Microsoft Sync Framework with MongoDB - mongodb

we are developing a multiplateforme mobile application thats support synchronization with NoSQL backend, we are looking if Microsoft Sync Framework 4.0 CTP can be used to solve all synchronization problems using a non-microsoft backend,
Sync Framework 4.0 allow several devices on any plateforme to achive synchronization tasks by exposing an oData service, this can be done by using Sync Framework Toolkit, but use SQL Server or SQL Azure as backend on the service side,
the application we are developing should use NoSQL database server (MongoDB) on its server side and I realy dont know if Microsoft Sync Framework could be used with this DBMS and how it should be done,
if someone have achieved this by customizing Microsoft Sync Framework provider please share your experience, links or any helpful things,
thanks in advance,

there is no out-of-the-box sync provider for MongoDB, so you will have to write your own.
assuming you can write your own, you will have to modify the Sync Toolkit server side component to replace the SqlSyncProvider with your custom MongoDB provider.
I suggest you check out the licensing of the Sync Framework Toolkit as well. if I remember it right, the client components is on Apache license but the server side is on MSPL.

#Mrinal :
I started writting a Microsoft Sync Framework MongoDB Provider but i realized later that i had to implement a good part of Sync Framework, so I have removed all dependencies between Sync Framework and Sync Framework Toolkit to take juste the infrastructure part of Sync Framework Toolkit and i implemented my own synchronization logic inside, i've also updated the client side to use my NoSQL To SQL ORM to store data on Client-SQLite db.
I suggest you to use SyncFoundation if you have no time to do all this tasks, Sync foundation is a lightweight version of Sync Framework but more flexible if you have to use a non microsoft backend, the home page of sync foundation is (


MongoDB community edition for SAAS based application

We are going to develop a SAAS based application using NoSQL (Preferably MongoDB community edition). When we download the community edition we observed that the MongoDB license got changed to SSPL. And it highlighted that we cannot modify the server code and cannot run MongoDB as a service.
Hence I just wanted to confirm here that, we don't do any change in the server code, we do only store data in MongoDB and host them in a cloud environment and make our web application as a service to the customers (SAAS). So it wont violate anything in the SSPL right.

How to combine CosmosDB, Entity Framework and OData in .Net Core 6.0?

I have an application that uses Entity Framework, OData and SqlServer in a .Net core 3.1 scenario and it works great. Ultimately I want to use Cosmos DB on Azure in lieu of SQL Server.
While I can get the app to connect to Cosmos the application fails in calls to FromSqlRaw which the 3.1 compatible libraries do not support.
I've tried upgrading the project entirely to .Net core 6.0 and while this compiles without error I get problems loading assemblies using a package called MediatR (for injection) when the application starts.
My question is twofold: Do the .Net 6.0 compatible libraries for Cosmos DB correctly handle FromSqlRaw and/or is there a workaround for the problem if they do not.
If you are asking if you can send T-SQL or ANSI-SQL to FromRawSQL in EF with the Cosmos DB provider the answer is no.
Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database. The FromRawSQL is intended to allow users to send Cosmos DB's own dialect of SQL and was put in as a way to make the Cosmos provider higher compatible where the provider maybe lacked specific capabilities exposed by Cosmos DB itself.

Azure SQL/Mobile Services sync with windows mobile 6.5 clients

I am looking for a way other than sync framework 2.1 based Web Services setup to sync Azure SQL (Main DB) with several Windows Mobile 6.5 (SQL Server CE) based clients. Ideally I would like to use Azure Mobile Service API's to do bi-directional sync using JSON data exchange.
If you don't mind using a custom offline sync provider for SQL Server CE, you can use Azure Mobile Services built-in offline sync.
Have a look at this post

Deployment of ASP.NET MVC 4 web application with Entity Framework Code First approach

I want to make incremental releases of a web application implemented in ASP.NET using MVC 4 and Entity Framework Code-First.
I want to make a good and safe deployment routine. I currently use Subversion as source control, and plan to make releasable tags available on the SVN server, to deploy on the production server. The server runs on a separate network, but has access to the SVN server.
The server runs both IIS and MSSQL server.
What is the best way to deploy new releases to the production server using SVN? Prebuilt binaries or build on site.
How to handle model changes on the production server? On development I use Update-Database function on the Package Manager Consol in Visual Studio.
I will try to base my setup on this blog post, which uses git instead of SVN:
But still all suggestions are very welcome.

Preferred database management system for Objective-C (iPhone apps)

What would you say is the best candidate for a DBMS for use in iPhone apps? The database would be online, not on the device, so a back-end updating administration interface would be most beneficial (like phpMyAdmin is for MySQL).
I only know of MySQL (not sure if it can be used for iPhone with satisfactory results), and SQL Lite, are there any other managements systems that would be great for performance as well be reliable.
Thanks in advance.
the choice of the DBMS has nothing to do with the iphone .. likely the iphone will connect to a web service (weither SOAP or REST). the web service will be the one using the database not the device.
If the database is online, I wouldn't recommend any kind of management system on the device. I would probably recommend implementing some kind of web service and communicate to the database server and its own DBMS via the web service.
Anriƫtte, I seem to have bumped into two common scenarios
For my corporate clients, they use SQL server as their database and .Net as their server API.
For my non-corporate clients, we usually use MySQL with a PHP or a Ruby on Rails server.
In both cases, I use JSON on the iPhone to talk to REST services on their servers. This works great.
Both DBMS above have good management tools. I usually use the MySQL GUI tools or SQL Server GUI tools to administer the database. Lots of people (not me) like the PHP MySQL admin tools because they are web based. Please do not use a personal database on the server like SQLite, Access of FileMaker, they do not scale.
I did once write an Objective-C program that accessed MySQL using its C++ libraries, not a good idea.
My advice: Ruby on Rails REST using JSON on top of a MySQL database on the server side.