What can i use to create db scheme in eclipse? - eclipse

I want to create db scheme in eclipse, but dont know what can i use for this. I try ERMaster http://ermaster.sourceforge.net/content/manual/en/index.html#3.1. . But it looks terrible. Can you tell me simple plug in for eclipse what can import db and show it's scheme?

ER-diagram-editor for eclipse
DB-schema-viewer for eclipse
Also this one isn't bad, but is not a plugin or extension for eclipse.

Jailer isn't an Eclipse plug-in but it is great for visualizing database tables.

I hope the following steps will solve for your request.
download jar file from here.
copy it in to the eclipse drop-in folder (example path: C:\eclipse\dropins).
restart eclipse.
then go through File->New->Other->ERMaster and create ER file.
Here is my reference link


Can´t run acceleo uml2java example

I´m beginning with Acceleo.
I installed eclipse-modeling-luna-M6-win32.
Then i installed acceleo by update on eclipse.
(is there any better option?)
Trying to use the uml2java example.
To run it i tried to run org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.
It gave me:
Couldn't load class org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main.Uml2java from project org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java
Couldn't load class org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main.Uml2java. Check that its containing package is exported.
I did not change the code.
I checked the MANIFEST and it has on the runtime: org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.main
I also saw that there is an UI project that as i understand is a plugin but i don´t know what to do with it (so that it will create a new menu on eclipse).
Any help is appreciated!!
it worked using eclipse indigo with the latest acceleo. i don´t know if it´s possible to use a more recent eclipse version. also works with eclipse kepler.
This fixed the problem for me. Try adding the "bin/" directory to the Classpath in the Manifest file.
Right click the MANIFEST.MF file and "Open With >" "Plug-in Manifest Editor".
This gives some tabs at the bottom. Use the "Runtime" tab. On the bottom right of this screen there is a place to edit the classpath. Add "bin/".
I got this idea from Etienne's answer in: Can't generate java from UML using Acceleo in Eclipse

Avoid file overwrites in NetBeans

I love Netbeans, but there's a "bug" or "way of doing things" that I don't like, and I want to know if there's something I could do to make it right:
I edit a example.css in Netbeans & save.
I edit example.css outside Netbeans & save.
I edit example.css in Netbeans again.
Problem: Changes in #2 were overwritten.
Do you know how to config Netbeans to check for updates on files before save?
Do you know a similar IDE for PHP that works with remote project similar to Netbeans?
In NetBeans: I think you should perform Source -> Scan for external before saving.
I believe this feature(Auto Refresh) is supported by by Eclipse new versions. If you want to switch your IDE, please download from here-->Eclipse for PHP Developers.
You may find steps to configure Eclipse with remote file system, please refer Getting Started with the Remote System Explorer.

Why we just can't download a jar file of Javadocs of SWT from the main website

For almost every library I've come to see a link of the JAVADOCS jar to be downloaded, plain and simple. Why There is no jar for SWT ? and if there is why it's not on their website ..
Please note that I know there is a version in Eclipse help, and there is an online version, which I can't link to cause It doesn't validate cause it's in php ! no Index.html found
Though that's not what I'm looking for I tried it, I'm using SWT.jar and I want to attach the javadocs jar to it so when CTRL+Space and highlight a method I just see the docs right away beside etc you know..
Anyway Because I think SWT is so great I feel like there is a simple way to do that and I just can't see it maybe. if there is nothing I think I should file a feature request or somethin' to them.
Ok I kinda knew this question was not going to get much interest, so I gave it another try and I came back cause I don't want anyone to waste 1 hour of trying to figure out something like that..
Download the swt zip
Go to eclipse and load existing project
you'll find src.zip in that project
unzip src.zip and copy the folder "org" org\eclipse\swt..
paste that folder in src (inside the project)
select org folder in eclipse then go to project >> generate javadocs
If you're in windows you probably going to press on (Configure) to pick up the Javadoc.exe file it's in the C:\programFiles\java\jdk-xyz\bin\
choose where you want to drop the doc files, next then finish
ok, just go to the files and zip it, P.S zip the files don't zip the folder which contains the files cause when you load the docs as archive and validate it won't see the index.html
if you want to know how to load the archive, google it's in (in project properties>> java buildpath >> libraries tab >> swt jar >> add jar >> add your SWT.jar then expand and edit the javadoc location..
That was Robo detailed I know, I just don't want someone to read this and still can't do it
The suggested way to develop SWT apps is by following the instructions at Developing SWT applications using Eclipse. Each download page of eclipse includes an SWT section with SWT source complete zips.
The second way as mentioned is to look in your eclipse/plugins directory and use the 2 arch compatible jars provided there:
The source jar can be attached so as to provide javadoc. The javadoc (for most of the API shipped with eclipse) is stored in the eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv_3.7.0.v20110602-0800.jar jar. If you unzip that, it should be in reference/api
I know that Eclipse is setting up a maven repository, although a quick scan for org.eclipse.swt only found 3.6.2 binaries and source. See http://maven.eclipse.org. They're still in they trail phase.

