best way to install emacs auto-complete mode - emacs

I want to install the autocomplete-mode for emacs.
When I searched through the repos (marmalade etc) I found the following packages ac-dabbrev and ac-ja. On googling ac-dabbrev, it seems to be last updated in 2009 -
On the instructions for installing auto complete mode, in emacs wiki, it leads to a download link -
How should I install the autocomplete mode through the package ac-dabbrev or by dowloading it from the above link ? Or is there an updated package ?

All fresh Emacses are coming with package.el that simplifies installation of 3rd party packages. auto-complete and ac-dabbrev are available from MELPA package repository. Read install instructions on MELPA site, or about package.el/ELPA in more details


Packages installed with Melpa disappear after restarting Emacs

When I install a package from Melpa in Emacs (version 27.1 on Ubuntu 22.04), the package status changes from 'available' to 'installed', although in the compilation window it is listed as 'available obsolete', but otherwise it appears to install normally. When I restart Emacs and try to load the package from my init.el file, however, I receive an error that the file cannot be found and the package did not load, and the package appears as available again in the package list.
I have tried deleting my elpa directory and restarting, but it didn't work.
Many thanks in advance for any help!

Spacemacs Deletes Packages After Installation. How do i midigate this

I am using spacemacs and I am attempting to install packages with M-x "package install $package-name". The particular package I am trying to install is SLY, A newer implementation of The SLIME REPL for Common Lisp. When I Install the package when I start up spacemacs it works fine. However when exiting spacemacs it somehow gets deleted. After googling this issue I found this page I followed the instructions and changed my .spacemacs config. I added the line dotspacemacs-install-packages 'used-but-keep-unused. What am I doing wrong.
You should add your personal packages to dotspacemacs-additional-packages

Installing packages in spacemacs

What's the best way to install packages in spacemacs?
1. Using M-x package-install
2. Include the packages to be installed in dotspacemacs-additional-packages
3. (use-package )
I couldn't find a definite answer anywhere.
Using the package-install to install packages modified the package-selected-packages automatically. Shall I remove all the packages there and include them in dotspacemacs-additional-packages?
I want to keep my .emacs synchronised between my local mac and my home directory in a linux server. So, I was wondering about removing this automatically modified package-selected-packages variable.

Emacs - let-alist unavailable

When I tried to install flycheck package on emacs24, it show error that let-alist1.0.1 unavailable. But I heard that let-alist is built-in package of emacs25, I wonder is there any work-around for emacs24?
let-alist is available from ELPA. Use
M-x list-packages
to pull up a list of available packages, then search for let-atlist (C-M-s as usual). Then install it. See also here.
Alternatively, you can download it from here and install it manually. ELPA is easier, though.

Web-mode does not load in emacs

I'm pretty new to emacs and I'm currently trying to configure it properly for my needs, but I can't make it load web-mode at all.
So, this is what I've done:
Downloaded web-mode.el from GitHub
Made sure the file is located in the correct directory: ~/.emacs.d/web-mode.el
Used the installation instructions from the official page
My .emacs file now looks like this
When I'm trying to edit any of the file types specified in the .emacs file, it only runs the default modes. PHP Abbrev for PHP etc... I'm not receiving any error messages and when I'm running --debug-init it does not give any output.
Emacs version: GNU Emacs 23.1.1 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.9) of 2012-03-01 on
OS: Scientific Linux
Does anyone know how I can troubleshoot this further, or have solved similar issues?
You should let el-get install it for you. El-get is a package manager for emacs. It can install packages from github, emacswiki, elpa, an url, …
It's very handy, you can update scripts easily, it manages dependencies, it lets you discover many stuff, you can easily share your config accross machines, etc.
Emacs 24 has package.el or ELPA by default. One can install it on emacs 23, but my experience isn't conclusive so I'd advise sticking with el-get, which is great.