set commandline shortcut in tcsh for moving cursor by word - command-line

from How to move the cursor by word in command line of tcsh I know how to move cursor by word in tcsh, but they not easy to use, so can I set a shortcut on command line for example, when I use Ctrl+leftarrow, it actually works as Esc f?

To see a list of pre-defined key-bindings, visit:
To see a list of all commands which can be used to configure key-bindings, visit:
Example: (Write this in your ~/.tcshrc)
bindkey '^[^[[C' forward-word
bindkey '^[^[[D' backward-word
This will bind the alt-right with forward-word and alt-left with backword-word.
To map to a different keyset, just run cat and hit enter. Hit the key-combination (in the above example, right-arrow and left-arrow), record the strings that are echoed back, and use these as the key combinations to bind.


How do I use Latex/Tex-inspired keybindings in Dr. Racket?

The Racket Docs say that to use a Latex/Tex-inspired keybinding like
\Downarrow for ⇓ that we should do something with C-\ M-\ c:x;l:
C-\ M-\ c:x;l : traces backwards from the insertion point, looking for a backslash followed by a LaTeX macro name or a prefix of such a name. If a macro name is found, it replaces the backslash and the name with the corresponding key in the table below ...
The parts that confuse me are:
What does C-\ M-\ c:x;l mean? I suspect the C-\ M-\ c:x;l is Ctrl, followed by Option, followed by something.
I'm not sure I follow the business about tracing backwards. If I have my hands on the keyboard and I want to type an arrow, what do I actually do?
I think that the documentation you refer to is showing three likely bindings, but the DrRacket docs say that the final word on keybindings is to be found by consulting the Show Active Keybindings menu item from the Edit menu. When I check Show Active Keybindings on my DrRacket installation, I see as one of the options: TeX compress (~c:m:\), which is equivalent to M-\, i.e., pressing Meta-\ together. Entering \Downarrow followed by Meta-\ in the interactions area, I am greeted with the expected character: ⇓.

vi command line editing key bindings - previous command

I use the vi editor on the command line, and I really like it.
I use
set -o vi
to set the bindings.
The only thing is that I have to use the up and down arrows to cycle through the
previous executed commands.
In the emacs key bindings it was Ctrl+p to get to the previous command. It is the one emacs binding I miss.
I have been looking for something like it vi - but can't find it. My search gets diverted to the text editing vi binding for previous command which is held in " : " or hitting Ctrl+F to get a command window. I am using vi on the command line instead of emacs. There has to be something.
Is there something comparable in the vi command line ?
Using the Up / Down arrow keys is driving me nuts.
Actually I found the answer on this on this site:
Working Productively in Bash's Vi Command Line Editing Mode (with Cheat Sheet)
Make sure set -o vi is set to 'on'. Hit Ctrl+[ or escape to get to command mode. Then tap k go up the history and j to go down. It is so intuitive that I imagine most vi power-users discover it without trying, without help.

in emacs, append-next-kill sometimes prepends

For example, place point at the beginning of a line with the text "foo bar". Then M-d C- C-e M-C-w C-w C-y produces " barfoo". This behaviour causes problems when I try to switch the order of text and when I combine a real kill with save-as-kill. No doubt prepending is often useful, but all the documentation I have found says that append-next-kill appends. How do I control emacs's choice between appending and prepending?
See the Emacs manual, node Appending Kills. It gives explicit examples, in particular an example that shows clearly what C-M-w is for and what it does. Here is part of that text:
If a kill command is separated from the last kill command by other
commands (not just numeric arguments), it starts a new entry on the kill
ring. But you can force it to append by first typing the command
`C-M-w' (`append-next-kill') right before it. The `C-M-w' tells the
following command, if it is a kill command, to append the text it kills
to the last killed text, instead of starting a new entry. With
`C-M-w', you can kill several separated pieces of text and accumulate
them to be yanked back in one place.
For C-M-w to append the next kill, that kill must immediately follow C-M-w. If you do something else in between then there is no appending. The command name might better have been append-next-kill-if-it-follows-immediately. ;-)

