Best practice for deploying files from SVN - deployment

I have read this article (Link: that gives some good "best practice" advice about deploying bug-fixes and feature requests and tend to agree with all that is written there. But I have one major problem that I can't seem to work around:
How do I deploy only the features that are fully tested, without also deploying files that are currently being tested?
Example: Bug #1 affects file1.php. The bug fix is coded in a bug branch, tested locally by the dev, and merged back into the dev branch. The dev branch is deployed to a Testing environment.
Feature #1 also affects file1.php. It is coded, merged, and deployed to Testing.
I need to deploy the bug fix (and 100 other fixes that may have similar conflicts) to Staging. I DO NOT want to deploy the new features yet, because documentation, training, etc. hasn't been conducted.
How do I only deploy the bug fixes? How would I deploy just certain bug fixes and certain feature requests, but not all of them?
I've thought about tracking every file change and linking that to the bug ticket, compiling the list of files from the bug ticket, and manually choosing each of those files. But that seems like it is mistake prone and more work than should be required.
What am I missing? How do I deploy just the bug-fixes and featuresets that I want deployed?

An usual way, as I understand it, is:
You have a tag/branch (same thing in SVN) for every version deployed (say 1.1).
If critical bugs appear, you fix the bug in a branch of (1.1), as you said
The bug is merged to (1.1) creating (1.1.1) and also merged to dev. (1.1.1) goes to Testing NOT Dev.
In the meantime
Features go to Dev.
When you want to release features you create a branch for that (say 1.2) that goes to Testing and then the rest.
Bugfixes can sometimes be done in Dev and be backported to branchs.


How to implement DEMO release

My team and I are using GitFlow to versioning our code, but now we need to have a third branch for DEMO to be able to
publish from DEVELOP in DEMO for testing and then from DEMO to MASTER when all tests are passed
merge a fix from DEMO to DEVELOP
merge a hotfix from MASTER into DEMO and DEVELOP at the same time
here is a draft of the versioning flow (I hope it helps):
I can't find a solution with GitFlow, any advice? Should we choose another tool?
This problem sounds like it has arisen as a result of deployment processes, not Git merging strategy.
There is no concept of a demo branch in GitFlow, though it sounds like you're essentially trying to make use of a release branch. It's worth noting that there is nothing in GitFlow itself to regulate exactly how you deploy any of your branches, and the choice of whether or not to use GitFlow should be made independent of your server architecture.
What it sounds like you're looking for is to deploy out a release branch to an independent testing server, then test against that. Once the tests pass, you can deploy the same commit (on the release branch) out to the production server. This way you don't need to worry about a separate branch specific to testing. Note that master itself should not be deployed to production; it is merely considered a 'reference' to the last known stable version of the code. You should be merging back to master straight after a deployment (and tagging the commit) in case you need to revert back to the target version in the future.
This is illustrated in the standard Git Flow shown below:
To take this a step further, there is also a DevOps testing concept of shifting-left, where the develop branch itself is what is tested against, and considered to be shippable in itself. This simplifies the process even further, and there are pros and cons to choosing such an approach. It may be worth considering after evaluation.

Version Control for a Production Website Environment

Does anyone have any experience using version control with a production website? Would it be a terrible idea to run a website from a repository? I just found a related article but I would like to hear your thoughts/comments.
Makes imho no sense - cheap person's approach.
In larger scenarios you have develop / test / production, so you version control on the develop side, then publish forward to test and production. There is no need to acutally version control once things hit production. You do keep one or two backup versions, for a fast rollback, but otherwise - no need.
Every production manager will tell you the same thing: a (D)VCS has no place in a production environment.
You can maybe have a one "release deployment" server in the production pit, where you do have a VCS allowing you to view the correct delivery, and from that server to copy/rsync it to the right production server.
But on the servers themselves, you only have:
the application itself
monitoring process to follow and report
some diagnostic tools
The reason is that the more elements you have in your release environment, the more possibility you get for one of those elements to go wrong.
Adding a VCS in the mix is not worth it.
The way I've always done it is to have a live & test version be checkouts of the repository. Then my workflow is like this:
make changes on my dev checkout
commit changes.
update test.
make sure everything works
update production.

