How is state managed in Scala Play! 2.0 Websockets? - scala

I'm looking at the example at
To make a websocket controller, you write something like:
def chat(username: String) = WebSocket.async[JsValue] { request =>
Chatroom.join returns a scala.concurrent.Future[(Iteratee[JsValue,_],Enumerator[JsValue])] . But where are the iteratee and the enumerator used within the Play! framework? The WebSocket class (WebSocket.scala) seems to ignore the inputs:
case class WebSocket[A](f: RequestHeader => (Enumerator[A], Iteratee[A, Unit]) => Unit) (implicit val frameFormatter: WebSocket.FrameFormatter[A]) extends Handler {
* Returns itself, for better support in the routes file.
* #return itself
def apply() = this
How does Play! manage the changing state of the iteratee as it consumes input?

It's worth noting that the WebSocket itself is just a dumb container. The magic happens in various classes within play.core.server.netty.
To understand what that magic is, it's instructive to look at the signature of f (the function that a WebSocket contains:
RequestHeader => (Enumerator[A], Iteratee[A, Unit]) => Unit
This is a function that takes a RequestHeader, an Enumerator, and an Iteratee, and does something with them.
So, at some point in the future, the framework will provide our WebSocket with a RequestHeader (which should be self explanatory), an Enumerator[A] (Enumerators are sources, in this case, these are the messages being received from the client), and an Iteratee[A, Unit] (Iteratees are sinks, in this case, this is where we send messages to go back to the client).
In the case of WebSocket.adapter, the WebSocket will connect the Enumerator to the Iteratee via an Enumeratee. In the case of WebSocket.using, the WebSocket will connect the remote Enumerator to a local Iteratee, and connect the remove Iteratee to a local Enumerator.
Rather than defining WebSocket directly, it's likely to be easier to use one of the convenience methods in the WebSocket object. The following code will echo the previous message received:
def mySocket = WebSocket.adapter {implicit req =>
var lastMessage = "No previous message"[String] {msg =>
val response = lastMessage
lastMessage = msg
Note that this code almost certainly has thread safety issues - in Scala, you should try to avoid mutable state whenever possible, or use actors or similar if not.
Or, try WebSocket.using, and look at a pushee Enumerator, in conjunction with a foreach Iteratee, although it's a little fiddler. Perhaps understandably, the pushee enumerator is deprecated in Play 2.1, as it's being superseded by the new channels system.


Appropriate Future Handling in Akka Actors Typed

What is the proper way to handle Futures from inside an Akka (typed) Actor?
For example, assume there is an Actor OrderActor that receives Commands to place orders... which it does by making an http call to an external service. Since these are http calls to an external service, Futures are involved. So, what is the right way to handle that Future from within the Actor.
I read something about the pipeTo pattern. Is that what needs to happen here or something else?
class OrderActor(context: ActorContext[OrderCommand], orderFacade: OrderFacade)
extends AbstractBehavior[OrderCommand](context) {"Order Actor started")
override def onMessage(msg: OrderCommand): Behavior[OrderCommand] = {
msg match {
case PlaceOrder(
referenceId: OrderReferenceId,
ticker: Ticker,
quantity: Int,
replyTo: ActorRef[OrderResult]
) =>
.placeOrder(ticker, quantity) //this returns a Future
.map(res => {
//transform result
//book keeping / notification (affects state)
replyTo ! transformed
//Can/Should we map like this? I tried adding a log statement in here, but I never see it... and the replyTo doesnt seem to get the message.
It's generally best to avoid doing Future transformations (map, flatMap, foreach, etc.) inside an actor. There's a distinct risk that some mutable state within the actor isn't what you expect it to be when the transformation runs. In Akka Classic, perhaps the most pernicious form of this would result in sending a reply to the wrong actor.
Akka Typed (especially in the functional API) reduces a lot of the mutable state which could cause trouble, but it's still generally a good idea to pipe the Future as a message to the actor.
So if orderFacade.placeOrder results in a Future[OrderResponse], you might add subclasses of OrderCommand like this
// also include fields from the PlaceOrder which will be useful
case class OrderResponseIs(resp: OrderResponse, replyTo: ActorRef[OrderResult]) extends OrderCommand
// TODO include fields
case class OrderFailed() extends OrderCommand
And then pipe the Future to yourself with:
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }
context.pipeToSelf(orderFacade.placeOrder) {
case Success(resp) => OrderResponseIs(resp, replyTo)
case Failure(_) => OrderFailed()
You then have to handle those messages:
case OrderResponseIs(resp, replyTo) =>
// transform resp
val transformed = ???
replyTo ! transformed
case OrderFailed() =>
context.log.warning("Stuff is broken")
There's not actually much overhead in doing this versus map and friends (both will typically involve scheduling a task for asynchronous execution on the dispatcher).

