Disable automatic "Updating projects..." action in Eclipse CDT - eclipse

I am using a quite large project in Eclipse, composed by different libraries which can be build independently thanks to dedicated "Make Target" elements.
When compiling one of this libraries, the compilation works fine, but afterwards, Eclipse keeps busy by doing "Building Targets. Updating projects..." (as named in the Progress View). As my project is rather large, this action takes several minutes, preventing me to start new compilations or change Eclipse settings.
Is there any way to disable this automatic update in Eclipse?
I have observed this behaviour in Eclipse Helios and Eclipse Juno.
I have tried to remove my "Make target" objects, and give an invalid C/C++ Build configuration (e.g., provide an invalid make command).
As expected, when building the project, Eclipse tries to execute the invalid make command (which fails), but then keeps doing this "Updating projects..." anyway...

After build Eclipse is looking for newly created executables. If your project is Makefile-based Eclipse cannot be sure where to search and browses the whole source tree.
Assuming your executable are all go into a folder bin-XXX, you can reduce these searches as following:
Select the top project (say "src") and go to the right-menu dialog “Properties” (alternatively: top menu Project-Properties). Then go to “C++ build”-“Refresh policy”. Here select the folder “src” and press “Add Exception”. Then add all folders except “bin-XXX” as an exception.
Select the top project “src” and go to the right-menu dialog “Properties” (alternatively: top menu Project-Properties). Then go to “C++ General – Paths and Symbols – Output Location”. Add folder “bin-XXX” and remove the folder “src”


SVN Unversion equivalent for ClearCase

we have started a project versioned with ClearCase (sadly).
We also use Maven and ClearCase eclipse plug-in. Each time I build a project, a popup shows up (which says Add items in target folder to source control) and drives me mad. It pauses the build process so I have to check frequently to resume process.
Is there a way to ignore and unversion this folder like with SVN? I've added target folder to ignored sources on eclipse but pop-up still appears
If you are referring to the "Add Elements to Source Control" dialog box:
(Source: "Using ClearCase with Rational Performance Tester")
The workaround is:
On the main menu, click Windows > Preferences.
In the left pane, expand Team and then select ClearCase SCM Adapter
Change the preference for When new resources are added to Do nothing (from the default value of Prompt to add to source control).

Eclipse indexer runs every time I start my program

The Eclipse indexer runs from the beginning every time I start my C++ program. Indexing this large program takes 10 minutes so it would help productivity if it could reuse the index it generated before.
This is Eclipse Kepler (4.3.1) SR1 Build id: 20130919-0819 with CDT on Oracle Linux.
[edit] To clarify, I'd like to reuse the index instead of turning off the indexer altogether.
Are you sure the indexer isn't running because you just did a build? By default Eclipse projects are set up to refresh the entire project after a build. I always set this to only refresh the directories that are affected by the output of my build process (e.g. "ProjectTopLevel/Build".
You can specify which path(s) the indexer will refresh after a build is completed:
Project -> Properties
Click on "C/C++ Build" in the tree on the left
On the right, select the "Refresh policy" tab
"Delete..." to remove the resource that points to your project's top level directory.
"Add resource..." and specify the directories that are affected by your build.
you can disable that option reading this link... Disable Indexer C++
Hope this works...

Eclipse and git - every time I switch branches my JRE system library gets reset

On different dev machines (some Win, some Mac) my JREs are in different places. On my Mac, every time I fetch or switch branches I seem to have to reset my JRE paths to System default from an explicit JDK version. Where is this information stored and how do I keep this out of git, or deal with it in a better fashion?
That information, when specified on a project level, is stored in the .classpath file. You should either tell git to ignore that file (it's quite common to ignore "dot resource" files) or you should change the classpath file to use the default JVM.
Do the latter by selecting the project and selecting "Build Path -> Configure Build Path" in the context menu. Go to the Libraries tab, select the JVM listed and click "remove". Next click on "Add Library..." and choose "JRE System Library". After clicking "Next" choose the default JVM and click "OK".
One more related comment. If you were to use maven, a lot of these build configuration issues would go away. Of course, there's a bit of a learning curve cost to that, too.