Swapping 2 columns with Emacs

I have 2 columns, separated by comma. How can I swap those columns with Emacs?
I have the following:
column 1,column2
and I want it like this:
column2,column 1
Use M-x query-replace-regexp and then:
as replace regexp and
for replacement.
In Emacs, you need to escape grouping parentheses with \. So, above regexp would be usually written as
which means that you want everything before comma in first group and everything after comma in second group.
means: write second group, then comma, then first group.
While you can apply techniques given by other people, you can also use the org-mode tables.
Once you convert the data into org-mode table, it is very easy to swap the columns by simple keystrokes. You can have M-x org-mode, select the region then do M-x org-table-convert-region, and then M- on the right most column. I am not sure, how to export the data as CSV, but that should be very easy for you with replace-regexp. This can be helpful:
Similar to the answer given by #darioo, type the following into the top of your buffer:
(query-replace-regexp "\\(.*?\\),\\(.*\\)" "\\2,\\1")
Then, put your cursor at the end of this line and press ctrl-x, ctrl-e.
You will have an interactive search-and-replace for which you press the space bar to make the change, and press ctrl-g to quit. If you press ! (exclamation mark) then the search will cease being interactive and take place on all matching text.
If you want to reverse the changes then press M-x (usually ESC followed by x) and type undo and press enter.
Emacs has a rectangular selection mode, see for example:
Even better, if you enable cua-mode, entering Ctrl-Enter will put you in rectangle selection mode that is very easy to use.
Use a macro !
Go to the first line of the buffer
Start recording a macro (F3)
Move to the beginning of the line (^a)
Search for comma (^s ,)
Transpose (M-t)
Move cursor down one line
Stop recording macro (F4)
Select the rest of the lines and:
M-x apply-macro-to-region-lines
UPDATE: This doesn't work properly if you have multiple words in a column. Looking for a more general solution...

gnu screen - changing the default escape command key to ALT-X?

In GNU screen, I want to change the default command binding to Alt-s (by tweaking .screenrc) instead of the default C-a, the reason is I use emacs hence GNU screen binds the C-a key, sending "C-a" to the emacs becomes tedious (as #Nils said, to send "C-a" I should type "C-a a"), as well as "C-a" in bash shell, and I could change the escape to C- but some of them are already mapped in emacs and other combinations are not as easy as ALT-s . If anyone has already done a ALT key mapping, please do let me know.
It is possible to work around :escape command limitations using registers and :bindkey command. Just put this in .screenrc:
# reset escape key to the default
escape ^Aa
# auxiliary register
register S ^A
# Alt + x produces ^A and acts as an escape key
bindkey "^[x" process S
## Alt + space produces ^A and acts as an escape key
# bindkey "^[ " process S
From my reading of man screen it seems like the only meta character that screen can use for the command binding is CTRL:
escape xy
Set the command character to x and the character generating a literal
command character (by triggering the "meta" command) to y (similar to
the -e option). Each argument is either a single character, a two-character
sequence of the form "^x" (meaning "C-x"), a backslash followed by an octal
number (specifying the ASCII code of the character), or a backslash followed
by a second character, such as "\^" or "\\". The default is "^Aa".
If there is some mapping that you don't use in emacs, even if it's inconvenient, like C-|, then you could use your terminal input manager to remap ALT-X to that, letting you use the ALT binding instead. That would be a little hackish though.
I'm an Emacs and screen user as well. Although I rarely use Emacs in a terminal -- and as such in a screen session -- I didn't want to give up C-a for the shell either (which uses Emacs key bindings). My solution was to use C-j as the prefix key for screen, which I was willing to sacrifice. In Emacs programming modes it is bound to (newline-and-indent) which I bound to RET as well, so I really don't miss it.
By the way: I know this is an advise rather than an answer, but I felt this would be valuable enough to post nevertheless.
To make Alt+X the default prefix for commands and free C-a, add the following lines to .screenrc:
escape ^||
bindkey "^[x" command
As a side effect C-| will be command prefix too. If you need this keys to be free too, then fix "escape ^||" accordingly.
Screen doesn't have any shorthand syntax for alt bindings, but you can give it the octal code directly. For instance on my machine, Alt-x has the hex code F8, or 370 octal, so putting
escape \370x
in my screenrc changed the escape code to alt-X
Tested and works with screen 4.00.03 on Linux.
You may have to change the escape, since I think this may depend on things like your language and codeset, etc: how I found out what my escape code was was to type
$ echo -n ^QM-x | perl -ne 'printf "%lo\n", ord($_)'
^Q is the quoted-insert command for readline (it inserts what you type directly without trying to interpret it) and M-x was a literal Alt-X.
Fellow emacs user here.
The best solution I've found is a ~/.screenrc file with the following:
# C-a :source .screenrc
escape ^gg
Live updated here:
See also:
Something I have had for years in my .screenrc:
escape ^Zz
which is now hardwired in muscle memory for me.
Somehow I ended up having to share a screen with someone else's config, and now I keep stopping processes all the time (bash ^Z)... Not funny...