export a csv from mongodb - mongodb

I have two collections in my mongodb namely
Both the companies and contact collection are interlinked. I want to export a particular companies contact into a csv. I have tried a mongo export command as follows
mongoexport --csv -d dbname -c contacts
-q {"employment_details.company_id":ObjectId("50926cff9fe3125819006dc7")};
-f {"first_name","last_name","title"} -o export.csv
I get a error as follows
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement (shell):1.
Please help me. Thanks in Advance

There could be a couple of things going on here. First, are you running mongoexport from the command line or from the mongo shell? The mongoexport command is run from the command line.
Secondly, you need to properly format the query and field parameters. You could enclose the query with single quotes, and the filed name is not a JSON document, but just a list of fields.
This would look like the following from the command line:
mongoexport --csv -d dbname -c contacts -q '{"employment_details.company_id":ObjectId("50926cff9fe3125819006dc7")}' -f "first_name","last_name","title" -o export.csv

The following query will work if it is running from commandLine
mongoexport -h host -d dbname -c contacts --csv -q '{"employment_details.company_id":ObjectId("50926cff9fe3125819006dc7")}' -f first_name,last_name,title -o export.csv


Syntax missing ; before statement in mongoexport

I am trying to export mongodb collection with:
mongoexport -d InventoryPLC -c Spectra -o spectra.json;
but it is giving me error:
Syntax missing ; before statement
I search on mongodb website and other reference websites:
mongoexport -d InventoryPLC -c Spectra;
I want to export collection.
I checked stackoverflow examples and mongodb documentation:
mongoexport -d InventoryPLC -c Spectra -o spectra.json;
I want exported collection, but have had no luck.
Appreciate the help.
You are probably trying to run mongoexport from inside the Mongo shell. That command must be executed outside it, from your OS command shell.

mongoexport with a query does not return expected results

im trying to use a regular expression in the query field of mongoexport so i can limit the fields that are not the test emails for running load tests with a test users, email, password, and apiKey.
I was able to use a find with
and this retrieved just the records I wanted, but the following:
mongoexport -d db_dev -c users -f apiKey,email -q "{{email:{/#company.com/}}}" --csv -o usersKeys.csv
does not seem to work for me. Any pointers? Im using mongo2.6.3 on a mac.
sorry guys im a little slow today. got it now:
mongoexport -d db_dev -c users -f apiKey,email -q "{email:/#company.com/}" --csv -o /Users/kingHenry/Desktop/usersKeys.csv
connected to:
exported 205 records

Mongodb export csv in sorted order

I'm trying to export an entire MongoDB collection sorted by some of the fields. I'm led to believe that the following should work:
$ mongoexport --csv -d my_db -c my_collection -f field1.subfield,field2.subfield -o d.csv -q '{$query:{},$orderby:{"field1.subfield":1}}'
Unfortunately, this only exports one record in the collection (there are 18478 records) and the data exported is blank. Leaving the $orderby blank, like so,
$ mongoexport --csv -d my_db -c my_collection -f field1.subfield,field2.subfield -o d.csv -q '{$query:{},$orderby:{}}'
, exports the whole collection the way I want, so clearly the orderby clause is wrong. What am I doing wrong?
mongoexport utility does not expect you to sort data.

How to get mongo command results in to a flat file

How do I export the results of a MongoDB command to a flat file
For example, If I am to get db.collectionname.find() into a flat file.
I tried db.collectionname.find() >> "test.txt" doesnt seem to work.
you can try the following from the command line
mongo --eval "var c = db.collection.find(); while(c.hasNext()) {printjson(c.next())}" >> test.txt
assuming you have a database called 'db' running on localhost and a collection called 'collection' this will export all records into a file called test.txt
If you have a longer script that you want to execute you can also create a script.js file
and just use
mongo script.js >> test.txt
I hope this helps
I know of no way to do that from the mongo shell directly, but you can get mongoexport to execute queries and send the results to a file with the -q and -o options:
mongoexport -h mongo.dev.priv -d models -c profiles -q '{ $query : { _id : "MRD461000" } }' -o MRD_Series1.json
The above hits queries the profiles collection in the models database grabbing the JSON document for _id = "MRD641000". Works for me.
Use this
mongo db_name --username user --password password < query1.js >> result.txt
Try this - returns a json file with the data of the query, you can change .json for .txt and other.
mongoexport --db products --collection clicks --query '{"createdInt":{$gte:20190101}, "clientId":"123", "country":"ES"}' --out clicks-2019.json
Having missed the db needing to be the actual db in Peshkira's answer, here is a general syntax for a one liner in shell (assuming no password):
mongo <host>:<db name> --eval "var x = <db name>.<collection name>.<query>; while(x.hasNext()) { printjson( x.next() ) }" >> out.txt
I tested it both on my mac and Google cloud Ubuntu 15 with Mongo 3+.
Install MongoDB Compass, then it will have a tool to export query result to Json/CSV files.
mongoexport --host --port 27017 --username youruser -p yourpass \
-d yourDatabaseName -c collectionName --type csv \
--fields field1,field2 -q '{"field1" : 1495730914381}' \
--out report.csv
mongoexport --db db_name --collection collection_name --csv --out file_name.csv -f field1,field2, field3

Command fails in script, works in command line

I have a simple script to get an export from MongoDB:
#!/bin/sh -x
QUERY="'{ \"type\":\"listing\" }'"
mongoexport --db event --collection listing --query $QUERY --fields type,name --csv
(I'm using the -x switch for debugging purposes)
Here's the output when I run the script:
$ ./simple_query.sh
+ QUERY='{ "type":"listing" }'
+ mongoexport --db event --collection listing --query '{ "type":"listing" }' --fields type,name --csv
ERROR: too many positional options
However, if I merely copy and paste the mongoexport line to the prompt, it works! What's going on?
(Using MongoDB 2.0.0)
Are you using older version of mongodb? If so maybe it's this bug. It is fixed on 2.0.0-* versions.
Edit: Actually this might be different problem. You can fix it by removing the spaces on the query. Spaces seem to make the shell think it is actually multiple arguments: