SQLite SELECT with JOIN to result all relationship data - tsql

I have a db schema and I am quite not so familiar with T-SQL, I know, ORM's ruined me. Developers :)
This is the schema.
Table1 1 - 1 to three tables (Table2, Table3, Table4) and each Table(2,3,4) 1 - 1 to a Table5.
Graph (try) representation:
Table1 1<->1 Table2 1<->1 Table5
1<->1 Table3 1<->1 Table5
1<->1 Table4 1<->1 Table5
I need a query to retrieve all Table1 records and their corresponding relationship data, Table1,Table2,Table3 and their relationship data to Table5.
Any help appreciated.
Thank you.

Without seeing your full table structure and the column names you should be able to join the tables in a similar manner as this:
select *
from table1 t1
left join table2 t2
on t1.id = t2.id
left join table3 t3
on t1.id = t3.id
left join table4 t4
on t1.id = t4.id
left join table5 t5
on t2.id = t5.id
or t3.id = t5.id
or t4.id = t5.id

What I actually needed was this:
SELECT F.*, DE.Title as EnergyDrinkTitle, DE.[Picture] AS EnergyPicture, DI.Title AS InspDrinkTitle, DR.Title AS RelaxDrinkTitle
(Select M.*, E.DescriptionTitle, I.[DescriptionTitle], R.DescriptionTitle,
E.[DrinkId] as EnergyDrink, I.DrinkId as InspDrink, R.[DrinkId] as RelaxDrink
FROM [Member] M
LEFT JOIN [Energy] E
ON M.[_id] = E.[MemberId]
LEFT JOIN [Inspiration] I
ON M.[_id] = I.[MemberId]
ON M.[_id] = R.[MemberId]
) AS F JOIN Drink DE ON F.EnergyDrink = DE._id
JOIN Drink DI ON F.InspDrink = DI._id
JOIN Drink DR ON F.RelaxDrink = DR._id


Postgresql query many to many relationship with left join and use where clouse not show data

I have three table, table_1 (id), table_2(id), table_pivot(tbl1_id, tbl2_id). When I use query like this:
select *
from public.table_1 t1
left join public.table_pivot tp on tp.tbl1_id = t1.id and tp.user_id = 1
left join public.table_2 t2 on t2.id = tp.tbl2_id;
Data from table_1 is show. But when I use where condition. Like this:
select *
from public.table_1 t1
left join public.table_pivot tp on tp.tbl1_id = t1.id
left join public.table_2 t2 on t2.id = tp.tbl2_id
where tp.user_id = 1;
Data from table_1 not show.
I hope advance can help explain why?
Including a where clause on an outer joined table, effectively converts the join into an inner join. If there are no matching values in table_pivot, then
you will get no results at all. This is standard sql.

I want to join 3 tables and select 1 coulmn from each table

I have tried using join as follows but it is not working
where (udf.product_code in (select mo.product_code from TABLE2 mo))AND(udf.FIELD_NAME like '%UDF%')AND(udf.FIELD_NAME IN(SELECT fun.FIELD_NAME FROM TABLE3 fun));
I want all the where conditions mentioned here to work
There are some statements in your WHERE clause that mimic the join condition. If you do a join like this
then there is no need to add the WHERE clause
where (udf.product_code in (select mo.product_code from TABLE2 mo))
because those 2 do the same. Unless you have duplicate rows, the "DISTINCT" clause is not needed either. Your query can be rewritten as:
mo.module AS product_module
table1 udf
JOIN table2 mo ON udf.product_code = mo.product_code
JOIN table3 fun ON udf.field_name = fun.field_name
udf.field_name LIKE '%UDF%';

Left join filtering only works on where clause

Can someone explain this to me?
I have two huge tables on which I wish to LEFT JOIN, but I think it would be more efficient to filter at the 'on' rather than the 'where'.
Select * from Table1 t1 left join Table2 t2 on t1.Id = t2.Id and t1.Enabled = 1
Rather than
Select * from Table1 t1 left join Table2 t2 on t1.Id = t2.Id where t1.Enabled = 1
The above results are not the same. No matter what I put in as filtering, it stays unaffected:
Select * from Table1 t1 left join Table2 t2 on t1.Id = t2.Id and t1.Enabled = 1
yields exactly the same results as
Select * from Table1 t1 left join Table2 t2 on t1.Id = t2.Id and t1.Enabled = 0
Also, Table1 might only have a few records where Enabled = 1, so it would be inefficient to join millions of records first and then filter to find only 10.
I can do a sub select first, but I somehow I feel it is not the right way:
Select * from (Select * from Table1 where Enabled = 1) a left join Table2 t2 on a.Id = t2.Id
Types of Joins
Left outer join All rows from the first-named table (the "left"
table, which appears leftmost in the JOIN clause) are included.
Unmatched rows in the right table do not appear.
When you move the condition to the where then t1.Enabled = 1 is applied
Do you have actual performance problems with the first query?