Two approaches to Version Control (TFS): Need advice

We are reaching a point in our project where we need to make a production deployment but also need to have ongoing development for future features. Our source control currently has a single development branch. In my previous company a 3 branch system was set up with Development, Integration, Production. Feature development was done in Development, tesing in Integration and Production always was the code running in the current production environment (except for a breif time when a merge was done from Integaration into Production and the deployment was done).
Each time there was a Production change or a merge into Production that was deployed live, a new archive branch was taken off Production and given a version number. Any change to a higher branch was merged back so changes in Production would make it back to Development for example. It worked but I always didn't see the need for an ongoing Integration and Production branch.
Two aspects of this system I really didn't like: 1) the merge from Integration branch into Production branch: I would prefer to have a "clean" Production branch each time even though they should be in sync after a merge and 2) this system doesn't allow for multiple deployments of the system running different versions of the code at the same time, though this has not been a requirement in either team I have worked for (yet).
I have heard this model is common but in the system I am setting up now I am proposing the following:
Have a Development branch, create a new Release branch each time Development is ready for the next deployment to production. The Release branches are given a version number and then branched again to an archive branch. Testing is done on the Release branch. Once deployed any production fixes are done in the Release branch then a new archive branch is created with a minor version number increment once deployment is approved. When a new deployment from Development is ready the a new Release branch is created...
To me this is simpler and is actually better: There is NO Integaration branch (less merging) and there is a fresh Production (Release) branch for each deployment and caters for current Production versions. What am I missing? Why go for the Development, Integration, Production model?
The advantage of the 3-branch system is that your developers, testers, and customers each have their own isolated version/branch of the code. This provides a "gated" development where features can only be promoted to the next branch when they pass a certain completeness/quality bar, giving high confidence that the release branch is always in a fit state to send to a customer.
You (almost) always have a build that could be sent to a customer at a moments notice.
Your testers (almost) always have a working build to test
The release branch is stable so you don't often have to fix bugs in it and reverse-merge them into the test/dev branches.
You have to merge frequently to promote completed features up to the release branch. This isn't too bad though, as this merge is simply a quick copy operation (as long as you don't make edits in the test/release branches, you never have a merge conflict to address)
If you take the approach of a single development branch from which you split off a release branch only when a release is required, then you are effectively working in an unbranched system most of the time. That is, you have an unstable work-in-progress build in your dev branch, which you then copy into a release branch, where you work on it as a work-in-progress until it is stabilised to release quality. If you continue developing features in the dev branch while you bugfix the release branch, you will then get a lot of merge conflicts to resolve. You spend a lot of time without a good build to test, and without a releasable build that you can ship if needed.
There also isn't really much need to branch the code into an archive branch when you release - all you need to do is label the code when you do a release to get a reliable "snapshot" of it that you can recover in future.
Your suggestion isn't too far off the recommendations.
The primary difference in the model is that you're suggesting that you develop directly on what was previously the 'integration' branch. A lot of people suggest taking a branch off this branch to do their work on, then merging back in. But it depends on the size of your team.
An invaluable resource for working with TFS branching is here:
Your proposal sounds exactly the way I am working:
I develop in the main branch until my developments are ready
Then a release branch is created, let's say release 1.5
After the release branch has been tested, it is branched again, calling it 1.5.1
Bug fixing is done in the main branch and all active release branches (e.g. 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Regularly new versions (branches) of the release branches are created and sent to customers (e.g. 1.5.2, 1.5.3, ...)
In my experience this works quite good, but probably it also depends on how your company is organized.
One place I used to work had a branch for each release. We spent more time branching than we did merging. It was a bit excessive.
If you think of a mental model with a graph of connected nodes, the Production branch is just another node connected to the main Integration branch.

Managing a dev vs production environment for a web app?

I have finished developing the core of a web application I have been working on. Since I was the only developer I just developed locally (lamp stack) without using version control (probably stupid but anyway..). Now that it is getting close to production ready, I have a couple other developers working with me so I set up a repository for my code.
This is my question: I still want to be able to test any changes locally first before posting to production. How do I manage this with a repository without having to maintain 2 versions of my code (that I have to synch up manually)? For one, the production code has a few differences here in there (such as database constants etc.). I'd like to be able to change my code in my local repository, test it on my local apache server, then check the code directly into production (is this even possible using eclipse)?
I am using eclipse and subversion (php code). I know I asked many questions but hopefully you get the idea of what I am trying to do...and I assume its rather common. Thanks.
In addition to the excellent answers you've gotten already, I'd like to emphasize that if there are differences between your dev and production code, you're adding risk. You should be using the same, well-tested code in both locations; any difference between the environments should be expressed in configuration files. Any configuration files in source control should be samples only; your deployment script should not push new configuration files to production.
This, in combination with tagged releases and a staging environment that mimics production, should help you promote your code smoothly to the production environment.
I would suggest a few things
Use tags/branches in SVN. When the code is production ready, tag it with a unique name.
Set up a staging area for integration testing. After a release is tagged for staging, yank it from your vcs and copy it into the staging area. This can be as simple as a different directory tree or a second install of your server.
Put constants into separate files that can copied/merged over into the staging and deployment directories
Test the staged version against dev to insure everything works as it did in your dev environment. I would point staging to production databases when I am sure it is working and ready to be promoted. Test that it also works against prod.
Once everything works in staging, update the production copy. I would suggest you create a clean deployment directory then copy that entire deployment over to the production server after copying/merging config settings.
This was my approach is dealing with perl/cgi many years ago and it worked pretty well. SVN handles tags/branching much better so it should be easier to deal with. We had very few production problems once we started staging the files before pushing to prod.
It sounds like you haven't created any branches or tags, and probably have a "trunk" that isn't labeled as such. Best practices would dictate that you have a trunk for the current stable code, branches that you develop against, and tags that are actually used on the production site. There is a short description and diagram on Wikipedia.
Of course, that's just best practice. Your project sounds small enough that you could get away with splitting your code into a development/ directory and a production/ directory in your code repository. Checkin code to the development directory, and once a change is fully tested, merge it into the production directory.
Whether you do it the right way or the easy way, it's important to do something to separate your development code from your production code. As you add more developers, it will be increasingly unlikely that the development code base is stable because people are checking in code that hasn't been fully tested, isn't complete, whatever. Spending a little extra time on managing two branches of code will save you a lot of headaches later on.