No HTTP Preview server for Eclipse Juno in Ubuntu 12.04

I just installed Eclipse Juno on Ubuntu 12.04 (32-bit) and downloaded the Eclipse Web Developer Tools. I created a new Static Web Project but cannot create/use HTTP Preview for the Target runtime to test/run my project. Does anybody know whether this is possible? If so, how would I do this?
You can create the patch and make it work for the Eclipse Juno version you have in the following four phases. Its a bit lengthy but it works
Phase 1: Create a plug-in project for the plug-in you need to patch.
Create a new workspace (recommended) or open an existing one.
Select File -> Import
Expand Plug-in Development, select Plug-ins and Fragments, then click Next
In the Import As section, select Projects with source folders
and then click Next.
Enter (or copy & paste, no quotes)
org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter into ID field at the top and
click Add All. This should move this one plug-in to the right pane.
Click Finish to import the "org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter"
plug-in source into a project.
Expand the root of the project and ensure it contains a folder named
"src". You will only get the "src" folder if you have the "WST Server
Adapter Plug-in Developer Resources" installed.
Phase 2: Apply the changes needed to update the plug-in. Since there is a bug with a patch attached that can be used to apply the changes, the following steps will take advantage of that.
Open Bug 402848 in a browser.
Click on the Patch v1.0 for 3.4.2p attachment link to open the patch.
Starting with the second occurrence of a line starting with ---,
select this line through the end of the text and copy it to the clipboard. This contains the changes to the PreviewLaunchConfigurationDelegate.java file which is where the fix is
needed. You don't want the upper portion of the patch as that would change the version of the plug-in, and that would complicate things.
Back in Eclipse, right-click on the "org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter" project. Select Team and click on Apply Patch.
Leave Clipboard selected and click Next.
Ensure the "org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter" project is
selected, and click Next.
Set the Ignore leading path name segments to 3. The "Patch
Contents" window should change to have a blue left pointing arrow
instead of red x indicators.
Click Finish to apply the changes.
Phase 3: Create the replacement jar. Due to the approach in Phase 1, the name of this jar will be identical to your current jar, which simplifies updating the Eclipse installation.
Right-click on the org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter project in the Project Explorer or other navigator view and select Export
Expand Plug-in Development, select Deployable plug-ins and
fragments, then click Next
Click the Browse button next to the Directory selection in the Destination tab followed by OK. This will set the output directory to be the same as your workspace.
Click Finish to build the replacement plug-in jar. It will appear in
a "plugins" folder under the root of your workspace.
Phase 4: Replace the installed plug-in jar with the fixed version.
Exit Eclipse if it is running.
Under the "plugins" folder of your Eclipse installation, move or
rename the org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter_1.1.101.v20121107_1651.jar if you
don't want to overwrite it with the patched version (mentioned in step 3 below). If you have a different version, it means you aren't using Juno SR2 and hopefully you installed the "WST Server Adapter Plug-in Developer Resources" that matched your version.
Copy the org.eclipse.wst.server.preview.adapter_1.1.101.v20121107_1651.jar from
the "plugins" folder under your workspace and paste it to the "plugins" folder of your Eclipse installation.
You should be able to run Eclipse now with the fixed plug-in. Because the patched jar had the same version number, no additional changes are needed.
I'm not familiar with the tooling you're using, but I had big problems with eclipse's internal browser on 12.04 as it was trying to use mozilla's XULRunner. The packaging of XULRunner has changed in 12.04 due to mozilla's release cycle, and isn't included in the repo independently. I forced my eclipse to use WebKit, by setting the following property in the vmargs section of my config.ini
This sorted my issues out - hope this helps with yours.

Moving project to another folder in Eclipse

I generally have my working projects sitting on folders on my Desktop. When they are completed I just move them to a c:\dev\. The thing is I'm doing it in a rather archaic way.
1. move project files
2. delete project on Eclipse
3. create new project on Eclipse on the new location
How to you guys move projects around?
If I could alter the: File -> Properties -> Resource -> Location path it would be dead simple!
Example move:
Right click on the Eclipse project in the Package Explorer, select Refactor, then select Move... In the dialog that comes up, enter or navigate to the new location and click OK. This will also preserve your CVS or other SCM metadata, but will also bring all your modifications as well, and you won't lose any memberships in Working Sets, launch configurations, or other things that Eclipse associates with your project.
Use Eclipse's Move menu item
Open Navigator view, right click on your project and click Move. Then select the destination directory.
Navigator View > Right Click > Move
Note it doesn't seem to work in Package Explorer (at least not in Neon). The move dialog from Package Explorer is different, so use the Navigator window.
I don't know whether eclipse has made modifs since the date of this post...
In my case I had moved a project folder manually and I wanted Eclipse to open the project on this new location. This is what I did (and it seems to work).
(I'm using eclipse "helios" v 3.6.2)
File menu | Import ...
General | Existing projects into Workspace
Select root directory = top directory of your project on the new location
I rarely have any projects in Eclipse that aren't under source control, so all I would need to do is check the project out in the new location.
If you don't have source control, Eclipse works with CVS rather well out of the box, and it's pretty simple to setup CVS to run locally without a server: http://www.tortoisecvs.org/faq.html#cvsinit
Copying an Eclipse project from one directory (let's call it old_dir) to another directory (let's call it new_dir):
Open Eclipse and specify the copied working directory in your new_dir.
Once it opens the project in the this new_dir, the projects listed under Project Explorer Tab might still be the ones contained in the old_dir (you can check it by right clicking each and following through: "Resource -> Linked Resource" to see the Path Variables values). Thus, they have to be removed from this work space. Delete the Nios 2 Application Project and the BSP Project from the Project Explorer Tab by right clicking on it and selecting Delete option which will pop a new window. In the pop-up window, make sure that the Delete project contents on disk check box is UNCHECKED before clicking OK to delete the Projects. Otherwise, it will delete it from the old_dir where you copied the project from.
Right click in the Project Explorer Tab Area → Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace and add the copied Nios2 Application Project and the BSP Project from the new_dir.
Right click in the Project Explorer Tab Area → Index → Rebuild, otherwise the Nios2 Application Project will not be able to use the includes provided by the BSP Project.
Click on Project → Clean → OK to clean and rebuild the whole project.
When using console to talk to the NIOS, make sure elf's path is updated to the new project directory as well!
Right click on your project->copy.
right click in project explorer free space and right click->pase.
chose new folder and project name.
I copied the whole project to a new directory. After setting Eclipse to the new workspace it recognises the project instantly. Thus it was nothing further to do. I use Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, Version Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2).
For Eclipse Oxygen, to move a Java project, djb's accepted answer works well (in my experience just now), except having read comment by Basic May 14 '12 at 9:27, I tried to add my project XMLDiff to C:...\SVN\trunk\Internal Projects, and I got a failure with the rather cryptic message:
Problems encountered while moving resources.
Resource already exists on disk.
I had to move the project to C:...\SVN\trunk\Internal Projects\XMLDiff by creating a new folder, XMLDiff, in the browse dialog, and the result was C:...\SVN\trunk\Internal Projects\XMLDiff, not C:...\SVN\trunk\Internal Projects\XMLDiff\XMLDiff.
So this must have changed between Basic's experience in 2012 and Eclipse.3.
For Eclipse Oxygen
Project Properties -> Resource -> Linked Resources -> Linked Resources (Tab)