame and "kick"'s third frame are the same, we can pull apart the file and only store one copy of that frame. We can do the same for whole files.
We ported a PC game to a system with much slower FS access recently. We didn't change the data format, and it turns out iterating through a dir on the raw device FS to load a hundred small XML files was absolutely killing our load times. The solution we used was to take each dir, make it into its own subdir.arc, and stick it in the master game.arc compressed. When the dir was needed (something like opendir was called) we decompressed the entire subdir.arc into RAM, added it to the filesystem, then iterated through it super-quickly.
It's the ability to throw something like this together in a few hours, and to ease the pain of porting across systems, that makes stuff like this worthwhile.
File systems do have an overhead. Usually, a file takes disk space rounded up to some power of 2 (e.g. up to 4 KB), so many small files would waste space. Some modern file systems try to mitigate that, but AFAIK it's not widespread yet. Additionally, file systems are often quite slow when accessing multiple files. E.g. it is usually considerably faster to copy one 400 MB file than 4000 100 KB files.
File systems come in handy when you have to modify files, because they handle changing file sizes much better than any simple home-grown solution. However, that's certainly not the case for constant game data.
On Apple systems, the most common way is to use, as you suggest, directories. They are called Bundles, and are in the Finder represented as just one file, but if you explore them more, they're actually directories. This makes writing code and conserving memory when loading individual items out of this bundle very easy. :-) Also, this makes taking incremental backups of gigantic databases easy, as for instance your iPhoto database is just a bundle, so you just backup changed and new files
On Windows, however, I believe this is much harder to do, it will look like a directory "no matter what" (I'm sure smart people have found a solution that will make Explorer see certain directories as a single file, but it's not common).
From a games developer point of view, you're not dealing with so small files that disk space overhead is something you're very much concerned with, so I doubt #doublep's suggestion, since it makes for such a hassle, but it makes it much easier with a single file if users are to copy an entire game over somewhere, then it's easy to check if the entire set is correct.
And, of course, it's harder to read for people that shouldn't have access to it. But it's also harder to modify, which means harder to patch, and harder to write extensions. Someone that uses extensions a lot, prefers the directory structure: The Sims.
Were I the games developer, I'd love to go for individual files. Then again, I'd be using bundles as I'd be writing for the Mac ;-)
I can think of multiple reasons.
As doublep suggested, files occupy more space on the disc than they require. So an archive saves space. 10k files (of any size) should save you 20MB when packed into an archive. Not exactly a large amount of space nowadays, but still.
The other reason I can think of is disc fragmentation. I suspect a heavily fragmented disc will perform worse when accessing thousands of separate files on a fragmented space. But I'm no expert in this field, so I'd appreciate if someone more experienced verified this.
Finally, I think this may also have something to do with restricting access to separate game files. You can have a bunch of Lua scripts exposed, mess with them and break something. Or you could have the outro cinematic/sound/text/whatever exposed and get spoiled by accessing it. I do that myself as well: I encrypt images with a multipass XOR key, pack text files and config variables into a monolithic file (zipped for extra security) and only leave music freely accessible. This way, the game's secrets will remain undiscovered for a bit longer :).
Or there may be another reason I never thought about :D.
As you know games, especially with larger companies try to squeeze as much performance as they can. One technique is to have all the data in one large file and just DMA it to memory (think of it as a memcpy from CD to RAM). Since all the files are in one large one there will be no disk seeks and you can have a large number of files (which may cause large amount of seeks) all loaded quicky because of the technique.

How can I write a program that can recover files in FAT32

How can I write a program that can recover files in FAT32?
This is pretty complex, but FAT32 is very good documented:
I wrote a tool for direct FAT32 access once using only those ressources:
But I've never actually tried to recover files. If you will successfully recover a file depends on several factors:
The file must still "exist" physically on the hard disk
You must know where the file starts
You must know what you are looking for (Headers..)
It depends on what happened to the files you're trying to recover. The data may still be on the partition, or it could be overwritten by now. There are a lot of pre-written solutions. A simple google search should give you a plethora of software that can try to recover the data, but it's not 100% sure to get them back. If you really want to recover them yourself, you'll need to write something the read the raw partition and ignore missing file markers.
here is a program (written by Thomas Tempelman. This guy is great.) that might help you out. You can make a copy of the partition, ignoring corrupt bits, then operate on the copy so you don't mess anything up, and you may also be able to recover the data directly with it.
I think you are referring to data carving, that is, reading the physical device and reconstructing previously unlinked files based on some knowledge (e.g. when you find two letters, PK, it's highly probable than a zip archive is following, same for JFIF for JPEG).
In this case, I suggest you to study the source code of PhotoRec a great (in my opinion, the best) Open Source tool for data carving.