Web Application Development Process - Version Control, Bug Tracking, Unit Testing, Deployment

Describe the process you use to develop web applications at a not-so-high level, focusing on VC, bug tracking, QA, unit testing, deployment and anything else similar (minus the planning/client communication side of things).
I'm new in this area, so my rough example (read: haven't used this process) is no doubt abit off, so to speak - point out it's flaws so I can learn.
Create project repository on local SVN server.
Create batch/shell scripts for DNS mappings.
Check out project, begin work on local working copy.
Develop features as branches.
Track bugs with Mantis (link commits to bugs through it's SVN integration (no idea if that exists)).
Document as you go.
Do QA on branch.
Merge to trunk when stable.
Unit Testing?
Commit to repository when feature is implemented and stable.
Copy releases to tags in repository. Eg. /project/tags/rel-123/
Use Phing to upload to staging server. (Could someone please clarify exactly what a staging server is used for beyond 'testing'?)
Use Phing to prep live site for update, set up DB/deploy, etc.
Create/checkout HEAD version ("main branch")
Develop code and sync with the main branch -at least- daily
After development is done, write and run unit tests
Go through code review and submit code/changes to the main branch
Let continuous builder run all unit tests and system/integration tests on main branch
When ready, cherry pick revisions and integrate them to the QA branch
Run system and integration tests, fix reported bugs, or rollback as necessary; this repeats steps 4-7
After QA signoff, integrate QA change to release branch
Run unit tests, system/integration tests on release branch
Deploy to production and run sanity tests.
A staging server is a copy of your production environment that is as up-to-date as possible. On my current project, we're able to keep each release independent from each other, so our "staging server" is our production server, just accessed from a different url.
Notes and discreprencies:
All of the steps have some variation depending on the size of your project. The larger your project, the better the benefit from cherry picking and environment separation. In smaller projects, these can just be time sinks and are often ignored or bypassed.
To clarify, there is a Development stack, QA stack, and Staging stack. Depending on your project size, QA might be staging, Production might be staging, or some combination thereof. The separation of the Dev and QA stacks is the most important one.
In the steps above, I'm assuming both code and relevant data is versioned or tracked. Having a release and build process that takes control data into account makes a release very, very easy.
In a small-medium sized project, there may or may not be a release branch; it depends on the frequency of code change. Also, depending on the frequency of code change and size of your project, you may integrate the full QA branch to the Release branch, or cherry pick specific revisions to integrate to the release branch.
FWIW, I've found "migration scripts" to be of little value. They're always a one-off script with little reuse and make rollbacks a pain in the ass. Its much easier, I would argue better, to have the application backwards-compatible. After a few releases (when a rollback is a laughable), data cleanup should be done, if necessary.
Very roughly:
Create repository in SVN
Checking local working copy to developer environment
Update/commit changes frequently
Deploy to stage from SVN trunk using custom deploy script
QA tests on stage, reports bugs in Mantis
Developers fix bugs, mark as resolved
Re-deploy to stage
QA tests bugs, closes if fixed
QA is finished, do regression testing
Deploy to production using custom deploy script
Do a little dance
We also create branches for future versions or features. These eventually get merged into the trunk.
We keep our db structures synchronized with a custom db comparison tool that is executed during the deploys.
Old post, but interesting question !
At my company now :
Create a new Github repo
Configure Jenkins
Clone locally
Start a branch
Develop and add tests (server, client and e2e)
Commit for every step, and fetch + rebase to keep the branch in sync
When ready, push the branch to the server : a pre-commit check lint and tests and block if not ok
Create a pull request for the branch
Here, jenkins automatically runs tests on the branch and flag it as "green" or "broken tests" directly in the pull request
Have at last 2 colleagues review the pull request and fix their findings (back to step 5)
When everything green and 2 colleagues have agreed, the last one merges the pull request
Delete the branch on server
When ready, push a new version
Latest version get immediately deployed on a testing platform
QA validate the corrections and features introduced (back to 5 if problem)
(TODO) deploy to a pre-prod with identical parameters than the production
Deploy to production
Go apologize to users for the bugs introduced ;) and report them in the issue manager
get feature requests and report them in the issue manager
restart cycle at step 2