Implementing a higher order function that performs currying in scala - scala

A coworker of mine sent me a question as follows:
Implement a HOF(higher order function) that performs currying, the
signature of your function is as follows:
def curry[A,B,C](f:(A,B) => C) : A => B => C
Similarly, implement a function that performs uncurrying as follows:
def uncurry[A,B,C](f:A => B => C): (A,B) => C
The way I understand currying is that if you have a function that takes multiple parameters, you can repeatedly apply the function to each one of the paramaters until you get the result.
So something along the lines of f:(A,B) => C turns into A => f(A,_) => f(B)????
And uncurrying would be to consolidate this application into one function as follows:
f:A=>B=>C would be f(A,B)?
Maybe I am just being confused by the syntax here but it would be great if somebody could point out what I am missing here.

Hopefully this fully worked example with a bunch of comments is easy to understand. Please reply if you have questions.
You can execute this code by dropping it in a Scala interpreter.
// Here's a trait encapsulating the definition your coworker sent.
trait Given {
def curry[A,B,C](f:(A,B) => C) : A => B => C
def uncurry[A,B,C](f:A => B => C): (A,B) => C
object Impl extends Given {
// I'm going to implement uncurry first because it's the easier of the
// two to understand. The bit in curly braces after the equal sign is a
// function literal which takes two arguments and applies the to (i.e.
// uses it as the arguments for) a function which returns a function.
// It then passes the second argument to the returned function.
// Finally it returns the value of the second function.
def uncurry[A,B,C](f:A => B => C): (A,B) => C = { (a: A, b: B) => f(a)(b) }
// The bit in curly braces after the equal sign is a function literal
// which takes one argument and returns a new function. I.e., curry()
// returns a function which when called returns another function
def curry[A,B,C](f:(A,B) => C) : A => B => C = { (a: A) => { (b: B) => f(a,b) } }
def add(a: Int, b: Long): Double = a.toDouble + b
val spicyAdd = Impl.curry(add)
println(spicyAdd(1)(2L)) // prints "3.0"
val increment = spicyAdd(1) // increment holds a function which takes a long and adds 1 to it.
println(increment(1L)) // prints "2.0"
val unspicedAdd = Impl.uncurry(spicyAdd)
println(unspicedAdd(4, 5L)) // prints "9.0"
How about a less numerical example?
def log(level: String, message: String) {
println("%s: %s".format(level, message))
val spicyLog = Impl.curry(log) // spicyLog's type is String => Unit
val logDebug = spicyLog("debug") // This new function will always prefix the log
// message with "debug".
val logWarn = spicyLog("warn") // This new function will always prefix the log
// message with "warn".
logDebug("Hi, sc_ray!") // prints "debug: Hi, sc_ray!"
logWarn("Something is wrong.") // prints "warn: Something is wrong."
You replied asking "How does the compiler evaluate expressions such as a => b => f(a,b)." Well it doesn't. At least the way things are defined in your coworker's snippet, that wouldn't compile. In general, though, if you see something of the form A => B => C that means "a function which takes an A as an argument; it returns a function which takes a B as an argument and returns a C."

I'm not sure I really understand your question - what would you like to know, besides the actual implementation? As described, it should be quite trivial:
def curry[A,B,C](f:(A,B) => C): A => B => C =
a => b => f(a,b)
What a => b => f(a,b) means is, "a function of one argument, a, whose return value is b => f(a,b) which is again, a function of one argument, b, whose return value is what you get of you execute f(a,b) (whose type is C)"
a => b => f(a, b) can be written slightly more verbosely if it helps?
{ (a: A) => { // a function of *one* argument, `a`
(b: B) => { // a function of *one* argument, `b`
f(a, b) // whose return value is what you get of you execute `f(a,b)` (whose type is `C`)
def uncurry[A,B,C](f:A => B => C): (A,B) => C =
(a, b) => f(a)(b)
Where (a, b) => f(a)(b) means, "A function of two arguments (a, b), whose return value is what you get when you first apply a to the HoF f, which returns a function that in turn consumes the b to return a C".
Does that help?


