What is the purpose of ValidationResult.Success field? - entity-framework

public static readonly ValidationResult ValidationResult.Success
Represents the success of the validation (true if validation was
successful; otherwise, false).
The text in above excerpt doesn't make sense to me, since Success field doesn't return a value of type bool, and the value it does return ( ie ValidationResult instance ) doesn't contain any boolean property or field which we could set to a value indicating a success or failure of a validation?!
Any ideas what is the purpose of this field?

ValidationResult.Success is always constant null. Its purpose is documentation.
In order to succeed validation you could either write:
return null;
return ValidationResult.Success;
In the first case I ask myself "What does this mean? What does null mean? Is this success, or fail, or something else?". In the latter case the code is inherently documented without the need for informal text docs.


Can't assign non-nullable type to a nullable one

error: The argument type 'Future<List<GalleryPictureInfo>>' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Future<List<GalleryPictureInfo>>?'.
Is this Dart Analysis or me? The project still compiles.
Upd. Added code example
future: derpiService.getListOfImages(),
//other code
Future<List<GalleryPictureInfo>> getListOfImages(arguments) async {
List<GalleryPictureInfo> listOfImages = [];
var searchImages = await getSearchImages(tags: tags, page: page);
//adding images to List
return listOfImages;
It's something with FutureBuilder actually. I should've mention this.
Upd. "Fixed" with // ignore: argument_type_not_assignable
Looks like a problem with Dart Analysis for now
Upd. Error
It actually is an error which is pretty self explanatory.
The acutal error comes because of null safety in dart.
For ex:
void main(){
var number = getNumber(true);
int parsedNumber = int.parse(number);
String? getNumber(boolean value) {
if (value){
return null;
} else return "1";
So here, getNumber function either returns null or "1" depending upon the value of value variable. So, number variable's type is String?.
But the error shall arise in the next line when you try to call int.parse(). int.parse function takes an argument which should be a String but the value passed in the function is of type String?. So if we pass null in int.parse it shall throw an error.
That's why Dart analysis makes it easier to identify such cases by telling us that the value can be null and it might throw.
However the code depends upon your actual code of your project. It says that you are passing Future<List<GalleryPictureInfo>>? which is of nullable type to a function which requires Future<List<GalleryPictureInfo>>. So, before passing the value you might want to check if the value you are passing is not null.
If you are sure that the value can never be null then if for ex: if you are passing a variable called value, you might wanna try someFunctionWhereYouPassValue(value!)
That ! means that you are sure that the value will never be null.
For more details about null safety you can see:

Flutter null-safety conditionals in object methods

I'm just working through this whole null-safety mode with my Flutter project and unsure what the difference is with ? and ! in calls to object methods.
For example, the hint was to add a ! conditional. Here's an example I have right now, and I'm unsure if this should be a ? or a ! at the findNbr!.replaceAll().
Future checkItem({String? findNbr}) async {
int? x = int.tryParse(findNbr!.replaceAll('-', ''));
Does this mean replaceAll() will not run if findNbr is null?
Or should it be a ? instead? findNbr?.replaceAll()
EDIT: I just noticed I cannot use findNbr?, it's telling String? can't be assigned parameter String.
Or does it mean I say it's not null and run it anyway?
For your information, I have not come close to running my app yet so I have no idea if it even works. But I figure I better know what it's doing before get too much more done. I'm still in the process of converting everything and there's 75-100 dart files. I'm not sure I get the point of it all to be honest, because I just add ? to everything, so its all nullable anyway.
Future checkItem({String? findNbr}) async {
int? x = int.tryParse(findNbr!.replaceAll('-', ''));
Does this mean replaceAll() will not run if findNbr is null?
Correct. If findNbr is null, then findNbr! will throw a runtime exception. That would be bad, especially since checkItem's function signature advertises that findNbr is allowed to be null, and therefore it would violate callers' expectations.
Or should it be a ? instead? findNbr?.replaceAll()
EDIT: I just noticed I cannot use findNbr?, it's telling String? can't be assigned parameter String.
You can't use findNbr?.replaceAll(...) because if findNbr is null, then it would be invoking int.tryParse(null), but int.tryParse is not allowed to take a null argument.
What you need to do is one of:
Make findNbr no longer optional:
Future checkItem({required String findNbr}) async {
int? x = int.tryParse(findNbr.replaceAll('-', ''));
Allow findNbr to be optional but have a non-null default value:
Future checkItem({String findNbr = ''}) async {
int? x = int.tryParse(findNbr.replaceAll('-', ''));
Allow findNbr to be optional but explicitly decide what to do if it is null. For example:
Future checkItem({String? findNbr}) async {
int? x = findNbr == null ? null : int.tryParse(findNbr.replaceAll('-', ''));
I'm not sure I get the point of it all to be honest, because I just add ? to everything, so its all nullable anyway.
If you blindly add ? to all types and add ! to all variables, then yes, null-safety would be pointless: doing that would give you the same behavior as Dart before null-safety.
The point of null-safety is to prevent things that shouldn't be null from ever being null. You could have written such code before, but without null-safety, that meant performing runtime null checks (e.g. assert(x != null);, if (x != null) { ... }, or relying on a null-pointer-exception to crash the program if null was used where it wasn't expected). Null-safety means that such checks now can be done at build-time by static analysis, which means that errors can be caught earlier and more completely. Furthermore, whereas previously functions needed to explicitly document whether arguments and return values were allowed to be null (and inadequate or incorrect documentation could be a source of errors), now they're self-documenting in that regard. It's just like using int foo(String s) versus dynamic foo(dynamic s); using strong types catches errors earlier and better describes the function's contract.
I recommend reading Understanding Null Safety if you haven't already done so.
I would like to advice you to use the ! operator, also the called bang operator, as little as possible. You should only use this operator when the dart analyser is wrong and you know for 100% that the value will never be null.
Below is an example of where the dart analyser would be wrong and you should use the bang operator.
// We have a class dog with a nullable name.
class Dog {
String? name;
void main() {
// We create a dog without a name.
final dog = Dog();
// We assign the dog a name.
dog.name = 'George';
// The dart analyser will show an error because it can't know if the
// name of the object is not null.
// Will throw: `A value of type 'String?' can't be assigned to a
// variable of type 'String'`.
String myDogsName = dog.name;
// To avoid this, you should use the bang operator because you `know` it
// is not null.
String myDogsName = dog.name!;
The ? operator simply tells Dart that the value can be null. So every time you want to place a ? operator, ask yourself, can this value ever be null?
The null safety features in Dart are mainly created for helping the developer remember when a value can be null. Dart will now simply tell you when you made a variable nullable in order to force null checks or default values for example.

