Can SC.get return tracks from two specific users? - soundcloud

I'd like to specify two user id's in SoundCloud's SC.get('/tracks') function. Is this possible?
something like this:
function getTracks() {
SC.get('/tracks', {
user_ids: {user_id: 00001, user_id: 000002}
}, function(tracks) {
// build a list of tracks from the two soundcloud users

It is not possible to filter the /tracks endpoint on user. Sorry!
The closest thing you can do is grab the tracks for each user individually:
SC.get('/users/<user_id>/tracks', function(tracks) {
So you could do two calls to SC.get() and combine the results.


Inconsistent results with Meteor's pub/sub feature

I'm experiencing inconsistent results with Meteor's pub/sub feature, and I suspect it's a source of confusion for a lot of developers hitting the threshold of an MVP built in Meteor becoming a production app.
Maybe this is a limitation of MergeBox:
Let's say I have a collection called Events, in which I have document-oriented structures, ie, nested Array, Objects. An Events document might look like so:
// an Events document //
_id: 'abc',
name: 'Some Event',
participation: {
'userOneId': {
games: {
'gameOneId': {
score: 100,
bonus: 10
'gameTwoId': : {
score: 100,
bonus: 10
'userTwoId': {
games: {
'gameOneId': {
score: 70,
bonus: 15
contests: {
'contestOneId': [2, 3, 6, 7, 4],
'contestTwoId': [9, 3, 7, 2, 1],
So at these events, users can optionally participate in games of certain types and contests of certain types.
Now, I want to restrict subscriptions to the Events collection based on the user (show only this user's participation), and, sometimes I'm only interested in changes to one subset of the data (like, show only the user's scores on 'gameOneId').
So I've created a publication like so:
Meteor.publish("events.participant", function(eventId, userId) {
if(!Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId})) return this.ready();
check(eventId, String);
check(userId, String);
const includeFields = {
name: 1,
[`participation.${userId}`]: 1
return Events.find({_id: eventId}, {fields: includeFields});
This publication seems to work fine on the client if I do:
// in onCreated of events template //
template.autorun(function() {
eventId = FlowRouter.getParam('id'),
userId = Meteor.userId(),
subscription = template.subscribe('events.participant', eventId, userId);
if (subscription.ready()) {
const event = Events.findOne({_id: eventId}, parseIncludeFields(['name', `participation.${userId}`]));
Happily, I can use the Event document returned that includes only the name field and all of the user's participation data.
But, later, in another template if I do:
// in onCreated of games template //
template.autorun(function() {
eventId = FlowRouter.getParam('id')
gameId = FlowRouter.getParam('gameId'),
userId = Meteor.userId(),
subscription = template.subscribe('events.participant', eventId, userId);
if(subscription.ready()) {
const event = Events.findOne({_id: eventId}, {fields: {[`participation.${userId}.games.${gameId}`]: 1}});
I sometimes get back the data at event.participation[userId].games[gameId], and sometimes I don't - the Object that's suppose to be at gameId is non-existent, even the it exists in the Mongo document, and the subscription should include it. Why?
The only difference is between the two calls to Events.findOne() is that in the latter, I'm not requesting the name field. But, if this is a problem, why?. If minimongo already has the document, who cares if I request parts of it?
The subscriptions in both templates are identical - I'm doing this because the games template is available at a route, so the user could go straight to the games url, by-passing the events template altogether, so I want to be sure the client has the document it needs to render correctly.
The only way I've gotten around this is to make a straight Meteor method call to the server in the games template to fetch the subset of interest, but this seems like a cop-out.
If you've read this far, you're a champ!

Where to put version __v in redux state?

I have a model that is scattered all around the application. I have a redux state tree:
page: {
modelPart1: ...,
... : {
modelPart2: ...
I need to keep a reference to mongoDb __v in my state too. Where is the best place to place it?
I was thinking about a separate branch model_metadata that would keep the metadata about docs (_id, __v, ...).
model_metadata: { <------------------------ HERE
model: {
_id: id,
__v: 2
page: {
modelPart1: ...,
... : {
modelPart2: ...
Is it a valid approach or would you recommend a different one?
Every reducer only can access its own part of state, so when you do
and access state in one, it is equivalent to doing store.getState().one, and the same for another. So, you need to split the data in page property of state into two parts: actual data and metadata. Just like the object you retrieve from Mongo.
The point in having metadata and actual data being processed by the same reducer is that every time a reducer function is performed, you have everything you need about your object in state argument of that function. Splitting the data into two different reducers would make things way more complicated.
So, the new data representation in page would look like
model_metadata: { <------------------------ HERE
model: {
_id: id,
__v: 2
page: {
modelPart1: ...,
... : {
modelPart2: ...
while connecting to page would look like
connect(state => ({

Send more than one term to algolia search

I'm implementing algolia search in my site and i want to get a set of data matching any id's i send to the search, so i need to know how could i send more than one parameter to the search, so i can send a set of ids, something like this:
let client = algoliasearch(APP_ID, API_KEY),
index = client.initIndex(INDEX_NAME);
let term=["3223212","2423434"];, callback)
This is not working right now, have any idea? or even how could i achieve my goal using another algolia feautre like filtering for instance?
If you're trying to retrieve objects by their objectIDs (which you can manually set at creation time to match your database ids), you can simply use the getObjects method.
Extract from the documentation:
You can also retrieve a set of objects:
index.getObjects(['myObj1', 'myObj2'], function(err, content) {
If you're trying to list all the records that belong to a group with a specific id, you can use a facet that will contain this id and filter on it.
Inside your record:
"group_id": "3223212",
// or
"group_ids": ["3223212", "2423434"]
Inside your index settings:
attributesForFaceting: [
At query time:
let ids = ["3223212", "2423434"];
let filters = => `group_id:${id}`).join(' OR ');'', { filters: filters }, callback);

Publish cursor with simplified array data

I need to publish a simplified version of posts to users. Each post includes a 'likes' array which includes all the users who liked/disliked that post, e.g:
_id: user_who_liked,
liked: 1 // or -1 for disliked
I'm trying to send a simplified version to the user who subscribes an array which just includes his/her like(s):
Meteor.publish('posts', function (cat) {
var _self = this;
return Songs.find({ category: cat, postedAt: { $gte: - 3600000 } }).forEach(function (post, index) {
if (_self.userId === post.likes[index]._id) {
} else
return post;
I know I could change the structure, including the 'likes' data within each user, but the posts are usually designed to be short-lived, to it's better to keep that data within each post.
You need to use this particular syntax to find posts having a likes field containing an array that contains at least one embedded document that contains the field by with the value this.userId.
Meteor.publish("posts", function (cat) {
return Songs.find({
category: cat,
postedAt: { $gte: - 3600000 },
EDIT : answer was previously using $elemMatch which is unnecessary because we only need to filter on one field.

How to know if a facebook friend has a significant other but does not want to disclose?

I am trying to use facebook api to get my friends' relationship status:
FB.api("/me/friends", {
fields: "id, name, relationship_status, significant_other, picture.type(large)"
}, function (response) {
if ( {
$.each(, function (index, data) {
if (data.significant_other) {
// If has a significant other
} else {
// If do not have a significant other
I tried to determine if a friend has a significant other by looking at the significant_other field. But how can I know if my friend has a significant other but doesn't want to disclose?
I have a solution. If relationship_status equals "In a relationship" but data.significant_other is not in the data. Then that means the friend has a significant_other but does not want to disclose.
If data isn't accessible via the API, there's no way to access that data via the API
This is pretty much a tautology, but if the data were accessible to you, you'd have it via the API call you just included in your question