How to execute an exe using Powershell? [closed] - powershell

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have create an Windows Application in .net. I need to execute the exe generated by the application using powershell.

I would usually use the call operator (&):
$args = #('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3')
& app.exe $args
A complete list of your available options are detailed here.


Powershell (cmd) is not connected with atom [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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[I have download packages many Times and it didnt work.][1]
enter image description here
It looks like you are trying to run a Python script. Try running it with:
python ./

I want to encrypt my powershell script using a key [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I don't want to show my code so i want to encrypt the script which is difficult to decrypt.
If possible i want to run my encrypted script through power shell script.
I use PS2EXE to pack scripts as exe's. here is the link to the code link.
The code needs to be updated to account for newer version of powershell. Where the script checks for PSVerion.Major for version 4 change the -eq to -gt.
It can be a little tricky to use at first but the code is solid minus the update listed above.

Windows - Where can I find a system() list of parameters? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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This is my first question here in StackOverflow, so if this question has already been made or is in the wrong topic, please excuse me.
I'm studying C using Windows and I'm looking for a list/book/manual of usable parameters for the system() function. Stuff like system("pause"), system("cls"), system("color 1f"), etc...
Thanks for the help in advance.
The purpose of system() API is to execute an external command, the parameters are the arguments of the command that you are trying to execute, just like if you were typed in shell prompt, there is not anything special to pass, just put into the string.

I have implemented a mini shell. Now i want to extend it to include redirection and pipes [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Where exactly that code has to be integrated ? In the shell or within the commands itself or before forking ?
Implement in the shell. It's just manipulating file descriptors, which are inherited when you fork the child processes, which are the commands.

Perl Catalyst: How to use direct SQL in it Or something like named query [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to know how to use direct SQL in Perl Catalyst Or something like named query.
You want Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema. This is explained in chapter 3 ff. of the tutorial.