Error while passing a tuple to a generic method

Here is a function to memoize /cache intermediate result :
def memoize[I, O](f: I => O) = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[I, O]() {
override def apply(key: I): O = getOrElseUpdate(key, f(key))
This works fine for code like below,
val double: Int=>Int = memoize {
However, when I try to use tuple as input parameter(I) it shows compile time error,
val isGivenNumIsHead:(List[Int], Int) => Boolean = memoize {
case (Nil, _) => false
case (a:: as, n) => a == n
Compile time error is :
Expression of type mutable.HashMap[Nothing, Boolean] {def apply(key: Nothing): Boolean} doesn't conform to expected type (List[Int], Int) => Boolean
Is this something related to erasure.
How do i fix it ?
I am assuming you want to use the tuple as the key in the HashMap. With that in mind, here is the explanation.
The actual return type of memoize is scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[_,_] . That is being assigned to double which is of type Int => Int or Function1[Int,Int] ( a function that takes an integer and gives an interger). The compiler doesnt throw an error because mutable.HashMap extends scala.collection.mutable.MapLike which in turn extends scala.collection.MapLike which in turn extends scala.PartialFunction[A, B] which in turn extends scala.Function1[A, B]. Hence there is no compilation error.
On the other hand, the syntax for functions taking one parameter and returning one value is val functionName : A => B = a => {return b} or can be written as val function : (A) => B = a => {return b} or val function: (A => B) = a => {return b}. You have used the second method. In that case, the value of A should be of single type. You have used List[Int],Int which is not a single type. Note that I intentionally removed the brackets. So in order to make that as a single type and to pass it as a tuple, you have to use one more set of brackets. The correct syntax would be
val isGivenNumIsHead:((List[Int], Int)) => Boolean = memoize {
case (Nil, _) => false
case (a:: as, n) => a == n
Note the usage of additional brackets to make it a tuple.

Understanding Scala: passing functions as arguments

I'm starting to learn Scala and I've come across a snippet from the Programming in Scala textbook which I don't quite understand. Was hoping some one could help me?
This is from Listing 9.1 from Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition.
object FileMatcher {
private def filesHere = (new".")).listFiles
private def filesMatching(matcher: String => Boolean) =
for (file <- filesHere; if matcher(file.getName)) yield file
def filesEnding(query: String) =
filesMatching(_.endsWith(query)) // ???
def filesContaining(query: String) =
filesMatching(_.contains(query)) // ???
def filesRegex(query: String) =
filesMatching(_.matches(query)) // ???
I'm a little confused with the lines that have // ???. Does the use of the _ somehow create an anonymous function that is passed to filesMatching? Or does the _ have nothing to do with this, and instead the compiler sees that filesMatching requires a function and therefore doesn't execute _.endsWith(query) as an expression but instead makes the expression a function?
extended definition
Anonymous function are defined, in their more verbose and complete form, as
(a: A, b: B, ...) => function body //using a, b, ...
(a: String, b: String) => a ++ b // concatenates 2 Strings
inferred types
if the context provides the needed information (as when a higher order function expects a specific signature for its function arguments), you can omit the parameters' types, as
(a, b, ...) => function body //using a, b, ...
val l = List(1, 2, 3)
//you can omit the type because filter on List[Int] expects a (Int => Boolean)
l.filter(i => i < 3)
placeholder syntax
Finally you can use a shorter form still, if your parameters are used once each and in the same order that you declare them, by the function body, as
_ ++ _ // which is equivalent to (a, b) => a ++ b
Each _ is a placeholder for the function's arguments
filesMatching's argument is a function of type String => Boolean so you can use
_.endsWith(query) // equivalent to (s: String) => s.endsWith(query)
_.contains(query) // equivalent to (s: String) => s.contains(query)
_.matches(query) // equivalent to (s: String) => s.matches(query)
The _ as used here is shorthand for a function argument. Thus filesMatching(_.endsWith(query)) is equivalent to filesMatching(f => f.endsWith(query)). As filesMatching has as argument a function of String => Boolean, the compiler can infer that f is expected to be a String here. So you are right that this expression is an anonymous function.
This kind of operation is best done by defining function types. I found an excellent demonstration here. Combined with this post, the demonstration should clarify best practices for passing functions as arguments