Akka HTTP asynchronous directives

I would like to implement an asynchronous session token control in an Akka HTTP-based web server before a series of sensible routes would be processed.
In my idea of implementation, I would have a method that performs the authentication that would look like the following:
def performAuthentication(sessionToken: String): Future[Result]
where Result would be a case class containing the authentication result. In order to perform the authentication, I would like to write a Directive that could be placed before the sensible routes, that would look like the following:
def authenticate: Directive1[SessionToken] = optionalHeaderValueByName("session-token").flatMap {
case Some(sessionToken) if (...) => provide(SessionToken(sessionToken))
case _ => complete(StatusCodes.Unauthorized)
with SessionResult a case class wrapping the sessionToken that I would provide to the subsequents routes. In place of the suspension points, I'm forced to await for the Promise result, because if I implement the onComplete ... Success ... Failure pattern, like in the following:
onComplete(this.performAuthentication(sessionToken)) {
case Success(value) if (value.isAuthenticated) => provide(SessionToken(sessionToken))
case Failure(ex) => failWith(ex)
case _ => complete(StatusCodes.Unauthorized)
the compiler warns me that provide and complete returns two different types... and it's right.
My question is: is there a way to write an asynchronous Directive that could also provide some value, that could be placed in the normal route definition?
I think you could create a Directive like this
type Token = String
def checkRequest(f: HttpRequest => Future[Token])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Directive1[Token] =
Directive { inner => ctx =>
val futureToken = f(ctx.request)
futureToken.flatMap(tkn => inner(Tuple1(tkn))(ctx))
You can create this directive by giving it a function that does the authentication. If you want to handle rejections as well Token could be an Either[ErrorAuth, Token]

Possible to offload route completion DSL to actors in akka-http?