dart gRPC: what the meaning of the function?

I'm new in flutter(dart) gRPC. I'm learing the tutorial given by https://grpc.io/docs/languages/dart/basics/. But I got confused about the dart syntax in this function.
Future<Feature> getFeature(grpc.ServiceCall call, Point request) async {
return featuresDb.firstWhere((f) => f.location == request,
orElse: () => Feature()..location = request);
Actually, I don't understand what argument f means and why there is an orElse. I have found => means arrow function and it can be simply understood as return sentence, but I can't say I figure it out toally. Any explanation would be appreciated.
firstWhere method takes a Predicate. A Predicate is just a function that takes in an object, and returns true or false. So basically it's saying "give me the first object from this list where the function I'm giving you returns true. The orElse is an optional, named parameter that says, if you've gotten to the end of the list and not a single object returned true when passed through the function I just supplied, then execute this function as a last resort and return whatever value it produces. You can think of a Predicate like a filter. It takes an object and returns true if it should pass through the filter, or false if it should not pass through the filter. firstWhere basically goes through each element checking to see if it passes through the filter, and the first time something does, it returns that element. If nothing makes it through the filter, it uses the orElse producer function to generate some value to return, since nothing made it through on it's own.
(f) => f.location == request is a function that returns true or false based on it's argument - it's a Predicate
() => Feature()..location = request is a Producer. A function that has no argument, but produces a value. In this case, a value that is equal to a new Feature with a location value equal to request. An assignment evaluates to the value that was assigned. The cascade .. ensures that the Feature will be returned, instead of the Point object, request.
So basically you can think of it like this:
list.giveMeTheFirstObjectWhere(thisFunctionReturnsTrue, orElse: giveMeTheValueThisFunctionProvidesIfNoneOfTheElementsReturnedTrueUsingTheOtherFunction)
So the purpose of this code seems to be, checking if a Feature already exists, and if it does, it returns the first such Feature. If it doesn't exist, it creates a new Feature and returns it (however, this newly created one isn't automatically added to the list/db)

Swifty way of naming a boolean property

According to the swift API design guidelines, a boolean property should read as assertions

> Uses of Boolean methods and properties should read as assertions about
the receiver when the use is nonmutating,
e.g. x.isEmpty, line1.intersects(line2).
I would like to make a computed property of which type is Boolean to the existing data type.
Here is a simplified version of my code:
struct State {
var authorID: String
var myID: String
var `XXX`: Bool {
return myID == authorID
I want the property XXX to stand for whether I am author or not.
I firstly came up with the names like authorIsMe, iAmAuthor, isAuthorMe, etc. but realized that it didn’t read as assertions about the receiver.
So, what name do you think fit best for XXX? Any idea will be appreciated.
Thank you
(Please do not consider inlining the expression myID == authorID because in the original code, it is not short as above so I need the computed property)
amITheAuthor is the best property name according to me as it will clearly throw the answer & its means of use , its a suggestion you can use this as well.

