FB insights stream publish users [closed] - facebook

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'd like to get a list of users who have shared my app on to their streams. Facebook insights gives me the number of users who have published the story but I'd like to get their usernames as well. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!

Sorry, this is simply not possible! Facebook doesn't give access to this information unless you explicitly get permission from the user to examine their feed with the read_stream permission. Even if you did, you would have to scan each individual users feed to see if they have the shared post.
As I see it, the insights service is more statistical information that user information.
You can however see by manually clicking on the number of shares next to the post on Facebook. There is a difference between the type of data Facebook shows users and the data that they make available to applications via the API. This is to make sure that no applications take part in data mining and simply collecting as much data as they can on every user.


Facebook Application User Count [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Do any of the Facebook APIs give me the ability to get the total number of users that have allowed my application? I see the ability to get the users that accessed it in the last day and the last month but not the current total count. I have looked through a lot of the documentation (which is daunting to say the least) and didnt see anything.
You can get it via Graph API Insights, though you have to look at the FQL Insights information to get a list of the available metrics.
The access_token you use needs to be an app access token, or a user access token for an admin of your app.

getting top post from Facebook for iPhone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I have a very different requirement in my app.Using the app i need to get top 25 most liked and most commented posts from facebook.First let me ask the experts does it seems to be possible till today?
As far as i thought and researched on this I am able to get the likes and comments for a page(of an organization or celebrity using graph api).
My approach was to make an Admin panel and subscribe most of the famous people,organization,product etc,but this won't help.
Not possible to do I'm afraid. From what you are asking, you want to find the most popular posts across all of facebook? This is most likely going to come from Pages as these are public and can have millions of people liking / commenting on posts.
Either way, this would be a complex and data-intensive task. You would have to scrape posts from all the top Facebook pages and see which ones would have the most links / comments. A lot of work for little reward.

Post a "Check out my order" to Facebook [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm developing a site that allows a user to create an order for a product based on "One of those, one of those, three of them, that much of that" etc to end up with a shopping list them can print out and take to their local store and show to a Customer Adviser "I'd like this product with these items in please".
I'd also like to have a Like button or something similar where you can post your results to your Facebook account - "Look what I'm buying!" sort of thing. Maybe even a link back to the client website.
I'm ultra new to the Facebook API - is anything like this possible? Have seen similar sort of ideas with people like Levi; is it possible to send complex text data to Facebook in this way rather than just "Like" a page, as the page results will be different for different users?
Yes, it is possible to do that.
Become an app developer. See: http://developers.facebook.com
Read thru the examples and other documentation at. http://developers.facebook.com/docs
Set up an app at: https://developers.facebook.com/apps
Get your feet wet by coding up some of the examples
Then get to work on your project's requirements and code up the solution.
Happy coding.

What can you do in FQL that you cannot with the Graph API [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I'm trying to figure out what are the cases where FQL has features which the Graph API doesn't.
I tried to find the answer in the docs, but as many others have pointed out, they aren't the clearest or the most complete. To make things more difficult, a lot of the blogs commenting on the Developer platform are now dated too.
So, what can FQL do that the Graph API can't?
FQL has a WHERE clause, which graph API doesn't have any equivalent of. I'm talking of something more sophisticated than just getting object connections (like user's friends). Examples: get user's friends who are also app users and online in chat, get all events which start tomorrow and not created by myself, etc, etc.
Besides that FQL is more like an extension to the graph API rather than something independent and is used to make queries on graph objects.

Facebook - Allow User to specify username [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I am creating a site that I want to use Facebook login solely for convenience. People coming to my site will want to be anonymous and not use their real names.
I used Facebook connect on a site in the last 6 months that asked me to input a username after I filled in my Facebook login credentials (It was still in the Facebook connect box).
I have not seen it since and am trying to explain it to a developer. Does anybody know about this, or how to achieve it?
Sounds like the webapp in question authenticated against FB Connect, and then used some piece of information returned (uid, probably) to create an entry in the site's user database, which also allowed for a username to be used on the site, rather than just using the person's name as supplied via FB.