I have become interested in the akka-http implementation but one thing that strikes me as kind of an anti-pattern is the creation of a DSL for all routing, parsing of parameters, error handling and so on. The examples given in the documents are trivial in the extreme. However I saw a route of a real product on the market and it was a massive 10k line file with mesting many levels deep and a ton of business logic in the route. Real world systems ahave to deal with users passing bad parameters, not having the right permissions and so on so the simple DSL explodes fast in real life. To me the optimal solution would be to hand off the route completion to actors, each with the same api who will then do what is needed to complete the route. This would spread out the logic and enable maintainable code but after hours I have been unable to manage it. With the low level API I can pass off the HttpRequest and handle it the old way but that leaves me out of most of the tools in the DSL. So is there a way I could pass something to an actor that would enable it to continue the DSL at that point, handling route specific stuff? I.e. I am talking about something like this:
class MySlashHandler() extends Actor {
def receive = {
case ctxt: ContextOfSomeKind =>
decodeRequest {
// unmarshal with in-scope unmarshaller
entity(as[Order]) { order =>
sender ! "Order received"
val route =
pathEndOrSingleSlash {
get { ctxt =>
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(classOf[MySlashHandler]))
complete(actor ? ctxt)
Naturally that wont even compile. Despite my best efforts i haven't found a type for ContextOfSomeKind or how to re-enter the DSL once I am inside the actor. It could be this isnt possible. If not I dont think I like the DSL because it encourages what I would consider horrible programming methodology. Then the only problem with the low level API is getting access to the entity marshallers but I would rather do that then make a massive app in a single source file.
Offload Route Completion
Answering your question directly: a Route is nothing more than a function. The definition being:
type Route = (RequestContext) => Future[RouteResult]
Therefore you can simply write a function that does what you are look for, e.g. sends the RequestContext to an Actor and gets back the result:
class MySlashHandler extends Actor {
val routeHandler = (_ : RequestContext) => complete("Actor Complete")
override def receive : Receive = {
case requestContext : RequestContext => routeHandler(requestContext) pipeTo sender
val actorRef : ActorRef = actorSystem actorOf (Props[MySlashHandler])
val route : Route =
(requestContext : RequestContext) => (actorRef ? requestContext).mapTo[RouteResult]
Actors Don't Solve Your Problem
The problem you are trying to deal with is the complexity of the real world and modelling that complexity in code. I agree this is an issue, but an Actor isn't your solution. There are several reasons to avoid Actors for the design solution you seek:
There are compelling arguments against putting business logic in
Akka-http uses akka-stream under the hood. Akka stream uses Actors under the hood. Therefore, you are trying to escape a DSL based on composable Actors by using Actors. Water isn't usually the solution for a drowning person...
The akka-http DSL provides a lot of compile time checks that are washed away once you revert to the non-typed receive method of an Actor. You'll get more run time errors, e.g. dead letters, by using Actors.
Route Organization
As stated previously: a Route is a simple function, the building block of scala. Just because you saw an example of a sloppy developer keeping all of the logic in 1 file doesn't mean that is the only solution.
I could write all of my application code in the main method, but that doesn't make it good functional programming design. Similarly, I could write all of my collection logic in a single for-loop, but I usually use filter/map/reduce.
The same organizing principles apply to Routes. Just from the most basic perspective you could break up the Route logic according to method type:
object GetLogic {
val getRoute = get {
complete("get received")
object PutLogic {
val putRoute = put {
complete("put received")
Another common organizing principle is to keep your business logic separate from your Route logic:
object BusinessLogic {
type UserName = String
type UserId = String
//isolated business logic
val dbLookup(userId : UserId) : UserName = ???
val businessRoute = get {
entity(as[String]) { userId => complete(dbLookup(userId)) }
These can then all be combined in your main method:
val finalRoute : Route =
GetLogic.getRoute ~ PutLogic.putRoute ~ BusinessLogic.businessRoute
The routing DSL can be misleading because it sort of looks like magic at times, but underneath it's just plain-old functions which scala can organize and isolate just fine...
I encountered a problem like this last week as well. Eventually I ended up at this blog and decided to go the same way as described there.
I created a custom directive which makes it possible for me to pass request contexts to Actors.
def imperativelyComplete(inner: ImperativeRequestContext => Unit): Route = { ctx: RequestContext =>
val p = Promise[RouteResult]()
inner(new ImperativeRequestContext(ctx, p))
Now I can use this in my Routes file like this:
val route =
put {
imperativelyComplete { ctx =>
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf(Props(classOf[RequestHandler], ctx))
actor ! HandleRequest
With my RequestHandler Actor looking like the following:
class RequestHandler(ctx: ImperativeRequestContext) extends Actor {
def receive: Receive = {
case handleRequest: HandleRequest =>
someActor ! DoSomething() // will return SomethingDone to the sender
case somethingDone: SomethingDone =>
ctx.complete("Done handling request")
I hope this brings you into the direction of finding a better solution. I am not sure if this solution should be the way to go, but up until now it works out really well for me.