Migrating From NetBeans to Eclipse

My company wants to migrate to Eclipse, I was wondering what options besides an Ant build are there to move our projects from Netbeans to Eclipse.
Tooooo ... oooo .... oooo late to answer but this works
i was looking for an answer my self and saw this question :)
Here is a little tutorial on "Importing projects from NetBeans to Eclipse".
Please try this:
Open NebBeans.
Create a java project named "ToEclipse".
Build this project.
Then, NetBeans has created several folders. The important folders to us are (in my computer):
Go to Eclipse.
Create a java project in Eclipse named "ToEclipse".
Then, Eclipse has created several folders. The important folders to us are (in my computer):
Go to Windows Explorer.
Copy the FILE "ToEclipse.jar" at c:\Users\Almir\Eclipse\ToEclipse\bin folder.
Past it in c:\Users\Almir\Eclipse\ToEclipse\bin
Copy the FOLDER "toeclipse" at c:\User\Almir\NetBeans\ToEclipse\src folder.
Past it in b) c:\Users\Almir\Eclipse\ToEclipse\src folder.
Go to Eclipse.
Press F5 to refresh the view.
Verify that your project is there (under ToEclipse/src/toeclipse).
Say "Oh! Yes! It works!".
Run the project.
Return to 3) how many times you want!
I hope that helps you!
Kind regards,
Almir Campos
São Paulo, Brazil.
I found another easier way that worked for me at least since I had problems importing the Ant build script due to a missing javac.
Say you have your Netbeans project (src, build, dist etc) in D:/blah/
In Eclipse go to File->New->Java Project
Uncheck 'Use default location' and instead use the path where the Netbeans project is (D:/blah/) Eclipse should automatically populate everything else and link to the files as well.
I have recently 'migrated' from Netbeans to Eclipse and found it amazingly easy. The reason it was easy though is that all of our projects are IDE independent standard ant and ivy build scripts that most modern IDE's can understand. This way, we all get to use the IDE we like (yes - emacs and vi too) and their are no 'migration' issues.
The reason that I am pointing that out is that, if it is not already that way, I would recommend that you take that same path on your migration. Just create some standard ant (and ivy) build scripts. Eclipse knows how to slurp those in and there will be no future migration issues.
in MY PERSONAL experience, it was easy. I was migrating a java desktop app from netbeans to eclipse. Just copy my projects into the workspace, create the project in eclipse as a new java project and put the same name of the project in netbeans (use your workspace as location). It will recognize the project structure ( Eclipse Helios, Netbeans 6.8 )
Hope this helps. I don't know how hard it turns if you have another kind of project.
I just migrated a Netbeans 7.0 JSF web project to Eclipse. And it was easier than i would have imagined.
What i did was:
List item
Clean and build my JSF application in netbeans
Close netbeans and open Eclipse(i use galileo)
Create a new Dynamic Web Application.
Right click on the new web application in project explorer and go to import then to .WAR file
It then ask whether i want to import any of the jar files(libraries) as projects and i do not select any and just click finish.
Copied my netbeans src(source) folder /src/java/ to
the Eclipse src folder. e.g netbeansproject/medman/src/java/com to eclipseSpace/medman/src/
Next setup your server in Eclipse(i use tomcat 6.0).
And voila! it is done.
You can also check out this link. http://www.coderanch.com/t/458555/vc/Export-Netbeans-Eclipse
At my company people pretty much use either eclipse or Netbeans. I myself use both of them for various tasks. We write our own ant scripts to build and package our source so it does not matter what IDE a person uses. I would suggest that you create your own ant script to build your source, that way you won't have to depend on an IDE specific build script.

How to open Eclipse project as read-only?

Does anyone know is there a way to open a project in Eclipse in read-only mode? If there is a lot of similar projects open it is easy to make changes to a wrong one.
Putting project in read-only mode is really useful, when you make another instance from the previous project. So you copy all files from old project, then make changes in the new instance. It's really simple to edit files from old project by mistake (they have the same names)!
Serg if you use linux, I suggest to put all files in read only mode with chmod in terminal:
sudo chmod 444 -R /path/to/your/project
After this operation Eclipse will tell you that file you are trying to edit is in read-only mode. I think that's enough to make the previous project safe :)
One sub-optimal solution is to make the project directory read-only in the file system in the underlying OS. I'm not sure how eclipse will react though.
This feature is called "binary projects" and is provided by the eclipse plug-in developement environment (PDE). Note that this only works for eclipse plug-in project, see
Contributing to Eclipse - Principles, patterns and plug-ins
You can also use the close project/open project feature : close all projects and only open the one you need to work on ?