Slick: How does autoInc work in the MultiDBCakeExample example? - scala

I'm trying to understand how Slick works and how to use it... and looking at their examples in GitHub I ended up with this code snippet in MultiDBCakeExample.scala:
trait PictureComponent { this: Profile => //requires a Profile to be mixed in...
import profile.simple._ // be able import profile.simple._
object Pictures extends Table[(String, Option[Int])]("PICTURES") {
def * = url ~ id
val autoInc = url returning id into { case (url, id) => Picture(url, id) }
def insert(picture: Picture)(implicit session: Session): Picture = {
I suppose the * method returns a row in the table, while autoInc should somehow provide functionality for automatically incrementing the entity id... but to be honest I've some trouble in understanding this piece of code. What does returning refer to? What does autoInc return?
I looked at the Slick documentation but I was unable to find helpful information. Any help would be really appreciated ;-)

Because that autoInc can be confusing I will provide you a working example (please note that my DB is PostgreSQL so I need that hack with forInsert in order to make Postgresql driver increment auto-inc values).
case class GeoLocation(id: Option[Int], latitude: Double, longitude: Double, altitude: Double)
* Define table "geo_location".
object GeoLocations extends RichTable[GeoLocation]("geo_location") {
def latitude = column[Double]("latitude")
def longitude = column[Double]("longitude")
def altitude = column[Double]("altitude")
def * = id.? ~ latitude ~ longitude ~ altitude <> (GeoLocation, GeoLocation.unapply _)
def forInsert = latitude ~ longitude ~ altitude <> ({ (lat, long, alt) => GeoLocation(None, lat, long, alt) },
{ g: GeoLocation => Some((g.latitude, g.longitude, g.altitude)) })
My RichTable is an abstract class in order to not declare ids for each Table I have but just extend this:
abstract class RichTable[T](name: String) extends Table[T](name) {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
val byId = createFinderBy(
and use it like:
GeoLocations.forInsert.insert(GeoLocation(None, 22.23, 25.36, 22.22))
Since you pass None for id, it will be generated automatically by PostgreSql driver when Slick inserts this new entity.
I have a few weeks since I started with Slick and I really recommend it!
UPDATE: If you want to not use forInsert projections, another approach is the following - in my case the entity is Address.
Create sequence for each table on schema creation:
session.withTransaction {
// Create schemas to generate ids too.
Q.updateNA("create sequence address_seq")
Define a method to generate the ids using sequences (I defined this once in RichTable class:
def getNextId(seqName: String) = Database { implicit db: Session =>
Some((Q[Int] + "select nextval('" + seqName + "_seq') ").first)
and in the mapper override insert method like:
def insert(model : Address) = Database { implicit db: Session =>
*.insert(model.copy(id = getNextId(classOf[Address].getSimpleName())))
And now, you can pass None when you do an insert and this methods will do a nice work for you...


Generic update with mapping in Slick

I'm writing a CRUD app using Slick, and I want my update queries to only update a specific set of columns and I use .map().update() for that.
I have a function that returns a tuple of fields that can be updated in my table definition (def writableFields). And I have a funciton that returns a tuple of values to write there extracted from a case class.
It works fine, but it's annoying to create a repo and write the whole update function for every table. I want to create a generic form of this function, and make my table and it's companion object to extend some trait. But I cannot come up with correct type definitions.
Slick expects output of map() to be somehow compatible with the output of update. And I don't know how to make a generic type for tuples.
Is it even possible to accomplish? Or is there an alternative way to limit code duplication? Ideally I want to avoid writing Repos at all and just either instantiate a generic class or call a generic method.
object ProjectsRepo extends BaseRepository[Projects, Project] {
protected val query = lifted.TableQuery[Projects]
def update(id: Long, c: Project): Future[Option[Project]] = {
val q = filterByIdQuery(id).map(_.writableFields)
(db run q).flatMap(
affected =>
if (affected > 0) {
} else {
class Projects(tag: Tag) extends Table[Project](tag, "projects") with IdentifiableTable[Long] {
val id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
val title = column[String]("title")
val slug = column[String]("slug")
val created_at = column[Timestamp]("created_at")
val updated_at = column[Timestamp]("updated_at")
def writableFields =
def readableFields =
def allFields = writableFields ++ readableFields // shapeless
def * = allFields <> (Projects.mapFromTable, (_: Project) => None)
object Projects {
def mapFormToTable(c: Project): FormFields =