multipart form data in Lagom

I want to have a service which receives an item object, the object contains; name, description, price and picture.
the other attributes are strings which easily can be sent as Json object but for including picture what is the best solution?
if multipart formdata is the best solution how it is handled in Lagom?
You may want to check the file upload example in the lagom-recipes repository on GitHub.
Basically, the idea is to create an additional Play router. After that, we have to tell Lagom to use it as noted in the reference documentation (this feature is available since 1.5.0). Here is how the router might look like:
class FileUploadRouter(action: DefaultActionBuilder,
parser: PlayBodyParsers,
implicit val exCtx: ExecutionContext) {
private def fileHandler: FilePartHandler[File] = {
case FileInfo(partName, filename, contentType, _) =>
val tempFile = {
val f = new"./target/file-upload-data/uploads", UUID.randomUUID().toString).getAbsoluteFile
val sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[IOResult]] = FileIO.toPath(tempFile.toPath)
val acc: Accumulator[ByteString, IOResult] = Accumulator(sink) {
case, _) =>
FilePart(partName, filename, contentType, tempFile)
val router = Router.from {
case POST(p"/api/files") =>
action(parser.multipartFormData(fileHandler)) { request =>
val files =
Results.Ok(files.mkString("Uploaded[", ", ", "]"))
And then, we simply tell Lagom to use it
override lazy val lagomServer =
Alternatively, we can make use of the PlayServiceCall class. Here is a simple sketch on how to do that provided by James Roper from the Lightbend team:
// The type of the service call is NotUsed because we are handling it out of band
def myServiceCall: ServiceCall[NotUsed, Result] = PlayServiceCall { wrapCall =>
// Create a Play action to handle the request
EssentialAction { requestHeader =>
// Now we create the sink for where we want to stream the request to - eg it could
// go to a file, a database, some other service. The way Play gives you a request
// body is that you need to return a sink from EssentialAction, and when it gets
// that sink, it stream the request body into that sink.
val sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[Done]] = ...
// Play wraps sinks in an abstraction called accumulator, which makes it easy to
// work with the result of handling the sink. An accumulator is like a future, but
// but rather than just being a value that will be available in future, it is a
// value that will be available once you have passed a stream of data into it.
// We wrap the sink in an accumulator here.
val accumulator: Accumulator[ByteString, Done] = Accumulator.forSink(sink)
// Now we have an accumulator, but we need the accumulator to, when it's done,
// produce an HTTP response. Right now, it's just producing akka.Done (or whatever
// your sink materialized to). So we flatMap it, to handle the result.
accumulator.flatMap { done =>
// At this point we create the ServiceCall, the reason we do that here is it means
// we can access the result of the accumulator (in this example, it's just Done so
// not very interesting, but it could be something else).
val wrappedAction = wrapCall(ServiceCall { notUsed =>
// Here is where we can do any of the actual business logic, and generate the
// result that can be returned to Lagom to be serialized like normal
// Now we invoke the wrapped action, and run it with no body (since we've already
// handled the request body with our sink/accumulator.
Generally speaking, it probably isn't a good idea to use Lagom for that purpose. As noted on the GitHub issue on PlayServiceCall documentation:
Many use cases where we fallback to PlayServiceCall are related to presentation or HTTP-specific use (I18N, file upload, ...) which indicate: coupling of the lagom service to the presentation layer or coupling of the lagom service to the transport.
Quoting James Roper again (a few years back):
So currently, multipart/form-data is not supported in Lagom, at least not out of the box. You can drop down to a lower level Play API to handle it, but perhaps it would be better to handle it in a web gateway, where any files handled are uploaded directly to a storage service such as S3, and then a Lagom service might store the meta data associated with it.
You can also check the discussion here, which provides some more insight.

Akka: when is it safe to send a message

I am creating an actor via:
I usually block the thread calling system.actorOf till actorSelection works.
Await.result(system.actorSelection("/user/" + name).resolveOne(), timeout.duration)
I am wondering if this is at all needed or I can immediately start using the actorRef and send (tell) messages to the actor/actor pool.
So the question boils down to, if I have an actorRef, does that mean the mailbox is already created or it might so happen that the messages I sent immediately after calling system.actorOf might get dropped?
If you drill down the the implementation of system.actorOf, you see a call to a method names makeChild. Internally, this utilizes a lengthy method on the ActorRefProvider trait (internally using LocalActorRefProvider) called actorOf. This rather lengthy method initializes the child actor. Relevant parts are:
val props2 =
// mailbox and dispatcher defined in deploy should override props
(if (lookupDeploy) deployer.lookup(path) else deploy) match {
case Some(d) ⇒
(d.dispatcher, d.mailbox) match {
case (Deploy.NoDispatcherGiven, Deploy.NoMailboxGiven) ⇒ props
case (dsp, Deploy.NoMailboxGiven) ⇒ props.withDispatcher(dsp)
case (Deploy.NoMailboxGiven, mbx) ⇒ props.withMailbox(mbx)
case (dsp, mbx) ⇒ props.withDispatcher(dsp).withMailbox(mbx)
case _ ⇒ props // no deployment config found
Or if a Router is explicitly provided:
val routerDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(p.routerConfig.routerDispatcher)
val routerMailbox = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(routerProps, routerDispatcher.configurator.config)
// routers use context.actorOf() to create the routees, which does not allow us to pass
// these through, but obtain them here for early verification
val routeeDispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup(p.dispatcher)
val routeeMailbox = system.mailboxes.getMailboxType(routeeProps, routeeDispatcher.configurator.config)
new RoutedActorRef(system, routerProps, routerDispatcher, routerMailbox, routeeProps, supervisor, path).initialize(async)
Which means that once you get back an ActorRef, the mailbox has been initialized and you shouldn't be scared of sending it messages.
If you think about the semantics of what an ActorRef stands for, it would be a bit pointless to provide one with an ActorRef which is partly/not initialized. It would make system guarantees weak and would make the programmer think twice before passing messages, which is the opposite desire of the framework.