Admob interstitial ads not working in ios6 - iphone

I am using the latest admob SDK(V 6.2.1) for ios. Ads are not shown on ios6 and gives an error Request Error: No ad to show.
This happens only on ios 6 even if test mode is set to YES or NO. Ads are working fine on versions lower than ios6. Is there any solution for this?

Test mode doesn't work on iOS 6 devices as per this forum post.
If you want to get test ads to show up, you will have to use testDevices and pass in the ID you get from the AdSupport library (instructions here).
If you want to test your ad click flow though I'd take the forum post's suggestion and create a house ad campaign fully allocated to a test publisher ID, and use the test publisher ID into your applications to test.


google_mobile_ads: Failed to load a banner ad in production on real device

The app I use shows google_mobile_ads on a test device but shows no ads on a real device.
Moreover, it shows this in logs on real device
I/flutter (14971): Failed to load a banner ad: No ad config.
I found some person said that you must publish the application on the store and then download it on your device, and the ads will appear.
Is it true? Is the app must be published before the ads will be shown?
p.s. when using firebase_admob I facing the same issue - on a real device in prod it shows no ads but works with test device, so maybe the issue lays somewhere deeper?
No, you don't need to upload to the store, you can add test device from Admob panel or use test ids to view ads, please review the

Unity Admob Showing Mix of Test and Real ads

I am working in Unity 2020.3.13 using the Google Mobile Ads SDK v6.0.1 package running banners, interstitials, and rewarded ads. My Admob account is in fine standing and has other apps showing real ads without issue, and none of the Admob Ids described below were recently created.
In the Unity editor everything shows as a test ad even though I have set the real app ID and Ad Unit IDs from Admob. The problem is that once the app builds in Xcode the banner ads show as real ads, while the rewarded ads show as test ads still. I have double and triple checked the Ad Unit IDs they are all correct. Any ideas why I am seeing real ads for banners but test ads for Rewarded?
Some where in your code you've added your device as a test device or you are testing using emulator.
To verify this use another phone that you did not use before.

AdWhril adds not displaying and even not posting to twitter when upload to app store

i have implemented AdWhirl in my app and when i create build in xcode and install on my iphone then adds are showing perfectly but when i download the app from the app store then adds not receiving.
i have another issue relate to twitter and that is when i have post to twitter using TWTweetComposerViewController and posting to twitter is perfectly fine but when i try to post from my app downloading from AppStore then it shows error Cannot send tweet
i got the answer the problem was that in adwhirl app configration there was setting for Google Admob and iAd but here was not sdk for Google Ad Mob in my app bundle. when i add ad mob sdk to my app then it works perfectly fine.
and in twitter i have dismissed twitter controller twice in my code so there might be reason for not working well but when i deleted one dismiss statement then it works fine now.

iAds still show test ads

I just released an app into the app store with iAds, however the app is still only showing the test ads. But the thing is it says "live" on itunesconnect. What is wrong with my ads?
Do you have a developer preview of iOS 6 on your device? That could always be a potential problem causing you to see iAd test ads.

Why iAd keeps showing "Testing Advertisement"?

My app is approved on AppStore. In the iAd section of the screen, it keeps showing the black "Testing Advertisement" by Apple instead of a real ad. Is there any configuration I missed? Thanks
From the section in the iAd Programming Guide on Testing Banner Advertisements:
iAd Network automatically displays the
correct ad depending on the
application binary:
Application | Audience | Displayed Ads
Developer build | Developer | iAd
Network serves test ads.
distribution build | Beta Testers |
iAd Network serves test ads.
Distribution build | End Users | iAd
Network serves live ads if you signed
the iAd Network Agreement and enabled
advertising for your application.
Therefore, your development and ad hoc builds will only display test advertisements. Only the distribution build that is submitted to the App Store will display real ads. Unfortunately, that means that you'll need to wait and download your own application from the store to see real ads in action in your application.
iAd is a very big disappointment. Ads are shown only in certain geographical regions, in other areas system returns nothing after the request (you can check the statistics for your iAd profile in the iTunes Connect). So you won't see anything in the banner in Hong Kong, as I cannot see anything in Korea for the moment. If you want to make money on advertising consider using other ad provider, like admob.
Did you do everything here? Also, did you test your application on a different device to see if the ad shows up there correctly?
I think even if you download the app from the App Store, the app still shows test ads if you have the developer profile on. I tried removing it and running the app from the app store and it doesn't show test ads anymore.