Is it bad practice to have my getter method change the stored value?

Is it bad practice to change my getter method like version 2 in my class.
Version 1:
public String getMyValue(){
return this.myValue
Version 2:
public String getMyValue(){
if(this.myValue == null || this.myValue.isEmpty()){
this.myValue = "N/A";
return this.myValue;
I think it is actually quite a bad practice if your getter methods change the internal state of the object.
To achieve the same I would suggest just returning the "N/A".
Generally speaking this internal field might be used in other places (internally) for which you don't need to use the getter method. So in the end, the call to foo.getMyValue() could actually change the behaviour of foo.
Alternatively, the translation from null to "N/A" could be done in the setter, i.e. the internal value could be set to "N/A" if null is passed.
A general remark:
I would only add states such as "N/A" if they are expected by some API or other instance relying on your code. If that is not the case you should rely on the standard null types that are available to you in your programming language.
In my opinion, unless you are doing lazy-loading (which you are not in that case), getters should not change the value. So I would either:
Put the change in the setter
public void setMyValue(String value) {
if(value == null || value.isEmpty()){
this.myValue = "N/A";
} else {
this.myValue = value;
Or make the getter return a default value if value not set properly:
public String getMyValue() {
if(this.myvalue == null || this.myvalue.isEmpty()){
return "N/A";
return this.myValue;
In the case of lazy-loading, where I would say that changing your members in a getter is fine, you would do something like:
public String getMyValue() {
if (this.myvalue == null) {
this.myvalue = loadMyValue();
return this.myValue;
No. You're doing two things here. Getting and setting.
Yes. It's a bad practice.
When the value is set (in a constructor or setter method), it should be validated, not when a getter method is called. Creating a private validate* method for this is also a good idea.
private boolean validateThisValue(String a) {
return this.myValue != null && !this.myValue.isEmpty();
public void setThisValue(String a) {
if (validateThisValue(a)) {
this.myValue = a;
else {
// do something else
// in this example will be
this.myValue = "N/A";
And, in the getter method, never ever change the state of the object. I have worked on some projects, and the getter often must be made const: "this method cannot change internal state".
At least, if you do not want to complicate things, in the getter method, you should return "N/A" rather than change internal state and set myValue to "N/A".
I usually define a specific getter.
Never alter original getter:
public String getMyValue(){
return this.myValue
And create a specific getter:
public String getMyValueFormatted(){
if(this.myvalue == null || this.myvalue.isEmpty()){
return "N/A";
return this.myValue;
I think it's better to initialize this.myValue = "N/A". And subsequent calls to setMyValue should modify the this.myValue according to your business conditions.
The getMyValue shouldn't modify in any way this.myValue. If your needs are to return a certain value, you should return that value (like "N/A") and not alter this.myValue . Getters must not modify member's value.
I would change better the setter method so, if the value is null or empty, the N/A is assigned to the attribute. So, if you use the attribute in other methods inside the class (v.g. toString()) you will have the intended value there.
Alternatively, change the setter method to launch an exception when the value being set is not right, so the programmer is forced to improve its handling prior to setting the value.
Other than that, it is ok.
I do feel this is a bad practice unless and until you explain the reason why it is so necessary for you modify the object inside the getter method instead of doing it inside the setter method.
Do you feel this cannot be done for some reason? Could you please elaborate?
Do what ever you like. After all getters and setters are just another public methods. You could use any other names.
But if you use frameworks like Spring, you are bound to use those standard names and you should never put your custom codes inside them.
absolutely yes, it's a bad pratice.
Imagine you communicate accross network with a third party (remoting, COM, ...), this will increase the round-trip and then hit application performance.
A setter could modify as part of validation, but a getter should return the value and let the validation be done by the caller. If you do validate, then how should be documented.
This actually highly depends on the contract you want to enforce with your get()-method. According to design-by-contract conventions the caller has to make sure that the preconditions are met (which means doing a validation in a setter method often is actually bad design) and the callee (I do not know if that's the correct english term for that, i.e., the called one) makes sure that the post conditions are met.
If you define your contract so that the get()-method is not allowed to change the object then you are breaking your own contract. Think about implementing a method like
public isValid() {
return (this.myvalue == null || this.myvalue.isEmpty());
Advantage of this approach is that you do not have to check wether the return of your get() is "N/A" or something else. This also can be called before calling set() to validate that you do not insert illegal values into your object.
If you want to set a default value you should do that during initialization.
State changes in getters should be a hanging offence. It means that client code must be careful about the order in which it accesses getters and setters and to do this it must have knowledge of the implementation. You should be able to call the getters in any order and still get the same results. A related problem occurs when the setter modifies the incoming value depending on the current state of the object.
You can use some value holder for this purpose. Like Optional class in guava library.