How to implement Sharekit on xcode 4.2 - iphone

Can anyone suggest me to how to implement ShareKit on xcode 4.2.Now i am trying to use
this Url I got a lot of compilation error.I dont understad the first step they are desscribed.So please anyone help me to implement ShareKit on my application..


facebook integration ios 5

I have tried a lot to get facebook integrated to ios 5.0 in my X-code 4.2. I tried facebook sdk 3.0.8(which was the last package sdk that supported ios 5. The problem was that the samples provided in the sdk didnt work since they need a framework "Accounts.framework". I have tried a lot to download it, but it is not possible to get it.I cant find it in my system too. Somebody help me please.

How to solve Apple LLVM compiler 4.1 error?

I am a beginner in iPhone developing. I want to integrate Instagram in my app and for that purpose I downloaded the api of Instagram from Github but it gives the error of Apple LLVM compiler 4.1 error Command
/Applications/ failed with exit code 1
Please give any suggestion which how to solve this error.
I found this is the simplest and step by step tutorial for integrate instagram in my iOS app
How To Create an App Like Instagram With a Web Service Backend – Part 1/2
I had the same ARC problem but if you will follow this you will its so easy and helpful
btw for the error you having just look below word, in that page and see you need to made some changes in Xcode for Libs, and you will get it working.
Thanks to raywenderlich :)

Facebook API not working perfectly for IOS5

I ve Downloaded Facebook API fro IOS 5....But its showing some errors regrading the memory release...Since apple has introduced autorelease in IOS 5....
I referred this and tried blocking ARC for certain files ,bt it doesn't work for me...
Is there any other methods to stop ARC in IOS 5?
How to overcome this?
Any one plz provide me the link for downloading the Facebook API for IOS 5...
If you use official SDK, you should compile it as a static library, not with your code, and then link your app with that library. You could see how it is done in SDK examples, and also here is some information about building process. Hope it will help.
Here is the link with working Source Code:
Download complete source code from "Source Code/Downloads"

Tutorial for integrating three 20 in xcode 4.0.2 iphone

This may be a simple question,but i cant figure out the correct way.
I my project i want to integrate three 20 and i found a tutorial
But i think this is for older version of xcode.
Many of the sections specified in this tutorial is not found in my xcode project.
Is there any tutorial available for xcode 4.0.2 in tegrating three 20.
Can anybody help me please.
Thanks in advance.
Check this visual explanation of adding three20 framework in your X-code project:

Unable to use OAuthConsumer (SecKeychainItemRef undeclared) - iPhone

I'm trying to use the OAuthConsumer framework ( but when I try building it among my iPhone app, xCode tells me that SecKeychainItemRef is undeclared. I previously added the Security framework to my target but it doesn't fix my problem.
What should I do to fix that?
Finally I manage to get rid of the error using this :