How do I simplify this transitive application in Scala

For a given function call f, with arguments a, b, and c, that calls function g using functions h and i to build the arguments, I can say:
f(a)(b)(c) = g( h(a)(b)(c), i(a)(b)(c) )
I know that I can create a function such that:
g'(h,i)(a)(b)(c) = g(h(a)(b)(c), i(a)(b)(c))
so that f can be
f = g'(h,i)
and thusly applying f(a)(b)(c) will yield the desired result.
I can brute force this from (where f becomes build):
def build(a: String)(b: String)(c: String) =
Message(convA(a)(b)(c), convB(a)(b)(c))
to (given that h and i aren't important to be arguments, maybe this is where the disconnect is):
def gDash = {
a:String => b: String => c: String => Message(convA(a)(b)(c), convB(a)(b)(c))
def build = a:String => b:String => c:String => gDash(a,b,c)
but I still have to specify the entire typing for (a,b,c). But I've gone from something that should be more complex and fragile to something simpler, but the implementation is actually a bigger mess! Is there a way to simplify this that doesn't require all this?
If I tupleize the arguments so that:
def gDash = implicit composite:(String,String,String) => Message(convA, convB)
def convA(composite: s) => ...
def convB(composite: s) => ...
def f(a: String)(b: String)(c: String) = gDash((a,b,c))
I'm not sure that's actually better, I feel like I'm missing something.
Methods require you to be explicit with parameters. Tuples can have type aliases assigned to them, which can help with the excess typing:
type S3 = (String, String, String)
And you can go back and forth between functions (A, B) => C and A => B => C with curried and Function.uncurried.
These give you the tools that you need to make more compact representations of your functions. For example, if you want something called build that has form String => String => String => Whatever, you could
val build = ((abc: S3) => Message(convA(abc), convB(abc)).curried
and then if you want to write gDash in place of Message you could do something like
def dash[A,B,C,D,E](g: (A,B) => C)(h: E=>A, i: E=>B): E => C =
(e: E) => g(h(e),i(e))
and then uncurry on the way in if you want E to actually be three separate string parameters.

How is a match word omitted in Scala?

In Scala, you can do
list.filter { item =>
item match {
case Some(foo) => > 0
But you can also do the quicker way by omitting match:
list.filter {
case Some(foo) => > 0
How is this supported in Scala? Is this new in 2.9? I have been looking for it, and I can figure out what makes this possible. Is it just part of the Scala compiler?
Edit: parts of this answer are wrong; please refer to huynhjl's answer.
If you omit the match, you signal the compiler that you are defining a partial function. A partial function is a function that is not defined for every input value. For instance, your filter function is only defined for values of type Some[A] (for your custom type A).
PartialFunctions throw a MatchError when you try to apply them where they are not defined. Therefore, you should make sure, when you pass a PartialFunction where a regular Function is defined, that your partial function will never be called with an unhanded argument. Such a mechanism is very useful e.g. for unpacking tuples in a collection:
val tupleSeq: Seq[(Int, Int)] = // ...
val sums = { case (i1, i2) => i1 + i2 }
APIs which ask for a partial function, like the collect filter-like operation on collections, usually call isDefinedAt before applying the partial function. There, it is safe (and often wanted) to have a partial function that is not defined for every input value.
So you see that although the syntax is close to that of a match, it is actually quite a different thing we're dealing with.
The language specification addresses that in section 8.5. The relevant portions:
An anonymous function can be defined by a sequence of cases
{ case p1 => b1 ... case pn => bn }
If the expected type is scala.Functionk[S1, ..., Sk, R] , the expression is taken to
be equivalent to the anonymous function:
(x1 : S1, ..., xk : Sk) => (x1, ..., xk) match {
case p1 => b1 ... case pn => bn
If the expected type is scala.PartialFunction[S, R], the expression is taken to
be equivalent to the following instance creation expression:
new scala.PartialFunction[S, T ] {
def apply(x: S): T = x match {
case p1 => b1 ... case pn => bn
def isDefinedAt(x: S): Boolean = {
case p1 => true ... case pn => true
case _ => false
So typing the expression as PartialFunction or a Function influences how the expression is compiled.
Also trait PartialFunction [-A, +B] extends (A) ⇒ B so a partial function PartialFunction[A,B] is also a Function[A,B].
-- Revised post --
Hmm, I'm not sure I see a difference, Scala 2.9.1.RC3,
val f: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case 2 => 3 }
f.isDefinedAt(1) // evaluates to false
f.isDefinedAt(2) // evaluates to true
f(1) // match error
val g: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = x => x match { case 2 => 3 }
g.isDefinedAt(1) // evaluates to false
g.isDefinedAt(2) // evaluates to true
g(1) // match error
It seems f and g behave exactly the same as PartialFunctions.
Here's another example demonstrating the equivalence:
Seq(1, "a").collect(x => x match { case s: String => s }) // evaluates to Seq(a)
Even more interesting:
// this compiles
val g: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = (x: Int) => {x match { case 2 => 3 }}
// this fails; found Function[Int, Int], required PartialFunction[Int, Int]
val g: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = (x: Int) => {(); x match { case 2 => 3 }}
So there's some special casing at the compiler level to convert between x => x match {...} and just {...}.
Update. After reading the language spec, this seems like a bug to me. I filed SI-4940 in the bug tracker.