How to return full row using Slick's insertOrUpdate

I am currently learning Play2, Scala and Slick 3.1, and am pretty stuck with the syntax for using insertOrUpdate and wonder if anyone can please help me.
What I want to do is to return the full row when using insertOrUpdate including the auto inc primary key, but I have only managed to return the number of updated/inserted rows.
Here is my table definition:
package models
final case class Report(session_id: Option[Long], session_name: String, tester_name: String, date: String, jira_ref: String,
duration: String, environment: String, notes: Option[String])
trait ReportDBTableDefinitions {
import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._
class Reports(tag: Tag) extends Table[Report](tag, "REPORTS") {
def session_id = column[Long]("SESSION_ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def session_name = column[String]("SESSION_NAME")
def tester_name = column[String]("TESTER_NAME")
def date = column[String]("DATE")
def jira_ref = column[String]("JIRA_REF")
def duration = column[String]("DURATION")
def environment = column[String]("ENVIRONMENT")
def notes = column[Option[String]]("NOTES")
def * = (session_id.?, session_name, tester_name, date, jira_ref, duration, environment, notes) <> (Report.tupled, Report.unapply)
lazy val reportsTable = TableQuery[Reports]
Here is the section of my DAO that relates to insertOrUpdate, and it works just fine, but only returns the number of updated/inserted rows:
package models
import play.api.db.slick.DatabaseConfigProvider
import scala.concurrent.Future
class ReportsDAO #Inject()(protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends DAOSlick {
import driver.api._
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Int] = {
I have tried playing with "returning" but I can't get the syntax I need and keep getting type mismatches e.g. the below doesn't compile (because it's probably completely wrong!)
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Report] = {
Any help appreciated - I'm new to Scala and Slick so apologies if I'm missing something really obvious.
Solved - posting it incase it helps anyone else trying to do something similar:
//will return the new session_id on insert, and None on update
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Option[Long]] = {
val insertQuery = (reportsTable returning
Works well - insertOrUpdate doesn't returning anything it seems on update, so if I need to get the updated data after the update operation I can then run a subsequent query to get the information using the session id.
You cannot return whole Report, first return Id (returning( and then get whole object
Check if report exists in the database if it exists update it, if not go ahead inserting the report into the database.
Note do above operations in all or none fashion by using Transactions
def getReportDBIO(id: Long): DBIO[Report] = reportsTable.filter(_.session_id === id).result.head
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Report] = {
val query = reportsTable.filter(_.session_id === report.session_id)
val existsAction = query.exists.result
val insertOrUpdateAction =
(for {
exists <- existsAction
result <- exists match {
case true =>
query.update(report).flatMap {_ => getReportDBIO(report.session_id)}.transactionally
case false => {
val insertAction = reportsTable.returning( += report
val finalAction = insertAction.flatMap( id => getReportDBIO(id)).transactionally //transactionally is important
} yield result).transactionally
Update your insertOrUpdate function accordingly
You can return the full row, but it is an Option, as the documentation states, it will be empty on an update and will be a Some(...) representing the inserted row on an insert.
So the correct code would be
def save_report(report: Report): Future[Option[Report]] = {}

Slick 2.0 MultiDBCakeExample AutoInc "into" function

I found many old posts on how the "old" AutoInc function works, but there is almost no post on how the new AutoInc function actually works.
There are two private AutoInc functions defined with User and Picture:
private val picturesAutoInc = pictures
returning into { case (p, id) => p.copy(id = id) }
private val usersAutoInc = => (, u.pictureId))
returning into {
case (_, id) => id
I found the returning method on
But what is this into function? What does it do? What does it take into?
This is my class and how should I write my own autoInc?
case class Label (id: Option[Int] = None, tag_name: String)
class Labels (tag: Tag) extends Table[Label](tag, "Labels") {
def id = column[Option[Int]]("TAG_ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def tag_name = column[String]("TAG_NAME")
def * = (id, tag_name) <> (Label.tupled, Label.unapply _)
It allows you to map the inserted values and generated keys into a desired target value.
It was undocumented up until now. I created a PR with documentation:
Also note the corresponding unit test:

Using Auto Incrementing fields with PostgreSQL and Slick

How does one insert records into PostgreSQL using AutoInc keys with Slick mapped tables? If I use and Option for the id in my case class and set it to None, then PostgreSQL will complain on insert that the field cannot be null. This works for H2, but not for PostgreSQL:
//import scala.slick.driver.H2Driver.simple._
//import scala.slick.driver.BasicProfile.SimpleQL.Table
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import Database.threadLocalSession
object TestMappedTable extends App{
case class User(id: Option[Int], first: String, last: String)
object Users extends Table[User]("users") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def first = column[String]("first")
def last = column[String]("last")
def * = id.? ~ first ~ last <> (User, User.unapply _)
def ins1 = first ~ last returning id
val findByID = createFinderBy(
def autoInc = id.? ~ first ~ last <> (User, User.unapply _) returning id
// implicit val session = Database.forURL("jdbc:h2:mem:test1", driver = "org.h2.Driver").createSession()
implicit val session = Database.forURL("jdbc:postgresql:test:slicktest",
// insert data
print(Users.insert(User(None, "Jack", "Green" )))
print(Users.insert(User(None, "Joe", "Blue" )))
print(Users.insert(User(None, "John", "Purple" )))
val u = Users.insert(User(None, "Jim", "Yellow" ))
// println(
print(Users.autoInc.insert(User(None, "Johnathan", "Seagul" )))
val queryUsers = for {
user <- Users
} yield (, user.first)
Users.where( between(1, 2)).foreach(println)
println("ID 3 -> " + Users.findByID.first(3))
Using the above with H2 succeeds, but if I comment it out and change to PostgreSQL, then I get:
[error] (run-main) org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint
This is working here:
object Application extends Table[(Long, String)]("application") {
def idlApplication = column[Long]("idlapplication", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def appName = column[String]("appname")
def * = idlApplication ~ appName
def autoInc = appName returning idlApplication
var id = Application.autoInc.insert("App1")
This is how my SQL looks:
CREATE TABLE application
(idlapplication BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
appName VARCHAR(500));
The specific problem with regard to a mapped table with User (as in the question) can be solved as follows:
def forInsert = first ~ last <>
({ (f, l) => User(None, f, l) }, { u:User => Some((u.first, u.last)) })
This is from the test cases in the Slick git repository.
I tackled this problem in an different way. Since I expect my User objects to always have an id in my application logic and the only point where one would not have it is during the insertion to the database, I use an auxiliary NewUser case class which doesn't have an id.
case class User(id: Int, first: String, last: String)
case class NewUser(first: String, last: String)
object Users extends Table[User]("users") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def first = column[String]("first")
def last = column[String]("last")
def * = id ~ first ~ last <> (User, User.unapply _)
def autoInc = first ~ last <> (NewUser, NewUser.unapply _) returning id
val id = Users.autoInc.insert(NewUser("John", "Doe"))
Again, User maps 1:1 to the database entry/row while NewUser could be replaced by a tuple if you wanted to avoid having the extra case class, since it is only used as a data container for the insert invocation.
If you want more safety (with somewhat increased verbosity) you can make use of a trait for the case classes like so:
trait UserT {
def first: String
def last: String
case class User(id: Int, first: String, last: String) extends UserT
case class NewUser(first: String, last: String) extends UserT
// ... the rest remains intact
In this case you would apply your model changes to the trait first (including any mixins you might need), and optionally add default values to the NewUser.
Author's opinion: I still prefer the no-trait solution as it is more compact and changes to the model are a matter of copy-pasting the User params and then removing the id (auto-inc primary key), both in case class declaration and in table projections.
We're using a slightly different approach. Instead of creating a further projection, we request the next id for a table, copy it into the case class and use the default projection '*' for inserting the table entry.
For postgres it looks like this:
Let your Table-Objects implement this trait
trait TableWithId { this: Table[_] =>
* can be overriden if the plural of tablename is irregular
val idColName: String = s"${tableName.dropRight(1)}_id"
def id = column[Int](s"${idColName}", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def getNextId = (Q[Int] + s"""select nextval('"${tableName}_${idColName}_seq"')""").first
All your entity case classes need a method like this (should also be defined in a trait):
case class Entity (...) {
def withId(newId: Id): Entity = this.copy(id = Some(newId)
New entities can now be inserted this way:
object Entities extends Table[Entity]("entities") with TableWithId {
override val idColName: String = "entity_id"
def save(entity: Entity) = this insert entity.withId(getNextId)
The code is still not DRY, because you need to define the withId method for each table. Furthermore you have to request the next id before you insert an entity which might lead to performance impacts, but shouldn't be notable unless you insert thousands of entries at a time.
The main advantage is that there is no need for a second projection what makes the code less error prone, in particular for tables having many columns.
The simplest solution was to use the SERIAL type like this:
def id = column[Long]("id", SqlType("SERIAL"), O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
Here's a more concrete block:
// A case class to be used as table map
case class CaseTable( id: Long = 0L, dataType: String, strBlob: String)
// Class for our Table
class MyTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[CaseTable](tag, "mytable") {
// Define the columns
def dataType = column[String]("datatype")
def strBlob = column[String]("strblob")
// Auto Increment the id primary key column
def id = column[Long]("id", SqlType("SERIAL"), O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
// the * projection (e.g. select * ...) auto-transforms the tupled column values
def * = (id, dataType, strBlob) <> (CaseTable.tupled, CaseTable.unapply _)
// Insert and get auto incremented primary key
def insertData(dataType: String, strBlob: String, id: Long = 0L): Long = {
// DB Connection
val db = Database.forURL(jdbcUrl, pgUser, pgPassword, driver = driverClass)
// Variable to run queries on our table
val myTable = TableQuery[MyTable]
val insert = try {
// Form the query
val query = myTable returning += CaseTable(id, dataType, strBlob)
// Execute it and wait for result
val autoId = Await.result(, maxWaitMins)
// Return ID
catch {
case e: Exception => {
logger.error("Error in inserting using Slick: ", e.getMessage)
I've faced the same problem trying to make the computer-database sample from play-slick-3.0 when I changed the db to Postgres. What solved the problem was to change the id column (primary key) type to SERIAL in the evolution file /conf/evolutions/default/1.sql (originally was in BIGINT). Take a look at
for the whole discussion.
Another trick is making the id of the case class a var
case class Entity(var id: Long)
To insert an instance, create it like below
I've tested that it works.
The solution I've found is to use SqlType("Serial") in the column definition. I haven't tested it extensively yet, but it seems to work so far.
So instead of
def id: Rep[PK[SomeTable]] = column[PK[SomeTable]]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
You should do:
def id: Rep[PK[SomeTable]] = column[PK[SomeTable]]("id", SqlType("SERIAL"), O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
Where PK is defined like the example in the "Essential Slick" book:
final case class PK[A](value: Long = 0L) extends AnyVal with MappedTo[Long]