Bad performance for muli joined sub-queries

Could someone help me on this query. When generating the related report through web application it times out due to response time taking over 30seconds(standard http request time out).
select c.counterparty_shortname AS [Réference]
,cty.counterparty_type_name AS [Type ref]
,t.transaction_shortname AS [transaction_shortname]
,(SELECT ISNULL(SUM(ISNULL(tce.outstanding_amount,0)),0)
from transaction_credit_event tce
where tce.transaction_id=t.transaction_id) AS [Montant impayé]
,(select count(t1.transaction_id)
from [transaction] t1
where t1.counterparty_id=c.counterparty_id) AS [Nbre affaire]
,(select isnull(count(tce.credit_event_id),0)
from transaction_credit_event tce
where tce.transaction_id=t.transaction_id
and isnull(tce.outstanding_amount,0)>0
and tce.credit_event_type_id=51) AS [nbr impaye]
,TT.transaction_type_name AS [Type Produit]
,isnull(cm1.value1_text,'') AS [type garantie]
,isnull(cm2.value1_text,'') AS [marque]
,isnull(cm3.value1_text,'') AS [modele]
,(select top 1 tmp1.payment_posting_date
from (select pp.payment_posting_date
FROM payment_posting pp
inner JOIN transaction_credit_event tce
ON pp.credit_event_id=tce.credit_event_id) tmp1
where tmp1.transaction_id=t.transaction_id
order by tmp1.payment_posting_date desc) AS [Date dernier paiement]
,fate_shortname AS [sort]
,ISNULL(t.outstanding_amount,0) AS [CRD]
,1 AS [ID]
,(select isnull(count(tce.credit_event_id),0)
from transaction_credit_event tce,[transaction] tt
where tce.transaction_id=tt.transaction_id
and tt.counterparty_id=c.counterparty_id
and isnull(tce.outstanding_amount,0)>0
and tce.credit_event_type_id=51) AS [nbr impaye tiers]
,convert(date,dispatch_start_date,103) AS [date debut]
,convert(date,dispatch_end_date,103) AS [date fin]
from counterparty c
inner join wf_task_dispatch w on w.item_id=c.counterparty_id
inner join [transaction] t on c.counterparty_id=t.counterparty_id
LEFT join transaction_recovery tr on tr.counterparty_id=c.counterparty_id and tr.transaction_recovery_id=(select top 1 transaction_recovery_id from transaction_recovery where counterparty_id=c.counterparty_id order by idate desc)
LEFT join recovery_action_fate raf on raf.recovery_action_fate_id=tr.recovery_action_fate_id
left join counterparty_type cty on cty.counterparty_type_id=c.counterparty_type_id
left join [transaction_type] TT on t.transaction_type_id = TT.transaction_type_id
inner join mitigant_transaction mt on mt.transaction_id=t.transaction_id and mt.ddate is null
inner join mitigant m on m.mitigant_id=mt.mitigant_id and mitigant_screen='asset' and m.ddate is null
left join constant_matrix cm1 on cm1.criteria1_text=m.regulatory_mitigant_type and cm1.constant_matrix_shortname='CAIN' and cm1.ddate is null
left join constant_matrix cm2 on cm2.criteria1_text=m.valuation_frequency and cm2.constant_matrix_shortname='MARQ' and cm2.ddate is null
left join constant_matrix cm3 on cm3.criteria1_text=m.valuation_source and cm3.constant_matrix_shortname='GMOD' and cm3.ddate is null
where (select [dbo].FN_GetPhase)=81

Using multiple resultsets combined with joins in T-SQL

I'm currently using joins inside my stored procedures for outputting elements from different tables. An aggressive example
select a.*, b.*, c.*, d.*, e.*, f.* from tableA a
join tableB b on a.id = b.foreignid
join tableC c on b.id = c.foreignid
join tableD d on c.id = d.foreignid
join tableE e on d.id = e.foreignid
join tableF f on e.id = f.foreignid
where a.id = 1
It's getting pretty unhandy to work with when mapping the output to entities in my C# code, since I have to maintain a lot of boilerplate code.
Instead I would look into using multiple resultsets, so that I could map each resultset into an object type in code.
But how would I go around achieving this when I my case the different results would all relate to each other? The examples I've been able to find all revolved around selecting from different tables where the data were not related by foreign keys like mine. If I were to ouput my result in multiple resultsets the only thing I can come up with is something like this
select a.* from tableA
where a.id = 1
select b.* from tableB
join tableA a on a.id = b.foreignid
where a.id = 1
select c.* from tableC
join tableB b on b.id = c.foreignid
join tableA on a.id = b.foreginid
where a.id = 1
select d.* from tableD
join tableC c on c.id = d.foreignid
join tableB b on b.id = c.foreignid
join tableA a on a.id = b.foreignid
where a.id = 1
select e.* from tableE
join tableD d on d.id = e.foreignid
join tableC c on c.id = d.foreignid
join tableB b on b.id = c.foreignid
join tableA a on a.id = b.foreignid
where a.id = 1
select f.* from tableF
join tableE e on e.id = f.foreignid
join tableD d on d.id = e.foreignid
join tableC c on c.id = d.foreignid
join tableB b on b.id = c.foreignid
join tableA a on a.id = b.foreignid
where a.id = 1
But this is not cleaner, a lot more ineffecient (I would suppose, since there's alot more join statements)
Is it possible to use multiple resultset in this way I'm trying to? I just don't know how I would write the sql statements in the stored proc without having to do massive joins per resultset as in the example. And with the current solution I get an explosion of columns since I join them all together
You can actually return multiplte resultsets from a single SP and consume them in c#, check this post for instance : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dditweb/archive/2008/05/06/linq-to-sql-and-multiple-result-sets-in-stored-procedures.aspx
It's a lesser known feature but sounds like what you're asking for. You don't have to join them and return them as a flattend rowset, just get the seperate rowsets and piece them together in memory.
Also you may want to read up on ORM frameworks, that could save you a lot of typing that you coud spend on features if it fits your needs.
Regards GJ