Capturing the click on "like" button on a Page Tabs - facebook

I'm trying to know when an user clicks on the "like" button.
Everything I can find leads me to the "FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', ...)" thing, but it doesn't seem to work on page tabs...
Does anyone know a way to capture this event on tabs ?
Thanks a lot for your help.


facebook authetication issue using like box

I'm using the facebook like box in a project. The issue there is that when I'm log out and click on the like button, it open a page asking me to log in, that's fine, but if I close that page and click again on the like button, that page it's not open again, the only way to solve the issue, it's refreshing the page.
Here is a video to show the issue, every single time that the cursor is on the like button I'm making click on it, and it's not working.
Does anyone know how to solve that issue?
Thanks in advance

How to make the facebook like button "post to page" popup appear above the button?

I looked around the web and found some vague answers that this cannot be done, I just want to make sure before I trash this whole idea.
So after I click on the facebook like button a "popup" appears below the like button asking me to post to my page. How can I make this appear above the like button since my button is at the bottom of the page.

Facebook Like Button post on feed dialog disappears

I'm having a problem with a facebook like button.
The problem is as follows:
When the user clicks the like button, a post-on-the-wall dialog appears (called with edge.create) but in just half a second, the dialog disappears.
Another thing is when you usually click a fb like button, your like is instantly processed, no problems here, but in my page, when you click the like button, the dialog windows appears, after a moment disapperas, and the text on the like button changes to "Confirm",
and only after pressing "Confirm", the like is processed.
(I am using the javascript api)
The problem should be obvious, but again - why does the dialog window disappear, and why does the like have to be "confirmed" ?
I've been banging my head with this problem for a few days and I really can't take it anymore, so any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you.
The confirm button usually shows up when a new like button is getting many clicks in a short time period to help battle "like-jacking". This is not a coding error, rather a facebook controlled function.

facebook show recommend count on mouse over

I am using Addthis plugin. I have an "F" icon on the page. I want it to work as recommend functionality.
is there anyway to do following
if somebody click on F, it should work as recommend is clicked, and on move over this F, it should just show the Count of recommend
we do not want to show standard recommend box with count
Secondly question, when i click on any like button it also show another Share Popup, but even even if i cancel this popup, still my timeline show i have recommended that particular page.. then what is use of that popup.
You can use the Facebook Dialog JavaScript to show a Share dialog for a custom button. Or use the Send Dialog button to create a private share dialog.
The "Comment Box" on the Like Button is optional, it's not required. If you enter a comment, it adds it to the Like post that appears on your timeline. But you can still like a page without entering a comment. A Like with a comment appears more prominent on the user's timeline.

Facebook "like" dialog box (XFBML) overflows normal page boundary, how to flip it?

The dialog that pops up after a user clicks "like" on my (in development) website overflows the main content area of my website:
Is there any way to flip it around so that it pops up to the left of the like button instead of to the right?
Thanks in advance.
No, this is not possible. Even if there are hacks for this, it won't be legal.
You just need to keep it the way it is, or change its place.