ScalaQuery not creating DDL?

I have an example DB in a scala object, but the tables are not created.
If I call the initialize and then I call the addEntries, I get a Table not existing exception by the JDBC layer. Where am I wrong?
object ExampleCompanyH2TestDb {
val Companies = new Table[(Int, Int, String, String, String, Double,Double)]("COMPANIES") {
def id = column[Int]("COMPANY_ID", O.PrimaryKey)
// This is the primary key column
def id2 = column[Int]("COMPANY_ID2")
def name = column[String]("COMPANY_NAME")
def country = column[String]("COUNTRY")
def city = column[String]("CITY")
def latitude = column[Double]("LATITUDE")
def longitude = column[Double]("LONGITUDE")
// Every table needs a * projection with the same type as the
table's type parameter
def * = id ~ id2 ~ name ~ country ~ city ~ latitude ~ longitude
// Connect to the database and execute the following block within a session
val db = Database.forURL("jdbc:h2:mem:test1", driver = "org.h2.Driver")
def initialize = {
db withSession {
// The session is never named explicitly. It is bound to the current
// thread as the threadLocalSession that we imported
// Create the tables, including primary and foreign keys
def addEntries(entries: Iterable[ExampleCompany]) {
val asTuples = {
}.collect {
case Some(entry) => entry
db withSession {
Companies.insertAll(asTuples: _*)
I have found the problem: the h2 in memory driver does not store data among the session, unless:
is specified