Cartesian Product and Map Combined in Scala

This is a followup to: Expand a Set of Sets of Strings into Cartesian Product in Scala
The idea is you want to take:
val sets = Set(Set("a","b","c"), Set("1","2"), Set("S","T"))
and get back:
Set("a&1&S", "a&1&T", "a&2&S", ..., "c&2&T")
A general solution is:
def combine[A](f:(A, A) => A)(xs:Iterable[Iterable[A]]) =
xs.reduceLeft { (x, y) => x.view.flatMap {a =>, _)) } }
used as follows:
val expanded = combine{(x:String, y:String) => x + "&" + y}(sets).toSet
Theoretically, there should be a way to take input of type Set[Set[A]] and get back a Set[B]. That is, to convert the type while combining the elements.
An example usage would be to take in sets of strings (as above) and output the lengths of their concatenation. The f function in combine would something of the form:
(a:Int, b:String) => a + b.length
I was not able to come up with an implementation. Does anyone have an answer?
If you really want your combiner function to do the mapping, you can use a fold but as Craig pointed out you'll have to provide a seed value:
def combine[A, B](f: B => A => B, zero: B)(xs: Iterable[Iterable[A]]) =
xs.foldLeft(Iterable(zero)) {
(x, y) => x.view flatMap { y map f(_) }
The fact that you need such a seed value follows from the combiner/mapper function type (B, A) => B (or, as a curried function, B => A => B). Clearly, to map the first A you encounter, you're going to need to supply a B.
You can make it somewhat simpler for callers by using a Zero type class:
trait Zero[T] {
def zero: T
object Zero {
implicit object IntHasZero extends Zero[Int] {
val zero = 0
// ... etc ...
Then the combine method can be defined as:
def combine[A, B : Zero](f: B => A => B)(xs: Iterable[Iterable[A]]) =
xs.foldLeft(Iterable(implicitly[Zero[B]].zero)) {
(x, y) => x.view flatMap { y map f(_) }
combine((b: Int) => (a: String) => b + a.length)(sets)
Scalaz provides a Zero type class, along with a lot of other goodies for functional programming.
The problem that you're running into is that reduce(Left|Right) takes a function (A, A) => A which doesn't allow you to change the type. You want something more like foldLeft which takes (B, A) ⇒ B, allowing you to accumulate an output of a different type. folds need a seed value though, which can't be an empty collection here. You'd need to take xs apart into a head and tail, map the head iterable to be Iterable[B], and then call foldLeft with the mapped head, the tail, and some function (B, A) => B. That seems like more trouble than it's worth though, so I'd just do all the mapping up front.
def combine[A, B](f: (B, B) => B)(g: (A) => B)(xs:Iterable[Iterable[A]]) = { (x, y) => x.view.flatMap {a =>, _)) } }
val sets = Set(Set(1, 2, 3), Set(3, 4), Set(5, 6, 7))
val expanded = combine{(x: String, y: String) => x + "&" + y}{(i: Int) => i.toString}(sets).toSet